
Shower and go to sleep

Babaji: Go

My brain hurt, shut up!

If your weight is not my waist line below or above.....you will have every health challenge to one day blind.

You need a electric chair. You cannot walk, when you are inside the assistant living home, that is one room to the dining house, you only looking forward. 3 meals a day, you will gain weight in there. Its your money paid, every hope in the food itself, how sad that life ever be.

The drugs are very bad to the kidney. Because the kidney filtered the blood. The liver detox.  You didn't go and learn a thing in the Curezone.

Its best you understand those Youtube saying your old age, foot costs, how those things you accumulate, including a Grey nails. You seeing the tool they use are different, but you will grow your nail every week. 20 limbs fingers /toes end. You cannot bent.

Diabetes has 2 types.  Its your insulin how those conversion of the sugar rash, sugar rate to be removed from your blood stream into your cells, which cells? Anywhere, muscle cells, joint cells how you pain coming from, brain, liver, internal organ cells, every cell in every space just suddenly in the sugar rash to pacify that blood out of the sugar ph or some indicator of the eliminating sugar inside the entire blood stream.

You don't hear a word I say?

Where is the blood stream? Full of your body.

So you do very bad damage to that sugar you put into your mouth, that will include those corn syrup, the cheapest and the sweetiest, to your mouth you can taste. Once you eat some chocolate, your taste bug becoming less sensitive to....you need more sweeter, more sweet more sweet. 

Worsen, you drink coke, those are liquid, going straight to your blood stream. Directly at your brain. Zizzing bubbling feeling, like you won't go to sleep if you drink coke.

True. I was. I need to wake up.

You have no IQ.

The hell lists? There are.

Keanu Reeves - International crime

JC Chasez - in line to Hell.

The day I have all the people's kneel. That day. Last year. On the icons. I acquire a thing from him.

Dean and his family


That is way before I talk on the Youtube with UB stuffs.

Unless they tell me, I won't know.

There are the Universal Police. Its a real police. 

To the evolution one time I read the Da Vinci notebook....Its that, you can gain a lot of the merits, and next life you become the military high position. One decision, every life after that life, you will be 4 limbs off. If you re-birth. 

One decision. You have no spiritual guide in that military new planet life. You gain what you called or label as the physical merits. Keep stealing it, or just like you meant it, go and jump and die in the ocean. 


You mix up a lot of the in-brain activties, not to focus on the present, so you are highly impaired.

In that way, you bang your head on the cabin, or anything you do, very very often including fallen out of your bed, if that is a standard.

You got confused. This is called Earth. Very cursed nature when you say near this water, that water. There is a reason of certain very dark things, and you meant you go to hell. I don't see why you keep insist you don't just go now.

Because your karma its mounted. 

Every single day.

And when you are near certain things, those bell-and-whistle are cursing in the psychi space until you die. That is why things very light said, you are probably just already there finished.

I don't even bothered to read the OU language, just pretend I don't see, I don't know, I don't hear, I don't care, I don't take care of it. 

You know how that goes in the true life. Someone really wishing you well. 

When you finding out the legal consequence, you end up in jails. I don't even know why?!

I don't send you to jail...its written someone else find it, got the money....I did wishing you well?!!!!~ you find out when you die, how uncondition, not even in the money to finish all of you. If I will.

You should see MD Psychatry, yeah! You tell the court, its near the One Eye, shadow government, that is the ocean, melt to die, in the buttom of the sea = curse forever, the End

That is how the Quan Yin Methods starting on the delivering sentient being at 0 to this Steve Jobs saying the distortion field. You have no glorious past saying merits in holding on human brain saying human mortal feeling.

So you go to hell. You can just go jumping in the ocean and die, sink to the buttom of the sea, that is the eternity. 

Its on the TV. Steve jobs young face sign.

Mental hospital. Small heaven are in the higher astral plane. The first World. The hell are also the astral worlds.

Black Hole and Super Black hole I think they are hell. That is what SMCH says. I forget which exactly number she says. 

The small heaven means a temporary til when your merits finish, you go to hell, then you re-birth. You will be punished in your life.

As the White race

Its those astral emotion games, your merits, don't need to learn meditation, its not your system design, just love, and warring, and defensing.

Asian, they are esoteric disciple, not exoteric disciple. But technically they are not doing any of that neither. So all of your after life....its when you imagine you are. At Earth.

TV Drama

When someone telling you this is how the story ends, exactly per frame. They have no karma entering your reality, called Matrix. Its exactly by book. Rehersal like the Romance Journey says. 

You don't need to meditate, or searching for God. You are the white race, eternal love, tearing games, those....what love spell to cuddle and communion that Bench Church sounds like a bell?

Those are your real destiny. 

Love and deliver 4 stoves. What it worth for Love eternity. As long as your age and faces lasting....Some people won't even wishing you well. I always wishing you well, cannot tell the difference, pity....

The System

It will be the money talks if you have a long trajectory on life. This world has a religion, meaning you can beg your life on the street for food even...wa hahahahahahaah.....

Someone give you a dime, you make a coke to lasting a few day on sugar.

Best Jobs

Probably are science incline. But Bank...its not the finance world. Not really. Bank is Bank. The children encyclopeida. No matter how the birds say they are rich and wealthy, it has nothing to do with the regular civilian. Those human...its in your children's encyclopedia. If you just read it the book. I don't think the birds or Zawanna meant the Wall street.

But technically all the science jobs are bench, about 30,000 yearly to 45,000. To what or why science has money, unless you really have a brain IQ those. They are higher University, not like your suburban human, domestic relation not even the international affairs? You have no IQ.

You insist you have 4 bubble teas life? You tell the court. That religion is a close book scenario. You do not want to do this one man job, you will end up whatever your karma leads you.

You just tell the court, they will collect numbers, from that on.

When the final verdict is how all of you end up in hell, forward on. It every case just response "You go to hell' from the Legal Judge of the America local and Supreme Court. All those prescendent cases are number 1 to 100, we find out at the case 105 its all goes to hell. Their name need not be mentioned, they were about which time frame to time frame active.

That is all that needs to do for that one religion under "Close Book" means. 

I never argue, its freedom you spell your perfect life, like you saying it. You are. 

The guys the girls the same. You have no life other than me one human life. When you going on the street, that is when those life are worth it all.

You'll have the worse of all things coming to you....Open galaxy, and Full disclosure...you are just never good enough, Sweetie.

1. Impaired.

2. Fire department, and Tape water factory underground all these basic system talk.

3. Never assembly, like China policy. More than 3.

4. The physical body (Full body scale, you are sick, because you are not in gym)

5. Diet, and weight

6. Look and Age.

7. Morality no more religion will give you more edgy civilization in 1000 years to come. 小小兵 movies.

8. Your logic is not enough

9. Your freedom after the Schooling, its solely on the emotional play.

10. Popularity will be your only demise on every leadership guys or the girls. Its a funny words game, to mute so you will look straight every line every words every paragraph. You want that life? Damf and mute. 

11. You are very noisy.

12. You do not have philosophy, life morality, life belief, no more higher end of lights. But you start to be technical, at least 500 years your Digital Era won't catch up. It might be just human intended doing that on purpose. You fallen off completely the Digital Era. Shut off the phone, the computer, the line and square.

13. The worse degree might be in Laws. You have no literacy, zero.  You cannot process brain IQ at all. Not in talking, not in thinking. Your life meant it you play fun, in 1 months, you lost IQ.

Your first point might be the Olympia. I think....They go first.

No, not movie, not entertainment, not politics(?). I think its the sports Arena move forward first. That is what I think. You have all the classify human to ET to Reptilian, you have to end up sending Olympia first?

I just told you I don't know why.

Open galaxy, you will have to face this.

If you fallen on ice, its extremely painful. Its your entire weight hit on the weight, including your skeleton + fat weight you hit on yourself - Thermaldynamtic law 3.

Guy's skeleton bone are much much much more heavier too.

Girls are much lighter. What's difference in jumping anyway? The guys legs are longer, so that ratio when you seeing a long pants, those are more catchy to see their length in performance. That's all. 



UB human on my facebook (20 years facebook ) - Warning, lawsuit

I cannot hear you, System upload.

Lawsuit 386: UB entire human me associating.....Same Class, Clubs and Activities invovled on my facebook (Warning)

Title: You have no friends other than your parents. (All file coming in this Lawsuit)



When someone telling you once....You watching yourself clicking 100 times. As if, you do not hear a word I say 20 years. You do not have a life, you do not leave your seat, you do not leave any attention other than me. If you fail....you will know how I really will becoming.....your worse nightmare every single second you continue to breath an air. Meaning that air is not free.

Only my will.



You do not have strength, you do not have evolution. You do not have religion, you do not have anything worth in any God's eye why you even bother to continue to exist.

To that future evolution how you end up, not just one life ended in hell, you will never find out what stories you ought to carry when you going on in any evolution you have.....You are worthless human, in thought, in mind, in life style. Especailly that IQ are extremely low or personality never charmed in itself for saying?


So that consequence are always self-inflamed....some human nature never die, Eon, Kalpha, in case these words of Time Wheel Does not register in you.

Once a dog bite, you will learn, how to shrink right. Understand? 


I use the eye drop from the hospital and the this alkaline salt solution for the contact lens 生理食鹽水 also prescribe from the hospital from the Bone doctors. these were made to clean my eyes and what, I forget. So I do that on my mouth.

Yesterday started? Or today I photo you.

I taken Vitamin C + L-lysine, but I think it might be that 2 synthetical stuffs I need.

What a technology on the medical solution. I love to spend money on those things. I am just not the patients for every products, but it supposes to work wonder, just like my faces.

Tell my mother shut up, or else I will make the entire world just full of blood river... understand?

I am busy! Explain to her, the greatest scandle....not just the river turning in blood on doggy with the nurse trying on nick's penis. 

Its called Snoopy, she has a brother's-in-law issues! On Line.  On her.

Lawsuit Gas Law and American President (Biden to this will be Blonde, kills, she hates him all the way. Oil Deal)

He meant going East, not West

Westlife (Home)

These will be in 2 lawsuits

🍑🍑🍑🍑 🍑🍑🍑🍑 🍑🍑🍑🍑

 🍑🍑🍑🍑 🍑🍑🍑🍑


Babaji; Go



The difference between Mc Donalod in America of in Taiwan?! Yam fried. That is the Yam fries, from 頂呱呱 They have the ballon in that road I telling Hailey they gone to Birthday Cake before their crisis shows up!


My mother is a vegan. Whom else are your auction lists?

My mother doesn't have a brain, so I say comic book, the Navy Military for my reason things are fallen from the Sky, but she kept saying she is the Buddhism, not my father side he and Tina are Christian. Tina went gone to those finance.

I say no. One Zawanna that is way enough for me, too many things.

uh~ you can buy me a dozen those 生理食鹽水 its for your contact lens.

What for? My two arms soaking in the tubes? I have mode on it. After I go to the hospital again, I actually want to try on this Medical Equipment after 20 years ...see if next 20 years if I believing it will be another brand new world. So these small tiny dots I am paying for it ....last 8 years.

My skin so pale, I have nothing to shield, other than keep washing washing washing, soaking soaking the solution I made for myself. 

Soaking, bathing, paste and wait, then washing and bathing....I could just design a book if anyone listen to me at all.

I wash my keyboard, internal dust.....

The alcohol wipe has to going in between...these are new keyboard, but there are dust!

Medical board, my right lip

I use 生理食鹽水洗

I have no more else things to wash….

If you getting one of those jobs you need to live longer, you stated how you effort yourself internal and external situation...how hygenic, food amount, expense, hobby, Philsophy of life it show to die before your parents one of those....

You appeal to the Court, where that advantage while you feeling you want to, you pre-set now, when you will use this lawsuit when you getting old. In case you have no more money, you are still struggling right now?

The court can put that all aside, like you forgotton along the years?

He is very tall. Not like that.



You are a women, cold feet cold hand in Buffalo Latitude?! So warm soup, warm bottle water? Thermal Bottle? The Chinese store at Sheridan near UB they selling that?

You get rid of the carbohydrate, sugar, donuts those kinds.

Rice, pasta, noodles, instant noodles, lentile, beans, or bread.



Lunch, so hot here

Babaji: Go

When you are fat, overweight, my overweight, not your waistline below, the entire UB girls groups on my facebook. That number its from the Public Health or someone somewhere they find out the exactly to your height and pound or kiler grams.

Not to say what jobs these will be? I can feel it different too. I told you, I went up and down. And my heart, I need to lose about 20 pounds at least down.

When I was detox, your Facebook UB those time, I had losing weight from Cold Winter in Buffalo or North Canada. Those things don't get bad.

In Taiwan I never even once having a problem on the immune system except this one Fall weather, so I need to prepare for my next year and every year on. Juicing is cold or chill, but you should consider, you don't live on the fat food you mean building up the warmth on the body?


About the food again

You know what I think....at you all girls don't cook perfect paradise America, meaning if you get the decent American boy, they cook for you to eat together. You might get killed in the war for both 1) Criminal incline like Hailey 2) you don't cook, at any Major event in life, you should just leave....because no guys will need you to be around when there is no food home.

Imagine, you girls ask the guys to sit there eating ASMR show, on his channel as the girl, you becoming the camera man and looking, lighting, learning all the technology so he opens his mouth to eat.......

Thor means Thunder God you know, in Chinese saying here?

The Baby sit agency? Thor 托爾

You all need to speak English 你們需要說英文~開星際之前! 禱告那一長紙叫做尊上是慢吞吞的蝸牛 ....看開場曲~長不一樣

A little bit different opening.  Asian going to America learning English right. Before Me 尊上 having that one piece of paper Open Galaxy. seeing you are snail pace or I am snail pace.


You are speaking Taiwanese language local.

I used to get sun burn in the high school, volleyball time. These 青草油 I leave it on the body its very very itchy. After 2 hours. Right now I have to use a lot a lot a lot water to wash it. Hot or cold, because the finger tips are all that stuffs, cannot put near the eyes....

It feels like the sun burn again.

Very very very itchy looks like those 刮痧 in Chinese medicine these skins, few dots here or there. Healing saying.

Very itchy. I cannot stop washing it the entire 4 limbs. Washing washing washing, sun burn.

I soak then in the water, burn.....( After I show, I bath, just some body wash soap on the body.)

I use more soap now. These Police station man's body wash so little.... It doesn't wash all that much to smell like the body says dove? I use a lot per washing. I cannot keep affording this. There are cheaper soap I found ~~~~~~~!!! 

They are from Indonesia!

Russian got to the South of Ukraine, that is Black Sea !!!

You all know what Sea is made of...salt ! 

Those snack from Silicon Valley are Salt? The Silicon Valley guy new video?

I lost my interface. This mouse, easy going without the battery, and click once require to activate saving the battery function? So for some reason if I get back to my seat, and click once, that entire browser disappear? I am looking at the map? I am on my seat. 

Two sea if I coming down from the map

Where is the dead sea?

uh....Guza !!! The Guza Strip that area, if you saying the Hittie coming down to Egypt?

That movie was last year? And you have a war 2022 !! 

Russia they know about Nibiru, that was a very known fact 2012. There were a lot a lot a lot of those publication or theorist how the world end. A lot of people know about it. 

What is difference between the sea and the lake?

Like that will be the fresh water resource 5 Lakes, where UB at. That is the lake Erie Lake. Able to use water resource. Black sea are salt water. Those are not fresh water resource, just warmer.

Allan Walker that TV, you cannot let that one guy leave the European land to the Moon. Whatever that means. So you do what the Eternal Love movies say, I cannot be dead on this end. Just the first episode. I file this.

Meaning you do not enter from Poland or Spain meaning American side. You just leave it.

Look at that, second are playlist - I am happy you put that inside your mouth


Look at this....these are not lotto. These are recipe. In Taiwan, we have numbers on those too, similar to lotto.

Guess what number are those?

他曬「千萬發票真身」幸運兒整晚睡不著大哭 網:多麼痛的領悟 (msn.com)

My mother doesn't know the tradition called potlock?!

I will have a slow cooker or high tech cooker, for your Asian salty meat ! 

My mother knows how to do those cheese casserole.

I know how to make foccacia. Its an italian small oven you seen. How many times can keep rotation Foccacia dough. You tell me the total human head amount.

I do macronni and cheese.

I wash green veggie, you must be eating those American lettuce human? Those especially processing huge amount of chemical on them.

Taiwan algricultral success = the King mushroom are extremely affordable, you like fried, or lightly coating fried like the Pinterest. I don't eat mushroom.....I used to have a Mushroom professor ensure my entire life span don't want to look, think, eat that any kinds of mushroom.

We have field trip in the forest on mushroom, they call them the fungi, me and Vincent with Dr. Fourner in UB 20 years ago. 

How about you eating these? 

uh, I wash my hands and alcohol wipe, again washing....and now its on my eyes....!!! I needs to wash my 2 eyes....

These things are so strong, can you shut up, birds!

My throat itchy...Iodine external

I looks so black and green / blueish....

I have no more pain killer I am switching to 青草油 I told you, I buy a lot of this back up stuffs....

So itchy, shut up, birds!

Joomla and billing? Those are firewall you purchase from Russian developer inside the Joomla Plugin or Extention directory.

If you working from the State and Federal or UB, they have their security in those walking by downstair Capen, remember? Those are the IT department, where they process the security for the entire on-campus things. Their email address ends at org or edu.

You yourself doing the billing, its the hacker those they stealing things behind. You meant you are on a memebership? You use Paypal or Clickbank.

When you define your Monitization schemes ...

Your entire website its 

1) Graphic visual 

2) Words text oriented

To sale sale sale pitch incline, and at the buttom of the website you click to buy?


That is you done your graphic design with the coding engineer. They run CSS image graphs, they don't process your billing information.

Now your server site doesn't really have a security. 

Google, these are just mostly the text orientation, where they design you the boxes, for you to input a content in it. You can just drop a Paypal buy or Donate buttom.

But all these process, one is Google, one is Paypal.

Paypal is by % they take your money from? I dont have that right now. 


If your website are monitizaiton schemes, then yes, that is what those Eben human does. 


Librarian does blibliography, not codes.

And Pathfinder. A to Z directory how the help on-line in UB? You used to never use the library resources?

like if you does www.library.buffalo.edu, it won't work.

It has to be library.buffalo.edu

Right now. 


Look this link: How to research in Chemistry, that is per thing Library does, to list out all this.


These are all the subjects, these are what the librarian does


Correct, no one uses.






You have to generate these so you will get hired, but technically no one uses!!!!

Right ~~~!!!

These jobs are the professional why I got a paper and tuition paid for? It will not be the Youtuber those jobs. These things have to re-sort and organize. 

You guys looking for Chinese, not Taiwanese....my mother her mother side are Taiwanese local land owner. My grandmom. My grandpa is sugar finding, 12 years old, stuck 40 years from Mainland China.

oh ~ I got it. 

Wait....if your are American Navy, like which real American?!   I cook. I help her cook. I finish that kitchen. I know what you all eat. 

There is...she and FDA doesn't....

She washing all the fruits in the sink. I washing the sink.

She store them in the fridge. I washing the fridge and freezer, and external surface.

But she dragging all the fruits and vegetable. I am finding a whole saler, not yet....a lot of apples are spoiled. I usually carry them when she land in front of me at the door, to carry inside the room from my room. 

I forget to tell you the chemist design the detergent, the alcohol wipe, the alcohol, the mops, the soap, the hand soap, the kitchen towel how durable to absorb the water.

Canada has this big Jar Red Marinate Pepper, Italian Whole Sale Private....one of those store nick knows. (bucket )

Sun dried Tomato Oily Jar (Bucket)

Artichoke Jar (Bucket)

Olive Jar (Bucket)

Red Bell Pepper Marinated Jar (Bucket)

Those are vegetarian. Its from Canada.

Magic Bullet when I was in Buffalo, I find it different rim color, that is so expensive still? I guess I was lucky. 

We have a Sogo, they carry those your American branding stuffs called Cruisine. 

I don't cook. 

But technically here she has the full kitchen junks, none of that has anything to do with me. You have your set, she has her set, I don't need it.  Some human cared about these entire Kitchen junks. 

You need it when you do those American Raw food stylish things. You know how much the food expense? Like I say....you eat til you bankrupt.

4 years rotation of those gifting package. Its a full tank jar. 

Its Canadian green color probably northern Woodbridge, wholesale big grocery store.

托爾,漢 My ear are infected, hurting from my left teeth? My left ear???!!!

Dragging ears (infant baby),Han

Han if 瀚 = you are so doom. He is literal, he is not retarded, all things behind are royal guards say one of those useless Prince William.

Han if 漢 = Han in Frozen, its that since 炎黃子孫 you saying the fallen telepathy years, then Yao

then Courteous to your Parent, then Big Flood (Rain),

Simon (Business Dynasty)


Great Wall Tyranny (from the Moon seen?)

Han (East or West) - this is where the Red Cliff (206 AD), you have that military strategist. 

First name same sound = Baby sitting agency

But 翰林 that will be Taiwan credible, very credible...almost like those Chinese older time Royal Archive, those Ancient or modern well, 500 years ago, that ship books I say? Those very prominent editor, or writer, they collecting things.

So the modern Taiwan that supplemental material ....not cram school, I don't even know how to tell you a very prominent representation of that words are Scholar all full round.

That's Bank ! 

Just take what I tell you....that means exactly what he means.




I go to sleep, I have to brush my teeth. A lot better, the first night was PAIN.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh my God, how does all that happened. I wash up. The teeth AND the gum.

Babaji: Go

I don't know what to say


I have a job I have to do....I cannot possibly outweight anything of that. The TV is the Bible called Hunger Game, Stay ......alive?! 

Stay Hunger stay foolish, that is Steve Jobs say.

No, that is not the reason why I saying it?


Those are condiment? I used Pink Himalayan salt or Table salt for washing the veggie


They have seafood noodle cup. These instant noodle becoming unbelievable spicy and black beans sauce with very very high price!

I eat the same thing I always know. Seafood.  

If you taken my mother to Japan or Korean seeing that yellow things, its usually a long strip, yellow radish. I like them.

Or those Pink Japanese American sushi, you buying them in the real grocery store, "pick up and go"? The side dish with the fake leaf?

I like those things. Its pink ginger thin slice.

If I look at this TV, it will be Yellow things my eyes like it. Everything else I don't care about it. No feeling whatsoever. 

This is not talking about me?

There is a Sailor Venus / moon, Formula 1 race car game zone. He is the One?

Blonde? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-g07wOcO1Q

This, I bite my teeth in the middle of it. I personally will tell you I never sea food, to know what those are, you suppose to teeth on it. i think. And leave it. I ate the side, how my teeth damaged.

Now I remember what can be purcahsed in America 9:39

Cheese Nacho Chip sauce yellow, next by Salsa, those jar? Medium those looking in America?

That salsa (no spicy)

Peanut Butter smooth not crunch

Some Crunch chocolate, it may not be anywhere in the United States? In case you show up here, you will have to be treated.

(My mother likes the Peanut Butter, her father used to merchandize that in Taiwan, here in Taiwan its very expensive, in America, you can buy those large jar Peanut Butter )

Jam and jelly, strawberry

Grapes flavor. 

新東陽 One long can jar 肉鬆

I usually take a spoonful every now and then.

She is vegan, you can buy her Diaya Cheese (Vegan Essential)

If you imagine those ASMR human, their pantry has a stock up food!!! Those looks pretty and delicious !!!

Taiwan doesn't have Hoisen Sauce, your dumpling internal filling need that, you never need a dipping sauce anymore. Its in the Cartoon TV Tale.

That is the color in pink, blue, and yellow ! Per Jar open that pantry, you have something inside there looks like ASMR!

You can buy me perfume

I know U2. That was my prom date uses.

But that will be 20 years I never knew what scent is. I detox....technically no make-up, I wash my eyes. Caynne pepper. You don't know per operation per day, its like every so often washing up for one cooking kitchen glass cup, to small 2 tiny cup. I was not on high tech yet.

My eyes....are expensive. My per money.

You can just display that perfume, a pretty bottle. Fill up whatever suppose to smell right. It will sit there for a very long time. 

I live at home. Why I even make my own happy world. 

That will be something I need. 

Another thing would be Women 胸針  brooch

The Pinterest stuffs....no. Sometimes Its more for the photo display, when I shopping, I go on my own for my own purpose. Sometimes they taken that nice sharp looking, but my photo needs certain things from "visible", not home made clothing. So you seeing those big multiple flowers all old fashion ugly.

Visible, no one hand touch that piece of cloth, or fabric. 

Those are expensive too. I don't shop that expensive.

uh ....the material science development center has nothing but those every kinds of junks. Its the shopping time and space. They have some nice design stuffs. Because they are cartoon branding. Right!

I can just give you all my stuffs I don't need, my mother all gifting you. Junks. Those are the material made for something. You don't want, you can give me back. They are cartoon....more expensive stuffs. It only show up at those....certain time at certain place.

We are small tiny island, and the City its just small tiny East to West.

oh ! A guy shows up in the end ! 

This is 24. I think the crown they talking about showing up in 26?

Things I like.....

Our floor mat in the bathroom is a different material. I have one for toilet, one for sink. They are pink. Its alcohol wiper can go and wipe it. Its a polyester nature, not your girls period drop on the feather fury American Bath & Beyond, and has to be navy blue...no one can see?!

Every time I seeing those a Day in Life, I feel like killing stuffs. Its their foot. You know how to clean a foot?

Take me a long time......If I really must say.

I like Disney beach towel, long. Big. Not Princess. Winnie the Poo. Has to be Disney.


I hate pursue or branding too expensive, but recently there is a need on TV, but those are small tiny, on those girls walking it out.  I need my time to sort those things I need. Its small tiny. I walk around without weight.

You can just back up your staff, I won't touch it....how about that sound?~ Some human going to picnic, you come and pick up your junks, and get out.

Nail polish, maybe you should check all my pinterest photo, before you purchase. If your own world finding it out, its your bottle of that gift ruin the humanity the rest of their photo art, maybe you won't be buying the nail polish.

I hate things list...

I hate cake, every cakes are 1 or 2 layers of sponge made of that texture. 

I hate egg raw white, that is the frosting, when I was elementary school, I knew those are decoration remove that. Its the cherry. I hate cherry, that is red. 

I hate candle, don't buy me those girly incent delicate to Buddha. That is made of aldehyde and Cinnimon. I hate cinnimon.

Did I tell you hate absolutely everything from America? 

Don't give me towel made of thin, we have cotton material, that absorb water, you got it in bath & beyond...why don't you ask my mother maid what I hate things 1 to 1 million.

Don't bother me, get out.

One more thing, I hate certain junks like photo frame, photo album, you know what my ex bf has junks? That is entire 3 generation photo junks he says he regret, and hang and nail at the hallway every time going to the bathroom I have to see every faces of junks.

He meant those were his regret never stop. So why he bothered to hang?

Every single frame, you can just check the rest of the Pinterest, those wall called Marble, you break that wall, you will be hang. Those are expensive wall. I hate every human inside every frames.

Don't gift me anything, just get out.

Dirhrria.....wait....feeling dead.

Finish the bath,

Lay down.

If Asian Buffet style? Long Table....can I generate the classify information?

Yes. You mean per spoonful, or food on the table presenting, to which fork, on which food, on which spoon on which dish on the table, you mean there will be a share food beside going out and taken food?

By per act, per spoonful, I don't think they are that train. They are the human that eat food.

My turn, do you have any drunk and drive records, drugs history, impaired, fallen on your head, medical what complication history? Allergy?

What is your blood pressure? Have you ever been to jailed or got detained?  Do you have a GPA, meaning you have IQ those kinds? Do you use computer?

Like the drug repossess, one of those word inside your car? 

I personally don't like marriage, but I don't have debts, my ex bf has debts, and his entire junk offspring has debts on mortgage. 

I prefer she doesn't get marry, so I have your debts. 

I have a PCAT score, you have any score? My would be 97 on chemistry, but math only 92 percentile, meaning my textbook needs to be sold before next year semester or else I have no more my money back......you see. Money is by number, its by per digits, American human has nothing but debts, you need to disclose to my mother your entire debts.....I prefer she doesn't really get those marriage stuffs going. 

Do you want to tell me certain numbers or situation of the total, I can tell you by brain clearance, you will be the history of my past? 

Do you want to invite all of your side junks +  my mother's side junks, splitting some money lunch? I look this, the most harmless human being on Earth. You should prepare your speech and your money statue. My brother is CFA 1 and 2 and 3, working in the Pharmecutical, my sister is an accountant. They both do things with the brain on money. My jobs were on paper how to pronounce A or B or C. You don't seem to relate how someone eating their table food, the entire screen behinds are blacken all over...whatever side your big long Thanksgiving Table?


I will probably make some time to stay with her, in front of you, making some fried food in your own kitchen....Just sometimes until she never sees another guy sounds like the rest of her life. The birds says 2 guys? replace 1 commander-in-Chef?

Why don't you say you just occupy my houses, the roof and these wild birds on pets. 

Do they eat green or flowers?

No, I don't eat those things, but I have a shampoo brand that is PharmAct from 日本藥莊

Those are you and her food. I don't eat those things.


She is not confident in some cooking skills, so I will settle her on that.

She is not chemistry major. She is a housewife major.

If you have gifts for me. Don't buy chocolate one of those bimbo girls eating those. Did I tell you I am a girl having a period and pad money. I don't eat chocolate. Those are decoration to look like I eat chocolate. She is vegan too.

Don't buy cake, don't buy pastry, try to stay away anything in the food. I don't have a very huge kitchen to imagine I never need to cook ever again. I don't like to put the food inside my mouth. 

If you getting those fruits, yeah. Apple or Chinese Pears, yeah. Her ex husband brother were the military surgeon, doing nothing but patient gifting to peace. I never eat apple, but I will squeeze them into juice, pulp.....Those I am doing it now. Just I personally don't eat them in my mouth, not even apple.

Chinese pear yeah. American any food its because I have no food so I eat them.

I don't eat banana, I don't eat pears, I certainly don't eat Apples. 

Orange too acidic when I was young, but I eat them juicing all pulp.

Don't buy me those supplments, or synthetical what health you telling me. 

I am the chemist, I was the vegan cult supersticious, I know what is a shortening = animal product, lar, or lecthin. 

Red 40 is bug.

Don't don't don't buy me anything put inside my mouth. And don't buy me make-up, nor cosmetic. Did I say I am the chemist? 

I don’t call my mother when I get separate last time.

I don’t have anything I need to talk to her. I heard there is a unit kids follows me on that phone line, never dad or mom. Because it was 8 long years, I seen her once at Cayce Edgar. She shows up at nick. 

I never had a friend, so she never really know whom, because I never call her. She does call me.

Meaning, if you were told on the Movie, the real situation was…from certain grades what you define friends dictionary…well, she knew whom coming, but she never heard whom they are. I never talk to them. So if any human claim they are my friends from where?! You just ask her. She doesn’t have memory too. That’s her condition. The phone doesn’t exist but her brain doesn’t exist neither. You ask her.

Tina and Pang and her ex husband has friends they know their friends saved them. You can just omit me. 

These would be the correct badge and title


You will never hear those words no matter what.  (Link ) The phone it’s Line App. That’s Asian methods. If internal you are crying, that’s how it becomes my face. Crying is not a shame, just don’t put it on my face. It’s most likely your problem.

Crying meaning tears coming out of your eyes, that’s tear gland required. If you are mute because …legal laws saying you must have a paper written. All right, it’s American policy. We are the same blonde, I am pale. I would prefer you becoming the military doesn’t put the tear inside your eyes….young? Or old? All dead yet?

They told me my official jobs as long as to threaten every human race on the literal written clearly understood grammatical saying, those are a job definition. Meaning English or Chinese. Ancient Chinese included. 

Tea looks like a tea. Tea pot looks like tea pot. A table cloth, we have emboldened. They have those dining restaurant on tour ? Chair, table, by difference cultural, I don’t have preference, your jobs will have a preference because those are the Art curator dating back on history art works. Lions or lepaid in front of the hotel, those have several flag on Top, hope it’s not your station flag.

Technically you don’t need 4 stoves but you should not die on both you or her.

Your coordination to your brain lower…to where you say you from, navy is from the ship ?

There are a lot of things I don’t eat …but if you receive it, it’s because I really don’t eat. It’s not personal, it’s the food stamp. I am a girl, have periods pads to expense. 

I usually don’t have holidays, nor Christmas not gifting peace. Or Chinese New Year. I don’t have family reunion, but on your side, you can just collect her junks without me. No, I mean it. I have spare money I will find you gifts cards. We do have those here!!

Gift cards like I pay in cash, you go shopping. 

Most guys don’t have calligraphy. Meaning, if you receiving the stationary, you do your own tax, with any garbage you attached yourself at, before my mother. She has calligraphy. Meaning organize your desk, files, per tabs, per saying…..right. Every once a while your PC you suppose to re-organize, files, name, sort? Like “shift” you click on first file to last file?

That’s equal “Anna J_01” on the first file, the rest will automatically resume.

Then if you continue “Anna J_1001” from the last image file_1000, to the unnamed files, it will be that til they sort on their own.

When I used had a bf, it’s his junks. Man cannot PC learn.

There is a something like resort pink shirt to pink, blue I forget black, so has one of those short hand. Figure it out yourself, don’t bother me. 

Is that the sea navy uniform? My mothers age has hair? Blonde?

Not that kinda of story plot !

I never call them dad or mom as long as I open my mouth to school. Those words don’t exist in the database.

They are all on auction or?

I called them “wei= hey”  =喂

“Handicap human” 




Babaji: Go

Market research, ever heard about it? Not advertising department?

The development center usually its by what the customer wants, to came out an idea on Paper. That is what you say Apple or Google does. The entire Silicon Valley are doing that.

But what the details in that products, the needie greedie, the engineered, or the material science those junk yard sale will have to pass through a lot of testing and trial to the local Fire or Water department testing.

There is a word of that. 

But those details, to when you are capable not to mix up your material, to science to ratio, to color, to stain or not staining.....metal, plastic...the got hired the material science guy shouldn't get any of that wrong, before sending to the local Fire Water department for the testing proven.

The entire commodity junk yard sale has nothing but those idea how to conquer the millions consumer human billing cycle.

Its called the Products and Service like the car.

Product and the "Services package" per monthly you return to get something fix. People they like about the cars when they have the money.

My birds want some ceiling lights. Certain celiing lights, I made some notes.

On the Pinterest.

💖💞 Although I didn't up to the librarian jobs, I did try? 💖💞

They didn't know I was from that side, UB is the chemistry degree. I didn't file them I had an invention when I apply for MLS? I certainly didn't know why you even bother with the Material Science Product Development center until you came out a product?

That map, to come out a product....technically its ilegal right now.

oh ~ you don't know the Western New York Department of Labor, they are using the exactly those computer for resume workshop, including the jobs related topic flyers everywhere?

What is the public library people using it for? 

Imagine if you were the librarian, someone came in to ask you a question you cannot answer?  You want to go over there to look that entire area to see what is the difference between them and us? 

Its all the public run down money statue inner beauty, sorry inner building.

You want to try to drive up Vanghan Library, Canada? Those whom having a money?

There are different location, near the highway 7? Michael Vartan cannot possibly calling you all? Long drive? 

What is the career you have, if it was fired? The Day When you find out, the Korean human telling you, you are the sandwitch shop, everyone or? 

How do you imagine you don't have a resume, to become a local where doctor, MD? You must have imagine an intern, an office job?!

Do you know Adria works at? UB career office, I think she was? They have a computer for UB alumni, one of those things included? Behind the mail box you touching wall UB capen second floor? She did work in the UB Alumni, but she had other jobs? I think it was the career office I saw her once? I didn't tell you I work in Capen CADS lab? How come Jonathon they know where I am? I telling them, I was? Did I tell Dean even?

Some human they do nothing but spy on your facebook, I think most those human guys really doing those things.

Did you try to make a website? Do you write an academia paper that was long over since UB fade out in your life?!

You care about the graphic, some human like your parents rather seeing the things written correctly just as badly as you meant it my navigation bar more than one line on the Top. You care about those design. Eben Pagan cared about that too, until he realizes he is not IT type. 

One of the librarian jobs, if not the UB Academia librarian, that will be my Public librarian type, its to teach people how to use a computer, when they get an access card, including search in the cataloging system, not Standard & Poor 500 in UB?

Do you gone to Western New York Department of Labor on main or on Williamsville to notify them I Anna saying I didn't finish taken the unemployment insurance, at UB? There are people dead on the Karmic retribution, so I start to collect the possible money back?

Did you by the way telling those Labor Department New York, they are Big Apple on the map, East, are the Moon says graveyard, Anna lives there for 3 months Silicon Valley, but her Honorable Superior title require the food stamp, she keep saying we are mortal, that she doesn't eat food anymore, not the kitchen design, not the food swallowing it down, why her benefits are not the benefits, its the things she doesn't need it? 

Librarian in Taiwan has to go through a different process than America, so I cannot get a job here, how clear was that? ! But in America, technically the regular librairan, its where the parents wish their kids to go on watching certain movies, or TV or books, or magazine. To where everthing its inside their mind in fantasy?

You didn't realize, you read my books, you eat my bubble tea, you looking at my ASMR?

You just didn't live here for saying where I Anna live its Hallo Kitty?




Babaji: Go

What? The library are public owned....correct. =So the coffee shop that is the governmental own lands. Correct.

Its the librarian lease out that space to the govenmental given them money, the library doesn't have the money, so it has to lease it out.

Practically, those are the Tax Payer money, not limited to New York Western Lake Erie county? Technically its every public library under the United State Government in 50 states, they doing that. You have to be a certified librarian to imagine to re-locate the government funding.

What is that to do with me?

Well, the American mliitary human just meant on traveling on where to rest, including the little kid little monks, if they don't give up practice, they can only staying in the public space, one of that will be that star buck or the Public library. They limited to the monk human staying in 5 mins or borrowing a book?

The Air Bus Shuttle, are terminal to terminal nature.

Google wireless its entire world coverage 5G

Let's me guess, you cannot think there is a plastic made cards, that is on stamp, not on money. Today they have so many variation of those finance related to that e-commence?

Whom cared what I do for what I claim, to what I file lawsuit, to what I saying the Librarian must be certified? Or the Law association will first be notified, from the Local Court or the Supreme Court of America, those you trying to ask the Judge to disclose to you, or you imagine they telling me, I will be telling you?

That is my entire privacy, how the Judge wish on their side, what they do with it. 

Your intention to proven to that Local American court, you have right on? I never saying those things. I don't have time for wasting those things they know how to do best.

I finding my money somewhere else, preparation works? 

She doesn't have a certificate. I have my certificate. Whatever I decide to do, just testing. I don't have a pressure doing what I suppose to be doing? If the user or the userbility, or the library, makes sense, they adapt, they paying me the money for concept, for me were Movie Position in one of their kind even.

I told you long time ago, the Library are dividing their space to Star Buck, so is the telephone company right here, its right across of them. Didn't you hear me saying a thing I send human anyway, they are French Youtuber?

Damf, mute, blind.

I need to wash all these smell off, my mother has a nose, these bugs must cannot contain themselves, its how many patches these smell...right to the nose. My mother fainted.....

You don't have a brain or? When I say the System Stop at the University, one side its at static...but on the other side, its where those Agency = National Archive at the Movie Tiny 4.0, or Library Congress on my re-filing statues 2021/2022, or Supreme Court America has a conneciton to the UB Laws + UB local Laws....

Those human are not the jobs? When they looking at my side, then they know I am not really statics, having a reason moving all around, finding problems solving? Not glue and cursed on the wall? Like Elon Musk, Pirates of Caribean? 

The video below

That is called Step to Step, you never know how to do all that? I used to crop all the image to teach human how to step by step? Guess what, that is the librarian jobs. Called IT department. Instructional you how to get online resource right! 

Except I do it small scale on my small tiny world? 

Some Wiki, that has this Circle Icon (1), (2), (3), you don't remember you seeing it? How to"?



You have to assume, all of you are behind door, including UB human will never arrive to my world. So I open a brand new World Shop to the customer, you all saying I anna fake? Adam Hailey? Brand new customer faces.


They don't have money, I don't make money neither, when I left America, that is a kind of Hallo goodbye? Here I am !!! These things are nice color?

You don't know how the invitation never arrives means?

Your Hunger Game as long as the invitation never arrive, just like Sailor Moon that Dark Prince did, called "Freeze", there is no more movie ! So that is what they copy for?

Vince is black, Andrew is....hair gone looking Prince William. I don't know if he is a blonde or not. And these books are 4?

Evolutionary biology? 

I personally don't remember a thing in my life 20 years ago.  I just told you None of us know whom Dean is? They are freshman. I am first year in UB, Dr. T's class?

I know Dean when? He told me there is a facebook. Get on.

So I didn't met Vince or Andrew anymore, that is why they are not on my facebook? Haven't you hear enough, I do not know English, I cannot tell what is a Facebook, you have a My Space, and when the semester end, you all vaporize human away from UB? 

I didn't grow 20 years, you want them figure it out how come I didn't grow a bit since 20 years ago? Not I have the Lords 5 to 9....? x 2?  That court is in America, might even be UB local, I took the law class, their Law Librarian its the one I sent them too? When they gonna get the case to the Supreme Court America? that is in D.C? 

You mean National Archive Human walking over my book Library Congress, then just happened walking by Hotel Kitchen, when my invitation never arrives, but then last stop is Supreme Court America? Are they in Washington.DC? How small the world we are?!!!

The Cartoon? You mean the Sakura those photo shooting on my walls? They didn't take down that floor, its always been some kinds of cartoon there after. I walking the elevator down, its the sports wear.

Not you American size, but they are the sports ware.

To Taipei Station next stop in red line, you will see a pharmacy store on your left upon your exist, you keep going that is the mall 新光三越

Just that one mall you never ending shopping, right next by were Net. When I was fat, getting fat, that is one last Net I found a bigger size of sport sleep wear blue Elsa those short pants, my big waist line. That time I gain a lot of weight to almost 73kg?

The distance photo show.

Its right next by.

But if you walking from the Taipei station, that underground tunnel, you keep walking will be exactly this pharmacy store ends. You turn right. You going up, that is the same mall.

What do they have on that underground road? Its new. When I got back, those were new. I walk there too. All your humility running deep stuffs.


Left leg left side knee + inner left thigh

Used to be volleyball injury.

Not many patches left. Probably its Zawanna

Stop biting ~~~ all of you.

Diagonal structure to my Police station (Wing Spa), its a full Black Court ruling what.....Empty structure many years. Even the birds know that. With the Dr. Gabriel face on it. Next by it to where the Mc Donald Metro exit, there is a brand new building structure just finish.

You talking about how easy you looking at those Police station their garage motocycle coming out of the road, they are the Kings having those design really...

You American Military all station here, its every junks you can taken out? Including your kinds. They are walking to where my interview are, those are English tutor! The vending machine drinks place, next by. Its an office above it. They ask me librarian stuffs, small tiny room. Your White people going there to teach English. Next to the Crystal stuffs.

That Black structure like 10 floor, its a massive buliding, from one side to another side, the ENTIRE corner.

So in the end of that one side road, its the Hospital, I went. 

Another end will be 101. That is where your location saying why you need a car? Scooter with the helmet you mean? You can just call that Police station looking at their pretty building, yours will be massive than they are. I highly doubt you know how big that is why they are empty?!

Its across another side of the Hallo Kitty !!! Mountain fold room. You don't believe me when I tell you its a mountain fold room Hallo Kitty right? Its 5 moutain fold at least that is not counting on the wall all full. Nothing but Hallo Kitty. You tell them the bread store Focalla has to wait til 2 oclock you cannot park in front of it.  I come here to visit my mother. Do you have a Line? 

Its urban planing one of those tale, the white human only lives at the near moutain, cheaper place, you never get in the city.....so you just living right across of it.

Italian food? We don't have that many Italian food. I gone to a Mexico food here. But I personally don't eat a lot of those. We have ACE bread in the market.

Pizza Hut here don't use so much thick tomato sauce. Those tomato sauce are not good for you. Its all you can eat, in one price, the entire Area. You have to get the Pizza Taken-out?

The trend in Asia if you eat meat, and everything like a Hotel Style, like the money, its buffet, its in Taipei Station or near 101. Its very high eating dining experience.  

The supermarket are taken over either that area or 101 too. Its strange, they saying COVID 19 bankcrupt? They keep opening those freezer session inside the mall. Whom gonna shop there? They sell sea food, freezer idea. Fish. Not Mc Donald. The real fish in there. All kinds of the stuffs.

If you meant you research or you station here, only going out on Weekend? How many meals you eat? One months are only 4 weeks, you do nothing but research? One year, its not enough, that is only 52 weeks really? Why I even tell you that is called 101? That means its 101 floors, 88 floors are the restaurant space nothing but food on the screen if you go there B2, and just look at the electronic LED wall.


Let me tell you what that Hong Kong Movie decoding process human faces....that Red Cliff guy, its a young guy. The sword guy are the same age more than that his bracket's name....here are.

After Business Dynasty of that 商鞅妲己  you remember its Simon.

Its Zo Dynasty exactly same words 周

So here are the name. Remember the first word are always the family last name



(大潤發 that is America Chinese 99 cent dollar store or here? The first word are Big, the rest are the first name exactly the same last 2 words symbols)

4 Heavenly King





4 Small King

金城武 ( Red Cliff fan guy. he was young when those older human above him are famous BIG shot, not him....)

The sword guy will be his name 梁朝偉 he is the above those bracket human

Want to see the movie?

Gambling God 1

Wa hahahahahha.......

Hong Kong technically are return to China, so they have a lot of the protest situation, you are military, meaning you suppose to help the democracy spirits, or you mean those England move away, so Hong Kong its Communism? Technically I am a citizen, they are too dangerous to me, but if you rather die on the democracy name, right now they have riots, and detain, or somewhat crisis with China.


You miss the 2014, you can try that

Another Neo looking, but there are a background story of that. Not exactly like the Matrix or Mummy.



Those are 武俠小說, I thought you meant the money, like gambling a lot of cash or tolken. That is what they use. Tolken.


Uber they are regular human does a job, including my below stair middle age man having a motocycle. He getting his jobs !

There are all those human getting jobs, other than me I am telling you.

Your American terms, those are scooter. But its dangerous on the road, they run !! They have too many incidence, you are the military uniform, you cannot do better than they are?

You have to use a helmet, so you blind, that is how those DMV forms? No wonder everyone dies. 

ICE rink, about the Pizza Hut all you can eat its that one road all the way right. There is a Pharmacy store, for some reason I thought they all suppose to be the same, but becasue its sport arena intend, that "Little Egg" for the ice skating rink, their direct diagonal are the eating malls, every floors of it, their across are vegetarian, and small pizza Hut.

If you keep walking down toward that end (On the right) is that where the Pizza Hut? Or that is another Pizza Hut I Imagine? oh no, on that 忠孝東路 Sorry, two different Pizza Hut.

Its all you can eat. I need my medical stuffs there.

You are uniform human, you can just apply to Taiwan, most people probably gone to Japan.

Its hot here, when getting into the summer, you will faint if you are outside standing jobs.

We called them the 憲兵 That is Liu Champion's wife's father is. He is the Chef of that 憲兵 Department.

Both are military relate.

What is the recreation you do?

    There the island you go on the tourist, right on the news. They have a speical, because those are the domestic flight. You didn't see it? Its an island. Taiwan has a satelite, its called 澎湖

    There are musement park, the water park or the land park.

    There are some sight seeing where Hailey they take you, its a lake in the middle of Taiwan called 日月潭  Sun and the Moon "Talk" or Lake

Its an older word saying Lake.

Is there anything in Japan other than the contact lens?

There are nothing but junks those? Where you get your money to buy from? Japan are still expensive so is Hong Kong. Japan will be the fashion place in Asia, 


    Hair thing

    Clothing, or Entertainment they portrait out

Korea are coming out 20 years probably. But Japan was always having standard long before Korea taken over Taiwan certain market.

What do you do in Australia?

Labor works for a high paying money, there are. That is your vegan ice cream, those owner+the worker knew about. There are ranch jobs in Australia. Labor work force.

Not Pane Andov?

That is a funny guy, you mean the classify? Why you so cared about those astral projection human? If you mean casino, next by Hong Kong satelite island, its called 澳門. All the Hong Kong big movies of the last 40 years, are Hong Kong, and 澳門 on ocean 11, 12, 13 or 8.

"Gambling its forbidden on Campus (Justin Timberlake) or else you won't have a tuition be paid. 60,000 tuition grant due."

When I was growing up, I don't always go on the stree to go shopping, but I know my classmate or Tina did. I rarely even know what money is. One day that situation are change.

In UB, I have to learn, or in UK, it was first time I have a bank account. 

UB I learn how to apply for the residency, and therefore my tuition are by the state, I can pass more money, and the rest its on myself or my mother on the housing rent including the food cost. Most of that don't have an issue.

I use everything she given to me all the way before I get back Taiwan. Pillow, or blanket. I didn't change. But Tina is a type she throw away everything, very materialist person and want fame, so she goes on dropping GPA to flute solo, and making a DVD, but at the same time she applied the outer school Internship. She did. She built up her resume, kinda of like that Karen did.

Its outside the School. That is what normally people back up their tiny mind set behind, to go higher, but Tina might be conditioned too, the way it says on the TV.

You are at the age, like I was in UB, I didn't have a goal in life, so the guys will ask you out

There were 3 guys in the evolutionary biology asking me out. I say no. That is the weekend I say no. On that Yellow pad. Vincent and Andrew, or whom else I forgot. 

No, not Seth. I don't do those college imagination.

I like quietness. I need to be left alone. 

And then one day that stop my life every day on.....It was Dr. T talk to me about the intern, I say no. But then I go home, I thought about, so I ask him again. He got another person in.

I don't really like the lab work not in City of Hope, or after graduation I got one job exactly the lab bench, the inside went caput all by themselves. They blame on me.

You know why I tell you that stories?

Because I didn't have a goal in life. I don't know where that life supposes to be. I have no direction to where ought to be, what things are in front of me, I have some dreams, there might be people peaking around through the outside windows, like rubbery. Things that around its more immediate. I was younger too.

That life keep going on and on and on.....I tell Lee, I tell Tamang and Brady I have something.

Still, I met nick, I tell him. 

Sometimes I taken that those paper out, I read over and over. I research on the Internet, those are the beginning of the internet, I sent my information to Kryon, he probably doesn't know when I show up, its that person whom contact him about 10 years ago. That was me.

The same very reason I end up in CA.

Then I will tell you, my facebook people all having a piece of paper. MD pass that MCAT. My life cannot have a future, because it will never be, with these things. Its very very dangerous. My family doesn't have any support I know of. 

You just keep driftinig in life, hope for the best.

You knowing everyone around so sure about their life, then finally when I did make it to CA, it was 4 times swapping house so exhausting horrific, to now I realize people like you all criminal in life, as a girl. That is a shock. The guy are nothing better, but the girl?

It happened with Square, with Tina....

You always imagine you need to show off something in life. 2014 pass another 10 years, you know how many things I did 24 hours a day, how many hours I sleep? You always imagine a certain thing of life. To any more brighten scientists, they are still mortal. In front of you.

Sometimes they go to jail. When people becoming so competitive, without God, without the Light, they keep dwell into those they say legal, but very inhuman methods to violating the spiritual laws. Those you will be clear away before Open Contact or else.....

You understand?

You have a church, you have a humanity in life.....money not always the most immediate things in life, but you are so sure you don't need your parents, you so sure they weren't the Ella Enchanted you just need to agree to that. 

Sometimes, its just one person, whether having a name or not? You understand?

One person you wishing him or her well. One person.