
I want to go to sleep, I don't even want to think about it.

Babaji: Go

This is horrendous, not just this we sort the movies, and the entire Buddhism trumpet on the screen only.

I see too many this problem, on the girls side. I don't know what to do. The percentage of the combine efforts, to the ending results of every family household really happened....this is very bad in my awareness in whatever seen, know, heard, tale....

Because that everyone are seeing this you put it together a family, and you just meant it, its not a happy life.

💞💖🥪 Maybe let me try again this....Eben and me, is, or was, or will be. But let's say we didn't lose that friendship, I cook a meal for him. I cry in my tears and soul and heart? 💞💖🥪

Like I hate him scenario. oh ~ I have to tell Eben, sort those Babaji's letter.

We are not going to destroy things like that....Like, tear like you cry behind the phone if Eben pick up the phone, and his heart sink, I yell at him? 

Like Sailor Moon, they broke up?

I am saying in the war, everyone gonna die, just cooking him a decent meal, I can sit down and eat. Not my eyes filled up the tears, I am hungry too.


hey, you know, I just had some of that waffle chocolate sticks, with half of salty seedweed chips. Lays'....I have half bottle watermelon juice. oh ~ I have my period this morning. 9:30

I feel the base of my nerves, near that buttom spinal up? Its pain.

I put the pain killer patches, and Ancient Chasez say give those packs to him. So I only use few. I went to drinking water down. 

I cannot even eat that now ....Its the base of the spinal cord? It means, the sugar the salt, those are not good for the eyes?

Rory's nightmare come true?


We don't have the Conan on weekend, its on the weekday now. On the schedule.

There is that Will hunting, movie, name Will?  Looks like Tim, sounds like Tim, the waitor.

oh~ so you all cared about that Line and Dot, the Crop Circle? The cartoon how they drawing them skills. 


I thought about if I make a full basket, a load of that basket of every fried food stacking it up, one plate, two plates, 3 plates....I done those things, by the food weight that I carried.

... ...

It looks funny to me. (Strange)

For people like me, for example, I always have to cook 4 or 5 different foods all together in that 4 stoves I used to do, or 2 stove now, still preparing the food salad, that doesn't need the stove. If I wash the mug bean, I don't need the stove. If I am juicing and washing the sink, I don't need the stove.

The things I carry on the weight in my hands, to the final yielding of the food on the presentation, like how much variety of a much cheaper food....You all eating out of your bank.

They didn't bring their water bottle, or some kinds of packed drinks, some nuts, or cashew for snacks, some cookies, some mix up small sandwitch to picnic, romantic ideas.... they are not exercise type to do that one shot in one time, they gonna die one of those days doing those crazy things.

Why do I like these ASMR so much? I told you, when I was young, we had a lot of this family gathering seeing a lot of food, including buffet. Its a habit, you wish to see the variety of the food.

When I eat alone, I don't eat, but when I used to be with nick, that kinds of the cooking still its 2 people, so you prepare a lot of plates, pots, bowls....

Its very strange if I seeing, those youtubers they are touring, imagine how expensive those are.

And all these food ASMR does, are Normal food. You never see, not the normal food at all. Its per dollar I spent will sound like a pain to me.

That guy didn't draw out. That is a ...what open his mouth Fire!

Inside my mind, not on his wall. You need to call them? He and another girls. He is older, much older, both are military. They are on the side checking their book standing.

Drawing down, all the way down, straight down....down down...that is a chalk board flat? Anything down? Not where from where.

The senior office keep doing that….it’s a guy. You are doing that?



It’s arabic I think but left to right. He is too tall…that thing too low to my eyes in front …of it. He has a hat. 


A cobra, from Cape Town, up to Iceland, or Canada North? All the way north, facing West direction, that is Ocean, there is nothing there?! No I cannot see what the...these lines. Its just a 1 2 3 line facing West? Cobra?

That room looks like Prince and Me...that map room.

I need another batch of people, circle all out, every royal, prince, top leadership movies. 

What they display inside the movies. Find out all that supposed to look like this.

Do you get those 10 Chef Disciple name and faces I am telling you? They are known as the 10 Chef Disciples. 


I need another batch people.

4 points frames insert into your corneal, like graphic design, like I used to do. Joomla, IT, or photoshop on those Organic Sites, how those circle or the square, keep drawing all those squares or roughly Apple Apps 4 corners curves in. Its always like a square idea, but round.

Do you use 4 points frames as the per quota, acts, to say less magic bound? 4 points frames, like TV, like Monitors, like photo pictures frames inside your eyes, ink in.

Like your mouse, keep doing this rectangle, square, ideas....sometimes you do this mouse dragging, or squaring out....how do you say that click and drag down. That is a square image 4 points frames inserts into your corneal. 

Stable people, stable mind.....find it the correlation I say that in 2018?

Right now will be 2023?

Order, organize, like you seeing Youtube, all are rectangle design, every layout? 

Visible and invisible lining.


Are they blind?


Dirty, spider? fur?ry ?

Whom working on Snape?


He is a University Professor. How do you become an University Profession, standing, in that X Man? That kinds of Artitechure building. Similar looking, sunshine. Ancient Chasez. ( no, he is standing)

I need you groups gets a math whom doing this Ph.D, Master degree combines, all together education like Hermione on the Time traveling speedy dial. To that Slam Dunk, from Rukawa dunk down how many to Misu? 5? + 430 + Dean (?) 

The real academia degree in let's say, longevity people's higher standings, to saying get hired in the formal education, or the formal setting of that education institute.

For example, if Snape shows up, a certificate of what kinds of degree he will get hired? That example, I need to know what is a drop out like high school, or Ola this one character harming degree in Magic.

For example, in our world, we have data only on those middle drop out outside that United States to that 194 country are worsen, meaning their longevity becomes little. And do you mean the singers are all illiterate, you do that in Hollywood, or someone sent them in? They use ...those vocal lineage stuffs, making money excuses? What did you do in America? 

Like SMCH those lineage fights on disciple since 80s, while the money becoming huge on the television? Its all those sent in?  I would NEVER find out, would I?

Do you have Patrick's height?

Where is nick saying, someone has a finger touch a book, and reading it all, they becoming a Ph.D?

If the birds going through the educational testing layout from K1 to K12, how they lie to copy and paste mind to pass all grades, that is validated? I don't think so. 


Attention needed? That is red hair means?

Where is Eric? UB that Eric, Olaf.

His position in the movies. 

I think its s chop board, its not a glass. Get Craig that area to South Africa, again, up to North Poles

Kenshington market, Meghan? I just saw the news on Harry they going to South Africa. 

Where is NASA Data after 2012? Hey, ~ There is nothing there after 2012? We are in 2022, almost 2023? 

I need someone to draw out, a water body to the Cape Town to South Africa, White, that ship porter places, that entire area, Curve down.

Get rid of it. Its roughly a curve, a big radius..."Circle", down, curve down. 


Albert II's wife.



okay I see what they are doing now. 

I need the people, IMDB those, circle all out, every magic words. As soon as there shall every be Magic, circle it all film out. We are the legal system, not air bimbo dreamy statues....


I need another batch of people.

Follow what I say, "In Today's world, there is no one will end up in jail because of the TV, unless someone breaking it a law. But as long as that shall that person even be jailed by that mis-leading TV, and ending up in jail, meaning participating the jail activities, the legal system, its not as bad as those, participating in Magic."

Find out, what that means the magic parts. 

I say these, but I don't know how to define what is magic. I just roughly seeing that in the Harry Potter.  What is the magic thing?

No, these are my words. I seen enough movies, but I don't know what is the magic part of the world, there are worsen things I don't know?



You saying Big Hero 6, that is me?

I am like that?

Wing goes to Ice land?

 ... they say that diagram. No, I don't know whom I am copy the system. I assuming you Earth has your own diagram all the time, anyway? 

You care what the outside says? If its not local (Earth?)

No, I cannot tell if its a local, or outside. You on earth has informatics. 


If you do that kinds of things, you are making the TV as the final verdict? And Wing has to be the first case? 

Do you telling the Medical Board about it? Including UB? I just talked to Dean capable, if no one stop that communication again and again. 

Military or Congress? Military

Because for the Privacy reason, Congress set some rules.

But for the military usage, they have food first. Second, the military can just saying to the Congress, we don't want that person A, B, C, D, E here.

The military can have that right. The Congress will listen. You cannot force a military to what? Train on Wing? 

Third, the military family units its another vast collections of the voter's right. They are connected to the local. 

Most people just get the wrong things step 1 to step 1000. 


I will say what I think.

I think that pair of total 4 should go to Eben Pagan, their groups, including what not that Jay Abraham before they dead groups. They are dying out. They don't have to get Eben, Craig or Jay Abraham, but within that...whichever each other of them reaching to another Star, one of them, or 4 of them studying under, and get their vocabulary right, like the TV telling them. No matter what that is dis-throne them, or pushing them to be de-throne. 

In Flower Thousand Bones, there is one situation saying "The generation Position are interwined False" Whatever that means. 

Like you know American term of the first cousin, or the second cousin? The second cousin is always older than you are? Although that is not how Asian defined, but when we hear what the TV says in Chinese, that is as vagueing example I can give you.


Harry can just use his brother's example, saying the conspired ideas of how we get down were in the progress when he was admited in the school, I was the one be more visible right now on the news, and be publicaly sort out that legal documents behind. Meaning the public finding it out, I am thrown-out, away from the throne line. For that reason, I request to that I comply the TV reason how to approach one groups, not I wish there is anymore effects to my brother's family or my family, but I think it will affect us no matter what the excuse of that, and we are in fear. Its the money.

What options do we get, comply the TV or not comply the TV, the irony, how we get down on the street? 



If they would have that kinds of talents, to sway things, I think their own public citizen might just do something for them, no matter what.

Their attitude its always blaming, so if in the future Prince William got affected, Harry will be yelled at. He cannot take that, not really. But what the TV says, I roughly guessing it, they are not in the games. Everyone like me, or American military, or Russian, are very very aggressive to rub things on the TV.

Like the 3 frames of the sailor moon transformation to the STAR!!!!




oh, that Wing, he gonna get every single step wrong. I am pretty sure that is how it looks....

Well, they use the facebook behind too. What do they see?

She makes this? So now she has to pack the lunch boxes for her 3 kids?

I can tell you if they were more brain before, if their IQ reaching like Ph.D at least, that types, crystal clear, they can seek the foreign military assistant. It could be outside the England, or outside the Earthly. The military supports.

There are military complex, they absorb certain types of human. 

Sometimes they have friends. Certain types of friends. Because you are always assuming that is a Kingship person. I will tell you I don't remember a thing...too far long gone.

What? Central....that would be Militant. Not necessary you only refer to Military. You have that set up here, you go to America, or UN. They floppy their mouth, something will get changed.

Because Congress its the legislation department to process that presidential order, whichever that order they put out. Normally, you just seeing one human, you just assuming a lot of false things. 

So any military action, it has to come from the Congress consent, that means money included. You have no ideas how expensive those things are. 

(If they just try to achieve 1% of their brain supposed to be using....)

Our world, I think they abolish all Royal Family one day, I think....

They might just use every my cases to become their arguments, that is what those people do. 

( I feel like I repeat to my own wall, every day, thousand times, you have only Medicine, Law Board...in the career choices if you want to become like Wing. How funny his own name... )

In the other worlds, no. Its Military domination number 1, stands in the power. You have the liberate politcal debates rights, but Royal Family its the military iconic, that would be Kail's brother, that Zawanna stands in the photo. That is iconic, not Kail.

Or they are all the same. But do you know what they undergoes to become like that? Internal, and external....they will NEVER become like that.

The central Power. The civilian believes a different story. Its the other story. The central power.

I bought another 2 rice cooker, one in storage. Kail asked me, "What happened to the old rice cooker?"

"I say Zawanna took it the whole thing one night, to his wife."

Guess what?

So maybe, they really make that Middleton cook for Prince William?

They live ever happily ever after, in the college dorm.

My age...So that is 20 years ago?

What is the function of the Royal Family?

That is when you have a Royal Family. 

Actually its everything they tell you in the book, Red River Manga. "We pray....that...."

But you see the birds are already in the military formation, strategic border line to defense...they do that on purpose, I cannot breath.

Congress, or England House, Chamber? They are hostile to Royal Family, so let's say, they have 4, one of them has to take up that responsibility🦅🦅🦅

To lawsuit that Congress stopping them keep pushing them.

For example, what Kail did was he fired everyone in the palace, to save the money. Like he has to be in the Congress as long as they shall ever seating there.

I have seen American Congress Holiday Chart. There is a balance thing if you pushing that....but I think they got that picture wrong. Chamber they are their FRIEND!

They are OLDER so they take care of ME. One of those saying....they got the every picture wrong. 

They are best to take that American Standard Exam, some other Royal Family might have those. They take the competition ground with American standard exam. I heard.

It might be TOEFL, might be SAT, or ACT, or some kinds of PCAT or MCAT, if they get that higher education even. A transcript.  🦅🦅🦅



You can imagine how their conversation ever last...I go to nap

Babaji: Go

Do I think they know my major?

You mean they ask about the age included, or the background check this person which incentive they open their mouth and say which exactly not drugged words? or the alcohol consumptions.

Usually their response are limited. Like "Do you know that person?"

If they keep doing that, they will fallen very very fast. The young generation expecting you understand them without saying, and they are like what? close to 40?

They got the pictures wrong. Its the youth generation they have no patience, not they themselves have no patience. Let's say per video watching mins, per keywords searching recipes, per video watching per weekly, per searching news related to any pet, medicine, alternative medicine, music, baby, sex....romance keywords.

And you go to coffee, you use your credit card, or facebook sign, one of those new things. You are using the new apps, or something they say on the internet with plastic cards. 

You learn something news. If your mind stop learning something new, you will refuse anything telling you now, or later. Remember what I say. 


Let's say I share that video on my facebook, I use Youtube "Share buttom" to Linkedin, to Facebook, and to Pinterest. That is 3 social media I currently often use. I update and I actually using them. 

There are communication putting into places, or situation being handle. 

Its a real thing.

Not URL. The share buttom. That is a new thing you learn. 

You built up some of that every day on the Internet, you are not so afraid of opening up an internet and learning things, reading things, or listening to a speech, or presenting yourself in a microphone room.

This is what you called the Web 2.0. Someone leading the classroom to connect let's say 50 computer in one classroom. 

I told you the basic concepts of it. If they keep losing their hours, and doing those hunting, horse racing, or blue grass Berby, Sand beach....one day, those hours don't meet, they just shut off the internet often, something behind will drop all of them.

    Senior community England. 

Per entry Google Keyword, or Youtube Keywords.

You all assuming, when you see the swimming pool, a dog, a gift wrapping, a kitchen running, you ever use an Internet?

🌭🌭 You know if my Facebook didn't get block, or things were smooth, so I found some people back on my webpage, they can all participate on this.....🌭🌭 Want to guess...

UB those human they love gossip...if they made it here. Well...whom else are around.

You can guess....

Those of the 4 adults, you think which of them, by per quota, "angry response, lawsuit response, demands information response, to how to lawsuit someone they never met on the television per act, per saying, per reasoning deductive logic process their brain matter, on per quota, you think whom gonna fallen first? "

Their memory, vitality, spirits in fight fight fight?

See Craig's gf? That kinds. 

Public statement, a public campaign, get a Royal Palace secretary free to arrange some desk works he and whom or what investigation, per reasoning, how they process their brain structure, like for example, how to file a lawsuit on someone, can I see her photo first? One of those which sentence goes to which priority saying, to what, or how Congress they know its number 1, so she is down, they will all get up?

Facilitation how to think, if the circumstance A present to B, then circumstance to C. Those personal, Royal human has a brain how to be calculative.
9 Long years I never come down...imagine they were what....9 Kalpha or 9 eons?

I go to eat

Babaji: Go

But they are guessing, their IQ is not good. But ...they both ready to dump their wife and kid to go back to the Royal Palace.

However the union makes looks like a marriage. I hope Wing's situation will never become one of those....those people are bad. I message to Dean, I think this time can work. 

Well, I have a lot of situation, those situation to the brain IQ like them, and the drama they put up so far, like they meant it "Its ALL NONE sense...." attitude. 

You hope you know what you put up with in the future. Real Love. Loving the Silent Tear.

🥓🥓 okay, I play Honorable Superior 🥓🥓 If I see his father really telling him to go to Eben Pagan and let's say, not the throne, just go to him.

And display yourself in front of Eben Pagan.

What I used to do in 2014, there is a Simon or Keanu Reeves, I am not seeing them the 50 years old age? There are ET....But Prince William will see Eben much older than him, talking different. I am not talking different to Eben.

Now...His that kind of personality mild meadowing...things, gets SMCH and whom is the other girl? No...With Eben, he align with guys. But all right, he pick a women like SMTV that image, if he can really get that, he gets the entire Taiwan, that means he is very smart knowing how to do that, or he just fumble guess and play mouse in the hole with his Royal Chef Guards. He will never know what Taiwan can do behind. Its not a lot of people, but there are some attention to certain people. 

And both align to set on the war zone.


But yeah, he doesn't need to come back anymore, the sword ground in my setting of that strategic mostly are military formation behind I work a lot of things out to get to where we are today. Including the lawsuit. Focus on one Eben Pagan.

One Eben Pagan. Not taken him down. No....You don't know what Eben does for a business? If he glues himself right around Eben, and never stop just puppy on Eben, I will look at him, yeah. Its not about Eben was a high school. Not really. 

But he is not that type of spotting human faces on the screen. He hates every attention to goes to someone else. Especailly those whom has a Talent. I mean it YOUR FATHER told you to LEARN it with Eben Pagan.

I order.


What is Middleton's degree, so ....I thought Diana was a right thing too. Not the rest of the things, the beginning.

The educations.

This wiki so blurry on Prince William he is on or off at the school? She is the one on Dean's degree, Art History in Mr and Mrs Smith?

oh ~~~and Prince William looks like...They just put a scandle online. 

uhm....When I seeing that Flower Thousand Bones. I meant that is a serious thing I built up. That built up I did was starting 2014. You gonna ask me how I built up, or feeling how I built up from 2014, all the way now?

That is 9 long years including a book, sitting at the Congress Library. 

In the Ashram, there are situation. I got fed up that one issues on SMCH long time ago, I finish that in UB 2020 (2018-2020), if you done the things exactly like I say, because I writing them down on the internet.

Most senior officers, they copy and paste both computer or hand writing to get a feel, not just by reading as if they complete a 9 years long build up....things. I will tell you he didn't do anythiing in life.

Most public because they didn't do a thing in life, they don't relate to me how they feel. They taken that he did many things and look up to him.

If I Anna = that Honorable Superior, Flower Thousand Bones, look at it? Do I think its a game?

What? That is a legally saying goodbye on the paper. I can tell you my first sense was impossible, I was too busy, so I never paying attention. 

If Eben just open his mouth with Craig and talk right? On Jay Abraham? oh my God, maybe not even Craig knew that. Eben he does those file paper works thin jaw human, just like the television. 

Simon is useless, so I go to Eben and asking him....maybe not one thing. 

In the Drama, does England watching that in 2015, and goes to Chinese and object???! Prince William will never be that sleasy talking to SMCH. Its like inche your way in, certain human has that personality. 

That is what he ought to be. If I = Anna Honorable Superior, I will give him some tasks. He has that kinds of soft, mild personality. Oh my God, what has becoming of him? Yesterday i saw Prince William. 

If you want to talk to Congress, you talk like that guy in the Flower Thousand Bone, exactly like that "Prince William". Right now, that is about he go and Yell and Scream, and trying to be the King roaring. Did you see SMCH just roar up her voice every 2 seconds?

That is a Chinese doing that, or ET given them a name, and they pick that actor in the end? 

Its for the good purpose. Calm, settle, being funny, train that guy, the Royal Guard. Not the contempt attitude, you don't do a work in life, but still....he lean on that SMCH. But that is a Vietanese outsider, oh~ people like them, never care about one thing on the spirituality, its never stop showing off festivity. What is caring for another soul? No matter what Anna says about her. 

I will get shocked, like yesterday. I think something happened. I don't know what happened, he is using that one...what is that, the wildness life incident to make a story on the newspaper. 


🥗🥗 I would say Congress its the only routes, but some human are just as psycho believing those things works...You have a constitutional worlds. It save my works. I am too tired. 🥗🥗

And do you find out....how long how long how loooooooooong ago....HOW LONG AGO....I did this things? Do you have a sympathy? 


Harry he knew its a real legal process he is dis-throne, so he might tell Meghan Marklke about it. But He probably hired himself a lawyer to Congress, the things were he never pays attention in the real paper works Worlds, not connection, not uncle, not capability what everything other than Party Swimming pool on Birthday Cards and gifts receiving. 

Meghan she probably went to shopping, and she saw Frozen. Or Harry told her there are movies Prince and Me. She knews its a women. Or she finding it out all by herself. She is not sure why England would do such things, so she is guessing. They cannot really let Harry to sleep on the street?!

That is what I think. 

Prince William? I think he becomes more aggressive on the video, the yesterday I saw something. They are the couple official publicly saying something to Harry remember, last year. I would think why would a brother does that to his own sibling? They cannot really let Harry sleep on the street. 

In this manipulation Prince William can never destroy 5 life including him. He looks like that type. He is very aggrevating type of person, the hair loss, the critiques around them, he cannot take any of that.

About 20 years ago

There were saying things on Diana. A lot of people saying things. How the tragic happens. In this world, you can just leave, not to engaged an arguement to that kinds of....finding an assasin. If those conspiracy theory people saying things, one of them are going to jail. There is no such things, you go and harming people. Not even if you are a royal. 

I already say to you MD does not ruin one life. Not supposed to. Certainly not one human life dead. You go to jail or your license will be suspended. 

I don't think you believe a word I say. 

Clinton things, remember? Everyone got warn. There is no such things in the public. They have another girl's face to the Prince William used to associate. I saw her face. She looks like someone.....She did. Her teeth. 

Haillie Meyer. But that girl is already married.

So England has no intention to kill Princess Diana? No. You are not supposed to kill people. you can hear the rumor, those are the conspiracy theory. They go to jail, if they do that. But they wish she can stop that kind of behavior, that is a psycho you doing things like that. If she exhibit that kinds of behavior when she was first found, as the elementary school teacher, they will NEVER let her get in the palace.

Chinese has a saying, one snake bite, 12 years....something like that. Pains never regrets those kinds.

They are the better race. 

They don't have the look, they don't have the voice, they don't have the height....but they keep insisting on...don't you think its funny whom are this people were, if I tell you?

Its very funny, they all believing it in themselves. One day, they will sit the exactly the same classroom, seeing someone just like they making 16 years mistakes, exactly just how cocky they were, written down every mistake they had. You know what is a heart cut? On that piece of paper? You finish writing yourself a big paper, or you going back to Jail. One of those.

"How come you never ask me what you suppose to be doing?"

Don't you agree?

You want to guess what is the next item list of that one photo?  Buying Purchasing....Saving statistics.

That is what the Medical Board did....they use 10 years, to squeeze someone voluntary putting one photo on with their full name on it....you see?

That is the exactly the reason was......there. There is nothing else. Most people don't squeeze, like Anna being squeeze in 24 hours you will have 30 photo, not just 24 hours per hour. 

Do you met them, this Ola, Dean, Wing faces? 

ITS FOREVER impossible, you don't understand? 

Medical Board will always get what they want, exactly what they want things be delivered.  They were step 1 to step 10 wrong, its a repeat. Dr. T moved to SUNY Brook. Their starting first hour of the re-taken class included, sit there, until every office hour exactly met, you see if that is what Medical Board did to them. Ever.

Maybe this UB never arrived here, so I don't worry about that anymore. But I find Dean to take care of the issues to UB. But like if they were being told, by me, and ending here....those time Last year....

Its the same thing I told them, they shouldn't go and get jealous of their own very sibling, and just....believing everything from your parents are not your convenience attitude. Its very very bad whatever they imagine they are doing. God given you things, its only what you want. So make it. 

Most family just separate, and learn how to kill each other. 

So what does those human looking for?

I say Talents. Wasn't I saying that before? 


You mean they fallen out of the Digital Era. 


It is about the beauty pageant or it is not about the beauty pageant?

It would be always best to keep everything neat, and nice. Not on the records if they switch to manual, you have about 5 second, for them to say next 50 years they never open their book ever again, got it?

You know I told you I run on retarded and disfunctional human race? My family, including Superficilaity Tina and Pang? Smobish attitude?

Its because it is endowing.....so.

Got it?