Lawsuit 487: Taipei Public Utility (David Jones' flower, Flower Thousand Bone One Step down, "Its just a flower")

Date: Dec 8th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: You want to tear down that 101 Tower to that JC Chasez

You lost more than 400 millions to either 101, or entire Taipei City Planning, you moving the entire population out?

Then 194 countries moving in, for this lawsuit 481.

The combination of (1) or (2), 公主小妹 and Ramses Ambassador's to the US, tasteing the poison of that Movie, becoming the Flower Thousand Bone Honorable Superior Poisoning incidents


JC Chasez and 101 


Your entire leadership can bow, or goes to jail, coming down already for this 蔣萬安 and scandle 陳時中, let me ask you, you still acquiring the girl? For the small or the big reason, you always have to greet me morning and evening like the Ra names means. 

I mean the hospital Vice, that one female reason. To all those 陳時中 entire doctor show up that one frame I see, the day you don't quit, that few days before the electrion. These entire Doctors show up on the TV for supporting him

Hell lists, I will want, my wish, my prayer.


You bow, kneel, flat forever, and eternal.

Its I say, I move, or you move. Not when you have tiny power other than wait and see.....This international court room. You at least try to speaking English or saying Director Citi Tina Jojo psycho for saying...."DIRECTOR~~~~~~~~~"

I mean the name cards. Face card.

Hate has to coming out of your breath, every breath you take, understand ? 蔡英文 ~~Your TV and that horse...1950, only attain cooking, you both will hell. Its a tradition. You never change for the right reason. 

This is the lawsuit you lost 400 millions dollars and if I get what I want, its 194 country 2 millions per year entry, rebuilt, and my domination on 10 rudimentary subjects.

Every Single Year.

You should what you claim that democracy its freedom. How you gonna say you are China system? They agree, before you settle my money are free. Even inside China, you still can use that money.

So what I gain, its freedom I acquire. 

You look and see. 

You have the System people coming in.

You have EU, UN, and WHO.

You have Education ?! Which parts I don't know. Its already inside their textbook no difference the whole world.

You have IT to ensure this is me typing on the internet + Law

Medical Board + Law Association (Or Democracy under to facilitate the democracy movement )

You saying you facilitating the Communism behind as the democracy movement? Mouthful jobs to that money is not proportionally righterous. If its your own people finding your own faults to that money here you go...that is entirely your problem, trying to be. Not capable to become.

You wish your public knowing, you fighting to the Moonlight on....your eternal 武則天~~right?  That is a song!!!

Fighting to the moonlight. 


I just told you the democracy trend will be forever ever since 1911. This entire world are the president leading world, until they improve, every president must be stern like how Facebook Mark and Eben ends up. Its year by year training them must become, including that Nick.

You don't understand you only have 4-8, or oops...impeachment is a procedure. How that no one cares about, its in the legal paper, it will be on your resume behind door. 

In every System Computer written your Taipei resume. Where you been, what you apply, whom you talked to, what you saying and prepare, and what your questions included?



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