Lawsuit 248: Breatharian and Liquidarian, or Fruitarian

Date: June 11th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I want to made a statement to all of these unseen population that taken about how many percentage of the all society 194 country, including the military. 

I suggest them to taken some bread down. The bread sometimes, those bread crumb, the medical worlds will tell you, they absorb things inside the stomach, not lemon. The Bread, like bread crumb in the salad. I would suggest that immediately all practices inside the military taken the consideration, there are poisons to where these will become big and wide Future Existence, on opening all 4 Points frames stories. Too many agony to where people feel this personal beliefs, or individuality being attacks. There is no values in appreciating anyone's life, so that city people already growing cold to each other motorization schemes. 

The riots to the political worlds, are seem in the news, like how big and loud the voices of everyday unappreciating the Gods descend, but yet, every claims behinds, really the percentage really being propels to make a Voice heard, only the governmental people will know that facts. Some might just redundant, to those regime, like to up against the communism in China.  The seize rights of the only rights to China within, its only the governmental says 1 is 1, 2 is 2. Gone is gone, jail is jail.

Because I am running two side Supreme Courts, one in China, and the other in United States, to where the conservative nature how I am, there are every reasons of the family background this far, makes me believe should just lower yourself voices down, meant it, all worlds are listening. One chicken longer necks makes a geese standing on the one legs, saying Pink color, photography, Click!

That is how funny becoming....the parable.

Inside a incarving book.

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