Lawsuit 411: 5 Lords Reviews (Your System input data not limited to me)

Date: Nov 20th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Of course its more than 400 millions dollars (Your testing degree)

There are too many things I don't know what you did behind, okay? I know how the PC or IT involved to the behind those big huge monitor glassy feature and the per square line, or buttom (rectangle), you touch, and it branch out like 10 drop down (from the right) - One of those.

When you finish that, they are doing that per yearly now?! you input those data at this location, right at this lawsuit position, just a buttom to click and make a connection. You input what on your side. I added myself later, when I finish thinking....I am just putting a title on here, to draft something, on 400 millions dollars those wealth saying.

I will come back here to write. All these things I will add them since Lawsuit 400 before or beyond if to do with the money that big.


Your Side

(Input boxes) - Glass in a Day formatting.

Too long, I cannot see its anymore my division on this court paper.

My side

(If I seen something, I will comment as we go along in years)

You are eye glasses wearing race.  This is not one of those Euro paying service at home lesiure those kinds? You are doing a 5 Lords reviews at home setting? You are the military and they are???! Literal, I know what literal means.  (Shut up, birds)

Are they military?

They are Ph.D type or you mean they have no dreams, never psyonic, those Pane Andov human? So they are regular citizen? Not MK, MJ, what are those Pane Andov human behind busy at including the Project Camelot. I told you, your American military one person job, its walking in that giant space room, you have 5 second how many weapons are in the room? That is called the ability. Like the China entertainment things I show you? Several things like that? Count on cash? Ever seeing a Chinese girl doing that?

That is how you get a job in the reality?

There is no fashion in them. They eat...burger. That is a women...not a girl, eating a burger.

You mean they require a dining service in home whatever they prefer to eat, or set to eat, or ought to eat? You mean you give me an assignment on A4 or? 

Did you get my phone when I gone to Silicon Vallley while I type my left Arm off inside the car....never ending at the hotel until 12 by that Mahavatar Babaji, all my money disappear as long as he says so?

What did I say on my phone to Apple?

Your commanders are carrying gun, their chef are Tesla patent on food, or bribe, or techy, so I turn to meat diet now? They fallen with my diets, they cannot live by salad, like Sweet Tomato.

And I say, the Commanders needs to be liquidarian types, you gonna run on assignment all days, never 3 meals, you cannot have a temper, you cannot have a saying, you cannot have a vent, you cannot but He, Hirm, Him says you pick up a fork or a spoon, bite only he says by count he says so?! That is the job.

The eye glassed touch your skin below, you tilted up, its the nose problem.

Your hair itchy, you didn't wash your hair, you touch right back at your keyboard you never washed. What is the height to you slump your back how you reading that monitor? Older computer looking like a box? ( What does that mean? Living humliity?)

God meant wealth?  (No, its not clear.)

This Computer are vendulating behind to the wall? oh ~ Those box computer are...right airy, even my PC are at the wall. Is she at the corner? There is nothing but mess looking in this room? Unstylish.....


How many years you are doing this again?

That is the current. 2022 (July / June 22th on, I have an airline ticket to the Canadian. That is on the record. 5 Lords Gay shooting dead on the American Idol Farewell behind all the black and white combine counting number, you finish it? Mr. Anderson Cooper Falls boulevard, Muskoka Canada. L4L 2s2, its on the way? Highway 7. Sevenus Hill Tony live on the way before Barrie. Your Bible. )

They laugh with their mouth opens. They social. They talk with their eye glasses on their faces. (her), is she a librarian type? Your literal means she is capable to write in English, or research in English literacy?

When you say avenger, revenger, God avengerance.....whatever that Bible means, its not your hands typing or searching like a social media on profile whenever you can, its you hate, you bite, you will find out on your faces.

My faces has no make-up....I born with it. That is first called at least disguise, you are on high tech. You have a are a mortal. You cannot wait to type in, and search, cling!!! on Keyboard "You Got Mail" Tom Hank, "Enter".

How disgusting every time I keep telling you, you all nothing but the mortal sense. Everything is wrong 1 to 1 millions.

That burger has the sauce in it, that paper its bigger than the burger, not bigger than your hand, meaning fold it.


You are hungry. Eat it. Hungry sense meant you are hungry. You have a sense, nothing but the false sense.

You gulp, chest hitting, you choke on your are so dangerous human, she impaired?! Brunette or black hair. Water? No ice. You are dying on choking? Is that real?! The fire department has no face, they only meant there are some issues, they never told me straight its all the time you can gulp, and not swallow, you could gulp more than once? So that is the normal things in your life?

Not gulp words, suffocate? 咽到 how do you say that in English?

That is....unbelievable, you pick whom on your 5 Lords Reviews?


Your tears coming out of your eyes, your hand are waving at your own faces. You do that so often? oh my God.

You all want to put a line somewhere, what does the Honorable Superior ever think of you (all)

IT: get that quesiton mark, becoming a full sense without "?" automation. 


We just have an earthquake, I laying down, oh my God.

She looks right she looks left.

"Today the burger is free" That is what they say to you? What time is it now? Not yet 10.

That is a broadcasting microphone, they are like my Go Game, how I get number 1 those big gym places? This is not Go Game places, right? The big Grant places, not those association indoor places? That is indoor, I meant, the real tournament.


Tournament, Go Game?

I didn't remember the Victoria Secret has any of that.

You need to have a question down, like per yearly, how many times you choke, in your throat, seriously those tear coming out of your eyes. I need that number per yearly saying. 

Per yearly.

Psycho human.

Your standard diet is the burger? Not sandwitch, not Taco Bell, (those are not food) Like the White House Trump human ever does as the President Brain?! Is he even a lawyer? Our Mayor becoming a MD, not the Laws anymore on politics, Vegan Veggie Burger, Native Cafe those human at. Veggie Grill. Or Costco Whole Sale fridge. 

oh ~!




They are package free so....I need them anyway for the fries. I am a vegan, so I bought a jar, its Veganiaze. not Mayo, you want to share? There are spoon, fork, knife?

Knife better, or spoon better?

Moses Literacy? That means they are on the minimum wages?! To me that is what it means......

I see, they meant its in English, sense, Hebrew or English history, English literacy only they understood Arabic accent!

Those called on drugs.

Facilitation of this proudness in only Western world, every life. They will never see, hear, know, will be, ever be. But Western World language.

Automate. Its not convenience.

Its not convenience to me. But you will have a literacy, sense of Romance, or fragment la la land. Smell to the nose, how life becoming....fragmented, every life, every evolution, every Eon and Kalpha.

Its just a job. 

I know what job that is.

You see, how that never stop on the first day on the first second, to how that WWII ended....there is a every reason on drugs born. Its called the destiny. Funny, and easy standard.

Its just a test. Everyone has a test will freedom power. At all.

I meant I will, you go to hell with it. Touch, dare, imagine, sincere. Money right, I will always be right. Exactly I meant it everyone paying dearly.


Fumble one word outside that testing realm, you will know, how masscred blood paying in debts per digits counts. Without an explaination needed.

This verdict will go by how many percentage human in Leadership and in overall population ending in hell at the one life ends.

You will change your Will, by the ending data sent in legally. When the High Tech becoming the only prevalent without privacy calls. Understand Edward Snowden?

Freedom it meant I will. Without me. 

Human population gene program never get a call, I understand, this future lawsuit will be soley upon you, their every life, every Era, every Kalpha, leaves nothing but 5 Lords wills, all goes to suffering but nothing all eternal hell.


Every soul passing through.

I am one person's job.....forever.

Catchup, napkin, water?! (Smile)

Remember what you make off, sinner and unworthy, exactly you are. You have no value in life, no encouragemnet needed, nothing but sinner nature, saying bragging nature one mouth open per second count.

System Upload, I cannot hear you.

Delicate to the Queen, never middleton, how funny that age never spells.

Queen is in hell. Remember...your choice. Just like the money meant it well.  The humanity fates its when you chosen, you feel like.

Catch up? This game is very fun, and funny. 

Someone like me has no mood, makes it even 10 x fun. You'll see, what is the only domination worlds ought to be. 

Spiritual Laws means per second thought, per thought

Correct. Your all degree just by looking at you are everything wrong. 

You are possessed by the sugar, sugar rush, and the imbalance of PH, that running inside your blood veins, those are River of Life. Your temple of God does not allow you, and that wind, the air, the Earth says, exit.

You just don't have a lawyer execution human by the Earth clouds say.

The Earth itself might even know the entire your Living Prove, Living Evolution.....where it shall enter and exit.

By that Eon, or Kalpha for you to end here. That Earth doesn't say, so you escape. So pity and sad. The birds, the wind, the cloud knows your past and the future. You meant your ego needs to be flatted by those hypnosis human, what was your Past, to that glorious of Atlantis. Sunken land.

People doing that all the time.

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