
The Cartoon? You mean the Sakura those photo shooting on my walls? They didn't take down that floor, its always been some kinds of cartoon there after. I walking the elevator down, its the sports wear.

Not you American size, but they are the sports ware.

To Taipei Station next stop in red line, you will see a pharmacy store on your left upon your exist, you keep going that is the mall 新光三越

Just that one mall you never ending shopping, right next by were Net. When I was fat, getting fat, that is one last Net I found a bigger size of sport sleep wear blue Elsa those short pants, my big waist line. That time I gain a lot of weight to almost 73kg?

The distance photo show.

Its right next by.

But if you walking from the Taipei station, that underground tunnel, you keep walking will be exactly this pharmacy store ends. You turn right. You going up, that is the same mall.

What do they have on that underground road? Its new. When I got back, those were new. I walk there too. All your humility running deep stuffs.

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