Lawsuit 331:Lawsuit on death sentence re-activate. Westinghouse era the electric chair

Date: Sep 15th 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Final Judgement on this final verdict to a forever Lasting Peace

Background: You cannot change the classify material

I ask the court to re-open how those event comes to the Citizen at that 100 years ago time, I read the newspaper that Westinghouse object, and Edison electric an elephant at public square, and SMCH takes proud of that Sariputra and Anan whom elephant story to that 7 iron swallowing methods to proclaim she is a what? 2015.


These groups of people what I label, they forever never kneel before God, whom they are, what they are, what ought to deliver, if they object their one tiny views on ET materials, to where or how in the milllions years they will end up, including all your jurisdiction Law reinforcement. You can just injection to die just like their mouthful jobs they are.

The classify materials means you follow the order or you don't. You have no else options other than you shut your mouth and kneel for whichever reason you keep fighting on and on and on.

The world cannot take down the classify material, you are souly soley 1000% never improve your statue to that classify whom given that materials, no matter what. You pine, you jealous to what degree, everyday, everyone around you looking on the monitor to suffer.

You can just ask for injection to die, to my understanding, your surely road its hell.  I do not care you live or don't live. A basic manner you cannot have, that will spell, someone among the God's seat, which will never be you, but the entire humanity be that consequence dire in the future, you do not know how far someone will take things to the extreme measurement until you kneel.

The final Judgement of the Final Verdict in the End Time (Bible)

There are Digital Era experty I will call forwards, how all these Asian world here so big population, most of them will drop out of their 4 points frames hours accumulation on that Iphone, Ipad, or PC Microsoft, to that 4 table seated Coffee Table, or these Longevity Exercise in the park, how the spirituality, I keep saying, those are abusing the spiritual power under all measurement I set the laws upon in that 5 Lords Reviews. 

To the one lawsuit I indicate the trend to the Digital Era might becoming the narrow tales to the future look, to that 3 Worlds collapse, the surveillance people rise up to the Pixie bracket. how you re-define the 1 2 3 4 5, UN material with that Supreme Master Ching Hai or Beas, those are proven by my map in the book, which we are under the BTX, everyone stuck, all the investors are still breathing until when they can, we just all looking at the monitor to stare at when that Sun will rise.

Someone is making a point, that if you have anything to hide, you make a video to make an easier for all the Law Reinforcement department to see, you will see yourself and most people improve their posture, their eating habit, their comment statues how all these Library concepts of social media, comments inputting, including I am doing this Web 2.0 are related. 

If you fallen behind that technology, you are surely very assured you will be fallen. Not satan fallen, your entire world will fallen, that the police force can just say, you are not on the statue check, out.

Be reminded, in the real world situation, that Westinghouse are folded and gone, GE its the only thing left behind.  Their logo become every your electric appliance buttom water jar logo, if you just turning it upside down.

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