Lawsuit 402: Taiwan Current Leading poll after the older Public Health COVID 19 microphone got scandle on Vice in Mental Hospital, he looks like Eben wtih another legistrator guy

Date: Nov 17th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Its the current 3 of them 2 guys + 1 girl all having a problem (OU Language Kindness, King, 2014)

蔣萬安 + 吳儀農 both looks like Eben Pagan, and he is under the investigation on Plagiarism, and murder to attempt or already succeed in one person. ( Lawsuit 382, Lawsuit 398 )

動力火車 (終於明白) - The Power Station Train (Finally Realize)


陳時中 (Scandle + COVID 19 Vaccination all news, something all destroyed ) = Looks like Simon

蔣萬安 = Looks like Eben with another guy looking Ivy League 吳儀農

黃珊珊 = Urban Planning (Metropolitan re-new) 林更新

Like my previous comment yesterday, Google Blogger data on Nov 16th, 2022 Its that Taipei Mayor 8 years on 2 runs, then they go on next Presidential election in Taiwan 4 years each to mock up 2 terms, similar to America. We are the democracy world, unlike the Mainland China. They are the communism.

To this situation they were since 90s, how our first elect president shows up from Cornell Agriculture, the public voting opinion are often made into the shows, including the journalism are real. 

We are going to face this 9 merging to 1 election, one of them are dead, so that district are postpone to Dec to elect, while the rest of 8 are going on Nov 26th, 2022 for the election between several Party. We also have the republican and democratic Party. (Lawsuit 397 )

I am not going to vote, I just gonna tell you. 3 of them all have issues. 

To that if 16 years next by saying or spelling 400 million dollars, its on my desk PC this one guy walking it out IT or something? I didn't have an instagram, a brand new Microsoft advertising methods? I walking in Taipei Station 2 days ago. I have all the photo shown I am right there, and my PC is where the ads at? How does that happen?

As you might have known, yesterday whole day I have nothing but listing 400 millions lawsuit, I cannot be in anywhere other than here. You know its per bullet points = 400 millions dollars, if you were me, you would be bind to the chair, never gone anywhere.

So that will be 2 days ago....really.

Which Direction to go by NSYNC

Again 蔣萬安's son

There is a child with 3 girls Sailor .....!

In the afternoon 3:45pm (Those were the morning time)

Its annoying similar to Adam Levine that body guards saying the money are the facebook and my entire facebook got flood. I turn down their agency saying no, don't come to Taiwan. I don't care about it.

Eben Pagan is very aggressive in selling.

Parents Trap, that is double, 蔣萬安+吳儀農, and his sale-ing pitches are very forceful, nothing but garbage human. He is only high school. That is a Triplet, but Dennis Quaid

Q U aid is like the Earth Prince Sailor Moon = Eben's position. 

Its the UB CAC club Dennis, we have that Lawsuit 400 on the Tiny 4.0 小世代, that will be the guy with the rest of us. Me and Lee included Music Academia different uniform, we are both bio related field, he is the biochemistry, I am the chemistry.

The other 4 girls' major are nothing science. Humanity major. 


Movie: Parent Traps

Queen Elizabeth Ship name


Adam and Hailey Taiwan Youtuber, has 1000 BB guns on the Video, I think they are jailed just like that Supreme Master Ching Hai 1986. 

Ella Enchanted (2004) Ending Scene, that was me Adam Davis with Larua Berry

But Hailey's brother was behind in the guarding position, like the Westlife.

That is the issue of the Lords I assuming.

Adam's facebook has another Adam looking at 26 direction with the head net, in Da Vinci Painting. (Looking toward the 9 oclock)

10 years will be 2014. (Like Victoria Secrets, With You, Without Me 2008, 2018) 

Its the Mummy (1999) issue, you need to call the System Department issues on 4+1, 6+1 MD meeting exactly how they raising the gun all together to each other. Jonathon Kessler MD to that Stephen Tamang gun on facebook a decade ago, to today he is black and white on page 118, Red River Manga Book page 118. 4th book. Online website.

You scrolling it down.

You select the 4th books. ( Remember the photo art included every page, the third book are the Real Love Nake), and which one would be the Loving the Silent Tear

5th book will be Prince Harry Missing OU language Virtue Vow Voice

I didn't open it. I seen the first 2 seating in front of the leadership. I am paranoid I cannot open any book.


金玉良緣 第 23 集

That story has a doctor “book student”= 書生 ! Just look at the beginning !

This cases supposes to be in Taiwan Police investigation since Last Year 2021, to all that under the investigation if were saying the I Ching Local Effects


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