England Sample Writing



Organic Farming 


Home Cooking


The New Traveling to California, USA. 


Dean, MD. My Organic Chemistry Lab Partner


My son-in laws or daughter-in-laws


Psycho ex-wife with 3 lawyers brothers to end up him in Ella Enchanted shorty


Mother-in-laws with 3 Italian sisters and Offersprings future to the Movie New Era


🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐 How many times can you write up those Organic Farming subjects? 🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐


Organic farming it’s where the farmer makes the local produce be more friendly to the local accesses than those North America agreement of the flower trade to Africa like Costco did.



Okay, you just all wanting to humility running deep to look pretty on the guys, how to write the Organic subjects? Which side? Organic farming, the smaller farmers Earth soil friendly?



I don't know if they really know or dont know. But assuming that is a real Prince Harry situation. If I were to be Maghan position....well, I input my real life. I land at Oprah town, that is the newapaper says, everyone knows. That is where they Prince Harry and Meghan Lives, Oraph she is the land owners around there.



Its not that I keep using the Harry Potter Story, Simon, Eben....or lastly....that Keanu Reeves. Isn't him, and that Bieber after the Justin Timberlake to that Alexandro, NSYNC....what MTV...they both are from Canada?



They need her to get that story, or they finding it out, she is crying on the television that story called the CEO Lessons~~~They leasing Harry out, or those are the real human born kids, you never take it back? 


Loving Hut 


In the West Coastline, that is Veggie Grill, Native Cafe and Mother's market.


That would be I have a retarded....situation, might be many, just by how I define their degree or less or becoming worsen in ages wane down.


Among them, the real CEO, its Simon Cowell.



🥭🥐 The harming of the chemical factory waste lines, in the river down stream its often what you say, the pollutant going to the ocean, or the gulf coast. There are a stream of factory there along the river side Missisippis rivers. 🥭🥐



Carbon foot print, you mean the carbon neutral on toilet paper, the tissue papers from the logging business, it would be probably your father-in-law they, his...or he brought 2 whom, their current you, his chairty or foundation over the Amazon Forest. https://194002e.blogspot.com/2022/08/carbon-foot-print-you-mean-carbon.html


So the biology side of the periodic table ....Its the same garbage processing procedure? https://194002e.blogspot.com/2022/08/so-biology-side-of-periodic-table-its.html

If I were you...Princes, you go to your media center, where the staff human at, saying does the military bar down all Anna's URL, keep saying that BTX were that BTS, so we cannot open it, they keep bombing at it.



Anyone finish your Organic Farm, not on Home Cooking yet? How funny the same things cannot re-write about 100 times. How many times you can keep going on the Organic farming.



There was a post on my facebook, not sure that is functional or not, its about a doctor pulling out of a worm form a screaming type of the girls' thumb.


🥭🥭🥓🥐 🥭🥭🥓🥐 🥭🥭🥓🥐

Organic Farming again?


How do you process garbage? Is that the chemist jobs?


I always wonder how they live without the camera....


So the chemist jobs would be one of those....those category?! The Soil evaluation, the acidity to the water stream, river, up stream river water.....the accessment reports. Not the organic farming.


🍓🍓🥭🥨💖 I will tell you, one of the stupidest arguments of someone whom doesn't know their own major, or like I myself doesn't know what major I am in, and someone cannot stop beating ....my background.... 🍓🍓🥭🥨💖


Chemistry and the future career



💞💖 Home Cooking 💞💖

🫐🍤💝 Soil jobs, its not a frying jobs. That is a cooking department the basic cuillinary skills, the vocational school.


🫐🍤💝 A cooking methods to that dining table 5 to 9 people or 11 or 12. You have at least 8 stove. The Ravuli does not needs to be full plate, sometimes a light side, 4 or 5, with the Pasta, its a loads of food.


 🫐🍤💝Casserole plates, can be smaller, so you get a big plate below, no one got burn. So those plate its small tiny, but they are hot food, England they eat cold food like nick right?


🫐🍤💝 There is a type of Egge square mode, those Korean people eat. Technically, the guys.....eating white bread, with one slice bacon, and that eggs with piece of veggie.


🫐🍤💝🌮🌮 You know the England Kitchen to that mash potato, they put inside a big full bags, with a Russian Mouth? I think it is that Prince Dish. 🌮🌮


Home Family and Relation Fighting and Argument, Every Friday to Weekend, per yearly the next 10 years round. Everyone's proven worth, and a mouthful never ending jobs.

I think everyone its too busy on the news fighting....but I can tell you....a lot of things, I seeing on the news, people are dying in the age.


In the end of some years, in the end of that life coming to...some junction. You sure, really...what you will be seeing in the end of Life, when God comes, the ending of that story will be?


Me and nick doesn't have a lot of money, to that one California Sun, and land, you can generate a good stuffs on the land. Its all things begins in the calfornia agriculture. Its true. 


You know, there are things coming.....whatever your maturity staying on which terms, and everyone all broken up in piece...I tell you when I was with nick. My timing how I calculate its one year by one year. I calculate it. How long can 10 years be? I frighten, yes...everything its not developed and his attitude just worsen and worsen.


This world has a court Room, meaning a legal system. They don't meant to push you to the edge and jump. No.


Let me try this again on the most superficiality things - the appearance, not the inner beauty.


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