Lawsuit 249: Vegan Vegan issues in the China Drama: Eternal Love 三生三世十里桃花 (2017)

Date: June 11th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Sense of the Smell

I suspect there are some FDA regulations to how each individual living in this society, by that scent. I will tell you, I cannot smell it. Not like my mother. She has some conditioned, not sure what they are, but she has one thing extraordinary, that is her nose. The Sense of smell.

When I return to Taiwan about 6 years ago, one day I took the taxi, the taxi drivers told me "Scent". That time I didn't really particularly using any fragment, or lotions. No, not at all. Not those times. 

I believe if the court could acquire the medical board to validate and seal on this, so that the practices behind the military its catching up on Time. That is : Eating meat doesn't change the smell. Same breaking the precepts ideas, you cannot digest the full chulk of the meat, but if you drink down every skin poles opens to that beef broth, that is what I actually did. As for what the governmental use the scent to run a system, or an investigation, I have no ideas what that is. I follow the TV, just get it done by guessing it. 

I am actually believing it. The China TV. They say one, I do one. If I knew it! That Vegan Vegan, I could see it very very clearly? So I went out do my own ways. 

Do I this far knew the reasons? The smell or the scent.

No. There are a lot of things I don't know. No. Wallace has a lyrics songs, I written down....but that was about it. 

Smell or scent.

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