
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

小鳥 ... 知道天空說什麼

你們是無聊的那一群,有事情就去找誰去處理,你們知道在哪裡去處理,弄這幾個人我附近你們是想幹嘛 ? 統籌世界的意思?

你們生性就是愛講話,那就去跟誰講的夠,你們把所有人都弄得幹嘛 ~我告訴你 ! 這天空說呷咪,要講給我聽嗎 ?






你們一天到晚都在幹嘛 ? 謀殺嗎 ?




I never gain this much weight my life, and last few years, this year the falls season are bad. When I feeling the temperature, I just need to stay indoor, really....I am not feeling well with this Autumn season. I need to get down my weight once this poison things are over....whatever the heart, the pump. I used to be, before 2014, had my schedule. This ET things, I gain a lot of weight.

Even now, I eat at night time, Because ...my mother cooked? Just the food inside my stomach, not feeling well. The entire pot soup going it down, with some white rice, and few soy stuffs she made.

The vaccine, I have no problem cope with any of that. But this one year.....I got all this coughing from that poison things. It was constantly there, I didn't take the medicine, until it gets bad. I told Jonathon MD already.

My goal has to losing all this weight down okay? I used never feeling these 4 seasons, whatsoever means. When you doing the fasting, the internet will tell you, you healing much faster.

When can I begin to lose the weight again? Tomorrow? I ate tonight. Outside its too cold

When I use to no eating, I don't even need to brush the teeth.

No dental floss money......you know all those things from Costco, its because it last until Costco are there needed per yearly? I still have those dental floss, but I don't want to keep using it.....like on the food, its per teeth, never ending doing it. Not just washing, you have no idea how painful this food keep going on and on and on.

我其實沒有去過日本 ~ I actually never been to Japan | I landing in Japan probably twice, 我飛機回台灣的時候停過日本兩次

我媽很無聊的關係~~你們去日本幹嘛 ? My mother is very bored ~~what do you do in Japan?


Taiwan because we live in Taiwan, so like in your America land~ for example in Buffalo NY, its similar you go to Canada, we here, one is Japan, one is Korea, and next by is Hong Kong and south is Sigapore, and more straight down its Australia. 

ASMR and 你們的日本落地簽? 秋天要保暖小心,叫做『秋老虎』~我現在是有以前的毒,我不可能跟你們到處亂跑!

Korean ASMR



And your Independent living


Taiwan to Japan Visa landing to acquire....they go to eat in Japan anyway.



Wing is the Pharm D, meaning the pharmacy program. The Medicinal Chemistry, well....that one class the L or D, that is the pharmaceutical drugs class.

Bio 403 with Ola, that is Bio chemistry. 

Jonathon and Tamang with another guy taken it. Bio 205.

22:38 That is the Annca's looking guy


十六年 = 16 years

He and that girl has behind, they have other TV. (22:41)

小鳥~~~過來! Birds, come over here!

你們在弄那個 UFO Seth 幹嘛 ? what are you birds did to that UFO Seth's UFO

我有看到天空講的很明白,I can see what the sky clouds say what you so many did to UFO?

Which UFO? Seth? 哪個 UFO? 

你們真的夠了! That's enough.

🍓🍠💖 其實你們想去日本~去呀 ! 🍓🍠💖








溫水煮青蛙? Lukewarm Water bake the frog 你們知道溫水的英文是什麼? 你們有蟲蟲?

I go to nap first...I have an afternoon thing.


Babaji: Go


Is that saying Kidney above are Adrenal?

Sugar....soy sauce

One drop story I already told you. Your body cannot take anything of all that. 

There is a flight or fight response. They are all humanoid. Skin enclosure to. A brain. A bilateral. I used to say that too many times. 

2 Eyes, 1 nose, 2 ears. 

Bilateral its your every textbook a basic Medical Doctor supposes to know. 

That UB Evolutionary Biology, I didn't say all things are false, somewhat through a very basic knowledge in all that....there are derived species. 

They will be all telepathy, not necessarily magical.

Sensible, audible, perceptive, highly clear, highly sensitive, highly order.

I didn't see we all 7 billion human disappear, that is my really tolerance on...Sugar and low IQ, as if I repeat about thousand times over and over and over, the same things never stop.

Your education, your IQ, your EQ, your spirituality.

Ought to be doing things just like the Bible or other religion combine, somewhat jump, flip bounce, not 4 bubble tea on the table. Not impaired, not fallen on the brain, off your bed.

Not your temple of God stop you, meaning your own very body.

Not birds say, not Sky says.

You go to jail with it. You failed your entire life, when you trying to murder other even.

Look at this. The guy looks like Jason from Taiwan Local speaking English and she does that looks like Hailey or Adam's houses. The unity of don't drunk don't gone, so there is ....how life lost control the first video Jason looking guy says....to end up ET shows up. Sorry. CIA !

I think every guy understand what you are saying when you having that eye glasses on....

He says: Your life out of control in Chinese or in English = regain control of your life with the zorro circle.

💖💞 You UB girls have a major, that usually people to be like you that calculative, you know why you end up in that major to your next 40 years of life worth reason why you end up there. I wasn't. 💖💞

You have to like what you research. America still has more of the information that being circulate to ensure staying on the Top. Not me vice versa telling you what you ought to be thinking when you watching those movie or TV from the Hollywood.

Do you calculate your annual salary?

American Dream - Berkley


回到真實環境的工作場合,都是小了好幾輪的年紀,一開場就是語言結疤的瞬間,其實過了幾年都會是一樣的壓力,至少不是親切就是壓力每兩個禮拜我國外那種,州立大學的男生跟女生,只是因為一個亞裔 ABC 是說...想像兩個禮拜男孩子或是自己女孩子的那個銀行存進去的 paycheck, 當初好言講講,是說其實矮的男孩子從香港拖行李到台灣,只是一個桃園機場的每兩個禮拜的數字在,真正站到銀行的服務櫃檯,那種叫做日年復一年的每兩個禮拜,其實自己的自尊,一直都是那種表態,所以猜猜...那個結尾是什麼? 因為,那種分析其實並不是開場,開場是男孩子下跪求女孩子才對 ...

You girls are always strife if, close to the Schoo system or the university, you start to teaching, you start to understand that collaboration works, you start to talking like you should with the parents....

You accumulate that experience in the High School or below....are much simplier worlds for you can only tackle one things at a time.

When you say, the guys are good at those PC games worlds? There are strategies, including the marketing department, more guys in just about every field, including the finance, accounting, Wall Street, etc.

You saying how the girls end up in which field, and for what purpose, your mind can only do one thing, to be really good at. Not 4 Stoves. Your literacy how you communicate to other people its not every 3 years I receive a TV to imagine, what it was, it used to, to when you will send yourself to jail, really.

When the working environment are simpler, you don't feel so bad about yourself, your girls IQ just not high enough to learn how to shut up, and learn. 

That is the only thing I keep saying it.

There is another Youtuber after Hailey on Tea House

Diet and Sugar

I probably didn't tell you, about 15 years you have internet, about 22 years you have words written on the Google Search eventually how people come together development of their fitness and wellness. The guys doing that a lot, just looking at their face.

There is a Colonix, I keep saying it.

There are photo I keep showing it.....I saying the girls system cannot keep doing all that procedure, you have to switch to liquidarian.

If one day I will become a indifferent guy, or a girl again, by saying the exactly the same thing....it will be exactly the very first time I am saying it. I never changed.

You girls should not intake all those sugar to feeling....white lfour pastry, bread, or yeasty, or what things you input in your system you don't read about the health or insist not to go and research on it.

While your river of life = blood, those indicator without your blood Ph, those are your general chemistry lab, the Ph.Paper test kit will telling you, the Ph Paper, are you acidic, or alkaline.

Those are very very very simple concept for a lot a lot a lot people to accept those ideas, so there is an akaline water beside those osmosis water in the Organic Store.

Its a Machine. Simon Ex financee has those.

Working environment and Competition toward Guys, not Hate Forever to Guys 400 stabs.

You know when you are so sure you know what you are saying its equal, you know so well whom you hate 400 millions times?

Any new world you going in, you don't go and make people feeling on your faces, you hate human, front and back, girls or guys, no matter what. Those every field, need collaboration, meaning your language be kind, less hostile, less inquisitive. You finding your way to ask a question, not demanding an explaination....

Imagine if it was a love game, starting....like I used to say to Dean, some girls saying to you, if you are not MD but Teacher union, its "You Lie to me", ending up on the Television cartoon, and my sky here all the way up!!!

You don't feel shame enough, really.....

我最近常常有某種感覺感受~電視上掛的嫌犯都是男孩子,叫做壞蛋,但是在真實現實的附近全部都是女孩子有問題~而且真的變成女監獄受刑人~在國外的那種詞很恐怖,如果你們講英文的那一天變成那種東西,外國人只看外在叫做 ...唯一的現實!

I often think strange things laterly on this Taiwan news, all are male criminals.

But then, to my really all around near by....its all the girls end up in jailed. In Chinese or in English Female Prison inmate are the extremely terrible terms, do you know that?

I say the White race human by just hearing those words, they only have the superficiality, really....the only reality.


The System its the System Nature

做監獄還女的,這鑑別 ...

Going to jail and a girl, this kind of distinction...




Babaji: Go

Look at that Taiwan French Youtuber, with Pierre + Japan Tommy+Hook looks like Square

They all doing this Carole garbage things.

One year ago, where they were?



That bag will tell you per serving count.

You have total how many serving in one bag.

Usually they meant one serving =100 gram I think.

They are the Taiwan known youtuber, I watching them in 2020. My Youtube has those things sent in, can you imagine in 2 years, that is 2 youtuber going to jail or 3.

When these 4 groups together, no...they don't really mix all that together, but Hailey or that Copy Justin's works 滴妹 they like these guys better. Because these groups they talking things more light, if you saying their own husband to their own brother....

Its never ending yelling at them.

They break laws, what do you expect?

Yeah, I watching a lot of the Youtuber 2020 + TV, how did you get all those songs? Those are not too old of TV shows made and broadcast through Taiwan. If you are back in your country, you suppose to be telling me at all....

They have the shape to maintain, even their face can tell me that.

Can you imagine, I have a 194 country image to maintain....

They are the Taiwan youtuber...

You know, I used to hear that Europe or American in short 歐美國家 suppose to be more developed.....Including their PETA kinds of human existence, especially for Europe, for some reason I believe that.

How shameful you all becoming....

You probably don't care about the birds or the pink birds or England, or music.....wait..I need to finish this. (小鬼小和尚)


粉紅色的鳥! 按進去裡面就是中文新聞呀 !



First comic book: 白色圓舞曲、白木蘭圓舞曲、紫丁香夜想曲(情牽紫丁香)、戀物曲


This world has things worsen than that Eternal, absolutely worse than that.

💖💞🫐 uh.... after first Invite, its first statement, you all already have that. ( I told my mother already. But today might be from the Court can say things) 💖💞🫐

In the Court room, some human they go to court saying, "Does this things real? Do they have a ball room, all that...dance included."

No! it does exist, "But if I am Judge, I will be telling you, that never happened! Will ever be..... because... That is an Asteroid invite, not the ball dance room. And if this things ever landed in America anywhere, including the air upper heard sound to bliblico End Revelation, that 194 country Commander-in-Chef, the Day They Live On the Sea, since ever be, it will be their eternal savior....kick off the land to start."

So...First Invite

First Statement Congress, Military and Civilian


First video

First soup? Miso.....How long was that ago? I had other soup she makes.

First venture....

First comic book: 白色圓舞曲、白木蘭圓舞曲、紫丁香夜想曲(情牽紫丁香)、戀物曲


This world has things worsen than that Eternal, absolutely worse than that.

Everyone all sorting their career choice. You UB girls, are those small tiny voice, mild...trying to fight on life.

The Teacher doesn't get paid a lot, but they have a save? Like a Pension?

If you observe the human population whom to flashy a bit, it means you need to work on your speaking English techniques. Mine supposes to be in Chinese? Communication and a skill.

In life, you have to strive to have a skill. Whichever that skills sound like you delicate your social statue degree

Why don't you go all the way down?


One of the jobs for that for?





I live in metropolian. I have that major since my middle school at the private school here. So I know everything what ought to be as the chemist, not just my university major ends there.  What I did file its in Taipei, Taiwan. They made it very simple, the underground file for that application.

That statues its behind.

However, How imagination New York Suburban its not New York City?

Meaning where is their IT department seems lacking...whatever this no money world, if you meant they cannot run through the numbers like the money. 

It exists.


By statistic, not the novel how violence thriller to become a cigarrate Eben has a kitchen, nothing but burning wood.....that is one type of house insurance on camera.

The true tales how you never think....what is the number on the house set on fire.

1. Police man

2. Fireman

3. Military in born disable human at least doing nothing, but sit in the house.

You imagine how big the mouth jobs, to how resouceful, even those military whichever lower to the Top, to how their mouth ever be.....small tiny so then flatting the ego to sound that domestic affair like.....being diplomatic.  There is nothing equip in those mortal human how one day, each and regression of the evolution was tingy but the concur of that Heaven wheel where they will end up. nBut at least....to that coutious of the Law made society, meaning you only make money, and live on, not necessary what the System favor, there is only one thing you will never lose the entire house, for nothing will compensate you ...saying the California Forest Fire or the Austrailia...too dry in the air.

What you thought just because every Friday night someone show up drunk on the beach, or belly on the BBQ sauce on TV football to saying....side dishes girl on wine high glass?

You will never found out what is the unheard of....every and each fire, or the every water sink, how each and unit house being take down, by someone what jobs they ever had like me, a chemist, the Tape Water factory, to the underground water suppose to process the paper works.

Its just one lawyer for all of you UB, to sound one thing right.

"If I myself job will ever exist" at all. 

Intern, Burnt! 


💖🌭🍤 Talking to you UB girls, its like being a honest best advice to you as a friend....so I say, cops, fireman, or...now military. 💖🌭🍤

Pixie that is not a legal term. I invent that at the 21th century from the movie called Harry Potter.


Military has bad reputation on drunk, violent, beating, gun usage....just about every gazillion bad things I ever heard from them. Your target suppose to be Not those....drunk human on the beach sand at night, including every Friday night, they do nothing but party on the beach drunk it on those night. Fire outdoor, to sound like, starry starry night....cold breeze on the wind, so that curses made them sick....

The military human are not perfect, but somewhat they follow order, or literate. 

Movie: Ms Congenality

You have been thinking yet? Yesterday and today, or last whole week? That swimming suit, 3 blue (colar) guys, one of them looks like President here Horse. He is a lawyer not the military.  Your jobs suppose to find a military decent hoping for the best. Not those just disappear, you cannot get up from life, those kinds.

To those 2 guys sound like inside these 4 comic books Title. 白色圓舞曲 or 白木蘭圓舞曲 or 紫丁香夜晚曲 or 戀物曲 These types of the guys you seeing that indian and the blonde hair, his father is a swordman, highly order Japanese sword father, meaning you dead or you make it. You may just imagine there is no more freedom in life...that is what the life supposes to be, and that choice of made its cautious in life, so there is a military ranking, to someone like his son dead in disease. 白血病

The 2 lieutanent, in your ever dream of life, will never never be yours. No matter what.

For neither of any of you girl have any quality in life whatsoever, not just a value in life. But as long as the sex talk on voka shows the legal statues after 21, you sound like you stand firm on the ground to not less alzheimer to what degree the future you will be, or better. Now.

With the System

You best to stay within that UB, made it in SUNY system least....no matter what. It will be your safe and sound methods. Joining in the military, may not give you anything if your intention is wrongful under God, for that...killing is not right when you imagine how to stain blood so that easily.

Your different homeworks will at least given you...what handsome means so music sounds the ear soothing but never be yours, at least 1 to 1 million stabs how those small height to ego giant, will sound less, how resourceful one day you will ever be, if not dying in the bus, or the car, or the forest on porn jobs, to that penis. 

Exactly the TV shows.

I have to wash my hair, its afternoon.....last night those pain killer....never finish drying methods. My cloth got torn, those sweater type, small here. My mother has to sew the sheet and that clothes. I don't know how she gonna do that.

Wait and see.

This is more like......what some people's hobby.

ASMR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxjBWxMTRlE

Did you see how she bite? The front teeth?

You ever done that yourself? Not the front teeth. (1:16)

This afternoon, today is Saturday, there is a festival in the big Park, another park. I thought it was the morning, my hair itchy anyway, so I keep washing but need to dry. So when I testing the outfit, that is broken when I want to get out of it. Its a yelow internal sweater string cloth, the left side another line goes 2 apart. 

My mother used to sew, or emballish 刺繡

Some of these stories,....might be the upper people.

She can sew the sandle together. I didn't understand she meant she goes out and find whom to sew that comferter sheet. You put a outskirt on those comferter. America, what terms can that be?

You wash that every so often.

Keep eating your ASMR


I never even had capable to watch that TV for the writing class or Go game lesson 3rd grades

 To say could possibly ever have a toy at all….

Nothing works modern days


“You know what gold sheet looks like a s made? It’s called melt.”

“But you won’t happen to have a chemical emgineer looks like Prince William, those sheets are not bar, heavy, it’s real. In the bank vault side Reserved! It’s how the currency made and works, on the bank side !”

If …


“The color of the cloud made cotton candy looks like laser idea how you imagine the thin invisible…it’s Smokey, ashy, thin them when you cluster them becomes fluffy ! In English words means softy ! You don’t happen to have a engineer here like this pen of stylist one day to become one per atom align? Those are…. A particular science field, small tiny, micro, atomonic. I am from the chemistry department, teacher union type I used to have a student told me 868% percentage error, i told her she flood there lab entire room not just the drawer for 2 weeks her TA dry glasses for them, air vanderlation ! Nice to meet you !!”


Andrew he is a military looks like Prince “Real” 真





戀物語(loving commodity language or martial practice art language)

He is a chemistrcal engineer Che 107

Princess Diary II

He sits by me. We are in front of Silas 5 or 6 rows.

Silas might remember there is a guy next by when Dr Fourner did that.

Silas had a few guys right next by him.

We were right in front of them.

He told me what the threshold of a drunk means

Not a blue jello Voka shot.

We had no facebook, that time. The facebook didn’t came out that year.




🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 After shower my head 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔

Many military has bad reputation. Drunk.

But I think you girls best married to the military, cops or fireman.

It doesn’t matter what stories are that. I think that’s what it really implied. Camila married ex was a military. 

You girls probably never gonna make it the military finding their wife standard. But that’s what I will tell you. Tina those Boss too big story are all fantasy.

If you finding the right military, it’s best if they pick you, you can never pick them. But…that’s what I am saying. 

No, I mean more of the military guys, those have more…these books are 2 handsome military guys, that’s exactly how you imagine things. 

My grandmom is a school teacher. She had a pension with her, by herself. 

Square, no, she is not anything.

Military surgeon, like I say, that is not a military really. 

It’s best you lean towards these stories a bit, however they say, whatever they had a publication right to end up a lot of places, on stages. 

I need to wash everything, its raining, so wet. I need to close stuffs.

Go to sleep

Babaji: Go

These painkiller patch, water dissolving kinds.....my entire face itchy, head to the body.

I have to clean up. 

Do you finish imagine how to tackle your perfect Sailor Moon stories, or you have a room where you stack up your thriller? Movies, TV, stories book, novel, or manga, that is not Japanese comic books?

Or now, you are interested in the Japanese comic book, the fire place?

You mean that 2 lieutanent guys books? 

That author has another books on that same line


Is that Cat Cat

Is that....


Eben, and whom....and Zawanna?

Eben's ex gf?

That is a dream I had, someone on the windows. Tina?! She has that too.

There is a story like that on the TV.

Is that a film....that is !!! 

杉衫來了 Which film? The ex gf at the film set, exactly looks like that.

Its a film set. 17:10



They say where is this 月下香小夜曲? Inside 戀物與?

At 8th book


That big things in front, doesn't have anything inside (ASMR)


Do you want to get close to the American classify, have you met a military sounds like.....the military order its the only rules to follows?

So above those military, it will always be a Classify above that....those are horrendous stuffs.

But they won't be competing you all for 4 bubble teas on the table. Did you get those through?

Sushi, cheese ball, bubble tea, pizza, or soft tabo, hard tabo, with meats in it? And unlimited taken sauce?

💖🥭🥪 Does Zawanna those human world, have a high tech can ensure everything you eating it down vomiting out? That will be the European used to be....I thought everyone knows that history 💖🥭🥪 Through a feather....On Earth, not in Zawanna world.

When you saying today's that video, a grey involved to look at Annunaki, to even Nordic. Its everything spelling bad. 

I don't really know what Zawanna looks like other than the comic book to feel more Earthly sense. But I heard they are just as liberate politics as you can open your mouth talking like you have IQ, they encourage you doing that.

They have some other high tech, just not ASMR I know of.

SMCH told you, they are more happy, or whichever whom, so those eating amount might be so much smaller. They have books, or some kinds of the system, so you go killed yourself on the road. You didn't have to do all that....because you have a little bit more supports from the government. 

But Ancient Chasez, or same Zawanna, meaning every kinds of those nature guys, might have something like He is the herbalists. Meaning similar to Black water, and opening up your mouth you will spill it out loud, all you ever love its to eat, the heart contain.....its every truth you should ever tell you prone to do, not intend to do. One of those, I think they have. Like Harry Potter story telling you, don't bother telling lies. 



You can make a plate for me looks like that. You replace ...

Those noodles to those Wegman seedweed. So expensive, small tiny container


And you replace those 2 big things = crab meat you can open + some shrimp boil + clams + a fish patty.

And that middle its the salad right? 

I get a honey mustard and ranch.

Yeah the sushi looks right with the seaweed and that yellow things.


The way I understand certain things.....I think if you are a thin girl, maybe you copy what Kail says to sound like a meritable things to do. You finding a fat guy to cheat on. He is not wealthy.

Some fat guys are money maker? and they don't mind you eat?

You both enjoy to eat the food together?

You having a very very heart taken if someone comment on the food you eat, if those are your only favorite things to do. Kail might be right. I cannot understand a thing how fascinating you are toward the food, the bubble tea, or some kinds...of any drinks.

Volleyball - What is it?

Wa hahahahahah.....

It depends how you rotate on the field, you have several jump types.

Including a middle that is the fastest hit. You have a blocking mechanism .....so your job suppose to trick them, going the wrong direction, they cannot block you, too fast.


That was volleyball.

How about ASMR below?


Broken Browswer

Broken PC


I was imagine my laundry how many dryer or washer, when I can afford...that would be a dream, nothing but washing none stop. 

The zipper broken.

The PC has this Ctrl+Alt+Delete....you know how completely broken means? 

I used to have those Quatriple processor from Canada Depot....Best buy maybe.

Those art require the Photoshop, I got lucky those time. Right now all this broken PC, cannot get on anything video those digital camera process Organic Chem.

I was re-design my playlists, like those later to watch, right now I put everything in it. I try to opening as many as the windows, everything completely gone. Maybe I try a Brand New Windows next time. Those might be fine.

So I quit. I think another day of that....

You need to have a hobby in life, exactly like the Movie says you are. That way, you are happy to focus your mind into something, and that translationy ou don't lost it to keep putting the food inside your mouth.

Its real. 

If I say to you, pick up your pen or pencil, you pick up what?

You are not sure about a lot of things inside your mind, just about how you seeing life where you going with it.

If I ask you, here are 2 bags, which color or texture you touch and feel and you understand why you pick that choice?

You cannot understand a thing in your mind what to do, what to say, how to say it.

If I ask you here are the road map, get here. You are not sure this is the sun this way, or the highway label what on the road sign exactly like the map says. 

You are not sure, you are not sure, you are not sure.

I ask you this morning you get out of the door, which one of this its your lunch box you pack, and you lost your bag, which bag you bring it out with you today? You are not sure?

Most guys talking are not like me.....

You got screaming, bad mood, going home and eat the hell of the day.

Just you hear the tone from them, you hate them 1 to 1 million.

🥭💖 How do you put the bills together on this one Wal-mart Cosmetic foundation, or you mean, you have online what cosmetic bottle, that looks like the commerical you buy? 🥭💖

Food Costs: Eating home and dining out

Make-up Foundation, Powder, Lipstick, Dry or Wet, different color sticks? Eye shadow, eye brow

Nail polish

Hair decoration

Curling iron

Shampoo, toothpaste

Shoes different kinds

Phone and internet money

Your hobby money, going out doing what?


Anna's food expense


A box of greenhouse orange


Bagel, they are on special next day

Air, espson salt

Herbs all medicinal, iodine

Boiling water 

Berkey Emergency water filter needs money, not water needs the money

I need a skype international money and internet money

My hobby its California small farmer seeds catalog.  I collect my house garbage bins inside the recycling containers to make all those thing to grow? As long as it does not leaking water?

Do you want me to tell you, back then, when I have no regular jobs, to just staying home......drinking that Feel Rite Water, per 2 weeks or 3 weeks, I have those gallons jars ready wheel in wheel out, you want to count, one operation meaning 3 weeks.....every so often 1 week, or 3 days.....there is nothing but water in your money bill.

Do you want me to calculate that per litter they count your money in you re-filling organic store?

Because that is all you ever had in 3 weeks? 



Its per meal counts, because you are in a much worse situation than I am, really. I don't eat snack when i growing up. I know what is a chocolate, that doesn't mean.....its an addiction. We don't have a chocolate in Taiwan, vegetarian, no eggs.

I don't know what is so special about these chocolate.

You need to count per meal, per water drinking bottle, those gallons jars, not litter jars.

That American Military doctor input some solid food in the end of that book.

But your current modern protocol from the curezone used to be, its more aggressive including the juicing industry. Meaning, if you have nothing else to do like me Anna, you can be very very very very aggressive, in your daily walking, daily washing routine, getting a steaming room UB, getting a bath when rental not home.

You walking the 4 blocks back and forth, and you make sure its every tendor ligament get breathing in and out. Because that Dr. Christopher has a night time before you go to sleep methods, that has to be included.

The China that longevity exercise, you combine certain things in order to twist and turn that body, in the most aggression method.

Right now I cannot do that!

When I even in UB, or High School, I don't really eating much spicy, including whatever you define the spicy sauce, those are including Meggie sauce or Vietanese spicy sauces are from SMCH they country?

You eat more than that per monthly swallow this...a too too high dosage I mean your spicy degree or you mean what else you swallowing down. You getting up in your period time?

I have heard the girls die in cancer in a very younger age, like 38. 45+ 

Because I never remember there is a spicy things, if I would know that, at least I would have known where in Buffalo to getting you a spicy what sauce? Taco Bell those? 

UB doesn't have the spicy sauce!

And what is this Zawanna becoming the long hair....that means usury? High interest of lending?

And it is not Zawanna. Its 亞斯? 

This is not one of those someone imagine a business, to find ways to open a brand new store, those kinds? 

You know, the more I looking at this, the more I remember I used to have a period pain. I talked some what extent things, not that I remember the whole lot, and apparently, you all girls have much more worse condition than mine.

There are some sympton I remember the period pain 月經疼痛

You need to test per monthly, which food inside your mouth going it down, and what happened that month. I do those things.

That time no one educating me. If someone just told me quit eating and drinking, provide a detail protocol, I just directly follow!!! I have to test that long years gone, and now you don't even imagine what it is like without so much pain or so much smell? You know your....water drainage, has to be clear out, if you don't put a net design there?  

The guys would never able to help you, they have zero ideas or feeling what those are? Its the food and the water.....including those liver things too.

There is a misquito on this island, often, between them and the birds....its the sweet, but today I don't have the sweet.

Pain killer patches. This are water medicinal, so i need some tape to tape 4 corners. I have to ask my mother to do the shoulder back. 

They are doctors. Its itchy everywhere.

I am new to this pain killer patches, they fallen off. 

This morning my left side painful, everytime you have this , you have to wash up no matter what.

Its the Left ovary side.  Then I need to lay down, feeling sleepy, all kinds of stuffs.

Material Science ( in front of you ) - The container


SHUT UP! Birds. 天空應該是說把它們給 Toast


I am telling you, making money sounds more like a real career to me in life


Is this Drama never ends?


" youtube-src-id="Q1t-pLjO4fk">




Babaji: Go

In Chinese

No....what they say are very clear to you.

Its the River of Life = blood statues.

Your blood its where having some kinds of sugar rush. However....lolololololol

They trying to tell you every term, you will have impulsive nature how this sugar SUGARY rush Olaf says with his eyes,,, you intake sugar. The sugar itself substance can enstall your blood pressure very very quickly, let's say you are extremely tired, and lack water, lack food, for several days....those moment are fine.

If you are living in the real human population worlds, you can just die for 2 days, you cannot literally die, but you will not intake a sugar inside your blood, to become....one day those slave to your sense, you become very edgy people.

Another points are telepathy.

Maybe not fallen in love issues, its per second, you do not know what thought going through your mind. Its every thought they understand you, that is what it is the Telepathy means, not you hiding, not you imagine, not you have a selfish motive no matter what.

Those concept you can pretend you being religious...many times, its for the money reason. Those spirits are how you construct your daily routine, daily habits,.....meaning sleep pattern, eating choice, introspect habitual, or thought pattern you did that to yourself, 

Try not to wishing other's ill, or just meant it, you have a right to get jealous if you are God.

You will never become one of them.....

There are many childish things you do. If you get up from your ass, your butt, to move around, that one day yield its one day bread living as your Bible saying to you, your sweat....that 4 limbs how you really manifest your physical moment life force, you will think a little different, healthier, and not imagine things, you are just way too tired to think, at all.

Donuts, pastry, bubble tea, or really SUGAR cookies, with salt on top of it....many food science I know them, okay? Corn syrup, your all kinds of chocolate syrup, cereal, milk, coffee...

Substance that will input inside your blood stream, they go straight to your brain.

You probably just really meant it....other than your own physical body temple of God, its every freedom you got, other than take care of yourself, whatever that Bible speaking to you.

Whatever it is being said to you. Per line, per words, per paragraph.

You are defined a 3D universe, by how? Length, width, heigth. A basic understanding. You do not have things turn into the liquid form, and becoming a human heavy silver metal color. You do not born in a world that has that kinds of definition, and therefore, you do not force the humanity to believe in those reality. You have to be born in it believing that gravity to fly.

You trying to impose some ideas through the Movie, that is not the physics laws in this world.

The physicality of all around you its when you open your eyes and see, and feel.

The physics laws of that defining all those attribute like heat, too hot burn, you having a first degree burn, you have a nurse or doctor to attend that wound in some procedure that given to the clinic, or the hospital format. 

Those are step by step. People got panic, if something like that happened.

You educate people not to do certain things, so those ideas do not come to them.

You cannot outlaws certain things "Its translucent, SO COOL!" you are born in it, you do not impose that the rest of the humanity to accept that with a consequence label, or told, or learn from. Some of those ancient doctrine should be endow and in mind.

... Black Ops will have a Fire Department, they confiscate anything Alienate nature or that supposed to be FBI or CIA jobs. Not Black Ops, but I am sure...those junk yard sale on their Fire Department unit Wall lists, its exactly as long as every regular civillian Fire Department, how the world trend ends on ....every junk yard sale/sell.

You probably don't know what is the junk yard sale other than the Hallo Kitty Offices....that would be few understand that words, what is the junk yard sale, piles up in the entire room, nothing but junks.

Just by the expiration date meant.....print on the label, "That is not exactly what it says at."

Does a material science has an expiration date?

Yeah?! See when this things melt inside the microwave, by definition, the expiration does not require to change form, or deformed, or dis-coloring, or concave in, or curve, or bend, or ought in.

Volleyball, how you see or blinding blind.....up


Is Knift Material Science? Yes. Is Ice Material Science? Chemistry melting points = mp. Boiling point short in B.P.

Then is the Ice Knife material Science? Yes.

Is air-conditional material science? Blinds, individual component are all machinary invention, you assemble them to become individual air-conditioning, dryer, or washer. But technicaly all those individual parts are your hardware store = your trailer hook behind your SUV going on a farmer's market.

Is high volumn washing machine material science? Facet, or holder, handler, individual parts.

Do you patent each individual parts? Most things you are getting somewhere, you cannot patent at, there is an industry standard on each cm, or mm (miller meter), in other words, no one else producing it in the massive scales. 

Is those surrounding banner like the bank sponsor, those cloth material science? See if you burn, or soak water, or sticker. There are different texture of things you wish the people's eyes seeing through the TV are catching, not de-flects light, so no one see the color, or the glossy emit light right at your eyes, you need blinds? There is a standard they will tell you its universal that is what you do, in order to become one of those commerical.

I show you.


On that left, that is a glossy Printing Station they print out in Orillia, you technically walking into a print shop like Office Depot, they do that for you. That is one poster.


Is the Ice Skater turn, rotate, spin on the ground, those are?

Physics laws. Physics, you use physics define each measurement, in velocity, force, vector of these force combine to end a result of the body lean towards...on the foot, on the forward, or you fall on the ice.

So the movies: Ice Princess says were true?

True! uh...but I don't think the trainer or the coach are derive from the material science department, that movie was saying a high school student using her textbook to come out a solution. Whatever the equation on those notes. Normally if the Movie industry dare to do that, they check those facts already.




Babaji: Go

Why is NASA focus on the material science, not the Aero space projects like those Black Ops human?

Anything outside your physical body, including your opening up your eyes to how your 4 limbs landing inside a room control temperature or the humidity are based upon some technology.

These technology break down, one of that branch will be the Material Science.


Simon met Nominji or the Dolphin girls, Anita never met Simon...the Sky saying a penis going in that mongolian the birds on the roof top their way....going to England.

External Mongolian.

Shut up!

It got bend down.

💞💖 You organize your brain chemistry, how balance you seeing yourself life ahead of you, then you plan on your love life, after ....you can help the guys losing wieght, you yourself 20 to 40 pounds, and you have a near by person going out in the next 5 years saying how the life being organize, not disorder like your own room 💞💖

To that extent, you feeling yourself having hope.

Health, how you feel

Love, venturing some market research. You learn about it. 

You define yourself how long this relationship gonna last, in months, in years. You know yourself how well you handle a guy's situation. You prefer to stay home, you really meant it, going out for what? 3 months rental, and coming back home again?

You oriented yourself with that tackle sheets. Formost you feeling good about yourself, you can have more friends and attention or something other people reward you the make-up, you feeling its some photo waist line below can be seen? 

When you secure your own life, with a goal, do you wish any guy just intrude your life, like losing your entire life plans? What plans are that?

When you focus on your own life, settle things so that 65 years, coming to that retirement bank account, you wish his and yours are even on the games, when you saying Love?

You know what you wishing others don't do to you, you first make it? Forget it about this loving attention photo shoot, what? 2 mins?

You getting an escort human like....in Asia we have those guys groups too. Not just the girls. Its just for that time, what time, the facebook having one photo? 

Your university Major

What did you plan on your own life, in that domain you going out and work to make a real paychecks every 2 weeks?

Every 2 weeks, you will be seeing a check coming into your mail, that is a fix situation you getting that per months, to per yearly, before April 15th in America, you have to file the tax.

When you decide to own a home, that roof in America sometimes will need to change if you live in the winter cold snow. There are a lot of expense, if you don't have a saving, you practically have no life. Zero life.

Food, Car, Gasoline, electric grid.

Do you see that number going up, or you need to get the second jobs? So shape yourself up.

You cannot make someone's enemy every second when they showing up. People know it from reading those books, and 1+1 =2 becomes the sequence?

Everyone getting in between each other advantage, everyone saying a different story to suit itself convinience?  You don't make it in this world, that small tiny zone of the boys or the guys, you will NEVER ever be heard anywhere, any other existence guys no matter what.

Guys are selfish, they have a certain liking, and most time you stay far away from them all including not in thought, not in plots, forgotton this entire human beings, they will even in their gut feeling know it, its you or not you.

No matter how you believe it they are just like that.

Do you calculate your yearly expense this far? How you must have a realistic attitude? Law Officer technician require a liscense? You have the course works, you kidnap the government on the movie saying and make it?

Two Weeks Notices?

You had a Gexico Insurance Telephone pole human jobs, picking up the phone. Not your resume?

🌟🌟 I asked my cousin name Julia a littie bit about herself. You are way older than her, do you wish to know how her situation like from me. 🌟🌟

This is a genuine phone calls. I know there are situation, so I kinda of asking her parents if she wish to participate. I am not sure she grows taller yet.

A playlist

🌟🌟 Which guys are on your list for this Sailor Moon Anna's books? 🌟🌟

You pick two guys, and find a way, yellow book or a number to call, listen to the real voice of someone, whom could reply you.

You says

1)  Here is the post (last post) Anna says I look exactly just like no meaning of it to this story or any story.

2) I want the money advantage, so you are here listening to me why I called. This is a straight forward says, not a game play. I know you know all that. So I wish you to give me a call back.

I make a list of all these straight forward conclusion you might already guessing it yourself, what I am. I wish to have one phone conversation. I get myself prepare on a several days on this. I make a website, in case that is still very private, you can check it out the list, I make a profolio or the situation I wish to take an advantage of it.

You girls dream to be on the photo art, and the video....this is the time where you thought about your diet, green juice, fruit juice, checking on the Amazon some nutritional values books? Library has free those diets manuel. You cannot get rid of some eating habits, that doesn't mean you steady pace makes a hasty? Life doesn't fair on, if you focus on yourself, everything else don't matter that much anymore.

Your health

Your money

Your situation....

Do you want to host some what younger than you students, you telling me, if I Anna will go and get jealous over that CADS students because they are younger?

You cannot go and tear apart your own family younger kid, they have more faces than you are. You fosters some souls like your own religion, I don't have a religion, I have a cult, remember?

If you hate every human face in front of you, no matter its coming in, more competitive, younger girls, technically you just hate the guys from 1 to 1 zillions, so you suppose to make these girls comfortable, you going to get them near you...you could help them, you could lift them, for whichever resources you have, or your intention, or your purpose, you know what your life purpose suppose to be to make yourself happy. Not snatching all this attention, to stand there bimbo for 2 second on the Sailor Moon outfit?

You sure you doing things on your self center forces, or you meant its your popularity stands itself how to own this Comic Story alone?

I never see myself having a problem going in, going out of the story just like the snap of the finger really....

Its just a...children literacy books called the comic books.

What you wish to do, its you wish the world emphasize that storyline to magnify its effect as if that really have any meaning at all. Just by looking at you, you have zero meaning but waiting for you to open up your mouth.

In 30 years.

That was 90s, yeah, the China One (Fold) - Cullinary


oh ~ that is what you do? You have more than one human behind? A classroom with the mirror, meaning like NSYNC those dancing studio indoor Florida compound......

You can see yourself, I mean. Through the mirror.

Mine only have this first day = last day, always on the emergency landing, I am telling you.

When would be the last time I play volleyball?

I highly doubt you all so humility running deep....why life has to go an attack?!

Using your 4 limbs are so difficult other than the princess outfit, has to be a high heel and long flying skirts, make those pearl on the hairs, how you keep them there?

Do I Anna know what is the volleyball rule?

... You should visit my High school, they have a culture of that 25 room class under One Class year, so there are 3000 girls in one school, separate in different building, but there are volleyball court culture, always.....shown legs short pants.

🍇💞 Did I ever tell you 2014 it was the year how to gossip sounds like....19 Annie like Anita, you know that Victoria Secret, she says on the newspaper she wants to have Keanu Reeves baby? The real revelation to me that time, in my vision, first year I ever have a ....inner ability, I say to everyone, she or them.....heard Simon got engaged! How strange that is ...its 19 like Simon, but the height so much difference

You do know Keanu Reeves has an Anita ends up on the Painting like those Sandra Bullock human at? 

Da Vinci Painting


You know....how I forgot what it was. The Cinderalla 2022, they want to have that Food writer book's baby. Its the money money money what stuffs say, and Simon becomes their Kings, or that Actor, he just looks like Simon has a crown in his hand, to ring bells like a drum. We used that in Asia. its called 鈴鼓 = Bell or Ring Drum.

Do you know that Real Love (SMCH) plots was an Elsa kissing her ex german husband with a economic financer current bf? You know how that Obama Venus flower shop Justin Timberlake cannot stop the feeling, saying what its the Self portrait on his wife? The first Lady, it was Elsa.

Yesterday we conclude there are 2 set exactly the same character books.

And there is a fire place exactly like my memory install 25 years ago. That story of the every edition was starting with a wedding proposal, to how she ran away to the New venturing guy ending up at Shanghai or India.

Because the story meant its neither one of those 2 guys can be dead.  

Or +1, the last page.

You other girls and the gala session....where? Washington D.C?


How about you listen to me one advice.....don't use your hotel card key, like that piece of the card. It happens a lot. From your hotel venue to the real ball room ground, or the...destine places, I dont know if that is just as easy as the downstairs. In case they make you take a taxi with your perfect appearance.....just listen to Riley's advice, don't lost that hotel card.


UK, that looks the persian, that one girl caming in saying to all of us Asian, she met a celebrity in the car on the street be taken the best dinner at....she looks exactly like her.

I know you girls don't care about this work, but I am too lazy independent human, can just tell one of those choosen video I find them, to set up another "They use my design in their separate desk" (they making the money of that rental) to ship and pack, and cut my design. I don't need to learn anything but that sending my graphs to. 

I tell them they can copy certain methods if they learn, on their own products, but you ship my products order when they coming in. How easy is that.

Long time ago, you might be so American culture, you wish to be on the Television or some kinds of cover. That body shape, and the skin cares....have to come with some price. Mostly are diet, not just the cosmetic.

You are so basic lossen, I don't even talk about the plots anymore.


This kind of the food doesn't have any nutrition in it....you are eating that everyday already with the instant noodles or you are ready to find out how the Asian cheese are made for? 

The nutrition means like the fruits = vitamin C, or some kinds of dissolve Vitamins ACDK? That is your middle class textbook, there are only certain kinds of the water-dissolving vitamins.

You have the vegetable green, not so dead cooked, but some what cooked, and washed, without the pesicides? How do you process the green? How did you kill the pesiside eggs? 

What you seeing these are not very very digestible in your GI track. Not at all.

Do you mind !!!! You targeting the real human, which human is this? He is not here.....何家慶 ~~~you know those bench company always hire the every year new 23 years old. I didn't need it 5 years ago, I may not need next 5 years, but it might be 10 years later I need the 23 years old?

Every guy you have to train them to sound like, "You know what I had this movie theater next by the cotton candy, if not purple or bluish, its the milk candy in the box 30 years ago, that was when I grew up, not when you growing up? Its in 7-11! Its camel flavor meaning brown ~~~you know how this camel flavor becoming the every chocolate the assort variety? Its on the label saying artificial~~"

