Lawsuit 440: Dream Exchange Games (90s Japanese Animation)

Date: Nov 30th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Coincide with the Youngest Princess 我家小妹 / 公主小妹.

Background:  This will be my witness after 5 Lords Review, roughly in the year of 2017, I cannot but going by the internal voice, per second, stop, watch, stop, watch, click, and stop. I lost a notebook scenario.

It takes several years, I am thinking when I can by pass this all the drama Episode 1 to 5, you will notice, I didn't go far behind any kind of the TV or video. To these going on 2018- 2022 almost now to 2023, I finding out more of this

1) The current situation, right now. Its really happening exactly like the TV

2) So coincide to that the TV internal telling where I am in my life now, because I went out and doing things, not live by the movie, I found out they given you some task.

In this Dream Exchange Game, the Ep 01 and Ep 02, the same hundred dollar coin, to that Youngest Princess TV Taiwan 100 dollar paper bill saying, its not the Worldly money value, its the Perfection of skills, how to a) distributing the tissues boxes traveling packs b) Breakfast. And that timeline pushing it back further to 明朝 dynasty, the one before 2nd before us, and the TV saying 400 years. 

The correct history, were that 10 Kingship of the 清 Dynasty

So the ending of their last dynasty, I married away, to Open the Gate? 曹圓圓?  This will be related to Taiwian Local Police local cases. Sorry 陳圓圓. Its related to the I Ching Local Effect, to the Presidential Candidate, he losts. Right on his name, and next by, the last name, all around investigation.

I will tell you this lawsuit file at the Ep 03, when I seeing the 5 human standing on the prophecy, I already process the UB 5 Lords myself, because those are more close nature of the School Classmate, but I didn't really looking at it in the Dream Exchange Games that time, for stucking at the England Queen old age. I hardly watch anything plot, or I freak out.

First, well, I am although not the MD human, you are not supposed to open anything and having someone dead. That happened at 5 Lords Reviews, when I opening up the Youtube on Simon Farewell the first time, exactly the Gay shooting in the Florida, counting the black and white myself, sitting alone, in the giant space, wasting money, per dollar I count on my math, I am small tiny, for that CNN Anderson Cooper condulescent to a mother.

I didn't know anymore how I can tell you my side of the every trench stories anymore, but I will tell you every experience how I arrive here to having you listing this as the 400 millions dollar lawsuits were not easy.

I just omit all the details in between to filling in. Bible End Time included.


Past: We or I grew up with this TV 90s, we didn't have an Internet, so my attention will be on the TV, whichever selection material, they did for us. But for most people don't know where is Taiwan, we are democracy worlds, its practically you have the control to that TV remote, you just click to anything you prefer to watch.

I will tell you what I watch in the past, in case you need it. Kenshin Himura, Dream Exchange Game, and Sailor Moon.

To that BTX or 魔動王 they took me away, I only see a very tiny clips, remember forever, you checking the exactly airing time, I was so much smaller and younger too. Because its in the past, so people might just think, they are all the same thing in the 90s. That is false.

Middle School its when you growing tall for the guys. For me, its also different too. I remember I was much younger too, unless they just keep changing this Wiki format on the air when they really showing it on the TV. Like that Ella Enchanted, A lot of us took me to go and seeing that movie, I just didn't think that might be Adam Davis. I practically leave becasue I prefer my money to be in the UB, the tuition purpose in the New York State.

So you are having this 5 people in the Ep 03, like NSYNC.

But, I don't know if that is the same 5 people. That is exaggerating, I don't need to keep the population up on the human head meets the eyes? 

Tolken and Price (Ep 03):

The birds in the recent video starting in 2021, will be they live on my roof, but I never hear them indoor. My mother start to react, so I start to paying attention, they the birds you can see my entire last Youtube Channel: Wei Jao, they are over populating on these roof, with the Sky Cloud declaring they are God. That is exactly what happened with the first few lawsuit I am saying on the Vatican - Earthquake does exist in Taiwan. 

Are you going to tear down that 101, or JC Chasez MTV video, either one of them exist? I need to exist?

The animal kingdom coming forward, not I would think there is a Pheonix, unless I keep staring at the TV, am I? The England Pass away in the Sep, so right now we are in the Nov 26th and the England King Charles III are at his several months regime now. 

I don't know how to tell you, the exactly the story plot, if I don't allow to watch this TV more than twice...its every time, watching one time, and get up and go. You didn't know how painful those life might be, but I am telling you it is a life I am living at, so you have a lawsuit none stop right now on the 400 millions. I didn't stop working yet when the movies turn real 2014 for me with Simon and Keanu Reeves.


History : There is a slogan (I thought about) from the Dynasty 明 to Dynasty 清,. that slogan will be: 反清復明, this slogan its everyone knows what it being said.

We just have a A4 Paper = Albino incident starting in Nov 26th, 27th...those street riots scenario to the conflict to the police in China. I am in Taiwan, we are democracy. I will tell you there are guys being detains are bad. But there are worsen,you never imagine the girls doing that at all. Its Hunger Game / Catching to using Taipei Metro Brown Line Zoo...killing animal to hook that Putin and President Xi's head, but using a A4 slap the face to the guy's face, and then a kiss, like the W Two World.

So I publicly stated, its FOREVER EVER ETERNAL ever be with any of you, FOREVER. They are girls criminal, so sickening to me, I describe all those in details in Chinese, the most disgusting things I can ever tell you (that is the way how you say it in Chinese, = disgusting, maybe in English do despite, demise, horrendous, horrific.... human being, while you saying disgusting you mean the girls are drew their saliva, in Chinese, or in English, I personally telling you, there are not that far away behind however they look, feel, imagine, just by the visual points. They usually put a white shed, those blur blind before them. Kinda of like your video editing, like 4 corner, woozy, drowzy, 霧霧的 cloudy, transparent, little bit light white those. Its in your video editing. )

I don't know how my jobs suppose to be, I will tell you its very very very disgusting to every bone I cannot possibly telling you what things are end up, by seeing things behind to the girls, and its happening right in front of my eyes every degree, the real going to jail, label to jail, the Prison Female Inmate. 

Hunger Game = starve to die. (The Scamming groups everywhere)

Catching fire = burning to die

Something very very very wrong with all their brain, and you hope there is no girl ending up in those name lists, so horrific, for me seeing what I seen. 

(The dogs are talking, several)

Chinese eating the dog meat?! 中國人吃狗肉?

Maybe you should ask the dogs. The canine.


白虎 = White Tiger

Speaking of the dogs words I cannot understand. OU language has a Supreme Master Ching Hai Dog language too.

Now, in the real Chinese history, they written in the children's literacy such as the picture book like from 新學友, he eats a lot of white race, and capable to lifting up very heavy things. To that later that story book becoming only the words containing 薛家將

They are 3 generation all Military Service personel, and becoming.

I can tell you, including that History passing down from the oral folktale, there is one of those uglest singing technique, I never bear at all, EVER, I came home rush to home, to that every which week day, I must stare this one story about his one guy. 

His famous story will be he bear hand fighting the white tiger.

李世民 = 唐太宗

uh.....I don't know how I tell you how I first reading this entire things, and how it becoming, that, his bloodline were the general, so he becoming the 6th generation later....General might be in the novel, or in the real life, or in his name. He has a different name, that I know of as 薛家將。 Meaning he is a Home General. 

The worse thing I read here its the 突厥人?

I never saying Jao my family last name are coming from them. I can tell you where to look up in the School Textbook, if you have it. Its of 2 race of them entering the Middle China 中原, that words means the Middle Grass (Could burn and flame, those feeling), they used to be a different China map, or the center of that Power Structure. First of all their tradition are evolved to one river, but it flood all the time.

But they always has an external enemy, on the horse, those outbound race. In one of those writing I speaking in English, I telling you all, you known them as the Khan Race = Mongolian.

There are other 2 famous one 匈奴人 and 突厥

You might just print out the Wiki, where they spread all the way to the Europe, what you known beside the Mongolia Warring Periods of the Territory, you labeling them today as the Hungarian.

The Jao last name to be trace only to the designate the exactly Military Official that stop the North coming down. They defense that line down. Not really related to how the policy after Mongolian, are favor the inter-marraige between the outbound race to the Han passing down descendant, you called them the Chinese people.

To that mix of the different race, you will have these two most known outbound race, rather than today, you are saying the face card on the Television, they are from the North West. They are not a thing to mention whatsoever, at all. Not really. You are talking about the warring race, that end up of the entire them on the map, called the population expand their Kingdom to be.

The Race itself (The birds start beeping "chew sound" 啾 啾 啾, mouth, autumn?)

The demographic map



The Second:

Ep 03 Dream Exchange Game = All the Martial Art More Jump, Flip Bounce Military, they all faint it, not able to back up.

Its probably a joke. I need to cite the lawsuit 435 ( UB are the 5 Lakes, after the ending of the Ella Enchanted)

"They are too heavy to be covered." = APO.

Something about this red from 1, 2, and 3....I gonna tell you how I feel keep seeing, especially this Ep 03, my period time last were 5th, so my period was 2 days and half for those liquidarian things or breatharian like Tibetan Double Body Chi Practice to that Quan Yin Methods, or through Mahavatar Babaji, or Zawanna/ Kail them.

To that 21 days, you saying next month 5th minus 2 minus 1 week, to make 21 days? These 3 days I putting the pad on and off, I am feeling it things coming out of me. I can feel it. Its not. 

And you have American electron, my underwear for as long as how long, the urine goes up, the period pad all goes up, the blood stain. Its all going up, very strange things keep happening. Your news saying the State in the UP that is where the determination of what factor? I don't know what you electron about, we just had one here in Taiwan Nine merging One next by the China riot.

I will personally says, your lawsuits required the writing and the logic skills, to that Digital Era should not be fallen, that is what I would say. Its not forceful, I just meant it, its better for you. Meaning the Law exhibition A to Z. (beside the medicine, that Laws), we will never becoming the Kingship system EVER again, I didn't think I putting a Title and a crown on my head, so you have the Time, or the Time Freeze all together for my interest, on the movies, and neither becoming the results? So you need to keep writing skills, including the Devil Wear Prada, the professionalism outfit, language, writing sample clear and concise, and able to present like the CNN.


These things will NEVER fade away. I just say that on my personal intake with all this. The freedom to that establishment of the 1789 after, it will not go backward. You can investigate of that Tesla why that future quote he gives the 100 years. I am the one running with that Time running out, just not hanging to die on it....if that were stated the case here. With all this too included.

The birds are whistling (Police whistle, can you imagine they doing that? )

I need to cite 2 cases here.

1. ET crash in the New Mexico, that words are Roswell. Its in the Chinese platform, they told me its July 4th, not the Project Camelot, the alternative media.

2. A bird rushing to die from 101, right to my walking path on my birthday.

And a bird dead in front of my painting here my house Red Building for this....33 10 peach blossom, on my brother. He is neither or nor blonde hair or the pure blood - one time I put in the video 2018-2020, I didn't make that into the lawsuit, I laugh all the way, and vanish the video. 

[电影三生三世十里桃花/Once Upon A Time] If You've Ever Waited

I didn't time freeze, so it becoming the Space and Time Freeze. 

Lauren Silverman 2013/2014 next by Simon Cowell.

小龍 and Pang Jao

Star Gate Mc Key = Nick

Maybe I should just ask you I often feeling dead.  Not necessary the later these TV. It was before all these telling TV, there are other TV, music, and life events. I am one person, I cannot do that. 

Chinese History and Ancient Chinese Saying

It repeated happened in this Dream Exchange Game, more than once

英雄救美 = she is not the beauty, Dr. Gabriel Cousen are the beauty. He is on the juicing trend in America. He saying that too often, the old celestial women are too ugly. 

Or he himself saying he is too nice looking. At least 3 times occasion.

In Italian the girl younger, are like Co in Veitanese. King & Co.

Bella, in Twlight

like 背= Back

On the frames of those how something fallen onto someone's back.

Her name in Chinese has a "美" pretty means. The third symbol. 夕城美朱

夕 this word are like the Chinese Traditional Valentines Days, Lunar Calendar 7/7 like Feb 14th in the Geogium calendar. 

Its known as 七夕

7 eyes single

The Sequence of the 7 Warrior, the third = Wife of the King.

Like Krishina position I used to say, I feeling like just the moment I saw her. But Krishina later I found out she is a man. The TV is later becoming a man.

That is a Cinderella story. 

A girl should not really throw a table, a chair, a slap on guy's faces. I saying that too many time, not the neck, not the back.

That place is the Ancient Chinese always knew "Gasibo" in Italian. 涼亭!!!

Do you want to play this Family Farmville on the Facebook 2005 those times, and the today's IPad Farmville 2 on the App version. My App broken at level 41. Everything stop, and Britney has a video on Lucky will soon be someone's 42?

It is a Cinderella Story. (Prince Harry's ex or wife, the two kid's mother )

I gonna keep this lawsuit opens. That's it.

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