
I gonna go to sleep

Babaji: Go

W Two Worlds./ Dream Exchange Games (Book in-frame story, out-frame Reality Life)


If you file your water tape factory data, you go to vaccine your own COVID 19 destinate places, online register airplane, online e-commence input data, or Amazon shipping address.

You organize your own Joomla, knowing the data system somewhat the "Content Management System" What it is looks like?

What is an Archvist, handling an cursed object. A book, how you shelf them in the book room.

You assort your trash can, you recycle your trash bins. You collect other people's plastic garbage to recycle use, to plant the vegetable, the herbs....

When you one day mature your own adult life, to whichever Time....to one day you transpassing the Space and Time, you know how to greet, how to talk, how to negotiate, know how to talk yourself out of the situation....to every ground you meet people, to every experty people you know how to blend in, how every culture, you melt into one of them. Meet-up groups....to all that social standing, how outfits, how shopping, how all these commodity means to you, to what to borrow, lending, to giving away. 

One day....you know how to handle life, your life, your parents life, ambulance life....to MD Doctor, to nurse, to surgical tool purchasing, where to buy, where to find help, or you yourself doing it....your confident, your linguistic skills, your expression, your capable of running your own project never fail....

Sunlight, Water, Hydration

You cannot see in the sunlight, not really. You cannot open your eyes in the wind....

You don't know if you are hungry, you don't know if you are dehydrated, you think those are cute and funny acts....to how to become the burden of another person. The survival will its not a funny and tale, but you make every business funny and tale, clown.

In the end, what the clown story you make yourself belonging to....really. Julie & Julia....

Wing, there is ...another thing. India is next by China.


Well, talking about my brother. He I put him in Taiwan, or whomever they put him in America. Pang only needs to life lesson one thing. Taiwan. One island Taiwan, not India.

You Wing?

You put one house in China, you thinking....India? With this "Dean" whomever that is to you? 

I need to tell you about some guys. You seen them inside the video. Like Ancient Chasez

When I am around, he will look friendly to you, but its because you are next by me, near around. If I leave, its better you know some guys, their cold airs its cold. These TV may not be these people made "for you". But it is all genuine to the points where they illustrate something, some lessons, some told you things. 

This Snape, or this Ancient Chasez, existing in a time, that is differed from your time. You understand? You Wing don't really demonstrate a quality on the Spirituality you demand, you wish, you die on those....one God ruling.

You don't believe that Glory, glorious Kingdom of God. To him ancient Chasez, might be a very very cold, sparse, few population, but only the landscape of unlimited places.

You know what I mean, the very few people populate places of the quiet reserved nature people.

Very reserved.

Not this propoganda of....crowd, Anna putting all kinds of noisy in. 


The Water

The Air

The Rose / Flower

The Wind

In that every sacred meaning has a reverence, and to that every reverence, there is a God.

Sometimes people's behavior are very very rough, inside them, outside frames. They don't realize what they cannot see, are very very blindfold. They believe in their gross nature within are all things meant to be ruined, not to foster, you understand? 

To that everything God given to me, if I share you something, you ought to remember, to that every human kind on this planet God create them, for something, you given them the same light.

No matter whom they are.

But that is not the world made of. Superiority.

He is higher up superiority, so pure blood does means a thing to him. Those are the born superstitious, Life after Life.


Wing, your new Life? Ready?

 海岸線 = Sea horizontal edge line, the beach line, how do you say that in English?

The sea shore line.

Lyrics: Young guy.
You, again, thought about one summer. Busy sea shore line

B: In the memory of that young youth guy, the proud declaration.

As long as stretching out the arm, can own the Whole World.

B: Believing the dreams of all can become True and fullfill. Everything looks not so distantly far away.

AB: In the blink of eyes, many years passing by. 

The superficiality language are already slowly precipitate. Even though it just becomes more sharpen and cleanse.

AB: We, will not compromise. 

That is a past we will never go back to. 

B: Happy I could have still insist the original belief of That time.

The World are trying to change a young guy's belief, the original young youth guy. (1:32)

That is a past we cannot all going back to. 

When you stood at that sea shore lines of that summer. 

B: We are still the stubborn in the heart, AB: that Young guy. 

You, again, thought about one summer. Busy sea shore line (2:00)

Busy sea shore line

B: In the memory of that young youth guy, the proud declaration.

As long as stretching out the arm, can own the Whole World.

B: Believing the dreams of all can become True and fullfill.
AB:We are never compromise...  (2:29)

Wing, I temporary keeps Wallace Huo

But you can start on Mark, he is the Canadian ABC.

You know whom he is? 

Wing, when you finding your Dean.

You also need to know, how to do the Solo, on your own. We are not dead yet. But assuming, you might have that imagination. Anna I pack a loads of the photo, its very useful!!!!!

Do you need all those photo again?

You print it out, and keep one copy, even me and Dean's photo will make you feel finer, and breathing .... one day in the future. (looks like....they say)

The future. Imagine those video are for the future....Wing.

Is there none human made energy?


Sunlight, you want to tell me sun is human made? Or ET made?

Wind, Earth Heat, Thunder...

Why is Bomb the human made energy?

In the system design (Not informatics), in the system design of the Entropy, there are Disorder, meaning kinds of you heard of how the Universe expand, Chaos in Sailor Moon.

S = Order, entropy. How disorder the natural direction will always favor from order to disorder. At least you remember that? High School.

So when you define heat, well....heat releasing, or heat abosrb delta H, its another indicator of all the chemistry symbols, they create a type of equation.

But here when you saying the Bomb, you misunderstood one thing: You assuming all energy that in front of you, its to make money. Meaning re-usable.

Energy renewable. You want to research or you want me to reading my head to you?

You confused what its to define of the direction in the Energy means.

I am telling you, people dare, people dare, people just so vola daring....to see how ending meets the End, really that day ON! Right on!




Fussion....in the energy, not in biology though. Its in Chemistry field, how we define how the man made energy creation on Earth. There are scales of.....different Bombs.

To many of which, you have heard its hydrogen bomb. Not they say atomic bomb.

To find the answer of Life.


Hydrogen, number 1  (Its on your periodic Table)

It supposes to laugh? Laughing......wa hahahahahahahah....

Do you ever see ET's Eyes? Filling up with the tear looking at the Court Judge, loads of the girls like you, looking at the judges, exactly the same way....anyway.

 Someone reminding you red....

Someone reminding the hood....

Someone reminding.....the snow...white! 

There is a movie or a book, Rich dad, poor dad. You probably just always saying everyone in what mentality or the way how they talk, to sound like a human in any any any occasion, its not God they all doing this to me....

Don't you agree? 

Do you ever looking at the mirror mirror hanging on the wall, what kinds of MD anyone will hire you in, anyway to believing a resume will ever work? You believe ET its practical, or Eon Kelpa wisdom will just telling you, you will never make it, but why bothering those indicators lights on, to that one Khan Academy, how many people just like you....just like you...years after years to wish and hope and praying.....some relief.

How does the Match Maker, Human gene producing children program on the planet does a job? The ET shows you exactly how....

Through a fantasy, through an inducing methods everyone are a couple, through a belief, through an excuse, through an accident preganent....etc. You can only choose one guy per entry sperm? Its if you make it that Tea.....Drunk. 

And guess what, Tina makes 2 ....

She just not looking the TV with a knowing, or even if she were, she cannot grabs a burn feeling of it.  The premise on this planet its always only this : You can only be with one guy per life.

One guy....to that every fantasy they induce you to believing it, you will pick a guy and slept on it....What magic would that ever be?

You want to answer a ET?

Its a comparison wants, without knowing you are a poor girls background. The selling fire match red hood girls. German story. Dying in the snowy night, sell fire match boxes....the parable the story lesson is...

There is a fire match box. There is a snowy dark night....only if you just swift and flip that Bar....You would have seen the light.


Should laugh.

How Zawanna ever do this ....He called you a name, ever checked a New Painting's name? Isebel?


How the Classic Disney, that is what you all watching behind? UB? Eric~~~~!!!! Which Eric!!!???

 Ursula? Do they mean usury? What is the guy's name in Red River Manga, the book worm? 

The Strategist guy. 

Pick One Chinese....Only One Drama?

Just show you already.

I fall asleep....

When you seeing the TV: W Two Worlds....

A lot of girls are mostly affected by the feeling of love. The guys they often doing things, in action, the action carried out, rather than just center the entire feeling at the heart to say brain you keep thinking about it.

Now. When you girls did bad things in the past...and this Open Galaxy as if its right in front of everyone's eyes....

Like how I know about Tina's life, what you think that life lesson to die in horror of inside outside, everything you got?  You would have wish: You never never never done wrong in life, at all. Not in words to me, not in thoughts to me, not in action against me.

That day, you know what Zawanna really meant the ending Bewitched means. That ideal guy I can see it right in front of everyone. Its a person, and it has to chat on Magic. 

You really want keep proving yourself, you were right. You insist you want to be right. In front of your parents, in front of Dean, in front of this.....anyone of UB. 

Your ego, your small voice, you want, you desire, you so heavily desire that wish, to become a manifest factors, so heavily dangerous....

Remember what they always say the wise.... : Be careful to your every wishes.

Those your body temple emitting this body wants, through your brain. You are a catholics, I am sure your heaven or hell design why, no precept in life, just meant no one can see your brain inside, you would just justify you live on, right on! 


Gettiing there one day, you will recognize every person's face inside the screen.

You know what that means when you seeing it.

Did Craig says he was gf or he was married?


But the time, that was 2007/2008???

Zombie 3 its 2022

What is Zawanna saying? They are about to land? I don't think so....

Zawanna says, me doing a cooking channel?

I thought I cooked all that before gaining so much weight on it. 

Not a cooking channel on like SMCH did? 

He meant you girls like pimpo, or like these? Breadcrumb Kentucky Fried Chicken?

🥭🍓🌰 If you got jailed? You life official ruined ...most the world people don't hire people with those whom has a jail records behind. 🥭🍓🌰

These are massive people got jailed I can tell you that. The Doctors, the nurse, the anything attempt on harming or hurting the human life....you go to jail with it. The female inmate might be just worsen of all worse, because the women lost their age around 40. People don't like to hear whom they are with, man their choices can go lower.

Its ....a particular issue they prefer. If you keep that condition right, maybe you are 40, you are okay.

Like the medical equipment are expensive, but people like me, I would save the money, to do these per inche square of the skins, to take out all this spot, or dots...I have. I am telling you the technology and the advancement of many things....are very marvelous if you just work your life right, you know the channel, you talk the right language, you make sure you finding the right doctors, not these indicator light doctors, I guess.....

That Ola Maya girl

The Green Vegan Fit Mind? The girl understand the girls doing the things, most of all. That is how the criminal justice probably will always run things until you got jailed, or until you change to exactly they meant it, you doing the right things A to Z. 

You believing you are better, you know better, you say better, you born better.

One of those everything gone wrong, with magic tense. 


I will tell you this is very sad on my facebook. These guys are not necessarily the best of all best, but they are not criminal mind incline, and all your girls present you could have a different future, to saying, one day you really end up in the jail....Its a forever goodbye to anyone, you say...if you were sharing your own facebook, how you would have been cut in thousands pieces....

What's worth more anyway....naughty nuttyer? 

Like Luna Energy Bar? Eat it?


If you follow her recipe to do it, why not?

You could copy and download the banner even to hang in the house. Usually I thought VS means, those are authorize saying underwear business, meaning go to hell or go to jail with it. 


In 2 years....up to in 2 years, you can create a vegan or vegetarian menu, or a cooking channel. This worlds always can use some very delicate recipe, if you comes out a good idea.

To be creative on the simple cooking.

Happiness, its a light mood. A simple meal, a simple preparation, a simple dialogue, the guys don't want to kill you seeing your kitchen counter making a what noodle presentation floury dusty covered ground and counter top? Meaning sincerely you meant good?

Happiness means doing things in a simple way, and achieve a result. You know what that means? If Eben hands me an empty vase? It may not be the first day I make it?

Happiness its a light mood, you carry a very very simple daily routine in your life, you don't wake up in the noon time, saying....last night were you drunk dreamy movie ET Phone home? Homey home?

Light moods, or happiness means, you just don't think everything its a big deal.....things have many different side, be a little less demanding on others, to saying what you demand on yourself? Chinese Proverb? 

And learning some Teaching of the Past Greater Old....sometimes you meant you want to go to Heaven No Matter What, some human debating the money how not to die on the street to say hunger.....to that how the end meets the End, then what if that choice its not present it?

You only choose the Heaven way, no matter what that physical discomfort meant, or entail a future.....

I would tell you, you bet on the 12 years High School Textbook + 4 years College. Those basic education knoweldge, how many books can they be anyway? Plus, you have something about, keeping those notes, or textbook in your stock room. Where I can only put in my memory....

What the advantage you always one day, we both will become 60, whom rule the worlds, that time....really. 

Like I always say, when ET does those Honorable Superior on the Flower Thousand Bone (2015), 10 years ago of that every year, it would never be me going to hell....someone born to never end up in there. Karmic! 

It says all right? Its everything you do. You are not very attentive to the things, how to survive in this world, and in terms of the money, you will become lacking as well, if you don't bring your IQ high.

To that many advantage, some guys are not skillful, but like I specify the details how this entire World operates....its best you just input more of your IQ issues to the guys. Even the handicap man might have some retarded sense to that what you mean the worsen condition of the mankind, compare to a girl.

A lot of guys are not skillful, then you shape that one person up.

You know you cannot shape up every guys, but you shape one guys of that one lifetime right in front of you. Then he starts to pick up his pace to different tasks. You see, my mother help me some grocery, so that lacking its not there right now. When you have 2 people in the household, 3 or 4....or eventually you wish to build a community, to all kinds of attitude, first the police has to step in. 

Second, you never meant there will ever be a crime visible right on the screen.

But yeah, we talk in a sense, people are not clearly indicate they are jailed I guess, what the fate of the TV saying a horrific story, what I label it as the "First Degree Murder" Under the Loving roof edge to meet the Fateful Lover, exactly the same.

Astor 1234.

You as a person I used to know, only has one thing in mind only...that is money. I Anna has a different objective goal, you agree? We are on two different course of looking at the same thing. The Time, the timing, the niches!

You have your formulation of the products and service. You have thoughts about the warehouse, the inventory, your business plans on whom would putting the small business investment in.

Anna says you too tired, and die young.

Stays in the education, you just don't grow up no matter which envrionment you imagine you will be put under. You don't talk mature, you don't learn mature, you don't act mature, you don't success in maturity, to where....you just need to stay with your parents until you could operate right, in whichever time frames, no one knows....you hoping you don't accumulating on their debts or your debts, so you staying home, living with your parents, you keep that daigue to your facebook 11 oclock every night to feel the heart cut.

Anna says, that is how intuitive the Thinking Grow Rich the Mind set, Set you Free! 


You see Khan Academy doesn't know this....How many back draws if Harvard knowing this? What would be he not knowing this?

A constantly learning of EVERYONE repeating...none stop, until it gets it done. You think?  Or you imagining you are the only person repeating?

So many people willing to go to jail, and make things becomes monopolize in darkness or ugliness...Its to thinking outside the box!  Don't you agree? 

There is a common goals of how many this Indian ends up in jails, and the American or Taiwan, they were doing this forever in my name, you know that? Starting my birth....I didn't know. Its their efforts how to ambush everyone just sent them all in jail or the dying wishes. I know that. Its comical....where my monitors really at.....

I am telling you, Consumer Psychology is one branch, but the Criminal Justice its another Department, you know what I mean? You all don't doing thing in the society the larger skills, of the massive works, including sending all your bad friends go to hell, I am telling you.

Okay, explain to me why Eben Pagan he is legal?

He technically its what jobs?

An Instructor. A coach...but he lecture, and he video those formats into a package system of some programs, he sells online, and he seems like he did sold them outside the customer's base, not exclusively, so he makes money? 

So can you explain to me what you want to copy and do? 

And this job is? Not Handicap hiding behind writing a newsletter on helicopter formation to lure a what? The federal workers...you imagine those things, to whom written the scripts? My entire monitors are only my big faces how I make myself looks shining and pretty to that SMCH? Her photo are all Photoshop effects, you know why? 

She aged. 

If some people paying attention, Anna constantly reminds you, hint you things, almost every step the way, just dropping the words to your big brain head space.

Why I am doing that for? 

Because you doing every step wrong. Everything its wrong wrong wrong.

Everyone wants to make it online, and those definition of a niche, how to be unique, becomes everyone's mind to thinking outside the box.

Do you understand this one word "Niche" now? You apparently have this UB records saying to me, you are busy in one norm of reality. When I seeing ET on the objective reality, I start to doubts what are the on-line procotol, the indicator lights, or those UB will make you deliver your resume, no matter what, like Twlight? 

No one speaking to me, you are failing, you become the failure, you are told to repeat, you are reading, you are learning, you go behind my back to the Organic, you checking if Lee is still tutoring, one of those? 

Tell me, what does this looks like to you?


There are certain military, whichever English words how many you can put them in those words and terms....just I Anna really need to live forever, okay?

You are imagining a lot of things where you go alone yourself, you feel you have no more strength. Without your parents, you for sure dead. The Human evolution has always been going upward, going to improve, going to mature, going to quantum leap. But you stuck yourself in one of those math calculation what spending or wants, or anger to buy, to imagine you are just some 20 years old graduate UB College students, to your parents....

Eben got junks not supposed to be those gasoline human called Muslin related, no....

But some human, even like that, transpassing the wrong, they will not open their mouth like you open your mouth or pretending just like another Tina. A lot of people cares this image, like...

"You looks like a student."

"You behavior like a student."

"You just graduate?"

"Where you work at?"

"What do you do in life?"

"Your parents its outside?"

"Your parents drive you here? AGT audition?"

Do you plan to grow up out of your parents context? To when you will set your parents free? Are you planning you look more mature than your sibling, good good, and what's more you have?

You have a professional related things to say, or done?

A profolio what you say or done?

A chronological years you didn't miss a work, like Anna has no more jobs as long as she ever remembered since that Misour Simon Cowell human shows up.

Self Improvement Works

A lot of people in order to stay in the professional works, they have to do these continuation of Adult Learning. There is a name of it. Like some of your parents, your parent's co-workers, or their competitiors, or any this Digital Era Human, they learning stuffs from the Youtube, they be at the real seminar, and the real environment where you meeting the people, open your mouth and talk right. 

Preparation, a proposal, and a business plan. That is the most norm things that everyone in that field knowing why or how you show up for. You pay at the entry fees so expensive, you cannot possibly don't show up prepare yourself, and drop me a pile of stuffs, saying....you are not prepared.

You literally writing it down.

Step by step, how you get from A to Z. You keep a notebook, you keep a diary, you keep a square line box, or an arrays of rulers making it up column or rows. You forget.

You present to someone, you imitate the real occasion, of the very cold air-conditioning....how you open your mouth to carry a fluent English conversation or a dialogue to that person standing in front of you. You might wear a heel to look suit that conversation talk. 

You blank out most of time, to just even carry a smart conversation, there are 3 or 4 people standing there. You open your mouth to say a word or you alone by yourself, I always with nick. He opens his mouth and dialogue, I don't care about this things. He cares about it.  

The conversational skills that people day to day trained, has to begin from the first sentence, you keep practices those lines you thought you sounds smart at....mirror to mirror. Ballet studio to ballet studio. 

When I did the Sauma in the 5 Star hotel here 2010 China Expo those time, its when I am in the Ballet Mirror studio, next by.....I can see what the studio made for. You care about these Sauma, the ballet studio, the people in and out, what you have the money, where you go and spent it? 

Some invest on themselves, just little by little, every money disappear, I drink it down. 

And in case.... You want to be the New Age.....

You still need one of those vola moment to make an impression!!! 

Like not the TV words of the impressionalist, Simon Cowell's 5th week, I got on the TYG. I mean to impress someone, they will look at your proposal, your business plan you have done your homeworks, or you can straight up to Masterson, or Craig, or Eben....and they might find your an investor, you carry a correct conversation.

Practically speaking, Craig's video is at Zero comments.

He cannot possibly the worse person to talk to, if you all girls just try.....to make an impression. I don't make an impression that doesn't mean I cannot make an impression if I want it to.....You, however, you have every lacking skills, you nah, you yeh, you vent, you pry, you....what? Telling yourself small tiny words, what this that, what those aren't? 





🍓🍓 You are not happy in life. And you keep insisting you feeling like you are 20 years old. Like Tina, you know what she did? She purchased like freaking shop Bags Bags Bags clothing, stuffy here, my mother and me places...BAd. 🍓🍓

And she goes out with that Hong Kong Lawyer, Initiate SMCH, used to be like Nominji Child Star. The girl in Elon Musk Chinese Drama. And her husband owing like tramendous sum of money in China, and they had 2 kids.

So Tina came back Taiwan, like back and forth those time, she didn't learn. She is lonely.....

She attached to this elementary school friend whom they buddy together to almost 40 years old women, in the Bar sitting and chatting, feeling like 20 years old.

Every guy if they are 60 years old, they still feeling they are 20 years old, correct. But these older guys they survive in life. They carry certain responsibility in life, so much, they can sustain on some life style, and be really responsible at it, to saying they want to be with a younger girl. 

Nick drives safe, he talks normal, he would never come out a word like any of you this...venting, or gossip of some strangest words. He is a parent himself. I never heard nick would come out a word like....one of those stupidest thing you will ever say to your parents.

If you care about your image with Wing …is that what you are saying ? diginity ?

I highly doubts he would be considered any of you to see the first grader things himself as a girl. 

Wing checks the ET things first and then he takes Porselin doll steps. I am not sure what culture he grew up with but I assuming his brain it’s not dead seeing ET on the objective reality?

I tell you, you will regret by next year, one year Smallville which dance if you don’t submit your photo album now.

To be honest, you are UB scholarship bound? Some human works 20 hrs looking for those jobs to fill up 20 hours per week?

Undergraduate or graduate school. That time, only Wing is around I think. I only saw Eric once? Everyone is busy making it somewhere?

I will tell you, I m not happy to find out if Wing lies his working places like the indicator lights? He remembers? You ask the lawyer they can find this things.

It’s the indicator light in Will SIlas. Movie: In Time. That system domino it’s a real thing. 

Yeah I tell the girls you do this things, by the time you become 60, 65+ 70, 80 one day you looking back, you will know you didn’t regret.

 Maybe 50 + you will feel it too.

The photo album to Wing or to Dennis.

You can send to Jonathon the same too, these guys don’t have bad intention, only wish you keep fitness well. They happy be the receiver.

You talking normal with Wing, how you yourself sound like. 

How do we used to talk?


A little bit…

The second video…. 20 years ago, we know each other. We didn’t do everything together to look like these video. But by now he knows how I am?

Climate change time 2012 he was on the subway. He remembered that. Wing. I don’t know where he is.

But he saw me to China expo family trip 2010.

He would be the witness how I shut down SMTV 2 climate change video 2018 and 2019, by now he used to I would do those things. 





Nap Early, tired.

Babaji: Go

Wing, when the day, me and Eben really living in Shainghai, with you somewhere, my mother somewhere to my brother

I would not called you EVERY SINGLE DAY

You know what that means?

Wing, there is Sandy and Mandy, on the Taiwan news, that BTS thumb up, 2 small girls used to be, now they gone to a very good University 清大

Do you read my facebook, how I told Harvard Law School, about your name, to my neighbor across me, on the roof? Seriously, its when Eben showing up my house, I showing him? One way straight?



Wing, Loving Hut has a Hot pot in Taiwan. Eben and I don't necessarily living on Kentukcy Fried Chicken. We stay living longer...

Have you been to Loving Hut, how do pronunciation Loving Hut in Cantonese, does that sound like the Love Home? Me and my tall cousin went in 2010, during those fightsy family inherited fights.

Wing, China is declaring the territory on the Television, us and them Taiwan vs. China to the visit of the American official.

You want to comment something like a causal talk, we don't represent the political ground?

Do you like that guy, do you like the American girl old?

Comment: Yesterday we have a pouring rain at night. That was a Friday Night. I miss my carnival, normally they have the birds eggs at the vendor like they advertise, but you know what, the Daan Forest Park, they lock down the front door....with first, one sign, then second 2 signs.

Let me calculate....34567....we are in the summer, not Spring. How stupid I gonna sound what I said?

🍕💝 Wing, I am thinking me and Eben has to go on that One Direction Amusement Park 🍕💝

I never went on a date with a guy....

Wing, I think that is a restaurant, how me and Eben talks normal.

And Wing, there is an ice skating.

Wing, Me and Lee gone to his carnival. Me and Eben never gone to a carnival yet....

Wing, me and Eben may not have a dryer and washer when we get there....I used to do the laundry with nick in the outside laudry room.

Wing, me and Eben might seen this 101 advertisement on little little pawm 2? That is not my movie, Wing.

Wing, Me and Eben can have ice cream.

Wing....You ever read your Conan how you missing in your Carnival amusement park with one of your missing long term gf from high school? Double dates?

Wing, do you finish your exam, when you will finish your exam.

Wing....Tina assault people, she is a Torus, me and Eben staying far away from them, including Annca, how do you watching that TV, Tina and Annca? Tina is dating all around, she is trying to proven everyone, age almost 40 years girl will find a guy to host, her living room, those 2 kids with her from "Taiwan".

Wing, you are from Hong Kong, me and Eben are going to China, are you coming, are you deciding, are you taken your parents, are you living alone like the TV animation says, are you really studying to every what exam you didn't finish it yet? 

Wing, me and Eben will host party, meaning I cook him Eben one person food. Me and him party. You decide it yet, how you live alone and die alone inside the house yet, or you are stil deciding what houses?

Wing, Wing Wing, where is Dean Dean Dean? Its your Dean dead, or my Dean dead....last time i talked to Dean, its this year, he seems talking fine.

Wing, can you check your own Dean, whom is this guy? 

I go to lunch

Babaji: Go

About 9 years ago, there is a Frozen, so some UB Classmate all seen that movies, only I didn't understand what is the english words Elsa means? Or what was the name to me anyway....

They keep Thin?

Well, Wing, if you don't hurry enough to pull away your friends to that age bar, to when the metabolism running down, your side of Dean might kill you, through that Zombie 3?

Dean right now still keep well himself on the shape? 

Do you have an idea what we are looking for?

🍕🥗🥪🥐🍇🍇💖🌰🌰💝 I am back 🍕🥗🥪🥐🍇🍇💖🌰🌰💝

Think about it Wing?


I have more than an hour that direction, 101 today.

My entire left Arm Top its soar pain killer patches smell.

Wing, the rest you take care! Bye

I think they meant to tell me, no matter what, your langauge will be skill issues in the future.

What do you speak at home? Cantonese?

Look at that, if they put your house next to mine, and my mother not too far, does that mean you will have a party I come by, or I will have a party no matter what? Do you decide you live alone, cook alone, eat alone?

The animation telling me, you sleep alone?

💖💞🍓 Wing, I am pretty sure, you can last 5 mins for the girls to fallen.....but you don't like any of them. Can you just find the one you actually like, or a guy equally the same? 💖💞🍓

Or you just don't like anybody? Want to get a pet? 

You know how many UB my classmates and their parents are reading that throne of lines to their every adjcent lines of the family.

Except you Wing, you can get the number wrong?

💖💞🍓  💖💞🍓  💖💞🍓  💖💞🍓  💖💞🍓  💖💞🍓

China, how about we make Eben Pagan retired early. That would solve my every problem seeing or not seeing this craps things keep dropping from the sky. I don't want to see, hear, know anything about what he had a past, future, present. I can careless those things. We finished all that seeing. 

 The Youth don't care about these old people's faces anymore. I am pretty sure I know what I am saying it. Most of them don't care about those stuffs.

The definition of your best friends....Wing

Because there is a Dean's position invovled, so ....I wish you to know, nothing is permanent other than if you make it to the public heart of China or India.

I don't actually know what the heck they were saying on the movies, how all these sequence streaming down. You might have lasting fame for one month.

Wing, there is a treasury of the China might want to know how you collect your garage of junks, if you just freely purchased things in your liking, and what are they?

Like the wedding registry gift shop wrappers. 

Is that....You have a guy in your mind, like Green, like a pile of stuffs, Patrick? uh...you mean you want to turn into a girl? Or you want others guys give you a fabulous wedding, I can take my things down until you make yours.....I have to live forever, you have to make it one life.....

They say you have to do the ice skate, on my right. I don't know if that is ET says that, or China saying that, or American saying that.

There are many screen in front of your YouTube, Wing. Your own Youtube, or your Facebook

How you ....combat your life, as Voa ....I did, throw up on the Pinterest.

How come you are not on the facebook, do they tell you why you are not on the facebook? Its when you will finish studying the books?

Wing, I actually speaking in English, when I arrive in China, I might have to start speaking the correct Chinese.

Its Web 2.0. This one Eben til when he opens his mouth to sound like a Chinese....as one of those parenting with the rest of the others, some Keanu might picking up those Chinese words faster, and where were you langauge again, Wing? 

Cantonese. Does your every other facebook friends are Cantonese?

How well, that Cantonese are the heart of the community anyone think of it in the Real Chinese world? 

They think of the Japanese like Annca, not Cantonese, Wing!!!!!!!!!

The Japanese Guys, or the Japanese girls !!!!

Do you have any existing manner of friends or Cantonese family, or relative, their academic standing are not like you?

You failing or you had that piece of paper, Wing?

People just automatically realize, your friends' face "naturally" all looking different no matter how or where you finding them!!!!!!

What is Taiwanese guys in China Domain?

Talking soft. A different Accent.  Which of kinds of the Taiwanese? The modern kids? The University? 

The Military?

New Routes - 101 Direction, but I have a small problem | I gonna wear a White Tag A4

"The birds are Preganent"

I have to think. My back hurt, the entire left. I lean on it.

Do you guys breed in Daan ? That water compound ?


Like I used to say, you really think you are somebody well…

War on terror was extended since 2014 of that info data processing 2001, then 2022 early….usually they say 20 years. I just rubbishing saying things. 

20 years something funny moved, its one me Anna online 2014.