Lawsuit 396: England (Weight of a Women's skeleton like Mimmo's wife Connie is Alyssa's mother)

Date: Nov 15th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: India 5000 Years old Bible is called Bhagavad Gita and Arjuveda

In this Titanic how the Producer were saying the beauty concept, I actually when I come to America, seeing the taller girls with more medium size of the overall shape, I thought that was the perfect things guys want to see.

Until one day I come back to Taiwan, I start to really gain weight by the TV say, and when I saw Hailey's dad, he is a foot doctor, and my foot I have to work on, one full year.

I will tell you I start on detox since I was 23 years old, that will be 2006, and that has been 16 years pass, I had only now 2 and half days on my period, and those marking....its not the regular those people whom have a period to define, how full or load, if you turn it back and see (When you wrap it up, there is s sticker behind to roll that up and seal it, and you use the original wrapper to conceal it)

There are 3 Class of Diets, and there are 3 Class of human, in these 2 books concluded. But these movie Twlight compliation to I thought about yesterday....I will tell you I used to have a host mother, when her two kid growing tall just like Ron, her first marriage first son, she goes to wear a little bit heel. She smoke, she has so weight on the overall body.

Connie, Alyssa's mother will be originally I thought every guys prefer those 1998 Titanic Producer were saying their old time old time women supposes to look round. I will tell you in the modern 21th century medicine involved, that foot is an issue.

I have a weight that gone over a bit of that paper written Internet, not on the photo when I taken waist line below, i feeling bad about myself considering I left UB those facebook friends 20 years, what they have becoming.....guys or the girls continue to gain weight. That is the America culture.

I went missing, that doesn't mean I stop doing things unlike my facebook.

But because of the period of time the Flower Thousand Bone (2015) to the Comet situation 2019 Nov, I gain weight. I lose all the weight down, and still continue to coming down. I had a poison issues, and it did came out 1000 coughs, horrifically, so my weight in that range of 2 Kg 63-65. I went up and down 3 times, including my tooth pain from the birds pitches, I went through hell, about 3 times. 

I have my photo, those waist line below are not what I had friends they are.

Tall girls have the weight issues including the mood issues, including the vow after high school issue, and the belief issues, and the promises issue, and cannot get things issues, everyone shrink issue, including mood issue like the guy, their nature in that kind of very tall height will have certain attribute that belongs to these two Classic Indian Bible book and Medicinal Book.

I believe you should know that. That is what I want to comment.

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