Lawsuit 470: 8 Billions dollars from Silicon Valley Guys How engineer Spend a Day (Many Pets behind in the couch )

Date: Dec 5th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Now I officially telling you the Bank cannot collapse forever if not eternity. 

You will not live in the social welfare by the Communism. They have a bank, you can use a credit plastic card, and every machinery. Taiwan, its that one guys fat jaw does the Bit-coin. He is famous on the television.

We the the pirates issues, so all the banks should be notified. To my lawsuit 465

Yeah ! Its from the Silicon Valley


Also there is no Royal Palace those things for every system will gear towards the permanent of all democracy attribute. You suppose to ask me, I keep saying I am the regent. What the freedom reign, that never ends the Harsh punishment once you get the money?  You want to talk to the Pope? His lawsuit is at Lawsuit 468.

You should just call the police, FAST. We had a very bad situation on the pirates and on the White Ice Ice case. That neogitation guy is our current Taipei district outskirt that "state" head mayor. 

Another case will be the Material Science Romance tale 2+1.

My mother says FTX that is a bit-coin. Oh my God. 

I personally don't do those things. I don't care about it. Don't bother me. Your sky God, birds God, you want to paying them for telling you exactly the White Cloud says? I never charge you. Its all free if you put your head outside your windows a bit. 


But to this lawsuit because its still be part of the 400 millions dollars lists. To that near by lawsuit 466 - Microeconomic & Macroeconomic

That I was saying a Law or a Theory to go and applying to. My Whole life patent/ pension depends on it like my BTX. Cannot be open. We have the supply and demand diagrams. It was my first time learning the economic, very greek at it.

But this lawsuit, I will be notifying your bank, I still get a right, if I attempt to enter your 4 banks for the reason, you written on your front door, exactly you saying it to every human on the Earth sphere could see it.

台欣, HSBC

            元太、那個就是兆豐 = 元太的爸爸 ( You 2 are on the television called Conan Detective - not the Movies Series. You are in the regular TV series)

Your Tree in front of you say so. The birds told me. I don't have a thing or a saying, or knowing, because I never had a money other than the discovery inside my brain at? 

I am not suing you, I am saying the combine total in the future, you can all input the things in here really. 

1. Calls Forbes 100.

2. Call the Billion dollars Club in America

These will be my resources if that is the Personal Asset without deduct any personal staff money. I have no personal staffs, nor company at the moment. You need to tell them, my VIsa might be right on the Television how 3 3 10 (Eternal Love), its against the Constitutional Laws in America. Not necessary favor to the Communism because the money going in, does not coming out. 

These will be the Court coming down money including a signature to the American Supreme Court or the American Congress regarding to my own lineage a serial number, how they finalize everything in the end.

The serial number if its a Church by nature. Its by the Church laws similar to the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association Memeber, except, there is no human in it other than me, my name in it "at" or "within" this serial number. 

Therefore, you have no other cases in here no matter what.

I can put my mother in my company once I have the money, not the serial number. She is the helmet without ET in the Victoria Secret. She gives up her green cards, might be also Against the Constitutional Laws in America. Do they finish those lawsuit prior we get the 400 upper lawsuits going, nothing but the money?

That is a fact on your Victoria Secret.

That is a Statement and Consequence on your TV 三生三世十里桃花 !

My personal nature its by digital, or penny, I give you a pouch, you live on the street in the car. That is nick's pouch. I tell you the Comet number by per line and single year digits from the Jan 1st to the last Dec 31th. Those are the coins. The Canadian have nothing but coins.

I expect you should know that why or how it will end up in every thing I do when I have the money. So my video on Comet, on Climate Change. Its 10 mins each. How you should have your basic definition sounds like you are a professional. I live on the basic definition, and the world ends because of that - How my money comes from = The Rudimentary Subjects.

I am not going to do that right now on the economic laws or the textbook yet. But I need to settle a lot of things, for other people to go and inventing their free minds as if they are not blind and see.

But these 2 lawsuits are open you can fill in.

Something else....

I think there are the news written about those 1 and 2 elements saying, the government are encouraging more people to try out that Forbes in India, or somewhere. For the Youth.  Getting on a more million dollar club, or billions dollars enterprise, one of those. 

I don't understand it, they often sent themselves to jail or why the government encourage at it? To send everyone in the jail? But it might be something like that.

What options do I have? I am 39 and half. Do they need that money by the 40, or which dates of time it started?  So you have this video right here.

Next next by, have this video. You know what it is.

I think it means your math its 1+9 = 10

Next it 11.

Not the Y2K those 0 and 1. 

That is now what you mean the bank or the economics, right? I have a funny feeling about all of you.

In the middle of the last 2 video are this

Below this would be


I need to stop for a second ! 

Microphone Crack up !!!!!! "I am the Commander-in-Chef 194 country ! 我世尊上, What? I cannot hear you, System Upload. Shut up ~~ That is a grey's image = only one eternal truth = Math = logical reasoning and deductive =  a proper settlement by bribing you how you can think for them = Upper Class those Forbes and Billion Dollars clubs rules and regulation."

"That shall be forbidden called you are thinking for them !!!! "


Looney Toons

SHut up~~~

Does the American that time 1977 bribes??? And .....

You want your money back, by your correct ratio please....whichever your eternal you wish to send you the future upon.  Yeah I donate. But I prefer you get it right, no one talks about but now I will talk about to the Congress.

I didn't steal their money or the points, but I can understand perfectly what they are saying Ocean 11, 12, 13. And all that SMCH your putting inside the teaching to make of one me.  I am not sure which of whom exactly you did bribe or becoming too. So you can fairly investigate it. 

The Darkest Magic routes. Life after Life. Because...I told you that monk, or the Da Vinci Painting that old guys are at the Central. May not be on Earth. You are almost saying how many planets are given by this book. You have an initiative you willing to do something, so that might be just the intention or your set up things to get something in. You didn't know what you will be getting at.

It will be better as if you assist Taiwan at the 90s, what I will return to you

System Domino and Money

Its better you rise up higher your civilization in every standard on leaping and meeting up the sentient beings in a different Time and Space. You are so barbarian looking. Your entire tempament.

Meaning you got hurt, a real hurtful feeling, will cause you a tear inside your eyes. You have no one or someone to vent at. You can just jump on the internet, and vent the hell of the world, you will feel better.

You attached to certain things other than the System Data or the Money. (Emotional to your parents, sibling, human life, human blood, human virtues, right or wrong)

You can just glue yourself to the System All Things Domino Only and Money Oriented Realistic, for you to act, think, bow and never mingle anything else in the world of illusion where someone else set up for you to go on your break. 

The 10 mins break.

And my final message to you will be: One day if you really really make your life only priority ot that System All Things Domino and Money with the correct Math skills. You can look at your YouTube, for everything you should be looking at the high tech. 

If that is what you really want. You can be solo. You just have to be strong, and capable to be independent. An independent attitude, an independent professionalism, an independent practically everything your Religion format, what you ought to be a mature human does a mature things, in every aspect someone likes about you, even if you are not current to be Perfect and Great. As long long as you shou....


(In the afternoon)


He looks like Adam Davis, Ella Enchanted.


You need this article.

As the below this article, you need to go to this Project Camelot Kerry. They used to know something 2014. There is a reason I am telling you, go back to your school No matter What. Whatever you imagined. That time, I think Simon, Keanu or Eben might hear that news as well. Its about the European Circle - Bank Top.

In this end of this article Putin shows up. Well...he knows why he got mentioned on the newspaper. In the year of 2014. I didn't know they were saying they gonna have something going on between Ukraine and Russia. I seeing the Wiki, I heard over that. It was SMCH donating the meditation merits to them. Ukraine, that I have heard.


There is every reason I did tell you about certain things, and you should always listen to what exactly I say. Sakura Cards in the 90s, have a 2 very nice looking teacher. Having a stable career through your State or public or private Post-secondary institution meaning, you ought to be doing things in the right order for giving the future generation a correct standing model to emulate.

I really hope you will listen this time.

You are not really in the mind, you can fluctuate your mind, for saying, your life got ruinted like me 2004, for carrying that One Life Time, you gamble you life to die, no matter what with that things you hold to your chest. 

This world has many operation that is not what you defined as the front right cover of the Government Branch planning. People got selected to handle the jobs, that doesn't mean they can really be there to do all the jobs, for knowing how long time ago your Federal Reserved came alone, and a Titanic happens on the sea.

And JP Morgan he was not on the ship, in case you didn't know that.

For Example: About all this you UB fighting your voice over your head up to the cloud Classify materials

Your government has the real power to investigate the detail before they hand you the damaged fee. Correct. But if these materials what you saying the entire world 194 countries happened to generate the exactly the same stories no matter what. And these people be found, they don't know each other from the language, the telephone or the background, but the same exactly identical materials in that TV to air on the public screen, you suppose to really just bow low and shut up!

I didn't talk about certain things, or what the detailed how you all imagine these money I generate are not yours to keep bubbling up your head space to the cloud.

One day, if you get scared, you will know the lyrics in the song are exactly meant it. The day when the Rain touching your faces !!!!

Project Camelot or Project Avalon

They are getting old and they will fade away, and so their materials are gone out of the wind. You have no more listening to what you define this Whistle Blowers if their minds are right, or psycho. You have no idea. But one things they all saying something common, and showing up in front of that camera, in between some, you should just really paying attention, as if everything there its hurting them or hurting you. No matter that is a choice in their lifetime jobs, or your mouthful attainment, you getting your way.

You didn't rise to the Top all by yourself = You command someone giving you a power that doesn't exist

You are not listening to a word I say, no matter what. You cannot possibly understand a word that says, or if you are like me, did reach on the Top. I already told about gazillions time, things are very very very very expensive !!!

In this world of finance, many many people suicide for that investment they gamble to put through the saving or the whole lifetime accumulation money. Including they hand it to the scamming groups when they are old through the banks. Your police forces are the same like here in Taiwan. We are the democracy and they doing their jobs better each year on. The street people they using the young handsome guys (Birds laugh) to scam your money, like my mother. They have to go to court.

This has nothing to do with you seeing a ET. You seeing a human.

You try to live on that 4 bubble teas, you didn't take your faith and that duty for your own American world how the democracy to secure so that the future generation can become prosper and having a freedom to becoming a greater good. I technically just gonna tell you, it will be targeting to the girls since long gone past, might just exactly like current now. 

They had a freedom, just the girls are the wasteland.

You getting a job, that will be all the experience people telling you their life experience, if you paying attention to the people around you, or those talking somewhat on the TV, sometimes. You need that original jobs, to pay that mistakes if you gamble your investment in the land, in the built, in the casino. That was the entire big theme in the Hong Kong movies. How expensive its the grass different implant to the Horse Race Arena, per square inches? Do you know what is the difference? They insert the grass made into the per design form, and those costs money. When you run out of the money just like the TV movie telling you, because those implant the grass are too expensive, your entire investment to that casino disappear. 

Meaning bankrupt.

People are many not in the mind to driven for those money, and they suicide, or he with the rest of the family wife and the kids goes to jail, or the husband set out the overseas and the family all got jailed. That is how you defined as the businessman like those Eben Pagan.

You have a look like me, you will never get a job in UB. Why don't you really just touching every their wall included, to how to flattering them their ever piece of mouthful jobs, no matter what, its only the university my mother the academia, we have no university around here, just the elementary school, middle school like 3 (2+1). I never really imagine I will be going that further down low low low?!

You finding your way to that tenure becasue its secure and a big title like the Professor, instead of this small tiny things Teacher?! 

But then if you finding out your Ideal Love means its the teacher, you just going down all the way to the buttom including the toddler psychi?

They are all psychi I probably forgotton to tell you.

I hate my jobs every single day....already.

FTX - South America

You have a TV scripts from Taiwan 2007, The Youngest Princess ( her parents sent to Brazil) with the Victoria Secret 2010 - Setting the Tones. That is Amazon Forest. 

That material might get a lot of attention that time, because our memorial of 2 guys if they EVER show up on the TV, they will listen and compile. As if they know or don't know whom are inside that TV, they just carrying on and finish that jobs. That date will be 2007, before Tina Hank going to get married.

That 2 are the bankers retired early. Irene's parents sent to Brazil. We have people looking with me on this TV drama. I did tell everyone the exactly the same things about several years ago. I say go to Brazil. I told them I don't know the reason why.

Now its your time, for your reason. 

I think I was talking in English the entire time those time. Brazil is South America.

On the newspaper, he was asked, if he was using the drugs, by someone. He says no.

You getting the movie: Miss you Already.

Prince Char in Ella Enchanted, her name is Laura Berry.

Uncle Berry with Austin + his mother used drugs. Its in the movies: Miss you Already. There are 2 guys looking like Keanu Reeves with Swallow (Austin his mother) and Michael Turchin next by Lance Bass.

You have a Sunday Resurrection Hungary Dance video on my side of Silas with his uncle to that Ella Enchanted poison crown going on whom's head. To that Silas is the Lance Bass position, to his twitter Lance Bass under that authorization the blue birds icon, meaning that is Lance Bass himself, he has a crown on this twitter when I seeing them in 2018-2020. Let me check if his twitter still having that crown on his head. The One Photo Theory through 花冠安琪兒

One photo link 2021

If you following that Lance Bass Life news, he went to Russia for expressing how much he likes the space to hop on. Where he ends up living with the Michael Turchin or JC Chasez. I have no ideas. You hope its not really on the Moon, like that One Direction - Simon Cowell suggests. 

You also need this 2018-2020

There is a Sam Claffin and Michael Fassbender and Anderson Cooper....Copper is the golden ring.

You had a sequence before. I already forgotton

Keanu Reeves, Tony, Jason (heart like his wife like Wallace's wife),

I forget the sequence now.

Justin, JC and Lance Bass? 

Sam Clafin, Michael Fassbender, Anderson Cooper

Wallace and Mark

I don't remember how I used to sequence that, one time I say on behind IPad 2017, and then public in 2018, it was clear?

Whom supposed to be on the chair = Ancient Chasez. How do I count that time?

Me Before You. Can you go to my Google I just read another news about another guy standing on a beach with his entire family. He has some wavey huge jaw, chulby,....beach life. Its another Coin things I read. I close it. 

Wait.....history history.

I think my high tech says Burger King right now. Near that 5 Star Hotel.  The high tech by definition will be it insert a photo inside my brain.  I usually don't have anything inside my brain.

How about you guys go. Zawanna, Kail and these birds and me are fighting. Whom says what and how. The song in the Wallace playlist has a song "Given up the Sky Birds."

I feeling like to watch the TV, I have the food home.

Wallace Song 破碎 same song next by Boston Trip 2000 English Camp with Jason, Eric and Henry, that girl's name is Angel or Angie.

Mins on:  1:28 -1:31 (Eye glasses right in the middle), 4:05

By the way that gesture are "Cabel"

Photo are as the follows. Not shadow Zawanna stuffs, it was Suicide 2014.

How do I missing one photo here in my album? I taken them out and stack them back. Well, In the future, you notice that.  12/5/2022

Dr. Henry Hsu, or Dr Jason Kuo, or Eric they....I actually don't know them that well, if you asking them. Jason's roommates are Big Henry. But Medium Henry is roommate with Eric.

I was with Elizabeth and Henry and Monica. They are the University Student. 

The rest of them are the middle school finish to becoming the high school. Remember they were younger?  Ends up in the W Two worlds. Tina knows Jason, not that she always say how we have evolve, not "becomes". That is Ultron's words, not Tina Jojo's words.

I think the photo stated very well, he is those UFO human. Not necessary how you define an angel means. Can you all getting your Bible terms correct including the figurative speaking, to that SMCH classify materials in the pubic, cannot have one word wrongs.

What we have becoming....what we have become. That is a song.

Is Shadow Cabel?

Is Shadow means One Eye?

Is Shadow means Elites?

Is Shadow means Annunaki? 

UB UFO Seth he is a human. Right to my classmate, and some of their classmates. With whom he accompany with are from UB, exactly like the Victoria Secret Take me Church, Hozier's Interview on the gay's right.

UB UFO Seth he is psycho, but I just writing it down how he ending up in Adam that Hailey Taiwan Youtuber's crime, not just on the video like they stated 1000 Bubble Gums. 

1. We learn English by KK 音標

2. We learn our Traditional Chinese starting in the kingdom garden as ㄅㄆㄇㄈ

3. We don't really use those English cards they we written your alphabet to pronouce.

4. Youtuber news on the Tax will never trying to leaking outside the Taiwan Territory. Its on the news everyone knows that in Mandarin Traditional Chinese.

Found another frame 4:05

Romance Journey by Victoria Secret One Eye. 45 second (Hitler) by the voice 1945. No she is not my twin. I don't have a twin Full House. Mary Kate, MK. No.

Try this again, there is an angel's wing.

Try this Tamang's furniture are all white. Emerson Square. Sam FTX's both parents are the law professors.

Bella is not that parent's kid. She is a mortal. Not the vampire, everyone knows that. This happens are thousand times on my side account. Ask Eben.

Can you imagine, I pull in these guys if one day that becoming the Television. Its how to get in between how many guys and me, you are the kid? So these guys keep swapping?

Which kids?

2 rivers region will be that Tonawanda Queen married to a very very old King. In the ending you see the photos of that one Life.  (Red River Manga)

The playlist:

Dec 6th, 2022

Slam Dunk on the Ep 07, there is 12 13. Your hearing in 1 week. I read from the news. I didn't really do the homework. Do you want to look at it? 

My mother 156cm, she just got back 9:05? (Both green clock and the Iphone) 

She went out to see a friend, and her mother. The one having too many accident.

This story didn't make a sense to me. But for the future, I gonna speaking about our time around 2020 year to 2023. This event in the court hearing will be Dec 13 2022. We have a Taiwan Youtuber Adam & Hailey moving their Youtuber selling course to Indian platform to get away their tax money. Immediately after I find out, or that similar year, the TV always had somewhat saying the Youtuber business requires to pay the tax money. It was what I hear. So they become the college drop out, after one event to another. The news I hear from that Taiwan local news to this FTX, the victim people or the system how they operate this whom did what. Japan their customers can get their money from the government. Here Taiwan we don't have that measurement, so this victim on the TV are speaking he hired the oversea's lawyer for that matter. A large amount of money disappear. 

The news has this word 子公司

Prince Harry = 18, having his own kids. 

I have no ideas what is below company to open another sub-company. That is the news say for the Taiwan local here what they should have done, or wish future will be done, for all these events how these Exchange of the Fake money online were collapsing in the years of 2014 and 2022.

I gonna tell you what I think.

He is a kid. A very young kid. When a kid happened a thing to some stuffs going on, he cannot handle anything of that. And when someone else interviews him like an Asian girl with his face next by, if this things were not handle like 33 as the Slam Dunk saying where we were all at...those time. Because I am the one running in Time, the entire world people will kill anyone getting on the news talking to him, and with those faces of theirs.

You wonder why they even make it that far far far enough, for millions money disappeared.

Here is the Latin America news to do with this FTX

One thing about that Prince Harry, I never met this guy. I will tell you all these news to what's commotion to everything to everyone happened including his Nazi custom while he lives in England. He does things on purpose. He had a plan...and similar to that Middleton does those bumbo bee socks in yellow to the photographs before they are even anything more together she and Prince William when he is away from her. She does that behind his back. 

People like that, they have a plan, and they even dress to tell you about it, or he openly or publicly telling everyone around him. I don't know them neither. People like them for some reason are very clear in their mouth, Tina means, its my room its her brand new room not just in the Watermarke, or right here in Taipei. They never stop doing that. 

When you saying you thought about, to you actually verbalized in the action, and even putting it on the television. They can just show to the maid in front of the palace, but even in the public to represent themselves. Those human are very very psycho minded.

Like Tina will tell her mother. That is straight forward. But she doesn't go to the Television for declaring something and to do something even more Vola. 

With the family, you doing to each other behind. That is understandable. But when you on purpose to imply, to hint, to almost the public demonstration without no one stopping you, and everyone just looking at you, and you knowing it you are wrong, and you are prepared to the next more Vola are every step to having a more bigger and grander plans. It was in process, or else it will never end on the news to some degree you say "That is expected" from Sam's mouth. 

To that movie: Me before You

If you are saying, both external factors are ending at "That is expected" on the chair? You just didn't kill the guy immediately but 5 sense impaired him right on the television.  The brain is not dead yet.

Explain from where we are in UB and all this related 250 human at the local

We have a news channel on the Erie County, these words you will hear its "Western New York", we have a freeze, or too strong wind, the wind effect. At the 5 Lakes. We known that as the Erie lake, our county name is Erie county. A lot of these right now we have the lawsuit 250 UB local family, sibling, or relative fight about....none of us going to 

1. UB spectrum to create a local news right on the newspaper.

2. UB radio channel

or 3. The Buffalo News, those are the local TV channel news.

I writing these lawsuit, and those 250 human trying behind, testing the IT, or the blogger, or their own computer to file their writing style none stop. Just keep sitting in that chair writing, and clearing their thesis. None of us showing up on any front cover in front of anyone, not to the court like you hear these words "The What hearing in Dec 13th for him Sam FTX collaps"

None of us doing that, you always assure its everyone getting killed like that.

We are 250 human.

You seeing the news so normal to you, that everyone made a mess everywhere, how come 250 of us are not seen yet to that Eben any video other than himself, he goes to mix up his world, and none of us going to join him or Lalla type? Its two of them?

So if we UB are still bundle between the family, relative, sibling, all around this community to even the professor, the very local, we are small tiny, never finishing on typing...and writing. None of us faces are going to that front cover including the facebook if were....for saying, we go to CNN and make a Vola! 

But these people, we thought it was mild like they have a good image. They did something seriously seriously wrong, and to put on a cover story, that means, its not just planned, told, and public said. There are every degree when they doing those things, they have a reason how they end up there, for every step meeting the next step somewhere for something. 

We UB 250 are writing or preparing the samples topics for the court to clear things up.

They on the other hand, are contempt to the Legal Procedure. Meaning they don't think those things exist. No matter what. Sometimes that is one head straight they think no one seeing them doing that. Sometimes they really think the Law and policeman never exist to their everything they do, how they start to finished.

Like there is one task in front of them. That task. Its the exactly the plan I say to you all in the public. Like I meant, I tell and I say, and I did cover all that. You didn't listen.

They didn't think they will ever get caught, that is why they keep doing that with a plan. 

Do you know why I say I live in the police station like i taken over someone's 3 generation house even no shame directly telling the police, until the birds say the other way?

You don't see the uniform, you really just tell me, there is no justice in the world, and why don't you just say only the communism exist? You exist in the wrong space and time.

I did tell you, you are thinking something why I say the A and B and C with the uniform head or captain were not a condition I can say I meant I tale, I meant you bow, kneel, flat? 

These people are very very arrogant in nature. Very. Internal cannot get hurt with tiny words says to them. The arrogant people getting feeling hurt exactly like those TV telling you. 非常的猖狂

In Chinese description when you "describe" something, you have a certain word more like. 野俗

Dog bite on sun with a tongue inside (double) but you say that is You say Sun says Twice

The second phrase I type would be, "Wild mundane local humility running deep"

Pass time or over time fashion.

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