Lawsuit 359: Asylum (Eben Pagan has a ruler or a measurement tape, delivery Andie)

Date: Oct 11th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: If the Bible and my original name, and Eben Pagan were saying true.

My last email I wrote him many rightful email, he never returns them. I do not know he has an intention. For I am the bio DNA human written a what book. He has an ability.

2017 He started, and like his every email sent, but I think he sent to everyone.

So the stories will be my asylum visa. Yehweh is God's name in the Old testament. But Moses mother's is not Ankeheseamen. 

But what I can tell you, the last email I say to him, would be "Are you a psycho?"

Not, "I cannot hear you, System upload!"

I think Eben he does the consumer psychology. I never seen his wedding, before he says his vow. I click away. I did. I still never watching it. He gonna say that is a true or false? I can see a love on the earing, feel in the air, fragment on the Orange Devil, on the shoulder pat pat.

I think after the biblical story were proven, tiny true, in whichever context, also aligning to the last Sep to today's news from Taipei, Taiwan, I can use that words for the Ancient Terminology, I feeling better sleeping at night?

Here is my witness account: "When a pile of stuffs got dropped."

Meaning overall, all, mix, inter-wine, every lawyers, not 8 lawyers....cases, to what meant to become a super huge piles of stuffs, you will have human returning time to when What is a pile of stuffs? True?

"Remember me."

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