
🍆🍲🫑 They agree M & T bank has this small business proposal to fill up...they are thinking about those small craft and arts stuffs, like a physical store. Not Eben's or Site sell.

In this entire sphere of Ub, there is only one human that is high tech equip. They are not listening a word I say...Sitesell, keywords, Digital Era.

They treat that like a greek, because....their ego, because they just don't believe in it. Their IQ is outside the science field, so that is why paycheck to paycheck....And I think Adria doesn't have the sibling, but Ola and Karen has the siblings. Fighting whom begging whom on the house, instead of doing the correct things = Making it.

They just ruin every degree of their life, and no one when they picking up their teammates, will seeing this.... "Whom begging whom to open their mouth and talkie wackie..."

There are girls that waiting their Line App, just staring at it, their ex husband, or whom they used to facebook or what not. Stupidity. The priority of life, its that Tro Big stab on Google. That guy is not short, he is the upper Jewish above...Google. uh...about right saying. One of those Mortgage acquisition or merging department. That is the guy. Young I think. 

When they lose one house month payment, to when that house becomes forclosure...its they lose it all. That is if they lucky...to imagine the rest, because there are the senior citizen apartment take-go scenario. They might just imagine their ex husband has to provide them all Royal imagination Begging life, to try out on Lawsuit, seeing whom got compensate in the end. 

Its really one of those most ridiculous things...while you are in the house of catching fires, they soak in the imagination, their someone its a bet-on-it- all scenario, they have a car waiting for them outside.

They have that imagination, not to feel so much pain external, like in their life current to their parents, to their sibling, to all around pressure them. So they escape and waiting on that Line App. One of those really people doing those inept human does things. 

And purses, nail polish, purses......electronic....

Loads of they wish to spend money, on a particular junks. Like the Pinterest house, I display? Theirs and mine? They react on it. As if I cannot feel it far away. 

That day.

They actually clinging on it....buying.

You heard people buying things to accumulate debts, I hope you are not one of them. They are that norm. You want to guess which name is that?

Why my name is even God, I am telling you.

None sense no stopping.

I told everyone, very very very bad situation on the bank. I did.

Very bad. You can say I Anna has no credit cards. I have no more credits like everyone else saying borrowing the limits stuffs. 

Right now, if I run a Corperate Top, the only things I will ever look at, its the Bank side. Their brain has a lot of things saying about that. Because I Anna never had an issues, until I touch the Bank's head, like those Carla human and Tony. 

Its horrific. I am telling you.

I also give a very specific instruction on someone else.....THAT...its none sense. Where they just don't do the step by step...no matter what I say, they don't do a thing.

When the girls are young, they thought their life has an options. Its one of those Cinderella story.  Like Prince William Newspaper.

Well, the guy you are looking for Loving the Silent Tear, he looks like Charlie Angel, that Drew lady, with. So that is Austin's mother. Her husband name is Sky

Victoria Secrets, there is a Pineapple sky?

That flag is England on that shirt. 

He looks like the monkey guy Lupin in Conan Detective. You extract the photo, if that is what you wish to seeing that....

They can never make it this....but they had many other new direction and the chance how they pulling out of the bad times.

No one wants to deal that those horrific 400 millions debts.

No one.

But ....when the life in front of them smoke up, they cannot handle those life, that they freeze, and hold on to everyone else life cannot moving on happily....they just create their own karma every step the ways.

There is a TV, there is a smoke up. How you deal with it.

If there is Warren Buffet, then that old guy counts as a human talking, my words are not talking. No one team up to human, to saying....every short coming to TV announcement, you cannot maturely evolve to just do something about it.

There are stories so real, they didn't let go. Because...on my facebook, some guys, except that Tamang....There are someone might just really making it.

The making it the guys, they cannot make a sound, because the Corperate or Academia Worlds are regulating them. The girls are the moving factors. The jobs these girls have, are the paycheck to paycheck, their IQ at zero, that is why. Manual labor jobs. Filling paper works.  Not anything important jobs.

I give them certain very very specifically instruction. It was very clear on my parts. I watch them. They cannot understand life. Not a bit. 

UB is number 1 state school, Anna is in the UB Honor Class, next by the UB Honor Program. There are guys they are making it in the programs, not this 10 years, they will make it somewhere somehow....but those girls they are on?

How to fight against the sweetie 17, home bound. That they lose all....things. ALL. Not me, not them, not all around. 

I see them has no brain when they are at the junction of every worlds....so I do not volunteer. Its every step the way, its every step wrong.

These movies, 4 points have a story....that is about a life, and many choices in front of you. If you failed, you will ruin every worlds of someone else life. For me, I don't need their lifes. They don't have any paper validate your IQ why exist at all. 


I have 9 long years, they supposed to just 24 hours got nothing but talking to someone what to do...wasting...that every resume I put forth words. They lose it all.


Want to use the naughty smile, to charm you.

In your frank eye sight, reflects to my image.

Only the gentleness its not enough.

Wants to touch you, the deep inside where no one sees.

Bathing under the soft Sunshine

The grass lucky, can fullfilled all wishes. Bring the Hope with the winds to fly.

At the Bright sunlight direction to finding this Light of Hope.

Thinking wanting to stay next by your side.

Long time ago, in the remote of distant corners, there is a contract of the fate meeting

The light shining me, as if guiding me.

Transpassing the far away of that Sky, and Time, Arriving Presence (Now)

The song above


Often showing the hesitate eyes gazing direction,

Use hands touching gently your soft hairs.

No words but sigh

The tears touching the chest front.

Even lying, would also that is all right.

Cannot response to your feeling at that time, firmly.

If the coward me, at the time responding to you.

Can it still going on.... 

The body remembers the inregular heart beat patterns.

Still wishing to feel it all again.

Losing all that heart beat unintentionally. 

Remorse of that pain neck me tie (tight)

Halsey (Crown), again, as a girl, if you delicate yourself to the Educational field, no matter whichever future life, you starting this one life....

There are elementary school teacher, middle school, high school teachers, to one day the Female Professor. As the girls characters to fosters and calm down the guy's masculine nature ....whichever words, or methods to bring down they one guy to another guy, one guys to another groups of the guys. Medi-ate the relationship...

You see that video of yours, you are a narrative...you are saying a story, or a situation. That is one solution, when you capable to becoming a stable Educator. In that field of too many guys on the wild guess, to the violence nature, and aggressiveness.....You will find your fruition to whichever you see the brighter side of life, one day. 

There are many guys or the girls not stable. Not mature....to whichever world they sent themselves too. You acquire that fame, you could very easily step yourself out, or on to a new domain of life niches, if you just plan on. No one gets on to life in one day. 

I will tell you those UB, has no exit. The girls. Not with their parents, not with their sibling. You imagine saying to the educators, that....they take 2 years to fight between them to lasting 5 to 10 years fighting. They cannot take that much time imagining, the character built-up shaping on the 15 years old paper formats written down the worlds, its every weekend, they are home, fighting, Anna's 2010.

These wave of energy sent you somewhere, just like them = a public format.

Right on the stage. What everyone else choose to do....were small voice small doing, that one or 2 years of the energy surfing is wasted. I say to many, 27-37, on my music channel, has becoming the millionaires.  There are.....When UB design a program, they will push those character to make it or break it. It looks like to me.

That Sakura Clear Cards situation is VERY very very bad. They might be thinking...its cute and funny. Its actually on the real world statistic account, ITS rotton bad.

What really happened?

Remember I started Oct 21th 2021. On the facebook, including the National Guards at the National Archive.

Any response me Anna putting forward, they will listen. As long as it keeps persisting making a sense.

UB They probably all lost it ....Pixie is a group of no patience human. If you stay on the public channel, like you Lalla did something, someone can see you putting forward, no matter that is a good or bad situation. The assistance will be there.

But they hide. That bracket I said about many many things....its pass. Pixie's attention only lasting about 1 week to a month, on those cases. If they lose those lead, they lost that 37-39 I say, 2 years, which its only 2 months. They gain nothing. Absolutely Zero. No matter its a good or bad publicity, right now Pixie don't want to hear a word anymore.

You put up a fight, or a good fight and die on it, those are the Pixie natures.

What put on the paper?

Its exactly just like that.

Like what?

Sakura 90s cards. And that is very very bad written-up. No matter what you think no one reading it. Everything is exactly = a formula. Something about grade 6 romance to Middle height, and that Barbi playing dolls, there is a word in Chinese 玩扮家家酒

What is the English translation, you know the Toy Story, the bad house, that girl did playing Barbie and tea house? (Play House Wine?) 

Right now, that age still below 4 digits that 4,0s.

You know what is the New Age teaching? 

One of those Kryon those human formula words. When the opportunity, where you keep putting forth an energy of your intended ideas. That energy will lead you at a conjuction...

Guess what junction is that?

They lost it.

For example, Kryon says, the energy of that snow ball effect is catching on year after year, bigger and bigger since 2012.  That is so long time ago, I listen to him.

Let's say, you set an intent. You did everything in your power to, let's say, you door to door built up 100 customers. You have no ideas which roads are the most correct way. You just keep trying, fail and success. You read books, you learn methods, you talk to the mentors, or you asking the family friends. The family connection...you keep built up that ideas of the momentum, to where...one day you meet another stream of Timeline of that someone given you an opportunity.

Like goodness forward, no bad intent on pure intend, there was just amicable, no hard feeling, everyone ended the friendship 2006. But then....16 years pass. There is one chance.

And that is exactly what happened. The rest of the story. 

The disappearing the Pinterest.

The end.

And worse of all worse. Soon, what they will face right and wrong.....of that ending Tiny 4.0 TV...how those 4 running on 4 different screens? 

They lineager.

Of something they don't know what that was.....because no one ever told them.

That person, its me.  Everything they lost it.....details right in front of my eyes, exactly just those movie Tiny 4.0. Exactly every walk of frames, exactly. 

Someone did turn blind eyes, let them fall eternity...hell.

They imagine these are so fake...they cannot understand its everyday....someone could just be their savior if the first day of their first month, they just bow, kneel, flat. To what its exaclty 4 points frame offering them. They will keep fighting until that energy of women losing the wrinkle, its shown on the photo already. They aged. 


Why don't they just go to ET to find one solution, not the entire world TV monitors shatters? Just like Carried Underwood Blow Away?

That market practically its at zero, or was at the zero when I show up?

Its almost just guarantee, if you are that types of the girls, right now, its just about 194 country will stay tunes. Practically anything you ever wish to say, with the style. 

Remember Eben's new gifts?

Karen's ex husband, Chris....with Karen used to be...one of those Adria Emily, and Melinda human to go on...breathing exhale aerobic...Zen like Thian Kung Dao. Without any discipline in the minds works, to every word I don't speak about it....they are evident will know the future becoming....One day. Day of Brahman, with this rate, of someone else evolution....they backwards 16 years ago....on words speaking wrongfully. Why so important vegetarian anyway? Karen?

Don't you agree?

When one human becoming the whole worlds, Front seat row, to when everyone falls down....kneel at God, it must be something unprecedentedly...wrong.


Can you believe it, from now on, since 2017......its as soon as you are market yourself on Line, or anything towards public, you are down in the drain, just about getting worse of all kinds, every year degree to all those Military and 194 country people personel.

To that Victoria Secrets are not loud enough to all the production company.

How the girls will fall to the degree of fallen....none stop, as soon as it shows up the faces.....how pity and sad that truly will be eternal laws.

How many hundred years pass, still on the public known as the 1900s science 1+1 will forever = 2.

That is unfortunate...as soon as they air....they become the drainage.....It takes just one girl to make it will enlighted.....elighted....delighted, the moods of 194 country personel guys or the girls. It just takes one girl to stop all that....its just one they praying for. 

How the dreaming becomes dreams.

How the unquainted ...to be acquainted....

Its one of those Classic tale, fighting til the end, 194 country, to find one personel....stand up to be bravery of that Harry Potter Plot, Simon Cowell greatest, of the conquers of the past, if he just knod his head down, you will becoming...Greater.

Its just his tiny opinion of views becomes the matter.....how he gets the jobs, to how far those jobs get done, see the Kelly Clarkson interview with him, how many interface glass panel, did he even knew what that was?

"High way.....Low and high...." Simon Cowell has a favorite song.

That day may not be in hundred or thousand years to come, as you imagine the passinig of your parents in 50 years, you are out of your life stream...