Lawsuit 426: Star War 2 ( Training to Commander-in-Chef)

Date: Oct 26th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: You actually need it now !

1. You need the 10 rudimentary subjects for the movies. 
2. And the Digital Era (the dog from the left and the birds from the right)

Oct 9th, that’s AI did that, Iron man the arm AI.
You better just close to the food free and again how you survive alone not the tears inside your eyes every 2 seconds. Kitchen yourself and just don’t ruin it any white rice with the sesame seed.

Be resourceful like America if they light say one things - the Art of War are that Vietnam war will be Go Game only. 
Math and your bank. 

3. You need skeleton not just a balance issue for UFO. Justin Bieber those Beas gaming zone “Criminal Mind” for after school bad kids. Ever seen it? I show you when you get to Taiwan, similar to Adam Hailey recent video, yesterday I saw. I am too busy.. 

And don’t go against anything American Military leaking the info saying. Whatever they say, trust it. I am not the Native American, if you 194 country dare to mess up things in that classify reason I say so too many times for your ego and selfish saying and someone will tell me how you evolve that conclusion like a 4 bubble tea. 
You will see worsen than all hell every single day you breath on air !

In case you didn’t know the Mars bacteria breathing on !!
For you next evolution or every single life after it.
It’s called Carbon Dioxide, it’s an acid in the water or the ocean. It dissolved lightly to tilted the PH balance chart.

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