Lawsuit 293: BTX (Japanese Amine) & COVID 19 鋼鐵神兵

Date: Sep 6th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: China Thousand Talents Plan ( W Two worlds, his name its in it from City of Hope)

No, I am not in it. I actually didn't do anything in my life, so where all my classmate becoming the professional PhD, MD, or Pharm D, as I am reading that America Map as the 6+1 indicators lights on the movie: In Time. I draw that in the Pinterest.


In the 90s where some of this might be found from all those Project Camelot information site I read, there was a genome project. They are the whistle blowers, meaning the discussion of the high voices, that any one life can be dead, and I say, from the Medical Board in America Standard points of view, as those MD students, or the real MD, they go to jail with it. No matter how you see one person dead name on those Black Ops business they say, they mention, they reason on that Project Camelot information sites. Some information will be relevents to how I come to conclude with things that I think, I take, and I believe it from the real legal background of the United States, that grant under the human right.

That including that basic some right inside China as well. And here I will say something about the bio lab. 

90s, its about 30 years from my time 2022 backward remembering, how the scientists fight against the God's laws, to create certain things on the planet. You might have also heard that tale directly from the newspaper. A clone sheep.

I have many friends or met many people that were in the bio/bio chem/ bio genetics fields, to where I even made a full site on the Medicinal Chem, to what the detailed on the rudimentary knowledge I acquire, where those memory I didn't fade since I work in the City of Hope in 2003 and I have my discovery in 2004. 

Upon when I encounter the difficulty, I return there once more, to see my uncle, his only saying were if my discovery were starting his lab, I just take off, seeing he gaining a bigger lab, and one day he becomes that W Two worlds, 2 sides killers, to that his daughter another MD indicator lights with a husband, might becoming the First Degree murder to what's the Finding love below the loving roof. 

Whatever you hear me saying this ridiculous things how that evolve, you can evaluate all my rudimentary works from Youtube, from Google, for from American Congress Standard points of views, why I am saying all that. A simple comment. A lot of simple comment does not come in simple, if you just print out all the rudimentary studies I had and re-write, re-said, re-organized, re-package, re-telling you every story at the time, when I should be showing up.

As the legal court of America, its however you know, you hear, you that validate prove can be acquire from they calling, I could acquire all resources under my command, to stand how the events of certain to my postulation that had happened.

I acquire to that Tape Water Factory, that is one jobs only the chemist like me will ever do, its the Tape Water factory, that using fluorine, using chlorine, in all today, what you saying the New Age, without the fluorine protocol town at their debates forum. 

I say: their existences starting in the 90s. Not Project Camelots starting at 90s. To all that confusion after that Tesla one paper on the 3D model ribosome looking Proteins, it was "Welcome". Same paper.

The traditional textbook will be telling you how the DNA being found, that will started the double helix, the correct way of the 2 inventors. Not Tesla, not X-ray, not anything mentioned to his name.

Tesla he is a mechanic engineer, that under goes that industrial revolustion after the 1800, and 1900 Rockefeller time. To a lot of name not to mention, they do not exist as it were validate in every other reason, other than on the Tesla profile.

Bio Lab in America

Many people are running under the impression that America laws are just anywhere they like, that is a false statement. 

To whichever I say, including the stand I did for that BTX 鋼鐵神兵....there are things you can say to your own interests and to many, including the profile to go approaching something like Little Buddha one scene. 

You will be warn just like the Bible ending telling you certain enemy, you will never meet, if its on the road, not seen, not known, not heard, not cared.

If I were you all.

In other words, that issues to how competitive the true reality how you seeing people to create an American Dream, its very very studiuous reason they become what they become, and that becoming to witness to that economic competitive end, its being label a name, regardless that was from China or America, they both have a Tape Water Factory.

To that day, you don't want to see me at the court with any of you stand.


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