
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

You want to do something for me? Find out, if I am on Earth?

It looks everything as real as I am living in this space, seeing the same Metro line on the ground.

That is what I see, like I say Flower Thousand Bone, like I say Red River Manga.

You talked to the Tonanwanda Town, or North Tonanwanda? North of UB. Everything here, to there in New York State, West New York State?

I don't really know what happened to this Apple, CNN, a book, a TV .....SHOW? I am an audience, cannot tell what is the real, what is the fake....anymore.

Like Steve Jobs biography are....? 425?

Like Yogananda Book, how you index -1?

When SMCH was.....long long long ago, that time when she was young, her personality its what I will tell you the experience I had, she wants to keep proven it herself.

Because that was an assembly. Most are the male order groups, and she is one of the leadership, you have that kinds of set up, the girl if were....you know the last tail of the groups, she wants to be acknowledge.

A lot of girls want to be acknowledge their hard works, or their hard day, or their pain, or their heart aches....

A girls' power, manifesting a reality. 

Having a friend. That time, she didn't have one friend. Not really. She was a girl.

🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭 A beast girl story. 🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭

Remember I say to you, if Zawanna they took me, and if you all trying to find me, I will be dead just like that Da Vinci Movies ending, you finding my dead body in the basement? 

Similar to that Conan Detective, there are 2 eggs, and makes a memory?

I am not feeling well with a lot of this.

I don't want to watch it anymore.


There is a house burning down, its a circle.  Then there is a Memory of Tom.

That Ron's chocolate, anyone finding it out, that Chris, from Karen's movie Wallace Huo 


I don't want to watch it anymore.

Let me guess....you put your Black Ops somewhere, you cannot wait to tell Prince William, Prince Harry, or Me, its ET and 3 of us, separately, and what you want to tell me or them?


Is ET really living in the Area 51?

Like you all neighbor, how you hand each other a profile to becoming a movie? Then, if they are your neighbors, why don't you just walk over? Instead, those Grey ET they crash it in the New Mexico Roswell July 4th? 

They are not your neighbor, you knocking on their door? Then where are these Classify materials, from the Radio, tap tap tap per letter words? Signal from another Planet?

I am watching Devil wear Prada and Harry Potter Half blood prince next …(two separate channel)

So that was me?

There is another channel Iron Man

I just file that. 

I know what you say now.

Emily +Adria that one (Devil Wear Prada)

Karen and that 2 guys Mocking 150 years old (Ron’s house)

From my perspective views

If they really open their mouth to be that genuinely looking down people

One doesn’t have the height, one doesn’t have any style 

Ex doesn’t have the language skills,

2 Indians never thin 

Ron’s house, Karen never gonna become anything professional without that 400 millions debts past ghost glittering tears.

They tell me a story. It’s their happy ongoing life, I don’t really need to FaceTime in. You know what I did? Just keep typing this interface. That’s all that left, no visual, no voice. Just go on….OU.

How about this, exercise

All those romance sequence I tell you. If this is a real story, you all gone to school, organization, or a summer camp. Tell me, what guy will you be looking at?

In a real life experience ? Your own eye sight gazing ….

你們最快樂的事情就是四個朋友一天到晚在 Coffee 地方,坐著講話一下午

你們有工作有錢,就到什麼時候業障下來 …





這是一個什麼基本前提? 錢的問題,你們對你們的三餐,你們對你們的朋友,沒有一個叫做演化的基本問題。

解釋給我聽什麼叫做 "演化" ? 叫做生生世世的某一個千年跪下去的雪還是恨 ....有一天有一世,曾經希望渡緣渡劫,不是被我尊上給系統化給全部劃掉 ! 你們會不知道我尊上的工作現在變成什麼高科技,怎麼不說我也有演化呢? 






還是 ABC 謊稱的問題? 









什麼越南小尼姑的問題 ...你們想倒退的演化問題絕對不是你們現在只需要,想辦法金錢的唯一的問題,絕對不是我的問題!



ABC 問題很多, 他們不是 ABC, 一定是說他們是 ABC,垃圾的東西

我做尊上最痛恨的非常多事情 ...這絕對是其中一件~為了錢,為了護照,為了什麼,對任何事情好像都沒有一個該有的規則,是說,我最尊上,一樣是台灣,但是沒有一個你們出的現,站在我附近的意思,太好笑了! 

我尊上是做了幾年叫做: 我自己不知道我怎麼變成尊上的!  

這是一個假設的問題,還是解決的問題? 你們基礎科目包括因為,台灣出去還是美國成為,哪一種代號? 除了 ABC? 遺傳基因叫做 Inherited. 家族的意思?

這是台灣討論問題還是中國已經停止補習問題? 美國在臺協會在遙遠的天邊 ... 你們要不要算算我做尊上幾年了 ... 這可能會是最新資訊在電影上的 "前傳" = 飢餓遊戲 (電影)

是說你們檢討花千骨,這有一天的年紀層過去,你們其實就直接下去地獄就可以了! 自知之明




Babaji: Go

You try with your parents house. You learn how to wash it right, read your own label?

Its best you buying something brand new. If you girls + guys combine that money, with 10 human head to one lawyer, in case you cannot just find your university law librarian....you just ask them, if you lost home, then.....?!

UB law library its the exactly same one I used, you used. Its a PC right in front of the librarian that around circle pillars, The Law library has their own database, you asking them helping you to locate one case. 

Or you will be telling me, you don't know how to use the UB University webpage to find the law library? 


On your right top in the Navigation Bar, its called "Ask a Librarian". It will never be me! 

Why don't you this Program before just asking that Eric? He was ...I forget he was a law school student, or he was trying to be a law school student. 

( Shut up, birds ) 

You find Jonas, to find Brian, maybe one of them recognize that Brian's face its right at King of the King, oh my God...where is Eric?

X Man? 

(Can you shut up?)

Its best you don't run a business, whichever you imagine might go....I just tell you, any time you seeing a business man...get rid of them.

You can learn, nice talking, but get rid of all of them. 

You have only certain jobs you won't be driving yourself to nothing in the end. Age will wane down.

A rudimentary subjects. Don't try to get smart, really.

🍓🍓 Can you someone finding out where is this Hank? Tina is garbage so she took the 2 kids temperary....He has an investment in the Trailor Parks in the middle of America 🍓🍓

His face are in W Two worlds, next by Dr. Bing Shen?

Lost it? The court process it? He will kill people. 



Babaji: Go

We have a massage chair. My abdomen period just came a little bit cramp. Now its all gone. Their interval its 15 mins per session.

Its nice.


Today is Saturday.

They were saying your girls collects junks (Pinterest - girls album ) or you wish all these junks looking?

I don’t actually had a women’s purse. It’s at A8 the first thing you walking in from A9 on your right, you keep straight walking …keep going, on your right. 

UB north high way drive up has 2 outlet, all winter stock jackets those advertise on the TV or you had an international student whom were told an outlet purse, brand name. You go to that one to compare the price.

Bank UB Sheridan next by there is a shoe store. The sneaker American brand so expensive. 




I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

You want to show a lot of your facebook, if you telling them....you re-built your life without them....whatever its in your mind imagining....

I will tell you, right now, Anna I don't have a single friend on my video channel, not even one. Not the TV front or the back, nothing. 

But one day just how I Anna go to where I meant it I have friends, you don't know what you seeing to imagining whats every other youtuber, never meant it, what those friends means....in life at all. 

You seeing the exaggerating Youtuber, does this whom goes whom house, friends, or party, or vola.....you don't settle things behind knowing the Truth.

None of those things are real, but you are glueing on that TV as if you wish they telling you how sucks their lifes to be, and yet, you never saying a kind word to them on that comment area. Everyone input those comments, never meant a real things they say in their mouth.

This world is full of those jealousy individual to pretend a friendship, and in the end, everyone lose, some goes to jail, some got bar, some got investigate.

You lose the house, you lose everything with it.

💖🥭 You know what grown up means? It means when you seeing the 17 years old kids, having a nice car, their parents given to them, to having an attitude, you don't flip onto them 💖🥭

If you starting this you watching your own set of American Youtuber. I only have this IP location at. You wish this something will get stronger and stronger, you are not building yourself up, you are getting jealous someone has a more capable parenting, that affording the material goods. 

Whatever you are seeing, or determining, that....how the ET made you dwell into those thoughts stronger, "you have a gut feeling."

I tell you what I want to do, doing that exactly the Pinterest thing, and clean.

I have been cleaning none stop since when....I think that is how the back end collecting data. The water usage. I used to do things according to what my brain IQ to that curezone. That will be including the homeopath. I like bathing. I like showering. 

When my landlady not there, I clean myself, I clean the facet, I clean the door...the vinegar and water. She coughing in her hands. 

I use tapes on the carpet for per hair going on it. My room was not that big anyway.

Same thing when I get to nick's house. We work together. I am not sure it is the ET the court punish at to use my private data they spying on with the high tech, or the real human public hygenic onto my cases because of one Apple. 

I just doing it for so long, coming back here in Taiwan, I gradually to hear those birds, becomes outrageously hurting my brain. 

I didn't realize that the first day, but I keep telling people washing yourself inside your bath tube, I washing 4 walls and that bath tubes. It was for the energy reason, it was not for the washing pipe reason.....

Later I starting to cleaning the sink, the birds, the bug telling me. I didn't know all those things. 

Now I start to paying attention exactly what the TV says. This house its not under mine, and I will tell you, the chance they all gonna lose it. I am not all that settling all myself, but I guess for now its all right. Tina is a very bad person on that phone screaming on her lawsuit, they are not divorced...never end. 

Its better to get a brand new made house, that is what I will say. 

Can you make a sense to me, whom are you friends on your facebook, if you seeing them on the TV, not Conan...I have no feeling what that Wing thought about....what Ola or Karen???

I look at Wing? ! 

You on the other hands, you want to kill someone on your facebook every single one of them, can you tell me, a sense, you don't like that guy, you don't like your friends, why you still spying on them on the facebook? 

I went back the facebook its to help some people whom were more close to that sense, we were friends, and talking normal human to normal? 

I will say, you learn right your cleaning procedure, your own room, and help your parents at every room. That will not be your house.

Learn the basic diet making in that food preparation, really mean it, how to FDA those cleaning your hands, salt, don't spread everywhere those things ought not to be. 

Learn your budget, learn your words right.

You will have to find a job you get on with it, or that TV meant you gone to jail in it....if you continue certain jobs, many people gone to jail. That is why they use the Handicap. They train them, they don't lose their eye sight, they don't lose their diet, they learn their words including a different language, no matter what. They are just like you, no friends, no one to trust on. One work in front of them.

You all seem to be very likable to any unreal cousin, friends, means to you....sometimes try to be give some help other than those so normal to you, where its only gun in the end. And that TV says it all.

In America, you have no way access those Obama care, you have to cook, no instant made food, where you gonna get your money?

These people are more neutral the way I see you all interact at UB. Meaning you had some authority to each other in the past, meaning speaking the English well. I was not. When did You seeing me talking to any of you, to bring a subject matter?


You don't get on each other's brain on stress level. So that friendship can stay as that. The life you were choosing with your own hands are ruined. I am telling you try just lose it all, all the way. You cannot handle any part of those...you pretend life, morality, or mortality.

You have no strength, you hate the environment, you ought to be, you imagine to be. 

You don't need to lose it immediately, gradually.....you balance yourself back. No one pushing you to the next journey. Your brain are onto something else other than anything I say. You know its right, but your attention its somewhere else. Whatever that to be. 

Don't tell me about this sentient beings stuffs, you all finishing washing this One Earth, create the Eden, of those massive dying out beach sea marine lifes, dolphins, fishes, .....Creating a birds population cleaning water, and air, and enough food for them including engineered for them....

Meaning you care about this One Earth, ...and no hands touching your eyes, your ears, your nose. Don't talk to the stranger, just be home until your parents dead, or you finding your life purpose for a new world jobs, whichever you have to grow up.

One day that world can just elevate itself, through the existing grace all here. 

Your entire public hygenic, its disease everywhere. 

Every protocol must be followed correctly. You are overweight to truly dirty everywhere to inflame the laws of that microbiology, so you have the current protocol in all that medical school taught you, parasite, your first class Evolutionary biology. 

I don't know my major in the Library Science and Informatics, I am pretty sure why I pick that major in Chemistry until I finish graduating, I am a girl.

The curezone, and many many home pathy can be done, as long as you don't use your hand touching everywhere, to your eyes, to your nose, to your mouth, and clean that keyboard, your desk, your mouse, every 2 second you have nothing else to do. 

Your house need to wipe the floor, inside outside, painted, get a brand new house so a better system internal. You all just so wreckless on Love. When I establish myself the next 10 years, I will be...Eben's age? 

The Medical Board, I have that one week antibiotic.....you know what date is today?

Normally for a while its 3 weeks on period. 2 and half days. I seeing nothing. I record all of them.

🥨 You girls finish how to fight against the moonlight? 🥨

You girls can just be the best friends together talking to that Dennis, to all going to the court with that Wei. Talking to the Court human...on your sorrow and pain and ache why there is a sailor moon. 

You wall want it to make a point, so go there, and together make a voice. I don't need to make a point, everywhere its without me, at all.....

"Where can I get an England legally judge? These Congress human are a real lawyers?"

"I need to ask them the court from England to something someone might just telling me, if me Harry feeling more of just my father and my brother means to me as the family, I can just having them 3 get rid of all their pain and aches to stay with my place until we all three finding it out, the future road. I am not a super selfish person, to say...how that ending we all be homeless, if we don't move out of the 26 rooms, to saying the financial burden, me one person alone. Meaning, food, water, electricity, all these bills are attached in my monthly settlement I think I need, or I spend. I need to know what that saying about....we do things according to the movies, that will be some stake on the risk. But can we 3 move from Califronia, back in England, how long will that take, and why we ending it up this middle of nowhere places, where Anna's places were in a place, there are hopeful, nursury home, not just the senior home, there are library, there are banks, there are dollar store, shop store in one straight driving road. Her brain just like her photo simple, I am not yet to be that complicate to say, how I end too uncomfortable here. I don't like that Will called Scotland, they will not stay here healthy wise to say, why they missing England. As the court human that legally stands, not the public stands, I want some life back in England, how long, how soon can I get back to my health indicators. I need all that. I can house them a little bit, until we all three gettinig things settle after the granny's investigation, how long that gonna take?  She has the name on the screen, she says I can just be happy with what I already have in the school, no stress, no pressure, nothing but a happy fruition life, rest 3 to 6 months, just sleep in, doing nothing for a while, until all things coming back to your sense while at home England, I think that is what she says, you agree that or not? As the legal judge, and what should I do best?"

You tell Prince Harry "You go and neck wall someone on that British personel, to say, you knew anyone England Congress telephone number, now."

"You are authority to that entire England Chamber of Secret, tell me, going West its destination, or the Final Destination its where? Here or Spectrum Mall, the Frozen Pipe line Hank's house, Anna say, that is called El Toro Road, we coming down, or I go alone, to where? There is a Belgium lonely prince, or which West, you mean West, we drown?" 

"How long is the time you mean I will be 40, not young anymore. You speak your term, or you will still getting the call every single day until I know what my real assignment this TV monitor Anna says this, your will be saying? So say it now." 

"Scott is that granny Will legally? That is second guy Anna's host brother has an allergy. Say it, they coming to my house, or I taken whom, or I end it up alone on this one assignment with my life on it, make it or break it?" 

You say, "Whenever you calming down, you talking to one of us....not Anna" You do your jobs.

"There are things in life to get mad, to get angry. But in the humanity side, that is all you got, I tell you what it is the best line in the ending of your every books yet to be written."

"I found out in the later years of my life, I realize I was always right. They should be dead, exactly like I thought, not like this." 



You girls have the occupation, you want to have a face to go and tell Prince Harry? Some decent human supposes to do the decent things?

You can just tell him Anna I say that, "Thing are not what you seen, you know why that is a 26 rooms of a house, think with your Head, think with that Harry Potter things as long as you ever be. There is a Pipe. meaning its just as evidently as the water pipe lines. My entire family are disable human, and all that if I am not here they will lose all things, I don't do those things to join the party. You cannot handle all of them pressure, then you make a time arrangement for 3 months they stay, helping them find the right location to re-settlement. That will be the genuine things you have only 3 months family supports, and they can just leave. You don't have to proven a lot of things if you just calm down and think with your brain. "




Babaji: Go

You know the very reason I am telling you all that, it was as long as you didn't lose it those 10 subjects, and you capable to acquire the National Attention including that ET, maybe your fate will not be Anna me....counter statistic at zero. Those Adam Hailey at least some stuffs going on....like out of the jail for an outting.

With tiny least your efforts makes a fruition, a lot of people will resonance, that encouragement, becasue you are in America, they do nothing but encourage you

On the money statistic, you are capable somewhat. 

Let's say my high school transcript, its all I have, there are 10 subjects including music ...You looking at a motion singing lesson to move your head, to have a response, to "answer" or to simply correspond, with your native English speaking...methods

Not I Anna go and beating up craps of the other side of the monitor, that is not human. You know what you doing? Coordination?

What is right in front of you. Open your mouth, and response, like literally not freeze in front of any human, that you will. Its a piece of a device that is music sounding box, Anna says a 4 points frames. A box with the music sounding methods. 

One day your eyes won't even move anymore, your neck, your head, your eye glasses too thicken on the book reading, a dim coffee whole afternoon you thought a great friends catching it up.

I been to those coffee shop, we had a swing chair that decorate with the fake leafy and flours, not as bright as the Star Bucks, it was a basement.

🍓🍓 You all girls care about that "hope", no matter what, always have a certain chemistry, whichever age you becoming.... you are. 🍓🍓

But to Anna very little says to what the ET TV really mean it also, at my expense, how I wish good will for many of you, its not true. I never meant the guy, the next 10 years or this 10 years finding it out....

When they first saw Frozen, they were busy at their professional school, and where is Me? I didn't know whom these people??? On the television? I was busy. That is 8 soon to be 9 years ago. The guys from UB might just think that was funny. 2019...is that they seeing me also in 2018-2020? 

Now I am at 2021 last calling on the facebook Oct to 2022, will be soon 2023. You know what the guys forgotton all things you were....you fallen.

I don't get jealous if they just look at you, I don't think what was what.....but then, if the guys looking at you and finding out that ET and Anna, both of them two were the super villian of all liers skills, that Truth was....if the guys finding it out, you girls will not just

"Forever gone." 

Its a "forever goodbye"? No Matter what? 


Since last time I am talking to Dean at his Calculus, he says.....that is as far as I didn't done a math until 2018, where is Dean I don't know, on that Comet math.

Then 2021, I done once those elaborate math out of my brain.

I never done math, sometimes on Erin's bill, how much is the tip in America? 15 %?

You done that 10 divide, cut in half, added on from 10%.

That is what nick I think he does those thing, he uses his brain or a pen the same thing. There are certain math Australian, some human has a school....on something must be a tradition one of those how to write a math. 

You eating? 3 meals a day, lunch would be 9.50 still in America? Thai it was 7 dollar something.

So you take that one decimal move over, that will 10 %

then you do half, adding up, to that 10 number, that is the exactly the same thing.

0.95+0.47=  1.42

You can just saying double check, that 10% of 10 dollar always =1 dollar tip, you cannot get it wrong, that is 0.9

you add that to 9.5

10% its 0.9, forever never lower than that.... 

You can do 0.9/2 makes easy 0.45 + to that 0.9=1.35

So that is the lazy human getting a cheap tip. I don't do that. 


Listen you were all just 37 years old bracket, I am only one in 39. To that guys' division, and the girls division....I am talking to Wing, Dean or Jonathon, including that Dennis....long time ago about something, somewhat the TV meant in that morality, nothing System divide.

They are not bad guys, okay? 

But I give you an example of that Lalla....she can keep that fighting spirit on the TV, that is without telling Eben if she lost the completely the paper, written tests. You know how sad that will truely be? Because in the real life, no one does that examination after the University, to fallen 3 meals a day human and gym people...that is what I tell Dennis.

The TV ET is not good....but really think, that image they cannot retain, in which numbers of the next 10, 20, to 40 years, again you looking at the TV from the 90s, you still remember that vitality, someone doesn't lose it all to their bad karma, exactly just like the TV or they themselves create that Digital Format information.

ET give something for the entire humanity to live on, and breathing on....that doesn't mean...when that very last timing gonna come, you will see how the ending meant end, when you failing all the humanity reason, you didn't have to go out. You can just stay in door, until one day you die on the street, that is when no one remember you. 

No more skins, no more TV, no more story, no more gossip, no more this far away Dean or Dennis, or Wing....if I say, you gone back, and what you gonna find?

Double eye glasses on those line and square, do they make it, aren't they not? 37+

And in another 10 years, what do I expect to tell them, going back and see it again? 47+

You slump your back, you typing anymore, 4 coffee table too great on the weekend, where is your balance sheet and money saving?

And where will be your next 10 years. 57+  a hospital bill? You have a headache laterly? 




Babaji: Go

You can always ask the court on these cases on simply Anna says again, she is always right. To those in the nunhood or monkhood.....especially nunhood....I meant the girls targeting....your memory and your physical situation, can last longer.

To one Hunger Game requirement, that Flower Thousand Bones (2015) its not conflicts to any of this. "Stay alive."

Most guys they die before the women, that is what the statistic telling us, like 20 years ago, that statistic says man are 70, women are 80.

You know....however long this my father, my mother talks....and my grandpa and grand mom situation. A lot of people dying for very strange reason not just that average means a thing.

You go out somewhere, you die. That is what that Tina Jojo meets. 

Someone just talking to her over the weekend, one weekend, one vacation, lost how many lifes.

There are certain disease format, that associate with the memory. Some related to a cancer.


When the Bible specify a End time, that Age of the Past Greek Myth, we don't exist in this Era, so there is a 2012

Certain things are being.....close, comes to an End. To that exactly Time Wheel, no one knows. So the story goes, there was a very very very old Tradition belief system, outside your day to day arguing with me scenario.

"If its all going down to hell, why bothering to become a monk or a nun."

"Because it was a belief in the Past, the Whole Universe knowing that. You vow to die, you vow to celibacy. That vowing holding on, you did no matter what will always retain that spiritual practice to the last second, of any life. No intoxicant to any physical worlds that fallen the spiritual domain, for that you lay your life to any reincarnation you saying you were so and so."

"However far down the hell, you might never come back again. Whichever Time span to define, how this closing ends to arrive here. That TV telling you a roughly, you you you you you are here, you have a story. To what the detail story, its all without me." 

Comment: You can just tell the court, you are not happy in that kind of life, you don't care about the retaining of the old belief, those things do not exist, its just a record of a mouthful jobs. You need a play, you need a game, this one last life, no matter how last of all life, you breath, you walking you only does whatever you wanted, no matter what. 

These will be none official, but its evidently becoming.....All Universe know, and record.

Best you are all knowing staying indoor staring at the 4 Points frame. That is not the Earth tradition, when I say 4 points frame. That standard does not yet exist on Earth. They break as many monitior, there is nothing coming out. But one day, that points of reference will be 4 points frame.

Someone through these wires can measure "4 points frame", you stay in door, as if all your friends dead, they are happy somewhere else they told you, they telling you. You don't go out and finding the truth about it, like Justin Timberlake did. 

That will be my best advice, no matter what happened, it will happen.

Say hi or goodbye, and keep staring that 4 points frame. You going out coffee, those things are not advise, not this time. You have a monitor, you have someone on the other side, until your attention 100% its on what they say, they don't have to say it.

What is your next agenda, or next assignment, understand? 

You keep imagine ET not real, even seeing it. American classify not real, the police reports on the newspaper not real, the System I say is not real.

Why don't you say the sun is fake too, the moon fallen? 

Some human being warn clearly, your 4 points frames. You must have a precept first. That I keep saying that to anyone. Not diet first. Precept first.

Its best you always tell your parents, the moment you go out, you leave a note, or telling someone you are traveling.

These situation doesn't look anything nice. You are combating its not the human factors included. That for sure the police are on each of you human faces. 

Someone telling you, they know whom you were, whom you are, and whom you will be.

Middle school.....so whom failing their 6+1, its they are still putting in the school, like those around my family? And everyone getting old, not getting tall. 

Time falls away, but the memory will stay.

Can you imagine this, this Sakura Cards at 90s, and in 20 years, they are 22 episode in Clear Cards? I used to faintly heard this, very small petty naive looking.

Did I tell you in 2020, this on Mommo channel like every week, and weekend on Clear Cards, and they keep doing that 45, to 22, to keep repeating, repeating, repeating....so the whole year, you know how many rounds its 45 weekday mommo, 22 weekend still mommo.

That will be channel 24.

I always feel I seeing the strange things at very strange odd moment, in front of me. ALL THE TIME. Have I told you that? 

Sorry, not 45, its 70, to 22.

Wa hahahahahahahahah.........

Did I just see this Tim Cook somewhere with that hair style?

I think you have a wish on the cards.

That would be growing height to tall, then, one of this "guessing random a true love", as if just dropping from the street other than the TV told you, or the System style or a Match Maker.

I am telling you what a cruelty makes a logic, a literacy makes a poem will sounds like a perfect things to do.

How sad the human life.

What is the highest Vowing Marriage certificate can issues on this planet? A real court witness. And....dating?

Between a man and a women. On this planet.

I read a newspaper once, some wealthy or rich women, she got married like 7 or 8 times.

Justin Timberlake Dating history I have known, just kinda like that Justin UB same too....somewhat identical.

But girls, I mean a girl....

You know what happened Eben that Taiwan side guy suicide, there is a very very Scam Cambodia Kidnapping everyone asking a jobs, to land somewhere......they becomes part of this networks to going out and scam. From Taiwan. 

And sometimes there are 2 guys 1 girls, finding you, and ready to ship you, and they got found by the police. They are right in Taiwan.

Technically, you purchasing a liver from a 20 years old in the car accident to represent Apple, that is ilegal, you know, right on the public television stand, you advertising, a.....what?

They are all jailed and to die vola on the television sounds like a story.

Why don't you just die in front of everyone right on the stage, that sounds like more a logical things what exactly nail an Apple on the Tree, it will never be fallen, hang!


Classify has a lot of this ET they adduct the women, they always talk about it.

I don't think these are ET, but I am sure you can make a sense of it, if you ask the classify, or you ask the ET.  They breach their contract, your American government telling you. 

They implant.

That is from several things I heard, as for if I ever get into those they say they were, they say they are, I never have one thing that classify say, to finding out the details. They say too many things, and that will be one of that.

50 years from?

uh....you try on Reed's graduation date. 

A lot of these stories I was....saying you might reborn. I just finding out you go to hell?! Not long ago? If I knew that the first day, I would have just told you, do what Babaji say, drop everything? You will go to hell, no matter what?

To that case, taken....the physical body. I cut off their this one life merits, they die. They go to hell.

Right now that is not hell.

Its a physical body existing plane. They die and they go to hell.  A concentration camp its a living hell, but that is not death. Death they go to hell. There are the life review. Book of Life opens. 

Where that sunlight always be with you, as you open your eyes to see, every day your living life.

"I wonder how they sleep at night. When the sales come first, the values comes second."

Lawsuit Apple






Babaji: Go

Lawsuit Apple : Steve Jobs' adoption paper

As you are told....






這些跟電影是沒有關係,你們講市政府那種檔案,對!這種東西測量不出來,電影是講水管!用水量!我習慣清一下,況且她常常擦其實很辛苦,我多擦一點其他事情,住在同一個房子也是互相的,Pang 他回來他是爺的關係!

尊上其實喜歡研究某種東西,有點像你們賣珠寶的電視、美國賣洗東西的拖把,那種東西有某種哲理!我現在也不知道住哪,提那跟邦,唉~跟方方怡君他們都是一樣的,東西在電視上,我是不知道我自己是幹嘛的 … …



你們怎麼不問我現在吃什麼?!你們喜歡吃某種街上那種,桶桶裝裝的什麼包麗龍,意思像說你們工作真的吃三餐,你們早餐好像不只蛋餅!亞洲人的吃的文化,尊上吃比薩🍕他們用紙盒子,日本壽司 7-11 再講六個月我肚子吃感覺好一點,我吃 7-11 yogurt 我吃過泡麵跟關東煮,有一個微波的比薩,我見過幾個冷凍食品,試過你們的微波爐,可以活下去,尊上很久沒有見過微波爐!微波東西是健康嗎?講如果趕路,你們亞洲這種 7-11 你們不可能會餓死,可是你們的錢好像不是跟這 FDA 有什麼關係,好像是跟你們喜歡吃什麼,想買什麼買什麼!








有時候英文還是要看一下!你們知道尊上的本職是哪一個? 化學!不是生化還是生物!也不是醫,本科是化學!第二類組的!

亞洲有人看過溜冰天使嗎?你們找誰去把一個 ballerina 這電影卡通跟 T 簽名的漫畫分析一下!T 的簽名有時候是一種 classify 資料的關係,我沒有說你們喜歡你們什麼什麼功,練功練氣那種!芭蕾是一種伸展,我會做伸展像長壽功,那個跟氣沒有什麼關係,人體筋脈。




Babaji: Go

I think that Disney audition whom that is. Its Sailor Mars die in the North Pole, saying about that one kiss.

If me and Dean kisses....that will be Hira reacts on it.

What time is it? Its a War time.

Gulf War middle east.

Obama's voice is Jonathon's voice. Jonathon used to be smaller size, and his voice was so loud. Hira comment on Jonathon, he was so faithful to future whom would be the wife? In our TA session.

🍤🍤 Lawsuit on death sentence re-activate 🍤🍤 Westinghouse era the electric chair

I ask the court to re-open how those event comes to the Citizen at that 100 years ago time, I read the newspaper that Westinghouse object, and Edison electric an elephant at public square, and SMCH takes proud of that Sariputra and Anan whom elephant story to that 7 iron swallowing methods to proclaim she is a what? 2015.



Babaji: Go

Ballernia, on that Karen things = I am in Asia, don't do that.

Most Asian they have a very high esteem they are very spiritual. That is how that is. You do the longevity exercise like them.

This is nothing to do with the White house?


oh ~ Its a summer camp for Audition to Frozen? And the name is Gary? You mean Gil? Hunger Game second?

What time is this..... I thought I seen that girl in the camp site, main singer looks like....

Elsa would be the Real Love Dentist? 

I know one dentist here in UB, Dean Dean Dean, and that girls looks like the Zombie girl? Or I always think people just look like ?

Obama's wife, would be the First Lady? Self Portrait....

I am sure the Laws are fair to where they put you, they knowing it why or how.

That TV will not give you a treasury vault, to ending exactly like the TV.  And to the Book of Life, not just the Book of Sun and Moon....You facing alone at the Death when God shows up. I am telling you, things are not what you think you taken onto what ought to be your personal gains or goals, including you didn't really sit upon those movie materials, to contemplate deeper. 

That consequences are dire.

In the real Corperation worlds, the last thing you ever tell, its My mother had a dream, why don't you say, Whom has a Dream Speech? Martin Luthur?

The TV just keep spinning into that Edison and Westinghouse, so one day I starting to saying all that to Simon Cowell, but I think he was saying he was on that Da Vinci stuffs.

You know in 2014, one thing I told everyone including that Simon, it was my brother he is Sariputra, sequence, my mother had a dream.

That was when I was 31. 

Do you want to ask me the next questions, of all these 31 years, have I not knowing he is a Cobra, that golden, to be Sariputra? so I can be SUPER crown?

No, I have not. I sleep a lot, I told you, not just the TV told you. There are certain nature or the inclination I do what I want to do, they show up on my Pinterest, or my facebook. I was always like that, I do what I want, including my jobs everything nothing yet deliver a money concept.

What is the major you had, to becoming one of this graduation you all went, except I never show up in neither of my graduation UB.

You believing that major, or you believing the Princess Prince major?

Your friends to be in the same language sounds more common interests, how you get along your own very facebook. I adding most are the science major guys or the girls from the Honor Class. Other than CAC or APO, I don't think I met any other girls?

There is a legal process becoming extremely efficient after that Princess Diana, Prince Charles the last decades ago things, to today Prince Harry did this TV match beleiving God's will to be done....one of those.

When the TV drama becomes very clear there is a personal gain under that Constitution, they do about thousand things to ensure none of all that will ever happened, you want to hire a lawyer, your paid advice might sounds clear and right.

UB Honor Class, your imagination you are the Prince and Princess?

The International affairs one of those? 

I didn't become the crown, to becoming my profession, have I told you that? I work at it to telling that Simon Cowell something, becoming today 10 years later, we still have nothing, starting that BTX the first year 2014, I tell them. 

It must be one of those...fair and not fair things. You think Irene would think that too? My grandmom's house has a crown, she is from Taiwan, but she learn Japanese words. Taiwan was the colony under Japan, and Pang did a DNA testing, he has 1/8 of that Japanese Blood.

Because of that, what I would have becoming?

I gonna file a lawsuit for them Prince Charle, Prince William and Prince Harry under the external factor

I have to write up....They cannot read their own English, can you believe that?


🔊🔊🔊 Rio ~~~!!


Sophie is a girl, that ….one First boy school very very ugly man goes to me, I say no. He went to Sofie

And there is a D from the college degree, I hang out university Elizabeth, university Henry, and university Monica.

While Jason, Henry, and Eric were high school. 

Eric vocational school also gone to talk to Sophie next by a girl or Sophie.

You all loving this all your best friends no one left in the end, no matter what….I think it’s all broken into pieces at the high school time. Not right now.

Rio, I don’t know what that character it’s Dio

Silicon Valley guy on ?? Nick and Dio


Mahavatar Babaji is somewhat wished the humanity be improved by, not I.

To every individual right on this planet, they meant you can live by your own very selfishness if you were me position as the crown head person. Those things called you proven vola your parents are humility deep within you how you circle your junks friends they deal with it. Why don’t you asking them, their tiny precious opinion views about you? Your parents lie to you?

He supposes to know better, not I what years I just born on here knowing better.
Every crown person on this person on that newspaper are obligate certain things. I was not knowing or I never cared. Too tired. There is a high tech to my brain it’s very very excutiating….
Right now to yielding you all unimaginable data, it’s every 20 mins I sunk it my consciousness coming in going out. I used to mediate the same 8 years, but these are worsen….
To that sky, birds and worlds beyond your knowing, you compassionate about it ? To increase your labor forces to create that Bible Eden exactly how the past or every generation reading it down, if you knew, with all you power you do it for your own religion ?
I keep telling you, I AM NOT your religion, there are 5+me on the very top, you want to bet in anything in the end of everything, how squares and lines and just memorize a book dump back that no textbook to be found jobs, you can assure this one Earth bankrupt on one me alone?
What crown would that be? 

Why don’t you trying to think with your brain ?? At all ? You want to be small tiny, you stay that System Perfect I say within UB, I even land you all my facebook for I am not in America. 

UB girls, you want to go to court ask the right question from someone you imagine you trust for once your life or the police station.

“Dear sir, I coming here with some question in my hands. And I rehearsal to come here. It’s what my university friend use a method of ability finding out things about our best happy world to live in scenario. She does not work anywhere so she cannot possibly have that data other than something manifest in front of her. She says the worlds are made by a reading data records called System. These system design it’s for the prevention measure, not even the journalist knew that part. Such as the criminal Justice department are also using it. I want to know she says the best scenario of our girl happy monents it’s when we able to find a high pay jobs to live alone, snacks in the living room to darken that room light watching TV per night, and it did deteriorate our eye sight to lay down reading a phone included. She says usually that situation doesn’t last very long, because if their girls parents single mom or father lost the house on the water pipeline and the girl included, Anna, she is my friends name, watching every TV telling her her profession sucks, so she files under the chemist perspective view, she is so sure it’s the water pipeline, and I want to ask you, she says those cares even last 20 years, things will deteriorate your best happy life, no matter what at the end, including your perfect room inside your parents house. I want to know if this are true.”

“Can we ask some very private questions? My friends usually talking tones are very polite, we try to copy her. It’s these TV in front of the public telling the exactly faces whom lost the pipeline my friend Anna so sure about it, it means the legal court immediately working out their pathetic future or we university buddies together friends next to Anna lost facebook long time knowing, they are all really to be homeless, because your legal court AMerica if things got on the TV with the exactly faces, these whomever so famous and hopeful husband looking people, Anna says there is a reason why the System exist, that doesn’t mean the humanity inside people’s heart has to fallen if we say nice words to them, whichever those are coming, like the ending Bible says, they look up the Heaven and cursed.”

“My friends facebook from the university circle groups, she did something behind our back that time, to ensure everyone other than us seeing her will imagine what Bible means in the End time. She is so sure doing that without us UB crowd. So when she finding out we exist or might get drag back, she starting talking serious like she normally are, we don’t remember she mean everyone goes to hell….with that TV story. What do you think?”

“We as a girl, my friend says are weaker, weak in personality including the society independence. We as a girl from her UB classroom or the clubs girls are not the worsen humanity she is dragging us somewhere direction that, she meant getting the things she says so, not you imagine so. We will tell you our friendship to all around us are deteriorate. She didn’t help us better by insisting certain things, we wish you as the police can provide us girls some strength doing this. We are very very confused. Too many blames too many regrets. If you have patience I can read a list of things I confused about ….may God give me strength to work out this.”




I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

You are all Fan club of that Harry, why don’t you write something sweet to him, “you want to go home right?”

Why don’t you do something every one of you want to go home to? Can you?

Let me say that again, your uncle, your aunt, your parents will die that one day, and you will still need to cook 3 meals a day if you eat 3 meals for 7 days a week.

On that calendar its 365 days you cooking yourself a meal, no one taken you a treat on any meal, even a youth mis-use you.

Without even that hope, you will see how that world ends on you, if you don't die before your parents. The disease when they strike on your physical body, i hardly believe, you know that is a lot of pain, you piling up a hospital bill that years to come. 

I will tell you, if you understand one point, I am the cruelest human being in this world, there is a very reason how I end up here.....to begin that talk, and you will never make it.

💝🍓🥭 I don't know what I am talking about or I cannot see what it is on the screen I am talking about? 💝🍓🥭

I already explain to you A to Z. There are a lot of people in the professional worlds, just like your perfect Linkedin networks, they are very very unkind people. You all knowing it. Why you collecting them for? You think they agree you are better than they are at the jobs? You are tearing each other apart, including that facebook 11 oclock every night. 

So stupid tiny little mind....you have the whole world, under me....you try to straight up your life just tiny bit, you have no ideas where you can send yourself to. 

That System made its let you breathing in life....your every job does not let you breath at it. You become cynical, you become edgy, you becoming, you must deliver what jobs other than me Anna its a only job? 

You are imagining a Lotto winning by staring at my material....my Pinterest. I care about it? You will never acquire a single resource under you. 20 years pass...keep looking at that monitor, you think you will becoming that 20 years later pathetic life even more? The material stuffs the eyeing on what?

Your death date before your parents. 

The in-line professional people its not the right people to talk to. For 2 second they are normal, but I don't need any of that. 

The real military including the strongest defense, its becasue I am happy to tell them every 2 cents they are wrong, you are not doing this you are not doing that, see if one of us, you all die, or I die.....got it?

Memorize a middle school textbook, an already exam materials, those are not a job for me, okay? Talking about none sense to the military, like chating, that is not a job for me okay? Its something just it ought to do, they say I do.

You have an IQ problem. I ask you to repeat your exeprty on that book, becasue I explain A to Z, the thoroughly how the World government will not drop you. You are the real capitalism, your maturity, your some kinds of attitude doesn't need to develop like your photo, but gradually with the time, you arrive that term with yourself, with the world. That is the best balance job at home.

With this COVID 19, I am sure the world will prefer the home indoor jobs more and more.....you imagine a housing, you imagine someone does you a baby thing...you imagine this you imagine that.

How many times, when I say, when you suffer enough, you keep looking at those newspaper, how the drama in anywhere, you so happy the world ends up in hell, I am telling you. That is what you are, whom you are, where you should be at right now.

People getting their benefits with the court, with the local, or how you all making it to the Supreme Court, against the ET? You want the ET to send all this Judge to the furthust hell or the corner of the world?

You don't hear a word I say about ET, you don't hear a thing anyone other than your own feeling getting hurt getting hurt, I have an eternity to deliver.....you have a soon to be on the street scenario to deliver? 

That job markets, its not meant for you to stay there long ....I keep saying it, one day you all prefer the jails when the system open. Your parents cannot lose your supports, their heart going up and down on you going to work, that not knowing what it is in front of you. You keep proven your vola every weekend, on that damn facebook.

The entire humanity ends up like that, under the System. You do not rise up your level to where you can support yourself to the National Level, if that world meant that means you are on your own, what can I tell you? Rise up your vision tests, rise up your mobility, cooking skills, corperate with your higher IQ, as if the writing books getting somewhere, never Anna counter statistic at zero? That is a you happy all scenario?

Photo ?! Like I am not happy?

Do you know how to count math? 

This system its made for the eternity records, or just 0.8 one Earth records. Well, in that between the Master level, there are another kinds of talk. They are not the warrior standing in front of it....they are receive their karma at it....the entire humanity cannot coming forward. 

But with them, its more like friends talking, you will never have a stress level how to become a professional. That is why they are there? They are dying on their parents, not that they striving any higher stacks....and the System favors? 

I go along with it. Its they design that life, and I don't have to deliver a standard. Never need to deliver a thing, other than, getting my benefits, to the maximum, and be happy with my own life, without anymore of the obligation.

Its both. That and that.

I cannot really be with them, they are hostile to their parents, they are low education women, or every kinds of women, just really many go to hell with it. They need to liberate themselves happy moment, that society has no laws bind them. My works are independent....its not according to them, I will NEVER discuss a thing with them. My technically jobs staying on the air, so its relaxing situation. 

I remember those UB feeling, kinda like University life.

You see...when that Howie moving castle coming along, I kinda of stuck it. The fire. That is....the Last Name Era. Until it really gone, and went to hell, on my peripheral, however 100x 1000 times worse, than...anything this junk channel CNN looks like a brand new fake world.....and your Bible? Happy Ending at a Brand New Chapter...what a Christian world topsy turby....

Right now, its again this Dream exchange Games....how long that 2 months passing by roughly. I am so tired, I am telling you....a lot of this, never stop, the Time, the TV, the holding tighter, because none of you doing your job with your brain and I cannot stop and just rest. 

Did I tell you, there is Tina's comics book. A guy is a star. The girl wants to become a star too....or she went for him, and becomes the Camera chasing behind her.....

She does flipping the scene of the balcony down?

You found it?

Do you want me you all to be reminded, its I am = Honorable Superior, not Edison merits or John Rockfeller merits to cooking.....for my mouth?

That is not the plots, how you deliver a chem job, correctly?

By your eye measurement, not me I can measure inside my mind, outside my seeing? How long I have to be kept in maid?