

Babaji: Go

2014 I saw one of that


You don't have food? Isn't I make how much food in 2018-2020? 我去一下 Mia C'Bon


13 and 19 花千骨 I see that now! 是說哪一個東方吃飯飯? 怎麼會這樣? ( Flower Thousand Bone 13 and 19 Episode, oh Dear God)

東方吃一頓飯,他就死了意思? 哪個東方? 我覺得他們長的很像~所以他們離婚的意思! 

13 到 19 是 六 ....你們是說我那個時候功力喪盡的意思? 霍建華你是哪壺不提提哪壺? 

這種東西有時候是要去把哪個印度五百歲給輾出來,天空,動物呀 ! 就是不是有一個影片他有一把劍, 這種東西很荒唐 ... 你們現在講一個人還是一整個東方? 那不一樣呀 ! 

尊上我一個人可以死,你們不能一整片東方不見呀! 他徒弟是哪種事情叫做擺在聖經上面~他人呢? 

對意思ˋ就是說前面後面,尊上跟妹妹可以死,子歇可以死,東方那個人可以死,不是一整片東方全死了那種 ...東方吃骨頭的飯? 



是說誰不會煮菜的意思? 趙儷影? 

Its my name? Things are not cooked? 東西沒熟? 我的名字? 你們的電鍋東西沒有熟嗎 ?

我好像是做尊上~霍建華? @!!!!!!!!!



I didn't listen much, until recently. I responsed. 小鬼小和尚在講你們~我在講你們


You mean the Chinese Little Kids and Little Monks I did on that Web 2.0? They are very rotton. I think...it supposed to be the orphan but there are other older age of them. Its funny, its been almost 1 year pass to almost 6 months, I don't have any expectation what they will ever becoming ....Probably I expecting them to be happy and so small tiny, I probably more meant they initial a conversation or a talk, like having someone kinda exist, they have one extra person to talk to. In that life coming to them growing up...one person they get going to knowing, when they decide to run away, at least give me a call when they touch the wall no more ends.

What I really planning to do, like I explain that Web 2.0 concept in the Librarian Science and Infomatics, its that they get farmiliar from Youtube, to Google Blogger, to Pinterests, to Facebook, to Linkedin. To some people those are not intuitive. Many kids or in order to make a lot of money, they go on those night market, setting up a space, and they starting very young, very tired, very drain out, and given up the school, in order to gain the monitization gains. When people are naturally drown that needs to the Web 2.0, the dynamic learning its multi-media centered. Those words are more in the University where you seeing the resources are distributed. They may not be aware right now what are those. But one day, if they meeting someone whom are not in that space and time, things will get edge, just not right now. They have a very common neutral language.

Steve Jobs has mentioning at his preparation works like he used to doing this NeXT Up educational field, like 80s 90s...before he returns to Apple, that there is some kinda of the intutitive design he later incorperated into every patent things he draw out them for. Nick and I used to have no kids, but he has 2 grand kids. Their entire school...well, because we might be imagine we are so far away from the school years, mine were at Asia, they were in Canada. One kid, one family union, one festivity Moon festival, One Holiday Whom so wish to get together, they have every 2 cents what they know, and that one kid, Alyssa, she probably download me 10 apps, if her phone were 30 apps. Seriously. Those were the bracket for the Small Justin (Bieber) on the Victoria Secrets. The dynamic of the interaction one to one learning curve, to that distant learning through the Internet, the opportunity of that Web 2.0 are endless, through these software they download. I have no ideas what they download, what music they put it on, but they have classmate, friends, they exchange those information on their phone device. You will hear all kinds of things from them, when they show up.

oh ~ The love in the foot of the wiring to that touch? those....the infinite dream of the impossible, I rather put in that context...Meaning Zawanna those garbage human. Some guys gettinig to those 4 limbs exists context/concepts, they become....airy in head obnaustic...psycho, just because they are taller, jump or leaping higher like Dean. They does those things as if the natural selection of the height, the muscle tones to that language only they knew, or well known...just like say, garbage human belongs to that well fed, perfect world they created. I don't believe those filling in the air makes a great couple theory, in those far away remote.....dreaming states. But you have nice hair done today.

Its a quarter after 6 ...what I gonna do? The Earth heat just burn down everything, that is how we live here....

星據點比較大,比較貴,好樂迪便宜呀 ! 這東西叫做我拿了飲料回去就在隔壁,這星據點我每一次就是撈五的飲料


台北警察局第一分局的隔壁就是中國醫藥,是中醫不是美國那種 Medical Board

其實差不多~~ 他們其實就在隔壁! 我做公車就直接抵達,好樂迪便宜呀 ! 而且我只需要那些東西進去就出來....星據點你們好像還有人去扮裝什麼的!

You know that Climate Change I talked in the Kararoke, its more than two tapes on the Youtube 你們知道那個天氣氣候我在星據點講了不只兩個影片在 Youtube

 I don't think I need 4 hours in those places. What day is today? Today its Saturday.



好樂迪靠近台北警察局第一分局那邊有 Buffet 耶~你們現在吃那邊都是全部包~還是我沒有去過你們吃肉食的吃到飽? 我每一次去星據點幹嘛 ? 

算數 = calculate math

天氣氣候 = climate change


That actually are boring, I sit there, one line per line repeating out loud, just saying it out loud, what can that anything at all?

現在愛家 ( The current Loving Hut, what are you eating? ) 你們現在吃呷咪? 有個新的愛家,我大概知道在哪裡!



The vegetarian things I don't really eating those Steak flat, how do you say, its a piece of flat steak, or Tofu.


松德店還在? That one its near 101, I know what that at....still there? 

是很昂貴,可是這東西很多耶! 晚餐? 這東西怎麼吃下去?


霍建華!!!!!! 嗨~你閒完沒? 這每一集如果就是一個 funding 你把政府的錢變成我的錢,叫做我應該存在的錢錢~減肥~叫做這到底幾個小時在 gym? 你可不可以寫好我的錢?

我是沒有記得當初亞當他講他跑多少 miles?

I don't remember? Miles on field tracks? 你如果開始前面寫,後面寫,你有個新聞今年叫做錢錢,我其實比較在乎錢,這所有可以撈錢的 mechanism 你有沒有覺得人生除了一張臉皮,不是站在那邊擺給別人看而已?

叫做 Proposal 寫到錢真的出現? 叫做你人生了無心事?

Money from the Government.


是說小穎的丈夫? 長的很像~!

你怎麼變成花千骨? 誰是兇丫頭?


Its 7 years? They are making a new movie version of "Flower Thousand Bones", by which Taiwan Actor ?

7 years?

" 因略顯嬰兒肥 "


我其實原本是在看吃飯的東西~我沒有要看完全部,這 ...怎麼長得很奇怪 ...霍建華,你應該是公司有人把那個中國 Pavillion 的事情給看了~你是哪個東西存在?

我的錢存在叫做因為你的關係 ...這種叫做越走越遠~我很累 ... 

我每一天都在做這種 redundant things 嗎 ?

Okay I addinig that description of the Belt Pepper

Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, salt, Black pepper.

I didn't add the sugar, no, I didn't. Usually this things kinda like Aspagarus, black pepper and salt in the BBQ grilled? If you are more White People world oriented, Italian or probably American are the White people? They don't eat this I guess. The Italian, you ask them what do they do. I put the parsley, that is no taste, but you will see the mix in the end of the presentation. Its some lighter dish on the side. I am more wishing a Mono Diet? So this will always be side dishes.

(Is there a lemon in the BBQ asparagus?) 


Frozen 1 - Chocolate Scene.

No, I don't really eating the chocolate. So long ago....In UB. That ruin my brain cannot work on the tests?


You like books?

In the wild of the nature....some books of the children literacy you will find a color of 5 - flower.

Like Magallana 5 fruits he to delivers his mother. 

In one of those murdering gerne or adventure, there is a girl has the 7 color of the eyes, in 90s those Japanese comic books. I don't remember what that is.

What happened to those story, of the choice....One Father your entire life, or a beast?

How handsome that he is, to the greyish hair fallen father?

Someone pass by....

If that is the world you coming from, you determine going back?

Its just you and the beast, all you ever staring at...the face means to you everything.

Karen, sometimes you staring at a desk, might just all you ever needed....you don't know what you start. No one know what they starting life.

You sitting there, you have a brain, just keep looking and staring in front of you, its a room of you spent hours in there, since your graduation at UB?

You sittinig in the cubical life at works?

I never had a work anymore, CADS those are long table open air room? Not cubical?

But my Youtube Business it my own desk.

💖💝🌭You Karen started at 5 Weeks....Every Friday night 6-10. 6 to 8, you break a cup of milk and 8-10. 💖💝🌭🍝

What do you do, I don't care what you do. You just sit on your own desk, you have a room desk, you have photo album, you have those display best friend photo.

We used to have photo?

You sit there, doing nothing 4 hours sound likes you are grounded.

Karen, life is not always what other people telling you what to do so you follow. There is a desk, sit on that. That's it.


My napping time.

Babaji: Go

So CAC its the detaintion center? oh ~~ How would I ever know it! Look~~!!

 Do you realize every New Life....for example UB was a brand new start?

That told to CAC, were your everything New Start? To when one day, some friends gathered, to 2018, a brand new revelation?

To when that Ancient Chasez revealing my secrets?

You got told to to do things in the phase of your growing age, from stage 1 to stage 2, to stage 3, your hearts going up and down....as your both parents watching you harshly. 

You cannot make your own life decision and your attention to that you afraid you making a mistake again.....So one day your parents not here anymore, whom you should listen to?

No, it looks like to me, your parents watching you from the start to the finish.

You tired of them? They are strong, what you gonna do without them, their personality, to hold that strong things you shouldn't be doing and learn your own life lesson?

You can listen to me what I tell you.

Forget your Friday for the rest of your life even before your parents pass away, these long days and hours, make it.

Your eyes are flashy, most of time, Karen. You are not sure.....too many things, that is not a growing up women ought to be doing things. What is sure, and what is not sure.

Life skills, and the professional language. Many adult continuation education learning, they go to Eben those seminar, or Craig. You polish your language, your self posture, you stand, you open your mouth talk, to every Friday 20 years before your parents gone. What you built up, you will also feeling fine when they are not there with you anymore.

The Suze lady says the Student loans, and your credit cards debts?

How do you get your credit cards debts? 

No, I don't have neither. I finish that student loans in 2010. I told everyone the same things on my FAFSA.

I know how nick pays things, always that Tony, but they are family, he always saying that....the same thing all the time, he is his son.

So does your girls not just criminal mind enstall....like the Secrets saying, and that is small Justin Bieber? He is like Zac Effron at his age bracket and you have no saving at all? Your saving only happens, when you finish off your credit cards debts or the student loans.

Local family of those High School Prom human in Kentucky, many have their parents business like the local hotel, or the local restaurant like Kentucky Fried Chicken....burning down on the insurance money.....

They always saying those things. They high school graduates, and they yield like 2 or 3 kids, per family household. Never grow out of the college standing....

That guy is Scott....In the Video.

If you knew your friends are forcing into a very high expense College all of them....and you insist to glue on them, by the age of 40 years old, if you try outting, you are first divorcing groups of the 40 years old women. Meaning a 40 years old, divorced women on the credit cards debts and the student loans.

(The birds saying so much things now. )

You watching the Movie: Heart Break Kids, yet...? 

Telling everyone in CAC including Dennis watching together and google doc on gossip behind? You don't care about the reality, you only care about the fame, glorious moment of keep Vola....as the Star breaking Heart. A 40 years old...hair still intacts? 

You value yourself too high....

You swear you will never learn, I am pretty sure your parents live with that, knowing that, aging on that. Eye dimmer each night Friday Walking out? Fun?

Anna its on her monitor making great viewing, every hour.

You are on the street right now, or I imagine, you still have a room to go back to, so you have a per Friday Evening on touring this...back up plans, sneaky into their own home, when your parents no longer exist?

All the High School friends betrays you...and none of us knowing you have a background until that day. I was not registering how bad the things were, the first time hearing that, until now seeing a 400 million debts.

For the winning reasons you decide to marry to Chris, and your parents consent that? Or that is just a fake photo shooting since everyone on my facebook might be all fake it?

You went to jail? 

Do you see a lot of people if they have to become the professional women, they cannot open their mouth, making you feel, you are a junk, they don't want to talk to you?

You hate about everything to everyone right now?

How do you ever self discipline a New Brand Life?

💖 You know because of my teeth, Dean the OD human, that broken the Sea Food? 💖 I cannot really eating all this Taiwan local if the friends gathers, to where they go about in the summer....Not really. But I am not seeing them anyway.

There is nothing I can eat cold....

Does that spell me something about icy, or cold, or the body on health?

I eat the vegan coconut ice cream, small tiny. Or they mean very Fat? These Icy products?

I go to eat

Babaji: Go

I don't really know what is this movie again? I seen it like 9 long years ago....

I almost thought that might Trump's name. My mother just told me what, his first wife die on the fallen the stairs, all by herself. He has like 3 wifes, and my TV says he is joining the election again.

Every time I saw his name, I thought the Bible, many time....do they do that on purpose? Something interval, to telling me... what I did...

All I ever do....

Like the revelation of the those number digits days or Time. Remember? I keep thinking, my brain IQ its too low to understand politics. 

oh ~~~ this set up, on the listing of the girls?

I remember the white house First Lady, on the Christmas Trees all over....that would be similar like the first wife of the first daughter, they are best friends? 

I am telling you the public education on the Women's education, on the Average standing, if you all girls just open up your mouth to go and talking right at that Eben's best friend now....I mean it, you were 9 years ago.

I was not born yet.....is that what it is?

And the trumpet sounds TWICE!

The reality of the American finance its a real capitalism right? I think that is very very dangerous, if you don't work, and keep a paycheck, and manage a business, or somehow having that mind, you have to mingle to some larger extent...meaning the mature person having a mature talk to everyone, not every customers coming in, "You HATE them"?

Day checks by checks, you mean if you work for 40 years, or 50 years, since 20 years old? And American 401 K has a pension right? My mother told me both her aging friends her classmate from America, has that set up at their jobs. But they don't change their jobs, one of them did, but she works in the University killing mices.

Is that a lot of the pension per monthly, some money in your bank always best when you aging, but you saying you work til you are 70 years old? 

Lowering down to the guy's head, to make a decent 3 meals, clean the entire houses, clean up the finance, and be smart in every occassion, you having an attention gluey mechanism, to focus on your own business, to take those things off balance of your life, to say...Healthy?

And do you go finding this one Suzzy girl on used to be I watching her show in Taiwan, on American nothing but she talks about 401 K? You have a lot of debts issues.

No, I check my principle. those investment doesn't yield that much in total, so just saying the principle, I think I might have a chance Eben would say, more than your bank account money in US dollar sign. 

No I am serious.

I started in 2020. 

No one knows what the comic books saying, why grouping having a story? You mean those classify mateirals?

When your mother's age, right now...whom like my mother, or like my father

My mother 64 and my father 72. They always telling me, they start to receiving those death certificate mailing letter to join one of those either its their friends, or they hearing their next by people their relative or friends dying news. 

Do you ever ask your parents they like reading these kinds of the books, graphic, with the color or black and white? Like a comic or amine, is that the english better words?

Right now, you hate each other, I already saying that gazillion time. That ending of Tiny 4.0.

The very ending....of that Tiny 4.0 by 楊冪 that scene would be means to you in which days of the Time in hours? 

So the only thing I need you to do right now, its save your ass, you cooking now, or formula a correct ebook, or some recipe of ultimate secrets of every household, because that market is already long time ago saturated.....

You can save yourself old age, you still have to cook yourself 3 meals a day 7 days a week, never turn on the heating too cold....

The one gonna getting the ultimate lawsuit, you will probably go to jail, bankcrupt fine, and ends up, still one day...at whichever cold places....shelter.

Too hot...I cannot wake up !

Its how you all knowing yourself how to committing crime before anything else, how to make that rich wealthy more more more life!

People go to jail for that. 

Not just go to hell.

This is next by her Gift of Love

How short your evolution ever want to be?

I have gone to a commercial kitchen that my mother's friends they are old, and making bread.

I don't think Eben and I going to be really consuming that much of bread. And I am not sure what exactly he eats at his diets to say....well, in case they are the party food. It can save a lot of finance, if you girls just really learning the cooking skills at home.

In Taiwan. I went to see things.

越南小尼姑組是決定好~誰要變成頭冠的意思? 就是誰要大咖? 小女孩的那類小尼姑還是又是你們鼎鼎大名的越南小尼姑是也?

這東西重作是說...你們跟中國說一聲 before 你們重作,還是你們偷偷在後面做?


電影叫做 :金髮尤物,是說姊妹會在哈佛之前~是大學還是研究所之前~是學校之內的姐妹會,這到底在講個什麼鬼東西!!!你們是說我先死了~之後你們姊妹會嗎 ?


Did you guys go to the first time in Pizza Plant? Chicago Style Double cheese Pizza thickness? On Transit!

The way how you guys eat, you girls could just making one hell of the pizza, and that 365 days those human live on ...Pizza!

I wonder when I was in Dr. Chambler's TA class, I brought the bread in, I am very sure Bill and Patrick seen it...I got flunk it the moment I start to generate bread, that is what they are saying it?

Going on a date, you want to be shoot the photo from the Pappazotti ~!!!


💖💝🌭🍝🍱🍣🍤 Figure it out One person walking into a room, and feel like you how to proceed yourself to that One Room? 💖💝🌭🍝🍱🍣🍤

How you present yourself?









I go to walk.

Babaji: Go

I just saw the frozen 1 inside a bit, the Love Expert?

These images means so the hell to you. Money and times it’s racing the two different direction? 

When you wish to make something has a meaning especially you say so, you put money sign on top, it will have a meaning. 

If you busy deliver the human like your own parents sibling, not envy they become better than you ….

Wishing others well the first thing at the heart. A decent human means? Your own exit door. 

Let’s say one world, no one knows whom I Anna is, I walking in ….i personally don’t do these things but now you becoming everyone not suppose to be themselves just like you full of mouth you be yourself God loves anyway?


Division of the worlds are separated. 


I go to sleep

Babaji: Go


Why is Youth Babaji a ghost? He is so sticky.... You mean the holy ghost, the tears? What tears?

...His tooth hurt? 

妲己? Next that guy.

She is not the biggest things, but ...she is not that small tiny things neither. 

I don't really want to talk about this things whatever Reptilian saying to you, were probably exactly meant that. You profanity on the affection of that pulling and pushing the heart forces to that grasping adult's attention, from a man, from a women. That height really really really bothering you the heel.

I cannot even tell the difference. If the guy's opinion of views meant to you at deep cores of your heart. Ask them if they know you are dwarf. Everything. Knowing clearly 1000% its only better for you. Not less....you don't face the reality, you face the jail? 

A lot of things, between a guy and a girl, just saying it to them. Their brain dead or something, they will let you know what they feel as the guy. If they being honest. I think they decently enough, should be.

You breaking the precept the moment you hop on. There is no ends to the ending of it. Now I rule, so I say go ahead. There is a clawn, you could clearly sees, not you. 

Friday night at 12...I go to sleep.

I watch the carpet, the human face, the all these music production human you wish to participate, they are over. No more. Its just one stage performance.

I am not there. That time I am not.

There is no competition in this world. None.

You get all your premise wrong.


Mahavatar Babaji never says he is looking for a disciple as far as I know, I don't understand why you all automated, automatically mouth jobs saying...he needs one, he needs ten, as if you are so loyalty, to become so full of Vola moments.

Tell me what you are so proud of knowing him? Which Babaji?


Human suffering of your water tape water bill.....uhm...Ranch ...all of them having one Ranch, I say no more security, and the court say you have security or not?


Wasting my life, wasting my time.

What else?

I am asking your all pretending he is your Master what else.

The youth Babaji jump on me....you scared of your movie ghost gerne to searching for money, or after life? Its when togetherness to pray candel light sounds like the wall festivity, to Vola the Light on electricity.

And? ( is he my age? This entity?)

Biting his teeth. Home alone basement? Skull teeth? His teeth quite visible in line and marks....

One break. That's humor, that is for me to pick it up?

He can pick it up himself. You mean fake ghost house? Haunted house? I don't know what that is.

Eating its a mouth jobs, close your mouth and eat!

 I don't see, I don't hear, I don't bother to call....why I care to....become aware of what?

Do you want to just say it your mouth jobs, how to make everyone bend to you, as if you trying to make me? Write it down, piece by piece, I answer you.

You still don't understand that part? I didn't disappear, but you can.

Your proudness will shredding your own spirits, in souls pieces, to thousand millions parts, one day to cease of that existence of the human merits, since you knowing it well....Human body is not sacred to develop anything God says so.

Its Chinese says anyway. 

I think Babaji  meant I 

He meant I didn't explain it very well, at all....

What is that I don't explain very well, per second you open daring your mouth one word wrong.

That is every karma you create per second per thoughts, per word, per seeing, mind, body, thought, inside, outside.

You don't make it, that is your wastinig the human birth time. So many quotes Master teaching, you don't read, hear, so, loving it? 

I mocking you, so there are skills shows up, not that ever will be the competitive figure skates, you so dreaming about....whom care about that stuffs?

There is not one thing, I care.

Not one thing.


🥭🥭 Why you care about your 2 cents mouth jobs, on argumentative, glory, fame.....talkative household name? Great Politics to mumble your mouth? 🥭🥭 Say it.

I don't really care about it, long ago, that verdict its done.

You dare to open your mouth, I wonder why. 

You have no precepts in life, to fear God. To Fear....Life in itself. Whom give you that confident, that as long as the precepts does not exist, that Bible will exist?

Tell me? 

Its fun to open your mouth with the tongue, its fun to party food, its fun to noisy all around, its fun there is people passing by, its fun fun fun the air of that stirs, stuttling the sparkly wine and time in meditation?

Tell me.....

What is your religtion, you are so so so proud of your mouth jobs?

Everything got it wrong, and? At the court? 

That 2 cents anymore proudness, why don't you kneel there don't bother getting up.....If I were you.

I need some time talking to Babaji.

He says its the Final Judgement.

🌮🌮🥮 Coco she went famous, one day becoming the Medical School students. ....🌮🌮🥮

So many these implication how the Medical Boards withstands the legal forces.... meaning what is your fantasy again? I cannot understand it.

Is that to do with Simon Cowell = Westinghouse, next by Tesla

But why is it Tesla's best friends its....the murderer....Whom? He has so many best friend. 

How does Tesla die again? Through the Nose equal God's calling....the breath of air....

His friend did what? Pushing or singing, or wining dead....I don't remember.

-   -

0 0

C l UB

Is this required painting skills? Highlighter? why don't I just wait til Eben shows up, he shows me his research productivity....Wake up?

So you Ola thinkiing how you would die?

A radio host, has 2 gf, one of that horror death to his memory murdered by....a guy, hide her out. Second girl friends its the beautiful Star, big eyes, and glorious!

Its the show I think right after The Day You Found Out (Extraordinary You)

The show's name = That Man's memory methods. 

They have no blood relation...on the table talks.

She in case brought so many clothing coming to change it anyway....

This beginning angle, looks like Wing.

I think there is another show in between, the triangle....????

That year I had nothing but watching TV.

All these movies validate you can imagine, you can visualize, you can prove reading, your own creation of your reality.

I got nothing ! Zero, Void....

Someone wants to go to the classify crossing to knock on ET door?


Like each individual name?

Does 7-11 selling the Waffle sticks? 小瓜呆 That is not the English?

Roll Wafer.....I think its in Mia C'bon, what day is today? Friday! 

You can keep 10 mins attention on....

Whom is whom? I don't think that is their hair color !

It is strange what all these things looks.....just like my architecture outside, some building has these advertisement, I almost thought I live in a different world. 

Today I want to have the pizza,, instead, I have the rice and Lychee.

To Tu ga....its ....an island

If they just testify really, that ET exists, that might be just telling me straight, you lie all the way, 194 country every lyrics, memorizing music sounding make? ET makes music? Singing to your souls....oh my God.

oh MY GOD!

Because you can, "We can!", you willing, you dare, you really willing and dare! b

Bet on it! 

That is a School, safe, sound, encave, inside a school, that has a principle, probably just everyone can talk to, for the wise consel as long as you just LISTEN!\

What do you choose to do? Keep doing it. 

"Because you are not smart enough, sweetie."

You should have incarve at your heart, knowing that every degree....the End means. It won't be on Earth, but it will End.

You want to get competitivness....well, let me tell you how Zawanna's world works. Its similar like here, the political riots its right in front of the Royal's eyes, but there are division that separate the 2.

You insist to live outbound, where the human chi its not around.

You insist you using those air float car to sounds like growing the vegetable home finally, you making your dream living like America.


You hit each other on those One Direction Amusement Park car...fun fun fun.

One day you die.

That's it.

That world you don't have to die, but you died, the end of the stories. And that freedom you choose it.....its everything wrong that no one teaching you in this world, its EVERYTHING WRONG WRONG and you proud of the left wing, smaller farmer in-hygenic growing methods.

Your nature when you get there, becoming ....so wild. Its every freedom just like here and more. And you mistaken every words not listening to the Greater one, whom heed you every tiny words saying. You don't make it, why don't you make it? 

The State of California, you walking around before? The hospital or the competitiveness of their brain functioning very different ....Your Games of Thrones, you have to feed the argrulcuture first....

You like to make a point to your parents....

Input some of your subtleness, gentleness, knowledge, and 2 cents points sounds like you wise at that Bible saying, at all.....to that garbage things inside your mind to make a point.....

Do you want to go and collecting your greater wonder of the songs, from anywhere but here, meaning America has so many songs, you cannot share it?

🥭 Bunny? oh She SMCH doesn't like to be anything other than bunny? 🥭 God's will?~ You mean the climate change, might be everything. I don't know

Its just by my mood...when I am one way, the other way. You put a celestial calendar on the Sky, you really wish people to go to hell?

I will tell you, its everything but me going to hell. 

You know America its democratic...whatever you guys doing there, its one side of eye...and China its communism, where situate this eyes....

You see the maps or not? 

I didn't say I come and bothering you all there for that Hollywood Business, I am minding my own business....Communism its where the Ultimate Power of....every technology development, harvesting enough food, improven water sewing system, from the city to the rural

China a lot of the rural places are still very very very bad.....

Trying to be the bunny....

I always say, some destine, staying....in the local community.

Try Everything - Official Video 


Metropolian, this Video saying the Hunger Game, one day, if you ever arrive, are cold places everywhere. You won't like it the central power. To that many few people knew the Artitech plans of the ultimate Top Power.

To that degree where you bound to even in Zawanna World, you still have the freedom of that political powers. They given you all that.

City Life

Its where the perfection of every skills people exist. I born in the Metropolitan, that is unfortunate, the collective power ends in the center of the City Metropolitan.

You read books

You Self improve

You talk to your parents

You making a cooking show

You making some video, try out.  One day you see, if that video piling lists are exactly what I told those guys, trying out the...blue prints. The schematic ways. To why matter you figure it out your own plans?

American gurantee to me One Person Power Right

I like that Earth parts of that saying.

But if you all going outside.....Whichever that dates coming...I will tell you America makes a great perfect world here you can have every dream fulfilled. You see right now everywhere are true fruition of all that. You should believe what I tell you, truely believe that. Don't tempt things your short coming believing it....its wrong, everything you know you thought you know are all wrong. 

Wrong, wrong wrong.

Whom is...Sarah or Heather? Helen, or....uh...curls hair, Heather? Why don't you whom go and kill each other.....You might lose some weight. My monitor indicators are gone....


These wild animal groups, I think 1) Smell, 2) Fur 3) Parasite issues, these ways, they can get closer to the human more

One of those cute things they do and to live more convinience to the human needs. Let's say human can spend more time to make their recipes. 

Some human willing to cook for their pets.

🥭🥭🍕🥨🫔Funny, flying! 🥭🥭🍕🥨🫔


If you are flexible, you wash yourself better |I gonna go (to the hospital)


iPhone has a weight indicator

The first picture it’s today. We are not done yet. I walk to the hospital. 

I feel something strange….



Some human has money means nobility !!

I personally don’t get involved Laura or that girl life. They don’t really make it to …nobility music background, one item on the list alone. But Dennis doesn’t have anything. 

If Eben says something, I might. 

Some people they remains beautiful, and nice personality. 

Blonde I think they get very big. Laura it’s a bit tight up but she might get nice family already, I don’t know. 

I walk km, not m. 

m= meter, you run 100 meter in school, remember in Asia.

Km = 1000 meter 


I have a doctor's appointment, I rest somewhat

Babaji: Go

India, is Shilanka your island, or they have a separate nationality?

The TV its real like Middleton those? Or? I imagining things what other telling me? You are the Third World country, but do you have the military?

They have been however tested by the Sri Lankan Civil War and by the controversy of Indian intervention during the war. In recent years Sri Lanka has moved closer to China, especially in terms of naval agreements. India has signed a nuclear energy deal to improve relations. India made a nuclear energy pact with Sri Lanka in 2015.[5]

Meaning that is not what I think or its exactly what I was told? your Indian Ocean whichever side?  You mean you are waiting for the new born statues, one of those? 


🥐🌯 I have a feeling, when I get to Eben, I might really seeing a stack of the profile on my desk what is the Bollywood. I never look...you air a modern romance, like the girls crying in tears, to wave the guys goodbye? 🥐🌯

Great Master, isn't he double e, on train station or Lahiri?

Isn't this funny? They have the graduation hat on their head, and they have campus on the soccer field, meaning sporty!  

They didn't die in hunger, and shortage of the water resource, on heat....to say, only train station, like Yoganada those black and white photo....to their land, I see only heights...you can only live on edges....This Babaji probably expects too much, the real reason he shows up in Time. 

Like I narrative a story tale, and you Indian girls will cry, with the guys standing by. That guys its a psycho and he cries too.

Both are psycho human on the romance kisses, to where the banks have zero in balance, to say the reality you start walking, or starting looking up what life should have been more responsible.

It must be the kisses or the hugs, not the yelling or the screaming.....the drama school.

🥓🥓🥐🥐🥐🌯 Your profiles are the Marriage women. Divorced. 🥓🥓🥐🥐🥐🌯 I think you mix up your options as if you were 20 years old just graduate from college.

A lot of people will tell you, you are very unrealistic to get together the college guys.

They are nice guys, but they are not fruition guys...aggressive on the money. You all girls are very very realistic, not to build up one guy. 

You should just build up the guys you ruin his life, eternity. Really. Build him up, food, money, kids care, washing everything and he finds a better love. You continue to supports him no matter what. That is how the sinner trying to re-deem tiny bit worth of that merits you hope God will be merciful in the end..... 

"You are not good girls," that is what I will say to Dennis.

They are...none of them are good girls. Not really. 



Babaji: Go

🥨 There is a Dennis on my TV 🥨

And...Dennis, in DC?

Dennis is way taller than Wing. Way Taller....but he has some pimpo issues. But my bother 15 years ago has bad pimpo neck issues, and they all disappear. I don't know about Dennis. But he is as tall as that Earth Prince. True. 

Dennis ....uh, I am not sure you know why or how he becomes his profession. He is very targeting people, if you accumulate debts like we imagined, not the Red Rivers...those reality, he is a very rigid person. And I will probably tell him the same or worse. 

A lot of you, don't look like promising at all. Not even cooking skills to ensure yourself have a future in the future.


Dennis I think he plans his future supposed to follow the way, not to die in fantasy....he is not one of those handsome personality, because....he is more tilted his nose up, like his height.

🥭🥭💖🥪 They all are?

Well....You don't like Dennis, none of you will like Dennis. He doesn't get close to the girls as he has no skills in the ladies talk, not really.  

🥭💖If you want to get close to that role, you mean Dennsi UB CAC? That Dennis? You better just math good to manifest a paper works like you organize in front of him, speedy ways, how you saying your future its promising to him, your math to get everything clean, neat, tidy, and clear. Meaning English.

Literacy, clearly what you saying what you speaking, what you dwell on reading to him, everything binds to the lawful citizen. He doesn't really look a friendship person to why...you know what you are doing, or you don't know what hang out, he will show up. You don't like Dennis, I told you thousands times. 


I would prefer you all CAC girls just glues on Dennis, like the TV assignments saying to you. Or else these can glueing on him. He is very rigid person, he has no security, none of this guys have the security background, to spelling why that future its...they are selfish, you all means?

They are more the selfish guys, but they ensure that is not they get on the street to fill up debts, and Dennis he is not that kind. That is unfortunately, he is not like Chris or Billy, why marry to a future will never make it. Marriage its....

I don't really know why they get married, to waste each other time to sound like.....Life passing by waste it.

Marriage suppose to mean something important, the right person.

You be happy because that person has a brain. Dennis probably knows that two has zero brain....that is...very sad there is a comic books to spell a lot of things said in there.

Whatever making sense to you, from the outsider seeing it. You waste your life to say marriage vow, and still you lost it all the way to hell. 

Like I always insist saying it. Only guys have a value. girls don't. If you insist you don't lower your attitude ALL the way flat bow kneel, starting inside your room. Seeing your own tears how that flat, bow kneel on the mirror....your pride so higher way...Dennis, he is not pride up person. Not really. That is one thing he is not. The other 2 its. But he is not that judgemental, he is more compassionate, to end up in CAC.

But....You got all the pictures wrong as if that Sailor Moon is writing in waste life wasting time.

No one cares what that reads anyway. Your jobs makes sure he happy, and success in that one role, whatever that role future will becoming.....Like he wished you were 16 long years. He is on your all facebook? I forget everyone has a life. I have zero life.

One phone rules all.....What I will tell you. He did. He wished you all well for 16 long years....he doesn't even know he will have a day to spell he ever will get married and be happy, like the comic books meant it. 

For the Christian World, that Christian Attitude...you all failing all the way....really.

Current time, you are almost world wide to everyone can just access the Google Youtube. Meaning, you can stand on your own Direction (In Chinese of saying), "A Corner of the Direction", "A Water territory"....

Meaning your own Game of Thrones, to where...you probably care about the followers.

When you stays in that bracket of Ages long enough, you will become the dominating factors in many future to come. For example, Eben set on that Lalla's credential, and these video meant your brain didn't got thrown from the disadvantage to know if she grabs that roles. I have seen like ASMR, those very old people white hair, or even including some old man talking none sense on Youtube, they getting clicks. 

I think after this one life, we will all be dead. I think that is the Truth.

But for Eben, if someone tellings me, I looking up, he looking at, like yesterday.... I Anna's brain function on....what is the novel things you read? 

Let me guess..."You are a girl"?

But there are Twins. Like...that agreeing arrogant guys what he will ever do to you? Dr. Steven Hairfield, ever do to you?

You mean the child abuse memory he used to have? He becomes exactly the same like his dad? 

Child abused are the trait of the Catholics priest....

"Its Simon and which half brother, or his real younger brother, the real estate. Eben he is not the brother of Simon."

You mean Kail Red River Manga.

The 7 wife of competitions those blood spills becomes a real novel fantasy? on 19 ?

"Can you see Simon, I have no brain. Its a crown. Let me re-phrase, I cannot understand it ET methods."

There are two adults guys that is not twin. Twin of Songs.

Twin flames? A pheonix reborn? Vola moments?

Never minds....re-phrase. There is a child....if Tesla is not Catholic, and Dr. Steven Hairfied are conversion....on the edge of conversion, he got married, and is American monk on Tibetan. I will tell Simon, I cannot understand it. Not a word.

Why don't you say three of them beaten each other, like Bush beat up Senior Bush on his plate, right at his stomach....that is he young or he older? Romance Journey Victoria Secrets?

Red River Manga means, there are red color? My father its the color blind, so its has to be the highlighter?

So why there is a monster in it? That flies with the wings??

It will come to rescue You? Eben or You? Why you as a child, you become the Eben? When was that...2018, I saw the movies? I say get the kid down on the stage, I do that myself?

Is this the Love Romance Fantasy, or the Thriller murdering fantasy, why ended as the Family reunion at the death gate to spell your own photo, or else I am? 

Not found?


You mean oh ~~~ Red River Manga if that is true on Simon and his Real Brother Nikolas, his mother re-married to the wealthy guys EMI Chairman? He and his brother like Royal Prince, if they are Kail, and you want to be that Yuri girl, so Eben wants to be the Yuri girl?


Eben he is the dating guru. oh ~~~

So between Tesla lost..not found. His brother Dr. Twin....he is found murderer to his best friend. Whom is your best friend?

You mean that 19 Sato Red River Story Plots? That is a comic books.

The actual story of the Red River was because of that Yuri, Zawanna was assasin by she escorting him to the destination of sending someone away? Him away..

Sorry, I got mix up.

Currently I am the maid in Zawanna palace...making all kinds of the...dessert, or they buy outside cake, I give him 3 pieces in the morning with all the drinks assorts teas, pots, all putting in, he doesn't need to get out of his bookroom for the whole morning.

Can you see the menu?

No, they are not on my facebook. I don't really add people on my facebook.