Lawsuit 479: Frozen 3

Date: Dec 7, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Background of Smallville, 笑傲江湖 36, Harry Potter Dean's forest

Background: I don't know how the people create the movies, for example, the conceptual, or there are classify ET destinated the material including the background scene.

Smallville has the choices of the house behind, to all this you guessing as a girl to look at it.

Ash allergy Barns House (Smallville, Clark Superman)

Mansion (Smallville, Lex Superman) 

True love are the farming couples in the statistic (Smallville Clark's parents and 笑傲江湖 36 one farmer's scene)

This Frozen story has several things I might have written in the past. But neither nor Bank lawsuit or the Murder lawsuit in Taiwan 民事訴訟  and 刑事訴訟 to the guy's concept to that Real Love, like Adam Levine on the Sugar not on the Drug (Senior Bush family) There is a word saying that in Madarin. With a background in the girl's family.  Similar to Trump's son-in-law. 駙馬爺

I related to enough UB girl's talk about this. To even one day bringing up my I cannot talk about it ROC issue, when that Eben shows up. Its a growing up you know, until you seeing the TV too. A lot of things its not you got told, and you know how the written paper to make a great case in the court room.

Hunger Game comes to the 3rd as well, its a Rouge, for the Bird song. Similar to this Frozen all at the same time, they have a continuation that further into the horizon, what they used to be "In the Past." 

This is the human written them, or the ET combine efforts to sound so realistic unfortunate tale. 

Coming to the point when you seeing a forest. That is not where you ought to be living at. In the Ancient Chinese literacy, often are accompany to the poem format, so there is a saying. 

"A Roof with the 4 barren wall."

That is called basic living, you have to have a roof. 

That in the 笑傲江湖  36 how that spinning into the story with our current Taipei New Mayor, or that 松德醫院 Vice female doctor. She has a career with the money. So her dress to look like, and fighting under the roof with the handicap Annca, it was not the True love that appealing as the Farmer's. You cannot have one for another, but you have a Roof. You seeing all the interior design, how that living are portrait. 

Right now, we are on the merge how to decoding this movie, as I am saying none sense all the time. Your objective views will stare at the behind those background. I suggest you knowing the real cause of all this saying to each pointing guys. 

You need a roof on the Top, and a food on the table. Whatever you spell trouble, to your heighten self conscious, that is a basic living, anyone will ask for no matter what. Not your accidental insurance are higher, not your 4 limbs impaired and inept hit the head, or sport injury too much. You could process a little better these paper works with the movie surge in the hands of your own American Military can provide your a tiny shelter and time.

Time, its not all you ever get. They allow you to be that inept human and impaired sitting indoor, doing nothing but fix all those paper works, really. 

A Couple (How to Lose a Guy's in 10 Days - the Couple Therapy)

You will have an interior design issues how not to humility running deep to a particular patitier....Harry Potter Ron's dress to looks strange, funny, and weird. To that international audience here you should observe more of your literacy to some asthetical sense in the beauty and shining past, before you off to go, where you desire your ideal world to be. 

No one really get jealous of you, if I were to stare my own barren wall to that ceiling roof high, the way I like it.


When you redundant your inner beauty to that self nature of freedom, once the open galaxy. You mean before your own government whichever side, will be witness watching you, how that stack up high egoistic to changing all this design for the money in the Wall Street Never Stop Running, it was for your split of the egoistic saying, how you keep wasting your own money and evolution, that re-start time, if you were just making it once, what you thought you will be living at....for the rest of your life.

You still require to bow, kneel, flat, however long time takes you. 

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