
I will probably make some time to stay with her, in front of you, making some fried food in your own kitchen....Just sometimes until she never sees another guy sounds like the rest of her life. The birds says 2 guys? replace 1 commander-in-Chef?

Why don't you say you just occupy my houses, the roof and these wild birds on pets. 

Do they eat green or flowers?

No, I don't eat those things, but I have a shampoo brand that is PharmAct from 日本藥莊

Those are you and her food. I don't eat those things.


She is not confident in some cooking skills, so I will settle her on that.

She is not chemistry major. She is a housewife major.

If you have gifts for me. Don't buy chocolate one of those bimbo girls eating those. Did I tell you I am a girl having a period and pad money. I don't eat chocolate. Those are decoration to look like I eat chocolate. She is vegan too.

Don't buy cake, don't buy pastry, try to stay away anything in the food. I don't have a very huge kitchen to imagine I never need to cook ever again. I don't like to put the food inside my mouth. 

If you getting those fruits, yeah. Apple or Chinese Pears, yeah. Her ex husband brother were the military surgeon, doing nothing but patient gifting to peace. I never eat apple, but I will squeeze them into juice, pulp.....Those I am doing it now. Just I personally don't eat them in my mouth, not even apple.

Chinese pear yeah. American any food its because I have no food so I eat them.

I don't eat banana, I don't eat pears, I certainly don't eat Apples. 

Orange too acidic when I was young, but I eat them juicing all pulp.

Don't buy me those supplments, or synthetical what health you telling me. 

I am the chemist, I was the vegan cult supersticious, I know what is a shortening = animal product, lar, or lecthin. 

Red 40 is bug.

Don't don't don't buy me anything put inside my mouth. And don't buy me make-up, nor cosmetic. Did I say I am the chemist? 

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