Lawsuit 346: UB whom didn't graduate (The Honor class or the Clubs) - Big Hero 6 Underground Fighting

Date: Sep 21th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I cannot see this part of data other than on-line one photo with the name

Failing the MCAT or not graduating from UB, or expel from the UB Honor Class its a very devastating news, we don't know whom did what, and that TV keep saying different kinds of stories.

I have a reason going back to the Facebook

Oct 21th, 2021, met the National Archive guards human.

Right now its Sep 21th 2022

I just post it.

You would have known you graduate from UB? I was in the UB Honor Class, not the actual Program. I cannot see whom graduate or drop out expel from the Honor Program, or UB itself. That is very bad..... I didn't think people can drop out of the programs, or the school, without their parents knowing, to seeing the underground fighting?
I graduate from the UB undergraduate and the Graduate. I got an Intern Earthquake library in the Capen which floor, and UB Lockwood Library stocking department.
I have the certificate on my wall here.
The UB paycheck would be from CADS, also in Capen basement and Student Althletes in UB Alumni. These are the real paycheck
3 Paychecks.

I have another paycheck, or orientation at UB Nursing, Erin's PhD program, she issue me....I forget if that is a UB logo paycheck, its on her billing, she was a UB Nursing Ph.D
That is after I graduate from UB, after 2009, 2011-2012
(2010, my parents inheritance fight, and China expo, I am doing a Loving Hut program and Google issue me 500 dollar check through that period of time. Its a Organic Chemistry 3D module, it would be Feb to Oct 10th 2010)

Frozen red hair....Lee's gf its a name Anna and red hair.
My FAFSA ended that Oct 10th, after....2 or 3 days when I terminate the FAFSA for my graduate study in UB.
I don't have anything after that. I am not on deficit, I don't know whom are on debts, or high debts. I know Stephen Tamang. He went to the Emerson Square with a furnishing living room, to where he put a gun on his mother red hair? None stop Facebook gun or black and white my mother's birthday.
He target at my gallbladder for I show them on my facebook? Psycho human ending up on the TV, I think.




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