
Its 11:30, I need to go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Leadership in that two diverge world, where....left down. You tell people what to do, not asking me what should be done.

You don't think that is the time doing that? 

Like Me Anna

I create a stream of events, forgetting that movies stuffs, just for me Anna stuffs. "I told my facebook used to be friends." = you being said on the Pegnuine's camera. Do you know how that looks from my side, you didn't disappear? 

Let's saying we divide two time bracket, First 16 years, second 16 years by the TV.

We have participants of APO, CAC and UB Honor Class. We have the indicators lights on 6+1 MD that way

4+1 MD this way.


A situation that really happened how I Anna felt |  A TV Time Divide reflection  |  The UB Clubs Facebook I collects names from for the National Emergency House under the War Time |  A real System Issues  | 


Do you want to see your own lists of options how you crafty.....any story sounds too crafty?

Your hope, you dream, your pray?

We might never have a solution

But we putting out the voice or whatever they are doing behind, I cannot see things from my ends. We are using the social media.

You know how many things "I think I guess, I was Right"? You imagine I hear a concrete answer from you, its floating in the empty air. 

Like it shaken me, or someone else in the Honor Program

What happened? 

I get it, I might never found out the answer, because to be honest....its more sad to know the other way, you for the money, to flunk it on Dr. T's class on the ice cream shop. So those lockwood on campus jobs are all faking it, the resume, how you ends up on the TV at this important time, you want to tell all of us, its either you stab us behind someone's back, or someone has to push you to go literally stab whom's back, because you are just exactly like Tony.

Or Adam & Hailey.

Love in translation its a very very very bad owning....sometimes you have no ideas how those becomes ...so deadly fatal, on Love, obsession.

But then again that is not what the Court says.

I heard they say, get together, read every line correctly. per line, per square, per setting, per literally Sailor Moon included, to figure it out the whole things.

I Anna just say the whole things.

"Time is destine" 1:37

The history of those time, were ...yet to close the Gate, Wing. Your history didn't mix up....8 country Foreign blow up China Walls. You need the foreign military supports to stand in Gates.


Your marriage its appointed, if that is what you believe saying it.

Do you like sticker?

Or do you like one of those pandent, you have a 迴紋針 on the back, you can zip it on the Muji Bags, like I had.

You like Make-up?

You like a spicy food?

You like your parents just like you collect things you want? Never really say much?

You like nourishing those very expensive cosmetic serum?

You believe those superstitious tales, and legands?

Like you like the story talers story of the Past, like a book?

Karen doesn't really complain those things in life, whatever she has to put up. Ola would. She used to drive those girls all around, she lives in the West Seneca, very very far from everyone's home. Very far.

But she ends up doing those things, including taken Melinda home from downtown bar, and drive home. I that time still lives in Jame's house. She does that often, and what happened now, those girls....don't exist anymore.

No, I don't like to drive back like those things in downtown....I stay away from downtown. Friday night I like to read ....Book. Like Bible and go to sleep early, shower, nice, bathing in my own bed.

She just does those things I don't know why she doing that.  She has to work by how many hours per week, not here. Probably at West Seneca. She lives home, she goes to school, she does this CAC things. 

That's Arizona, that is TN.

W Two worlds its a story about a guy saying he kills his entire family, as the First Degree Murder to ends up in Jail. (hopefully not eternally)

He then meeting a girl as the last seat of rotton doctor on the roof, in order to modify the book content, the memory, the situation of "how to draw that as a dream", the girl will forget it about him.

He used to have a best friend, whom like Vicky, its a distort face lifting jobs girl. No appearance like the killer. The High school sweet hearts, that she lost her right arm becoming transparent.

This doctor keep going back into the book trying to save him, against his father's orderly order. The father decided he will kill him, his destiny in life, its God's calling must kill him.

He was told, or he was led.

There is a memory when the father was young, when he first invented this character to become a household success name. Its this franchise, that sustain the entire family.  He told you that is the story. He grew old.

To that several attempt of going inside outside the book content.

First its her parts

Second it becomes his will power

But later as that story comes to the end, her father will die one day, and the guy waiting her at the bus stop for her to come near. 

She did come near. But the Book content changes the entire sequence of the Day light, she is back to where she was in the real world. Not the Night. Its the Day.

The narrative saying, the book ended there, he die. But what the audience didn't know was he was sent to the ambulance and got to the hospital to be cured.

Wing, if this one life, you find out you have no finance to get married like that TN profile, to where you are right now where? On that Statues, Academia requirement, or you are free? Working somewhere?

So let's say that is a true situation.

And one day in the 16 lifes later on, you realize you could have the technology back in time like Prince of Persia to see the past. You found out Anna done on purpose to lock down one paper in her hands.

Will you change that if Time Return?

She knows you don't really know if that course of design...if that fate of two worlds merge...I say if at Taiwan...If. They may never make it, or you never make it.

Anna didn't tell you the true reality, at those time, of that age 50 things.

Will you time Return in your 16th lifes? Coming back in Time?

The magnetic phone book


What does the guy's like or want?

No parents.

No sibling

No phone books

No facebook, or you give them your passwords, its just 10 people exist talking nothing human. 

You are a happy person, honest, open, independent doing things.

Having plan to your own money making schemes, because that is the reality, the degree of your professional, your language, your attitude, might be just like they say......the Occupation defines your spirituality. 

Between the Sex and the Professional Women

The guys choose the money. Like nick had a neighbor, a guy and a Romanian girl strip club. You know the night life pays the money like those wine drinking bar, bar tendor....

I think they like the companion more than the wife. Friendship, someone to trust, to hold, it may not be a name, but as long as ever long....that relationship. Not enemy, no human really wish you go and hating each other, many guys are more gentle like that.

Like a concentrate hate. Because....some of different kinds of guys, when they establish a family, like ex, or ex ex....they keep in touch. Money talks, or network, or the business association. 

Your age right now

You probably don't think of that. That is the choice left now. 

There are particular family girls, they have the money, more educated. Many guys do those things, and they keep in touch. They know where they are. The guys they see their options faster than you believing in it.

You want to become a guy? Like a guy means....you have no support, no girls support in whatsoever means, and every girls has nothing but gluey....to the bathroom even.

One of those? They do that in the military.

If you do a Statistic, on....Movie becomes a New Realm, all the marriage vow will diassociate the moment on the hotel grand room, everyone drop the vow.

Its because "The moment like this", its never Eric. 

If you hating someone, will that person or being hate will go to hell?

You might already dead, so you have that feeling, gone. Its starting at the minus. OU. Its when the body stop breathing. 

There is a reason you don't come out the worlds to do things, you leave. The choice of drop all things, give back the Cesar what he wants. Give the King of World Maya, what he wants, like Kail. Give back things you took from God, exactly every penny. He gives you the breath of air to live life, that water, that sunlight.

But you don't care about anything real teaching. 

This life too torturing, those mumbling of God's words are junks. If I see the OU on the TV monitor including the Flower Thousand Bones. I do my ways. I have zero karma. 

You compete yourself to a lot of European English Speaking country, including South of us, South of Indonesia, Australia.

The real professional world people to this second language the English taught way are very hash world reality. You may not get a job, you have to find your own skills to sit in some table that you knowing you will be okay. 

When you start to exposing yourself to the people, there are all sorts of nice or bad people around. You see, you watch, you hear them. 

In order to get that governmental funding, your level has to rise up to the National. Your life has a trajectory how you putting that energy forward. You might just stay in your own life, settle to that same paycheck. A lot of people doing those things. 


You have to remember one thing in life, every term of that new life, you grow something out of your farmiliarity, you need to be confident, you can cook alone, eat alone, shop alone, sleep alone, washing the pillow case alone. Do you know what I am saying? You survive on every terms of weather cases. Any guy any other scope of things has nothing to do with you, because you know you are weaken on the image things.

There are a lot of things you cannot deliver to any guy. You have to give up that life. Its you can never deliver a guy's want.

First thing, you need to get more independence. A lot of the girls I have seen, its very gluey, meaning the daddy the car pick up, or the service car, "Dad, what is the oil things...in spring summer? you have min?"

One of those talks you have to drop all, you lose your family, your guys....you by yourself on.

To that you affirm yourself, you can never match up the guys to back glue them, you only choice its to stand up on yourself. To me, that doesn't need to be that, but you choosen that life, you cannot lower down. 

To me Anna's scope of seeing...

Someone saw you groups, whichever the bracket, when I Anna were at that bracket too. Except...we are nothing to do with each other. Me were at Toronto, you were at Buffalo.

They....don't know why, They didn't pick up you or Ola. That is what the movies says. None of those girls got picked. If they are truly what the ET picked the people to show those saying.

They say it in a very nice way in the movie.

You start working from the beginning of the movies again. Pick up the coffee deliver Harvard standard best. Whatever that means to you.

If you want to ask me a question

I would tell you, when the classify material to be the only Bible, its = Bible. You can make it to the classify, if you insist you doing that. I don't do those things. I got stuck in the situation or else I will still be happy by myself single. I will tell you, I do not care about one relationship people say whom with whom what kisse, movie hugs, those garbage things. Not really.

I need to survive to make it in Life!

🍠🍠 I am sure right now, some of you UB already practice at it, your hand clapping, or singing notes, I think...🍠🍠

When you are more intune to higher frequency, everyone just pick up the speed and go, you know, right now...its really your own dedication time. You brainstorm your live ahead of you. 🍠

Some you girls already know APO, okay? Its really just next by, adjcent by.  

Taiwan flies to China its very easy. You girls stays in Taiwan for now, until I know where that Wing and Pang supposed to go ....you provide support and buffer.  Yamaha is the music classroom I told you already.

Maybe I take you see the store, on the Video.....there are places I do go. Everything except the eating store. Is that what they are saying to me?

Saprino, its the main melody

Auto is the one next down.

Tenor its guy's first

Bass is second.

We sing the main melody, but you see me doing those lower the key and mess up everyone else notes....yeah, if you get that far, you don't need to do this auto, tenor or bass separation. You just be happy to sing out of your tones.

Like Jurassic Park. Its a piano piece.

You roll this feeling, right now, a brand new life...you have to see where it goes about...not me telling you. You have to feel it, you have to explode it, you have to understand what you see yourself becoming, or feeling good what you have to face the world on your own now. Away from parents, you have to be more independent than you used to be. You can just stock in your own very room, really.  

You don't do everything in one day. 

You can just practice at home, next one year, two years....testing your own nearby farmilarity, that you don't breath out of air. You build a confident, you touch the things you don't freak it out, you wash the peel, you don't cut yourself. One of those.

Saying the words out loud, and you see if you polish yourself to that extent, at your own room, in your extra time, in your talking to those around you. Because people fear things. You fear about a lot of things.

I only say practices. 

The girls standard in this world are too low....not the guys too high. Its the girls too low, okay? Literacy, cooking, and organization skills. You put really bad words out there.

Let's say Anna I put a group together, girls.

You never met some harmonious reasons why I am doing that, that is what the last time I say. They might before we see each other again, they will shape up somewhat themselves. 

I don't know what is that Laura, by now she probably has kids. They were those family. But that Bride War Ending....its the New Life of beginning.


But let's say....the police told me, things are different for that 2 girls. What you all current girls Karen, Adria, Alice, what you want to do? Jonathon is around or not around with his wife 2 kids, its one time flying for. 2 girls + 1 Family?

And which singer you want to get? How the money film one look how everyone combines.  Do you see how....Wallace photo next by that Actress girl? His photo next to me?


Her name is Jessica Simpson, her husband used to be nick, I think 98 degree. Kinda like VS Marrisa, I cannot tell which one of which, but maybe some of them whom still keep the appearance. Its a video lunch time.

No, Taiwan.

You girls are not sorority girls. But our circles, to which the real photo arts are different.  No, I don't need to get in between that Nominji and SMCH their own stuffs what to sort in between. She is iconic in that organization, most time that organization finding her to work for them.

Its the merits spiritual points, might be volunteer too, called the loyal disciple.

Mine here I have to pay at it. That starting at Taiwan first of all, to see how everyone gets alone. The real music class if those guys are really mean it shifting that side of world, it might be 3 days a week, for 6 months, one month break, to another 6 months next. One classroom 20 to 30 people sitting there a music relax class. 

The girls you are at home right now, or working....you practice your shredding skin of that carrots....you will conduct some cooking class demo to those still not slim down guys, if Mike or Keegan just shift themselves in.

They can take you all become bubbling how to verbalize a raw food, a raw dish, a raw presentation for 10 weeks, per weekly one time. You start opening your mouth to run a workshop, especially on juicing. That fields does exist your own values in it. Peel good, wash good, cut good. 

They might be standing around to watching you all how to demonstrate at it.  China has other whites. I never say you are limited in UB. That raw ideas, or you really just helping more people to slim down the weights, teaching them the vitamin, how to read this nutritional chart, I will polish up all those classed, every term, every math, every package of the hot chocolate. On caroles. You may not be fluent immediately, you take notes.

Those things I don't need the notes.

Music its right there, so I watch what you all guys or girls do things. I don't even know if you sing at it.

Some people if they do like to sing, I will tell them, your throat issues, like "THIS". >.<

<.> \/   /\

I am the person that doesn't like to sing.

If Eben came here, Night market right next to us, we go shoot those ballons. Outdoors, I show him the electric grills how to burn down that entire Night market lightening system.



There is a particular design, by lines upper cut your head in half, or the foot angle those vendor's gas pipe line....on the right, so you walk the opposite direction of the night market, jumpiing back and forth right forward, or left backward. 

Have you ever wondered....You cannot stop doing this, I cannot put my foot on the ground, jumping around, your vendor's gas pipe line, on my angle just like those Metro line red or green....exit the wrong way in escalator, it took me one or 2 years not to step up step down walking....I just come back from Buffalo to CA?

My life was technically all the pain things in this one City, you built upon the Rock?

Today its Saturday?

They are at 台南

The Big Henry on my photo were, he is Virgo sign A, hanger by 1cm. That is how we met, him, Monica, Elizabeth ...

Not Jason and Shorter Henry and Eric. They were the University Upper kids.

Its the local snacks....that Pinterest Square bread soup, or ice cream fried places. They, this area are the most. Most Prominant known, its the vendor eating life, at night. Maybe not 7-11.

Every world has a monitors, its when everyone when they were 20 years old, to become 30, 40, 50 ....all the way to Karen's dad's age.

 "Open your eyes, seeing the greyishing of the Life Scene of all those (Country Moutain River built upon this country....equal rights.....) ..."

Why is he dead?

Name, 2nd uncle.

Because Republic of China meant, you will NEVER do those things, while other people's family suffered. But he is a surgeon, to that every girls equal right, he is still useful, so he might still live and well alive. 

That is the end saying Republic of China. 

Simon he is a very bad tyranny, but he is much more useful than that Lauren. They both have a reason to stay alive, but Simon he does things on the music, to create his success, those things were never a girl could ever deliver. Not ever....

Most girls are so near hell...never make it, how much debts to compare the reality of "one guy." The guys therefore don't die.

Or else they will all be dead in my world, Zawanna World, Kail Worlds, including that Eben Pagan, or Craig. 

This TV display many things. Anna is the one blogging, bluh on it, which her tiny opinon of that stray road ahead, to every wane down curve, she decides where she likes to make her money, or spent her money.


Do you agree some will hear about that? Whatever that is? 

You all think, if you verbalize your plan, someone gonna stole it, and destroyed it. Well...sometimes its not all that negative. 

So I give you a choice of the academia requisites. 

You can say, you analyze your TV, and you approach Dean, and his facebook, or he let you, or what...and then you make your own conclusion, you waiting, like Ms Congenliaty. Etc....A lot of people all looking at this TV monitor, to do everything that choice in life.

All of us are making that choice right now.

Some people may not agree with me, I say graduate from University, get every paper you can find, textbook are only just the definition per line words. If that school opens up just taking an exam because they give me a definition, I might just finish it all, with so much money, I care only where I will be, not really where you will ever be.

Let's try the age of the fertility ....between that groups of people, whom sins on System making. Its when you are young, you are beautiful, and still...that is up to 35 til then 40 there is Hallie Meyer unsounding his mother's maid.

What happened if you becoming like the Lauren future passing 50+ and Lalla, single without....the future pockets of the money, guarantee of that circle, to build on debts.  

People knows you are 50 above women desperate. Many my mother's friends just go scam the whole family money, including her brother, her sister...one person ....their money gone, by a sweet phone calls, 2nd phone calls, 3rd phone calls. 

But there is another kinds of desparation. Its the body.

Some guys are skunt, correct.

They have nothing but filled up the sex life, to what more of.....Life itself to raise a family. And then 26. Many does those things.

But what I will tell you about to some of this guys, what they really pining for, its some softness of a girl. They are not gay. It may never be the sex issues, I will tell you, a lot of people having some fears. Sex its a medium. Sex is.

But there are everything else package, if you become more of softy, not to blush his ego off his career, or slap his faces in the public square right at your UB reunion to JC, or to Justin, or to Dean, no matter what the movie or the TV or the W two worlds says.

Softy....means, agree with the guys, just pushing it down all that arguments. Me and nick fights only lasting about 1 mins. There is nothing to say. 

You care about cooking, food ready, warm bath, bubble tea, learn art, learn decoration, learn how to be happy in life, learn every joy to that life, why anyone around you, should bright and shining and be happy?

You don't understand what that means?

This worlds are the survillance of the guys worlds. Only the guys can control a lot of things as the networks no matter which networks. They can talk to each other even to the worse degree of the guys. They can get through it. Not with the girls. 

Have you heard, that the life its like a school of itself? Ever?

What you intend to stays in the school....at all. 

People doing the worse things meeting you at the every step. Some will telling you how that felt, and many will end up in jails. Once you are jailed inmate words, sounding...there is nothing like the Movies.

The reality of Ocean George. Whatever that means the calling. 

Your born body its your sin, you should just keep moving that 4 limbs, to get rid of those train of thoughts. No matter what that is. Open your eyes to see the World as is.

Everything else its irrelevant. 

Sorting hat if not scary enough, ghost realm film always has more merits to hold onto.

Do you want to ask me something, like what its a precepts by per thoughts?

You hate one thought, its one minus. Per thought.

You curse, you jealous, you envy, your mind its not even one second, you cut your 5 sense away without the 4 points frames of this one life, that is how you spell your brand new life, away from karma.

Karma = per thoughts inside outside, by deeds, by speech, per word.

Like lies, like arrogent, like sway, like lies to your parents, your feeling, your nagging, your vent

Those are per word. Not per alphabet, I guess. 

What happened if you break precepts

Time, never arrive doesn't mean it will not intended to manifest in the factor of 10x. Its records in DNA. Per code, not per codon. Per code, meaning nucleotide.

Well, they might just say Codon, because that has a meaning, the other doesn't have a meaning.

You go to lower existence, love to fighting war, love to demonstrate ego, love to harm with each other feeling, love love love to cursing words in between gangs life, tatoo...

May not be Hell, ET does that on purpose, or the producer or the directors, they go to hell. 

But you are not stable. That is why, you belongs to the groups of the future, you choosen your internal structure. No one will ever sees inside. They say they see, they say they feeling it. You Ola is not all that emotional uptight to showing everyone, but you are. 

Some human can open those shadowy look. Like ABC human.

Don't you love to be the friend with Lalla? Proven the hurt feeling to demonstrate louder...uh uh uh....someone becomes another best pal friends, all together uh uh uh? 

Its 1, 2, 3. Great showing, isn't it?

To me.

No one willing to cease their language keep proven they have the freedom to vola, harm, and keep doing it, see what I will ever do to each one of them. That shut up starting 2017.

You bet with everything in your life. EVERYTHING. I have nothing but patience in virtue.

You all love Harry Potter, Movie Categories, that assorting hat its 4 tables. You only have merits so to say having the food on the table.

Just like you meant it, friends so important on your facebook, you know it.....this is just all belongs to this one reality, one realm, what your heart ache, all that not putting away, putting down. Let go. 

Its 11 oclock per night heart cut. Those games are great. 

In UB honor class, meaning your parents are part of that watch, to ensure they pays at their costs, you at least will acquire of that piece of paper no matter what. You hope at this time. At least the UB graduation paper from the Undergraduate Department

Its the ugly grades to sounds like daily free to do? 

When you have a bad grades, people stays away from you, to that sorting the teammates, everyone dragging to the ghost realm, you saying Magic, here you go darkness, Black magic!

Your parents finding out the gossip where everyone is from the respected country? I forget how I knew everyone's country, at least the parents are not inactive. My mind were? 

Traveling just even once, twice, three times in life, you feel all burn and pain....not to say, grabs and seize...what everything has nothing to do with you? The life in front of you that important. 

Your parents give you a piece of paper.

Your grades ends up on those resume, below....that which lines of writing, Bilingual, Ms Words, Ms Excel, Joomla, Powerpoint Slide?

okay I see now....it means Bill is not in your programs.

You are the Honor Program, those sitting that crowd with me in it, at the right corner of Dr. T peripheral. The parents groups, the rest of the others, they are American white guys. Behind, or all the way on Dr. T's left.

That guy disappeared I think. 

Language Skills

How you becoming your country National Moscot! 

Dean has no voice. But Dean knows whom has the voice. I think so.

Doing the Next Right things.


I am telling you, if you failed those time one class, chemistry, you change your major, and your parents ensure you put your grade back up, no more outside money stuffs, and you finally receive a college paper....

No matter what grade that looking bad the first year, at least you graduate the College.

If you failing all the way to the button of the dweller and ends up high debts, to suicide at the border line out-state.....those are truly criminal minded fill-up, wine cups.

These movies are new field. Many people have hope and dreams, if they acquire their University that piece of paper with the intact grade, at least its a paper says graduate. 

How that making of the literacy, and tempament, to that every endow, you so self spenishing your wordy proven evidence, its so happened its every step the way being calculated "evidented".

High debts to gamble, guns to vola facebook, saying humbly present the tiny words to hint, hinted.

You need a hinged?

We assuming you failing one subjects to having a parents back you up those years 20 years ago, or its you failing every subjects within the UB Honor Program itself?

I saw Ola at the ceremony award, Dean remember that? 

Her parents, and his parents. I am the receptionalist. The TV lies about....the sandwitch shop? or the shopper? 

A lot of people will tell you they don't believe that one piece of paper, no matter what, a College or the university degree. I am telling you, its all that is, to staying in the school counts, whatever your background coming from to that American saying your IQ stays intacts.

I think Eben's major should be chemistry, B.A. 

His groups of those Gods, his food to be maid soon in the future.....not he is the prince, princess.....dress the apran or the mini-skirts.

Its the culinary competition, not geography. In China he will never make it.

Prisoner of Azkaban

... ... Its a color blind?

If you have one death, I think you will go to jail. For real. 

The European Educator has those degree of analyze your education, meaning your IQ proportion to your incomes statues, your emotional balance, to that crime activties.

No wonder its all moving out of that UB. Too many Homey....

The sooner you can proven you can graduate, of that cold or hot that life you choosen right starting at the college to all these year, how each life, you seeing Facebook to become...the speed Paycheck difference on weekly notice, you have to submit that paycheck to the bank to cash in, correct?

I walk in the bank and give them the checks, I remember that.

The European that France reside, has a Paris Light Towel, I always wonder why that battle field always have to pick a place, that have warrent me their electric grid anything to do with me, no matter how you turn those table, the 4 Heavenly Kings to 4 Sailor.

We used to have those MK saying MJ, to every frames how a flower open all the way in, or all the way up....remember?

The fights. 

Menton, those are called Maroco, not the Africa nation. Its south of France.

I didn't do any of that last time or last week.

oh ~ That is what the Movie SAYS!

I am pretty sure if Keegan didn't pass his grade, his father will kill him. He joins the military service. He came back really becoming thin. Or he is going back?

This is Christmas Tree on Luna! 

(Shut up! Birds, too hot outside, want to come in? Shut up! )

So if the story yield some merits are true, Cetric dead....Debts, very high debts, its Emerson Square with the full furnish Furniture inside with a White close to new truck. His father is just a priest.

17 ...the last year, Harry, Ron and Hermione went to New York City after the wedding. 

If Harry Potter = Dark Lords, that is 2008, Simon's farewell, himself. Dean graduate his undergraduate that year. None of them can saying anything get in the medical school, but at least they finish their undergraduate school study. Dean was a RA? That requires the grade?

There is a spider dead, that a Professor extracting the furry legs.

There is a Chinese Ancient saying if you describe a women to be that Spider jealousy, envy, emotional. All Torus are very emotional....They cannot control themselves like Tina. 

Tina's grade GPA are very bad in CUNY.

I used to think the American education system just failing starting high school / middle school, no hope to the future, how they those drugs never ends. I didn't know it will start right inside the honor class program.

If you failing the UB college, how do you get your jobs passing by?

7.5 dollars per hour like CADS that was 2010 rates?

Thy thou art 親 韓 (寒)

Meaning korea or too cold (rythm)

Greater departs sounds horns.

The crowning moment.

So rather effortless years by years

untold Truth, hair red in flare...

Waiting....its how unqauinst of labeling unsounding methods

You had the wished....

All that written becoming the threaten air to thee....

Targeted Misour.

Right or Left to shot that Top Gun 


Its truly when how end (wane)

Good (How = good in Chinese...Howard Stern)

From the first to the Last

A to Z

Its alphabetically foreigne to create a homey


Thy thou art 親 韓 (寒)

Greater departs sounds horns.

So rather effortless years by years

Waiting....its how unqauinst of labeling unsounding methods

All that written becoming the threaten air to thee....

Right or Left to shot that Top Gun

Its truly when how end (wane)

From the first to the Last

Its alphabetically foreigne to create a homey




16 years ago, they start you all going back to school, one of those things, you have 4 x 4 years going on,....to say where you suppose to be on that textbook?

You find a work, or a school to finish your education I assuming, that is what they make you all do Wing or Ola or Hira.

In front of Dean? 

You have to tell me you get to MCAT or PCAT at all, or literally you fail 16 times PCAT? 

If we become so wealthy, I make girls to study one or two years...to say everyone can trying out MCAT, we don't go to the medical School....You still failing? 

PCAT its not that many subjects! 2 by intuitions you are native.  

This Eben I have to watch him. Someone can F their grades in school to lost their scholarship to end up on TV before all of us knowing it. Its a scholarship program! They doing things like that, or ET really just that nasty doing things like that, what else the ET says? 

"Its a Scholarship Program, and Best Friend position?"

Does Dean particularly do something to you girls? In my memory....

If you drop out of the UB Honor Program, meaning your grade are F? Or it means you re-taken UB regular class? 

Isn't that the same thing? One semester you must generate a transcript to Pass it, that would be C? or D? I think I got A in Organic. Ola did well one time? I remember that. Dean remember that? I did bad that time.

That was the year I have to taken PCAT 2 times I think. 

I told you I study in the UB library everywhere I seen no one......and tell me you have 6+1 MD from UB IQ.

That is a Dean, or its someone whom we never met? 

Who is that? You don't think this entire Sailor Moon, sounds too real? It just I Anna don't know whom they are? Earth Prince, Mammoru....So it would be us = High school, Me and Lee in a different uniform (?), Music Academia....

That Mammoru he is a University Research kinds Student.

UB Honor Class is the High School, CADS Program Tutor Level = Music Academia

Whom is this guy?

I think Bill he is the Dark hair...Justin he is not. oh ~those girls mix up the sequence!~ ~ Its one seat shift over. But Bill he is not an Asian....

What is Shift B? BBB


You failed the school, no more University? That is the reason you are not in the library.

I like the Design continution of 7th 8th

On the 7th continue, that two bathroom, on the right side, its the corner towards 永大電機I want to put a cabin Tall, to where detegent, and Paper Towels, Kitchen Towels, Baking soda, aluminum foil, Bathing Towel, Beach Towel, Muji those summer stuffs. And that...stretching "Bar", can hang clothing or coat, you know I need 2 pillar walls towards the kitchen, and I need one long long bench next by that hanging coat stretching bar, plastic?

(Toward the Kitchen)