Lawsuit 484: Hell Lists ( Open Galaxy, Full disclosure)

Date: Dec 7th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: This to continue the last lawsuit, without the rudimentary subject (warning)

Your humanity require a brain on the basic educational sectors jobs are the best. You can stack up your experience, even with or without making it to the real market. Because you have no voice, you try hard on that Youtube.

I can see.

You try hard to get close to their conference, the education people. In the mind of wishing the kids well. Teach them, taught them every step. Not to get jealous or sabotage your future, including your parents right now you are all constantly doing. Its to get jealous over someone having something. That is a very wrong attitude. 

Every job cannot have a death, a faint cause of Concert. Those entertainment full of 430 David those Scientology mental, or drug filled person. The court will fix that you fallen in love with them. But you get that entire picture wrong anyway. 

What can I say those Westlife? 

First, you never imagine those drug human anything better.

Second, they might be a real guy, or a girl.

Third, if they are a real guy, I can just tell you....they are the stars and a guy? You mean you hate the guys one to one millions, never 4 stoves to save their retirement. Not even one fan cookie?! 

Fourth, you don't really know whom they are when they are in that jobs.

Fifth, because NSYNC they have those green screen with the head cover on their hair. There can be a stunt.

Six, those are mock up high tech.

Seven, you never have an imposter issue. That will be way too freaky saying that is ET just sent in High Tech? Those are not the real human. I already freak out one to one million myself.

Eight, let me repeat that if were a guy, you hate them 400 millions stabs. You don't want to see them, hear them, near them, they drive, you drive. You pick them up, or your father pick you up in the SUV van. 

Nine, did I say you eternity hating them. Just drop it. 

Ten, I really don't want to tell you this, how many female criminal name the female prison inmate were a real fact. Because most news are only limited to the man. So I always just know the guys are the criminal until I sort this myself for saying right to the Top, I seeing every disastrous in front of me, near me, next by me. All around me.

Its very daunting to me. Not to say, if the Star police coming in....a lot of people still have this illusion wishing you girls are well. Really. 

I have a lawsuit to that facebook, that attached 50 points you girls can trumpet somewhat. You want to use that against to some of this Future Hell List? Your girls' power.

Lawsuit 472

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