
Joomla and billing? Those are firewall you purchase from Russian developer inside the Joomla Plugin or Extention directory.

If you working from the State and Federal or UB, they have their security in those walking by downstair Capen, remember? Those are the IT department, where they process the security for the entire on-campus things. Their email address ends at org or edu.

You yourself doing the billing, its the hacker those they stealing things behind. You meant you are on a memebership? You use Paypal or Clickbank.

When you define your Monitization schemes ...

Your entire website its 

1) Graphic visual 

2) Words text oriented

To sale sale sale pitch incline, and at the buttom of the website you click to buy?


That is you done your graphic design with the coding engineer. They run CSS image graphs, they don't process your billing information.

Now your server site doesn't really have a security. 

Google, these are just mostly the text orientation, where they design you the boxes, for you to input a content in it. You can just drop a Paypal buy or Donate buttom.

But all these process, one is Google, one is Paypal.

Paypal is by % they take your money from? I dont have that right now. 


If your website are monitizaiton schemes, then yes, that is what those Eben human does. 


Librarian does blibliography, not codes.

And Pathfinder. A to Z directory how the help on-line in UB? You used to never use the library resources?

like if you does www.library.buffalo.edu, it won't work.

It has to be library.buffalo.edu

Right now. 


Look this link: How to research in Chemistry, that is per thing Library does, to list out all this.


These are all the subjects, these are what the librarian does


Correct, no one uses.






You have to generate these so you will get hired, but technically no one uses!!!!

Right ~~~!!!

These jobs are the professional why I got a paper and tuition paid for? It will not be the Youtuber those jobs. These things have to re-sort and organize. 

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