Lawsuit 316: All your intention to file a lawsuit was on the personal gain on the "hate crime", not on the debates.

Date: Sep 9th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: To how the final Judges to say what you ought to be handling these movies cases.

The keywords on the Personal Gain, are in the Cartoon, or Movie. The value not the money its in the Pitch Perfect. The junk, your own mother says...whatever that means.

You might really require your educational level or your kids you will educate a little better, how to run a congressman lawfully, like we had here one of those Eben guy.

Its you change the husband last name to wife, and the kids name will be....whatever.

If the later the classify materials shown you all on that crime more indicator, rather than the maturity things to saying yeh or neh, to that one Day comes, how to run a proper course of your debate forum rather than vent, or pine, or cylinder language, I remind you, why that England Congress they are done by the real lawyers degree, just like Obama, like Biden.

Most of the President in one nation, sits in that educational degree, to you shouldn't violate them to as if you violate me. Your life has nothing but complain and kidnapping business all around. 

That case will soon close. There are about Taiwan you run August starting that Eben similar jump name was an actor case to Sep, you seeing this I Ching effect, maybe one day you will realize, what the scientific background to that the real ET ruling to that birth certificate, you will paying attention to your own thesis at the Black Ops ends of that world itself in that Classify alternative media. 

Let me reminds you all on the Lawsuit legally processing formats in Taiwan.

There are only two kinds of cases.

One is called the murdering responsibility executive

One is called Freeze bank account, those financial gains cases. 

Not frozen, its on finance, meaning money involved situation. Taiwan its the nation that run on the democracy worlds since 1911, we migrant from China, to that the basic law, I might just also imagine China has some basic laws, to know what that is One Murder, or else must be Money reason cases.

To that one day how this movie laws what can be made into the personal gain in their bulletin board posts just like on Tax, its very often what you label "The civilian govenment servant" or the government are the public servant, its that they watching and processing all that laws oversees the basic human rights on living, breathing, and walking in that inline zone will never have a mummy or a vampire, you keep insisting there are the gun to be used.

That saying you all are not very considerating my situation, while you living a great living expense, to that all that sounds too perfect, for a lot of people never had a palace life to imagine, wealth, name, fame...and kidnapping family drama.


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