
You insist you have 4 bubble teas life? You tell the court. That religion is a close book scenario. You do not want to do this one man job, you will end up whatever your karma leads you.

You just tell the court, they will collect numbers, from that on.

When the final verdict is how all of you end up in hell, forward on. It every case just response "You go to hell' from the Legal Judge of the America local and Supreme Court. All those prescendent cases are number 1 to 100, we find out at the case 105 its all goes to hell. Their name need not be mentioned, they were about which time frame to time frame active.

That is all that needs to do for that one religion under "Close Book" means. 

I never argue, its freedom you spell your perfect life, like you saying it. You are. 

The guys the girls the same. You have no life other than me one human life. When you going on the street, that is when those life are worth it all.

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