Lawsuit 281: Classify materials from the Movie Standard points of view (From the Layman aspect)

Date: Sep 1st, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Movie Industry input human might be taken care of that since 1928, the Mickey Mouse. Nikola Tesla Era.

Right now we are towards 2023 soon. I have a lot of lawsuit filing base upon nothing "personal feeling" how I feeling about all this things drop on me, or dawn on me.

Mimmo's name is Dung.

The personal feeling meaning its often associate how whom and what demands an explaination or some kinds of the brain franizac hurting to them, the feeling, the thoughts, the public, etc etc....I will tell you Anna putting onto that one Title since 2015, I can NEVER had a feeling, how all this things drop, all together. 

If you provide me a better physical body, not near this One eye, next by the Ocean. Is that Ocean classify name? I cannot tell everywhere with everything what its the classify, what is conditioned expressed, and what is ilegal sense. 

Reasonable Says

Its this entire industry were putting into the places for the consideration of all that factors, so there is an industry still existing in front of my eyes. Meaning the conditioned situation. So that is being taken care of. I heard that my brother says in one of this "You are my Glory".

The most reasonable says if all the people's faces on the TV are to be leashed, or jailed, I will tell you, I scream inside out. 

But if you are saying, those are the story within the story, "Someone is talking us", "Someone is talking to me, Anna". "Someone its only relating a story", that means the Lords of Rings statues to change into that Harry Potter, it was never on the criminal justice department says, its only telling you "From this person to this person, how we can reasonable putting a history or back end story, that might included the conditioned situation, that brought right onto the selecting committee, to their pressure, they become the wealthy Super Star." 

We were at the Lords of Rings.

Then becoming the Harry Potter, almost very close to my timing, how He supposed to be jailed, and ending up....another Simon at the ending of the Harry Potter, the real Harry Potter was expell with their best friends to hunting down the Dark Lords Story.

Meaning, leave, or gone, or jailed.

That is what I think.



You are not supposed to be jailed in this society, not even owing to what money in the end. That is not just a story. Its the beginning and the ending, gets on to do something, psycho to do something, was planning, future planning to becoming....another Vola cases, never ending to that Tina grown up, I antiticipate a future, that is Dr. Bing Shen or Tina jojo becoming the First Murder Degree under the Loving Roofy? Ralfy? Ralf? 

In the Future

You will have a problem. How you begin, how you stringing down an event, they know whom faces, what events, what's ilegal, what happened real. When you stringing down a lists of character, they are defined as ....they had a past, or they had a story, or that story fitting into the photo. 

How big its the China Pavillion.

Today I just thought about this if China blocking all this you all US stuffs, how they gonna process their own Web 2.0? 

What's Up App to Weibo, to some kinds of the sale profile? Your data in the US imput to China about if they fallen the Digital Era yet? I am at their door, hanging on the Top of their monitors? 

Maybe you have no more religion in life anymore, the future going to be.

I tell you when I first tap into this entire Simon Cowell business was at 2013. I have no idea why he is running. I get going and run. Tina made everyone a mess in life. All things in life, ALL THINGS.

Now, to my tiny religion background belief, whatever your newspaper putting on the photo, and story, I support it all. I did. I was, I always am like that. I am not that envy human why your every newspaper cannot end up a perfect story, no matter how they are connected. Its not my business to critique their own choices.

Then, one day I find out one thing.

Then, second day I find out another thing.

Then, third day I becoming another thing, I finding it out all things.

In 2014, I was saying nice thing to Simon and Lauren, you know why one day that arguments becoming I am targeting at Lauren. I think I heard someone told me to. I say what a heck, why that arguments its not the newspaper says? So you meaning the personal feeling says? I am not a guy, I cannot judge right. 

Some time later down, when I have to decide my life, I have a light bulb pop up, you know that is 8 years down last year this year, I say to myself, "Wait a second, isn't that Simon made a lot of money? That Ola TV, has a Zawanna saying TV wife. And...there is a model....I remember Victoria Secrets having a lot of models too, and one of them were Keanu's neighbor's gf. Not TV wife. The girlfriend."

Then one day I see this Mary had a little lamb, becoming 2. Silas was a twin. I first thought is that the vision issue, seeing double, so Justin had 2 boys or the back of their image, they are curl hair? Justin Timberlake, wait, isn't he made a lot of money human? So every guys if they becoming wealthy, they meant to really getting married?

I thought its the American Medical Board force every couple to look like a happy ending no matter what. Or you mean if they decide to walking down the isle, the medical Boards, you mean Dean those 6+1 will do their best, hoping your marriage will last?

They are fake, so every feeling its false false false false false....

I have not stopped screaming.

Today The birds, Zawanna we conclude, or I hear....I remembered now. 

The birds has a very beautiful name. Eben he is not a good name. No. Can I file the divorce now, we don't even get together. I will regret. I will.

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