Lawsuit 385: The birds Love to talk (動物界: 只屬於鳥分類這邊)

Date: Nov 12th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The sky, and my photo which lawsuit didn't show that Ukraine Russian 2 lakes

Black sea and 裏海

That is the Sky were saying, or 3 country those Red Cliff, but the sky says 2 lines vertical almost.

Now I separate this lawsuit to the last lawsuit 383, because there is a need, you just tackle that birds of their own entire species, they just LOVE to talk. They cannot contain themselves....

1. Human ought to know they hear your every thought every conversation, hear everything.

2. Human ought to know they just know it per second they will make a sound no matter what.

3. Human ought to just know it right, its they all say true, they know it they know it they know it.

Now the research you are going to do on this....

It will soley be "They just love to talk", can you exponent how to make it this infinite.

We human if talk too much, we got cold. Flu, because we breath from the nose, not without the nose hair. For a girl like me, my beast too big, it bothers me okay? The girls have every issue including the fix teeth new positions and the breathing with the chest issues.

Now again, these birds just love to talk.

They are. You cannot tell them to shut up. There might be Bird God, for real. But the entire Animal love money, they LOVE bank. 

The behind they know whom exactly they love. Both these Star human and the birds.

The best research will be they cannot contain themselves and you need to lay out my 3 points to whichever bullet points, because they take it, you understand it fully like me.

No, you cannot understand what is per second, per thought unless I demonstrate to you, near you. You will know you go to hell, probably. You cannot take it all the privacy being invade, and you are doing outlaw things too. 

Not necessarily Zawanna those Star human are the greatest vallein, because some civilization has records, or more documentation whom these birds are.

They might be psycho, if you keep seeing those motorcycle circle in and out the reality. You don't know where they enter to. Its very very tiring, going in and out the Matrix those stuffs, or seeing things you thought by ability, you ever been to those ability human, what is the going in and out means, if one of them might be genuine saying to you?

Birds and bugs they know each other, Plants knows giant roaches or bugs or small lizard.

The sky knows them all. They are all on my balcony. They have very high IQ. as I reading some video saying, the birds have 1000 different kinds of the birds faces, and they recognize them all within their own species, called the birds.  

Your research better Step 1: make a point from this birds to human, they are not that intuitively understand why you cannot understand them, when they showing up like that. They are way too happy ~~ as long as they are talking they are happy. You asking them if they get sick.

Put some injection in them the nutrition, when the body are full function, how much per volumn they must opening up their mouth and TALK! (Shut up!)

You have many lamps ceiling, you open a door, send them in, they always just automatically landing on one lamp. 

※§ The birds care about the feather, and beauty, on them, and on Human too. §

Very superficial, worsen than anything else. Probably its from different worlds. Correct, they have back up. I don't know how but they have.

Like one of those Snape background culture. You bully human better than you imagine you are sad and lonely. You push your words forward one of those, sounds like you have more reaction than ...if you don't open your mouth and trying to be him, Snape. That is the movie means in Harry Potter. Not that. But that.

That was 2013 winter

Simon Cowell's Boot camp deal July 2014.


I have a cat toy in Jason's hand 2000 Boston Dorm English Camp, Its not a Tiger. Well...English words Cat. Its on the photo.

11/14/2022 add-on

“My name is so and so. I come here today prepared, meaning I rehearsal without you present in my room. These are the sale-ing pitch. That’s how I got paid for the mobilization scheme you gain through me + others, the Power on this planet. The collective power.

With me as a person, I don’t really know what it means by per second thoughts but as I am reading through this to you birds, I am learning that per act, meaning per show up to you the day like today. I wrote them down.

Are you hurt if that reality will always be I prefer the human near me no matter what, for my life, I have friends and bumacrocy in life that’s how fun our civilization meant, not FEMA camp, these are two paper. One says me, one says FEMA camp. Can you come forward. I will be guessing you understand what it means? 

In this legal world to gain right. I will be the only human gaining right, not you. Unless you all birds demonstrate K1-K12 basic examination, no stealing information “

“Here are you present first meeting we have. 10 pots green plants, birds seeds. And Some human gifting bags like the photo I seen, ribbons, some chocolate I made, small tiny, you won’t be eating that. But only stays there 1000 tsars no one touches your stuffs no matter what. But if you leave them in the sun, will be expired or air. I study science.”

“FEMA means I try to pretend you living and breathing and feeling the wild with or without food. But you might be lying 1 to 1 millions. It’s on the television.”

(Shut up, birds)

“I am reading from the copy paste someone else telepathy written court paper.”

“I am a chemistry major, these facet will run about 30 seconds per morning before your washing procedure ever be. To be honest telling you, the only thing I see you it’s nothing but germ. This are polyester glove, boxes…store right here. You will be looking at these. I gonna turn you upside down, close your eyes. You will be washing at Florine added chlorine water without the facet residue. That will be the standard procedure if you Corperate, second, these are cotton bars + cotton balls, it’s alcohol and iodine your entire limbs are hard skin? You will be wipe per feather as a standard treatment, don’t bother telling me which one of us has mood. Here are a list of name. There are bankers, MD, politician, which one are best to replace me as a job? You finished washing, you tell me.”

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