Lawsuit 302: People with a feeling that under the democracy views are the mortal standing saying....?

Date: Sep 6th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Condition to the future

The Court room of America will welcome you all lawsuit cases to open an discussion including that the women right are uprising, the salary in negotiation, or the career preparation constantly in the Department of Labor Offices, they are the unemployment offices, that given you the paychecks and they have all these computers that given you the access how you process your resume, or seeing the help tips inside their offices.

With my UB friends all from my facebook, some may not be from the facebook, because it didn't know their name that time. They are guys, I never asking them the full name when they sitting down next to me? I probably just all imagine someone come to America, its always as seen by you, like "you ought to make it on your own", "Language its only you understand makes sense," or "The logical ought to be right", to "What the minority setting were not in the comfer", etc etc....

There will be people are not like me.

There are also many file these claims for damaging their mind and soul and the body. They are your very local whites. 

I am from Taiwan, to telling you something these far that accumulated about 300 lawsuits. Since most of you don't get the feedback from the Court, how the world today are in the processing to that Data, you probably just really need to process all those your feeling talk, when you don't deliver a job, or when you lose a human's life, or how you didn't gain and acquire the unlimited resources through that failure.

Again, the America court, didn't say you have a job to deliver, or your own nationality, as I keep saying this 6+1 situation on my Youtube, as if I am the type of the human IQ does not require a draft before I organize a layout, and saying it in the next hour or so.

You need to plan

You need to draft

You need to prepare

And that statue where you will be going to, its the America Local Courts. You have a feeling saying, you have an image slandering, you have a feeling felt being betrayed, you have a feeling to stab the guys 400 millions, but it becomes your girls friendship deteriorate ... Meaning you have a lot of "feeling" saying.

This might to do the next things I will be telling you.


In this World of 20 to 40 or 60 years old, there is a phenomenon after you leave the school. 

There are those whom have no choice to plan on their life, so they have been file-ing their paper works like they should, an academia peer review journal, a paper format of lawsuit in the student time, or the PhD the overall statues of the pilot study to the final fruition of the academia research study. Then some because they have the certain creative belief how they roaming in-line, the World itself, they decide they will formulate a book to see if they sell.

They are self-publishing, they are Barns & Noble best selling, and they become the talk show experts, or they got invited to someone to have 15 mins fame, like the television journalists will find them to invite them to the channel. Those are all the legal sense of you putting through your knowledge, and the worldly public will have a response, to your publishing company taken how much share in your writing formats, to squeeze you.

Every self-publishing authors knows all that, you sign a contract.

Some today because of the blooming of the Internet since so long a while ago, they have the package of the on-line commence, the audio, the DVD, the books, the objects they sell like necklace or the superstitious crystal things.

They are all legal. They are.

For what I will be telling you, for both this none academia author to that library in the University peer reviews authors, some not just writing a paper, they write a book, like the University Law Librarian. I am the librarian itself, you see? That is a real lawyers updating their resume in the concrete example, they didn't lose their mind, to off the line and squares.

But on the other side of the world spectrum, many people are not gear towards the paper works, you seeing them online more of what the audience feel so immediate response, if you just type a keywords, how your fashion make-up works, as if those things are immediately telling you and exposing right to your faces, you believe that is the only reality. 

One day you will try to write a book, one day you will find out your credential are not enough. 

Women Positions

Because I am a women myself, to what I seeing the most needed in this worlds, I would suggest a lot of girls trying to put some skills through your mindful works, meaning a literal writing formats, how you maturely talking on that piece of paper. The America Court for that democracy will always care that fine things within how you feeling being violate.

But for what I would not just suggesting you, what the norm of the human race are leaping up to that one day finding out, the literacy are going higher and higher, that including the book sells business in all the publishing company annually. Ebook, or a physical book. That literacy how you define someone seeing you, or seeing the analytical side of "your own publication" one day, not just a convenience of Youtuber running in running out, you feeling, that is all the worlds meant to you, the most immediate response, there are some more professional skills people will get to, including the public, to that a handful of your own publication other than "You feeling hurt" "You feeling this" "You feeling that" "I feeling why" "I feeling Romance", will become that future, you wish you have not anticipate that, as 2022 to 2023 almost, some are already "evolve" to that positions.

And that final hurting of that gesture, because all these lawsuit suppose to be private, or your local court has a talk with you, that judge a handsome male or female to that mature tones to your circumstance, I believe they meant real, they know exactly what they are talking about. 

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