Lawsuit 236: Regards to me Anna Jao personally got found with the UB 5 Lords responding to the Hollywood, this one case.

Date: May 26th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Dean may not look right to the MD skillful workers. But he is looking right something like Hockey, or that Greek Mythology literacy in vocal out the words in the Evolutionary Biology.

Its when people cared about the Lords or the generally speaking, your every friends from the facebook, its what they stay there, you kinda given them back a life hope, you just genuinely do that as a girl. Pink color, means nicely done? When you foster or nourish an environment, to hope everyone grow together, the UB its an educational sector to when they select their honor program students. 

To how they all ended up on my facebook, if I knew there is such a big deal to even get this far today we open a civilization on singing talents all of them, well....To care about your friends, not to be that needie greedie, and just respects that your educational institution, I still believe that Class has its own merits to how it was put it together nicely. No matter we are Ivy League or not, those are not relevant. Its how happy, and one day how stable, calmly, to maturely evolve with their family one day.

I hope many of you hear what I say. Its not the expectation to expect someone does, or becoming. You yourself can just lead and wait patiently, to when their English speaking words to grow out of the A, and B, then C? Fallacy.....

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