Lawsuit 529: Sariputra 舍利弗 (佛門第一大弟子)

Date: Dec 13th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Neither pure blood, nor blonde (Legally Blonde 1 and 2, Princess Diary 1 and Diary 2)

Supreme Master Ching Hai in 2014 and 2015, have this whole year one full year about 4 tapes that lasting about 4 or 5 hours lecture, brand new at those time. One of which is Be Forgiving and Merciful. To some public claim I cannot never have enough writing in the lawsuit when I finishing file-ing them, if I get my data back, or some court room remind me. This will be one of it. I place upon the Pinterest and I review later in SMTV side.

This will be Sariputra asking her or demanding her more than 400 millions dollars once he resume himself, no more ADD or too tall this Autism. 

Right now, this 10, it will be their character that Marriah Carrie with my brother in the front roll "Hero" singing. I don't talk a lot, so I talk about we are sister and brother, the trait. I understand your every word, I just when I start opening my mouth to talk, I don't need to rehearsal to everything I already learn, exactly how you evaluate on your own data or books records, or UB 2020. I do not need repeat all that, it will always stay. Among that 10, I stated that before he will be the foremost right now, he just get up every 2 second internal, he agree to everything I say, not the eternal expression. He is an autism more shy, just more shy away to a lot of things and he is gay.

So these image to UB, UFO Seth, a lot of this saying has my part First Life to when this End life Bible Revelation, how Wallace wishing she dead every single life. That will be part of the Sariputra's mission in the future, when he becoming a normal again.

Conan Detective - Sariputra's main theme

Exotic Travel - Not limited to Victoria Secret Thinking Out Loud, Matrix either 2

Usagi - Sailor Moon to Elvis Presley Singer, Victoria Secret - Silver Angel

Slam Dunk - Family us, he was the 電光火石 (Autism part)

I will tell you my basic belief. You only have the righteous methods to go to Heaven, to that every precepts follow, don't bother telling me what nun and monkhood so proud of opening up your mouth, you have 250 precepts to 400 male monkhood precepts ought to be. 

You can just like the song says, be dead in front, not to open one word saying you know what life is about, that you meant you vow eternal life, or you pretend one life long in faking it you have any mouthful jobs, that China meant, that was an atheist, and Shakymnui Buddha saying Anan has the 7 dreams tale. That Anan is here to pretending that Edison, while he is also conditioned, like Sariputra's mother.

Their life are dictating until these entire drama ends down, still someone living long enough to passing the veil with a physical body, to how or when they dying out that faculty, its you can, you claim, you proclaim what your government set that parimeter, why or why not, your disciple never waiting the Return to the Jesus Christ meant.

Whatever that means to you a word I say. These song should be very very clear to you. What he will be, when he becoming a normal again. 

That will be every needie greedie things I Anna, her eldest sister claim, how you end up here with or without Indian 500 years old without a guide. These entire World has nothing but your junks garbage guides one to one zillions flood matter. Not just ending up on the Bible verse, ending on the TV, Drama and singing Songs. If Anna cannot even speak one word English, at least he will file you all be dead what that cult lineage under your rulership to pretend that England Queen Elizabeth I, how Buddhism are still One Religion under the 5 Major Religion, you without eating, were a kind gesture, in case you cannot sound more intuitively, how the language shape up, its every degree you burn, you matter, you righterous, or you meant any of your collection junks of garbage disciples are nothing all end in jails or in hell. 


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