Lawsuit 314: The Criminal Justice

Date: Sep 9th 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Taiwan no gun, two cases recent.

1. One out jailed killed brutally 2 police man. Cruelly. Dead immediately.
2. Cambodia kidnapping human quota in scam methods works, a lot of Taiwanese went got caged.

Justin Timberlake has a Runner Runner FBI in the kidnapping business.
The China immigrant moves loads human to Cambodia becomes the local high level official to all these situation happened at people left home never returned. This year or last year.
It’s a villege. 


The statement above are the description what had happened.
I see underground. I assuming it’s called underground factory to smuggle guns, gun powder, to drugs dealers things they street lifes becomes a neon light festivity. 

Underground means it’s below the society seeing.

Meaning they hide stuffs. What if a high tech scan and just get going clear all things out. Hide in between the walls, the moving closet, the pulling bed, the stylish fluorescent light. 
These factory needs only the fluorescent light. It’s the only light everyone sees the present. 

The hardware store and those burger wrapping papers it’s not just durable to ketchup!! It’s every powder format and they free given you a paper bag.

High tech on X chromosome beyond the wall. Or Y. Things made in concretes, that’s why it’s not detectable. Technically all criminal are very low IQ, so they slip out the words the bragging, or the key lost at the gate, the car without the oil, the tier got exploded, the chicken fly to the roof, something fallen got exploded it’s TNT.

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