Lawsuit 406: Open Galaxy 2 (The Universal Police and black hole )

Date: Nov 18th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Black and the super black hole from Supreme Master (Earth defines to storm to hell by the universal police)

Eddie Murphy has a movie recently I saw some psycho that being in the fights with another world police. That’s besides the point. 

1. The definition of the Earthly, saying the hell are resides the lower Astral by SMCH. How you if physical body not dead being drag out by the universal police to a straight to hell. That’s her material as we can see now she was jailed in 1986 and all material are classify nature like 2014 OU language. The Black hole and the Super Black hole

2. It’s better you confess now to the police to get jailed here on Earth, not when we finish the lawsuit.  High tech from Project Camelot saying by per thought records. I say AI Iron Man 機械手 does exist to have vvvvvvv. 

You can be jailed on the Earth, not to lose 400 millions dollars as most Europe has a nuclear energy fusion crisis, their situation only per train human knows. I know.
But America knows too. 
That’s the nuclear disastrous will be 400 millions dollars or going out to mess up other worlds. 

In about 2016 Jan -2017 Jan or later I have document that Victoria Secret or the WestLife to stop airplane. You will know if that’s true for how many bring stop before COVID 19. I call by the Commander-in-chef. I had a several Mark playlist. It’s all true vision.  It’s UFO Seth.
Astral region by definition in the Yogananda Book - Autobiography of a Yogi

The ending is a happy world, how the definition in SMCH it is the First Heaven as the small heaven, and in the First world, there are 4 regions, those are told as the 4 Heavenly Kings figure in the Sailor Moon.
But what the Yogananda book were saying his master came back by telling him, he reside in that upper region to teach others.

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