Lawsuit 490: One Food Table (Real Love & The Loving the Silent Tear ), the Marriage Proposal 錦衣之下 24

Date: Dec 8th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Political Marriage its a no for me.

This is for the Lawsuit 472 Facebook and the Girl's Power

The Lawsuit 489 The Democracy World Structure for the Uprising Women's Right.

This Lawsuit 490 錦衣之下 24

It was one time I talked in the Google Blogger, there is one table food gathering


The reason I am saying no, its first the guys they have their money, and statue. For me in this world, I have the Title and the Money I am currently file to make, or establish the future to make. Not to be combine into the Romance idea.  

These guys telling me, its worse up there. The more civilized world than us. They are the UFO race or Nodic.

Describe certain things the in-book story I read, their world might be, the real scenario I guess to be.

They eat food. That is one realization I find out. They have food too. Meaning the dining set, the dining ware, the cup, the plate, the utensil you saying its the external world. Not the plastic alone those saying. Its the real Chinaware. 

People do get fat, same to the girls, they eating. (DVD you purchase hard case has a lot of trailer Fat lady Pitch Perfect 1 or 2, Melissa McCarthy Identity Thief. Check her entire wiki film name. There is a cooking involved. )

They have the sea food, not exactly the sea creature we are mostly farmiliar, they are black looks the same like us. 

Their currency are similar to Euro money. It is expensive, but even to your current world, if one meal the whole year, eating out, one meal, you can afford, not that you cannot do so one meal one life, that is what I mean. But that is not EVERY single day. 

The habit, you have an ice cream, or these you imagine the Grand Hotel, they have all those, and giant stuffs. Maybe they are giant people than us?! 

There are a lot of things will be more prosper, including the grant hotel design to their menu, or the witness literacy, you will be finding it out what you order, or present what you like to see. Their system are a lot more develop. This will be apply to 

Zawanna's world

Kail's world

亞斯 and 將臣's world.

They have this California Spectrum Mall, those big wheel, you see far away. There are science museum similar to the Washington D.C and Aquarian. Its aerospace, not the science museum. 

I will suggest you all girls doing nothing but becoming the book clubs, the author's digest like that Silas UB spectrum editor while we were in the UB. He was in the newspaper you open and flip, his photo on that one column on your page right.  He and his whom uncle or step-dad are in the Resurrection Sunday Dance.

They have the sun glasses too. How amazing its not underground. Its bright glooming day ! Sunshine good morning.

The guy's gathering to my points of views, to your social standard, you hate the guys to eat, or you eat in front of the guys.

I usually don't care about eating. I eat rarely things really put me on the table by now. Its not about how much you saying my bank money right now . I didn't start to squndle money by living my life when I was in the childhood to one day I have to start on every revolution in my own home, herbalist methods, to New Age Detox, or you saying liquidarian to Breatharian lifestyle til the TV woke me up, I cannot be doing that anymore.

I used to cook for Nick. Its how we being together I cook or he cook. He washed the veggie or I wash it. I am the chemists, not him. 

When I gather with this Kail or Zawanna story or the Indian Lieutanent 亞斯 to getting a food on the table, it probably meant they guy or some guys they pay at it. I don't really like to be outside eating, if I can cook more at home, and they just show up and finish those food they buy, or I go out and buying and making it for them, and watching them finish eating.

I personally have some habit to keep moving my 4 limbs. Its not I am lazy or security right now, so I don't go shopping or grocery, or minding my own business indoor. Its every so often I leave on the table, you all guys open your mouth and finish it.

Its not an everyday jobs now. 

Nick or my mother will be the ones literally dragging me outside my perfect design houses, I show you on the Pinterest. When I getting money, that is for sure, its I prefer I sleep my way through anything but my house internal, not just the external. I have to wash the floor, cleaning the floor, wipe the stuffs. You imagine I doing nothing, I practically one person doing everything. 

I fix my health so I can be 100% on the jobs. If they have a high tech, don't require me doing anymore this detox the Earthly methods, I am pretty sure, I never eat a more stuffs that not supposed to be put inside my mouth. That is how you grateful you have a God and they given you the light.  One time one life, fix all things because you arrive there.


In this world, you girls are nothing to my standard, and unfortunately I am a girl right now.

No matter how the TV says the guy, my entire body are the girls looking stuffs. Your basic definition to how to live a life, its different from me. 

I prefer home. That is how I was, how I will be, or I will always be. You all girls require to....relax, or what is this language of Tina Jojo. You need a life, and your definition to the "life" means someone pays you to make you looks like 5 Star Hotel life. Or you been to those casino places life? 

Those are fake. 

The yellow light internal structure all around, you seeing yourself more polish like your make-up desk inside your every bathroom. I used to telling Chinese, how the American saying the democracy, their fireman witness the Truth to every make-up powder in front of those mirror, no matter what. They were too tall, too heavy gear.

Its my height of standing, or Wing, or the Little Grey ET.

Our height to that table, its our finger can see, that is a power format, everywhere in color of 7 arrays. The China is the communism, and the American are the democracy....but you saying there is a Truth be hold.

Why don't you try to speak your own term, how your future you wish to be, or end up, while those Upper sphere, might have their own life, similar to Justin Timberlake - In Time?

There is a zoning laws, it starting at the Urban Planning. If you reading their paper, you will find out what they say in their own writing. Mine here will be Mandarin Chinese.

To the purpose this one lawsuit, it always saying 400 millions by now

You gonna lose that deal Melissa McCarthy Identity Thief from the girl's aspect, no matter what it says in the wiki.

Sometimes the girls just need the accompany, none of you have anything in your mouthful jobs in the gifts, in the fashion, in the taste, in the tradition, you have nothing but humility running deep away from that Taipei 101. First you cannot afford, second you never seen it. Third it were never your upbringing tradition. Gifting to peace.

You have every moral wrong, the lacking to that background exactly you spell the guy love whom you are, what you are, accept exactly that you are.

That is a false illusion.

Second to anything why that TV I say 錦衣之下 24 having that One time I saying in my blogger, I am looking for this episode, none of you capable in my sense, how to run a correct order FDA festival meal every holiday to 365 days in America that is only Thanksgiving and ONE Christmas after the lunch providing the Service.

In Terms & Condition.

I wonder how shameful these real law executive offices or the Congress will receiving this written notice, how the rotton of the humanity its forever, if not the eternal, how well I or we accompany to your benefit to your continuation of this women voice louder gets better scenario. If not after age 35 already.

Hint my point: Try to catch up the fashion in jump, flip, bounce, like I always say if not bow, kneel, flat, really.

You will have a lot less these impaired issue how you caput your brain by keep hitting that cabin in the kitchen.

Your current girl's validation are age 35 elimination

age 25 elimination

19 elimination

12 elimination

Poberty elimination however that early age proven it. 

Ms Congeniality, Justin Timberlake In Time, Loving the Silent Tear 19 anni Versa ry, Yuri Red River Manga.

I can clinically pronounce you are dead. 

Impaired, brain injury, internal wound physical cause without the external cause or wound seen. (Ancient Chinese). inept, lost the square and line in the literacy the moment you step out of the University or graduate school, in this Earth sphere where the life span are 60 years old. (2023, I am the Honorable Superior, here I sign by.)

Fat, obessity, diebetes, hair loss, that is the physical world discrimination. I mean all you ever go on breathing. That is not included to the bias saying, how pleasing to meet the law, so that equality are subjective not objectively reject in the court, your Supreme Court America.

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