Lawsuit 364: Investigation Red River Manga 4th book = 19 anniversary of Supreme Master Loving the Silent Tear (Flower Thousand Bone)

Date: Nov 2nd, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: To the Area 51 of the previous 2 lawsuit 363, and 362.

There is a UFO self defense mechanism exploded 19 lives.

That makes Real Love, on this Taiwan side?

I request to investigate this Red River Manga 4th Book, on Apple Tree.

The Anti-gravity.

The photo art, and beginning of some graphs, its tearing on the first page, the inside immediate page.

Loving the Silent Tear

The original published booklet

Santa Monica    OBO (volleyball captain she is obo+Torus are instrumental )

Irvine                 There is a Reprilian?


Nov 3rd 2022

Santa Monica      Captain'ex bf take me to a Pyramid schematic seminar

Tina/ Hank Place Irvine                  Where is Taiwan pyramid at?


Flower Thousand Bone (2015) has a plot before the Entry Sky Hole or Cave, one person shows up, everyone appears. 

Where is this Utah Adam next to his Eye Hailey? "Can I see your eyes? Police?"


那個猶他的亞當跟夏娃的那一個亞當在哪裡? 他的眼睛? 請 = 警察英文? 



There is Victoria Secret - Taylor Swift "Blank Space"

There 2 two Canadian polices, first one looks like the fat version of Dean on the Television everywhere, the second police looks like mimmo (The blacken girl), the rest of them are the standing guy on the wall, a registry old lady and a hospital pink hair worker

and an eye doctor.

The last one is a fly, I can see. No, I am a human. If you could just tell me, I am not this Nibiru 3600, your Da Vinci Sacred Text saying 3500, the missing 100 years its where Yuri Red River Manga, first child born drown? Between the Solar System to his Twin System rumor on 2012, sign on Feb 14 Babaji dead dates on Youtube? Its called Nibiru 2012?

Do you suppose to have the 2 Canadian police that never leave here? Its me freak it out, there is a nick, or he freak out to see Mimmo too?

That house that day display are the entire patent on the Tesla exactly apparatus flying those. I seen it. I tell you? The Sauna, the lamp? I end up Red Line in Taiwan Taipei....I suppose to keep asking where I am?





Did I ever tell you, I calculate 64 I Ching in 2015 on this?

All the satellites and planets, to that how many left to exactly 64x?



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