Lawsuit 474: The Animal Co-inhabitant and the Earth Sphere (Wind issues)

Date: Dec 6th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: 3 Birds + 3 Panda

I don't really know if you meant you really care about them, or what, like you doing it for real, or you care about that world has the wind issues, so Annunaki saying the gold shield the materials science how to slave the Earthling story to repair their story, and saying that might be Nibiru what which planet needs the gold shield. 

Gold sheet means the solid sheet. A sheet. 

I add the video back. Wait.

Seth, Dean....and me on the birds side. Youtube Channel: Wei Jao.

I have file some other lawsuit including from that Prince Harry Lawsuit 275. But that song has a trailer to where the 3 Panda. You might need to ask around. That time we were fixing on the Keanu and Simon's all around the flower thorn issues. Very bad.

There is a Dream Exchange Game might becoming the authorized...therefore you can connect to that lawsuit. If you dealing enough this welfare situation to the whole Earth inhabitant, one day you will be dealing exactly the things they are saying or right in this One Life Time.

They are the diety of the Harmony or Prosperity. There were many many many kinds of this stories back in my time growing up on the television. You saying what people really like about the comic book or the story telling....Its on the Television. We are free to choose what to watch, so I given you a whole list, in case if you getting that from the Taiwan Comic book store. I am ashame what I select. I care about the materials, that is how it ends on my table that time, and til now. 

I wish you mean well. Cleaning up the Earth its our obligation of life duty, if not saying Dharma. That is more urgent I always say, you don't want to live like them outside. 

Those things are by the minute.

No, they never flying inside my room. I was told they are indoor, or it becoming too heavy, those day when their name be called. I have no ideas what they are.

They are all telepathy including the bugs, and they are very very thoughtful, like someone has a birthday that kind. 

Its from a Silicon Valley engineer. I didn't see that ! My bathroom. Yeah. Not the bedroom.

3 Panda

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