Lawsuit 422: W Two Worlds (Volkswagen, we are still on the 400 millions lists since Lawsuit 400) | UB they are the Mexico Worker

Date: Nov 26th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I was going to put a lawsuit before I leave this morning (But....The birds say out)

I found out the reasons. If I suppose to be doing this....Southern Agriculture Farming like the Green Wall on their left, I need those guys back, including Pang. They are not the Mexican workers, but that is probably will sound like. 

I sit a night to think about it. I don't usually put through the lawsuit yet. But these will be the link from the yesterday article. 

Jonathon ! hi ~You know that W Two World, I used to have a roommate? Carol in the NSYNC comet? She bought a Volkswagen, and shipped back to tAiwan by that chinese store. Its cheaper to buy in the US and shipped it.

跟方方爸爸以前那個房子類似~不是靠水! 靠山!


And what is that Animal Park label the store? That is not the Animal Pet Store name. You all making them a deal as long as they agree you taken them somewhere, where is that somewhere? On the Sea?

I can describe you a plan, that Taiwan government might just already lightly agree before we moving any special visa. They are just the State School From the UB, 5 Lake human guys from my science class, every those tall guys, the shortest will be Wing, from Hong Kong. They are not Ivy League expensive. Everyone of them can import one Volkswagen in, from Williamsville somewhere, when they finish cluster themselves to here. They are NSC most bound guys, in their University and the Ph.D major study. 

Taiwan need the English influence, and they need to stay away with all this lab procedure and still breathing out a life, and be here on this island in Taiwan.

The Volkswagen is the 2 millions per country on the UN seat, so that is they having this 400 millions, but I am speaking of the City of Hope and Jonathon's dad from Roswell The Crimson Love Letter, all these UB guys on my facebook where I used to collect, they know whom I am, and if they talking to each other behind, they can find out the list of the sheet they compile everything.

And I just import them. 

The Bird just saying now, from the green net to the Black Ops?

Lawsuit 423 I comment to:

My UB classmate. Pardon, me the other lawsuit.  Lawsuit 422 not just you need to preserve your own classmate, you apparently wishing to kill them or something. 

It would be the refugee from the War, the entire them package probably.


There is a debate on the Japan parts, because the Conan Detective main theme are the Detective novel that connecting to their Japan Police Force,

That words: 米花廳

Rice Flower Hall (Meaning the Police Station their words), its on their police car in the Two Step to Hell Conan on the System Cards., like Loving the Silent Tear, the Rice Black American local Mayor, California, maybe you should listening from the beginning, I forget.

Conan: The Darkest Nightmare

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