
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

台灣就是男孩子有錢的都死光,所以你們的目標在中國富商跟日本誰誰誰的意思? 那身體形狀呀 !

我在路上看到很誇張的事情,我寫的今天所有 Lawsuit 我都在尖叫的意思! 原來男孩子是知道的! 我從來沒有想過這種事情 ...我人生之中沒有見過這種男女生相差極大的情況,我看我個身高呀 ~

我在路上看到的女孩子都是駝背,衣服叫做謙虛如深 humility running deeps

我看著男孩子盯著你們女孩子看,你們沒有覺得很誇張,我可能在太陽的底下是透明的意思 ...你們看起來很骯髒,我之所以有 show 很多衣服包括睡衣、普通在外面跑的衣服,我是有原因才告訴你們直接複製貼上!!!! 不要再弄什麼 humility running deep, 你們所有姿勢就是要死不活的意思...你們不知道在幹嘛 ~男孩子我看著他們他們可以一點幻想都絕對沒有 ...絕對不會有~那是在台北耶!!!!我家這邊耶~~~我告訴你真的很誇張!!!!






Weight Losing Day 6 Vlog Juicing (Video)


Girls beyond UB, you need to keep your figures. Taiwan or China | 女孩子在 UB 之外的,你們真的要維持你們自己的身體形狀,台灣或是中國

 I am trying to inject into my UB those....IQ at zero human on life 

我正在試著跟我以前 UB 同學叫做他們大腦智商在零的人生概念 

But the news on my Taiwan Channel | 但是我的台灣電視新聞頻道

With all the guys outside, I am looking at them the eyes where they looking at | 我在外面看到的男孩子看著他們的眼睛在看什麼

You girls need to listen to what I say, this COVID 19, the guys knew all this has a reason 

你們女孩子需要聽我說的,這個 COVID 19 男孩子知道這所有事情是有原因的

Senorita....from Shawn !!! The VS guy.


🎀💝💖 Many people cultivating themselves, the girls or the guys, and one day they arrive their New Profession 🎀💝💖

Its probably you just see through clear your brain head IQ is not = zero, what you supposed to be doing the next 16 years. Tired to clean up, Tired wish to sleep in, tired tired tired....every works you did to the kitchen, every washing you did to your bathroom, you had nothing but complain you want to rest, you want to sleep in, whom does your laundry all that stuffs.

You feel....inpatience.....

Its everything wrong with you. 

Some guys are not very good to take care of themselves, if you girls become stronger, you don't have to repriment them, I can just asking you all to taking care of some of these guys, make them schedule, Anna says copy and paste. And in that supporting atompshere, you will find your comfer, not bf, not gf. Just nice people being around, someone lines you every once a while the groups together. But?

You cannot keep your winter jacket or scarf on.

A responsible professional, know how to take care of your body, your food, your cleaning process....



Taken care of your 

    Body, foot, hand, throat, keep warm.

    Hydrate, heating pad, pain killer patches.

A lot of these things, you meant your parents and me are just redundant to every time we repeat it. I think this 16 years, you will be on your own. Whatever the Chinese sings to you, you finding out the translation.

Like if I have to be in front of the mlitary, 194 country, doing these 2018-2020, I have to buy the new shirts, clean clean clean the closet, buying the odor removers, or checking the Station where all these things your eyes just glue on it?

hey geography human, I made you all military the pages website looks like a flowing future. By the way, my weight chart, I convert to Kg and Ib

If I overweight to 74kg, that is obesity?

Do you get her medical records? 你們台北算過沒? 她的 BMI? 我的七十四是 obesity


Right now current time its 64.4kg, but after lunch, I didn't really eat anything else. oh ~ I just bite the hell of the chips. Few.

I calculate it wrong 2.24

Its 2.204. So my weight right now its = 142 Ib 

Normal = 107-135 Ib

Fat = overweight = 141-163 Ib

Why would I crave something called 葡式蛋塔 that is what I told Eben we go to find out in KFC menu? I had...One! Few times ago on the ways towards the 101.


你們台北也有  join 減肥寫日記嗎 ? 我為什麼在 craving 葡式蛋塔? 我只吃過一次我記得耶 ! 一個葡式蛋塔要 40 NT, but a Pudding in 7-11 = 12 NT

很昂貴耶! 你們好像是買一整個 box? One full box that is not 40 NT. VERYVERY expensive

(Very very overweight) 

🫑🫑🍆🥭🥭🍑 When Eben and I get together, I don't think I will spend as much time on the PC. 🫑🫑🍆🥭🥭🍑

There are things to do in the house, right now, these are my mother do. And I can talk to Eben, whatever he does. You see your plans of lifes with or without the TV, like Sakura Clear Cards, or with or without the Comic books sailor moon, those are your problems.

Having people talking to you, its like you only things you do its to kidnap that person, that is the conclusion behind they all saying that, for the next 16 years you are on your own, like Emily going to Paris. That is all that saying. 

Mentoring at 40 years old, its you given to others.

Not the other way around, I think you all mix up the priority with your parents anyway. There is not much I really need to be dealt upon

I have to go back to this Sakura Clear Cards, now people see something different how those 22 episodes comes about.

You girls want to talk about it, how to sit neatly under a tree, for a picnic? They tell you a lot of the proper manner, proper attire, proper lunch box, proper uniform, proper weather seasons to discuss something from the school. 

Learning the cooking its one of the only things?

If these design so expensive production animation company spent those efforts to ensure the education efforts are in, don't you want to understand your lessons, you are so not properly shape in manner, in speech, in behavior, in demeanor? Just about everything degree of your presentation are = underground fighting. Dirty, inconvinience, small mind, small talk, small mindset.

The public opinions think, they do a fantastic jobs. They got everything perfect. You want to say something about you think its not fit, you are barbarian? Without the uniform.

Talk small, behavior small, voice small, vision small, action small, mindset small.

You can work on per jem, per edge of one Star. You see? In the next 16 years. 

I might just work on NSYNC, or UB 5, without any of you.  You all already heard enough, be free the next 16 years whatever you learn don't learn, know don't know, no one accuse you. Its everything I say true about you.

How each of you determine the height, and your new destination of next....your born country or not, those anything values to your parents, or to your siblings, its entirely your envy nature, something get done or not, the next 16 years. With or without parents one day.

🥭🍑🌸 Where are these IT human? My thumbanil I change hard on the Youtube, cannot refresh on Pinterest? Right? So is the sharing, its when I finish charging this Damn Ipad with the New Charge after 12 hours? They share with 2 thumbnail screen, one is the video, one is the subtitle, not from PC Youtube. From Ipad.

 You know what I am saying?

Hungary Resurrection Sunday Budapest


Would someone put a groups together, so that they becomes, those human UB Silas Dean guys?

They are on their fallen mode, must be...aged becoming, less gossips at.

There aren't many boys groups jumping all around, I think NSYNC to do what they do, that is a lot of works, to lose the body shapes, that is unfortunate.  ARe they going to my Pavilion? How their Brain IQ just like their foot works?

I wonder if someone create that, when spying on me those times, were what I usually do those....years, whichever years I did. 1995, where am I?

Moping floors and music talents previling up to 6th graders.

I moping floors, how many years?

...many years. There are something about the bloom, and the wet bloom, or the sticks, or the stairs, or the solitude, away from the classroom, or noon time no napping....water buckets...one of those I will tell you when I was a kid, no one if telling me anything to do, I become attractive to the eyes to look at things I do.

You know, since I start doing a lot of things. People start to realize what the Sakura Clear Cards 22 episodes really saying? You all having no manners with Lee, Neptune earth Prince to sit in a Japanese Art Show. What do you do? Remember that?

Wing and Ola Dance


There are a lot of these people, small height, small mind, they will never make it to the couples. A lot of you have your different friends on the facebook, away from me Anna, or UB. But you see, all these girls, you are all identical really to me. No hope in life to any guys. So quit that life, and make it together, and polish together why these girls talk one day, you getting close to the guy's line, jump, flip, bounce.

Skin care, physical fitness, IQ don't drop, sensitivity walking across the road, you pay attention to the jungle laws?

The guys might be attention completely drop all of you, just the moment those Project Camelot made the Dinosour, were their best friends toys childhood dreams, on Anna's Terrance Roof with the Sky on magic Snapes? 

You don't believe in the Project Camelot, does your guys believe in the conspiracy theory of America, and willing to learn a few terms here or there? Learning it, not against it.

You sure they don't have their best friends toys? Like my Pinterest?

Upto Faith Church ( Resurrection Sunday )

 Their dance are not as hard. Disney and Japan, those are too fast.....(Video Uploading)

🍆🫑🫑🫑🍆🍲🥦 I am thinking to do these Resurreciton Sunday Dance, you all hate? 🍆🫑🫑🫑🍆🍲🥦

Or that would be One Voice Choir that they do things to Melinda again?

You want to tell me, you also in your life, having one relationship already gone, like me, like Lauren Silverman, she has second gone?

The least thing you want, would be, one day your bf learn smart, to find a balletria, for that Slam Dunk saying "Footworks".

One word, what you gonna do? Hate more, eat more? Why don't you get your butt up and do something inside your brain, and keep going on your outside your brain 4 limbs? 

Your personal grow its not a negotiable things, anyone told you that? Your parents love you never tell you that, or you will just never grow, so they will never tell you that? No matter what? Your determination of the dreams are to be like Lauren Silverman to live that 3 meals a day called socialist....Jewish community, her degree is high school?

Between the Guys and Girls Real Talk

What would that ever be? Lazy IQ = zero? Balletrina ....

Those things are hurtful to you. Just a stick to you meant it, that anything of that loving attention its hurtful to you. The skins, you ever touched a wrinkle skins? And? On a girl you wish to kiss.

Then Make it, what is ought to be between the guys and the girls, FOREVER.....!!!!!

They will all telling you no, because your big mouth on how to talking down just about anything without foods, everyone goes hungry strike, that following consequences with the age wane down, you might just really having no more places to go. Remember that, you bend now, you learn how to low low low low to the guys FOREVER eternal vow, right now, its good for you. Not you kneel to me only.....That relationship its the only way, no matter what secure your own finance, because I will tell you, you girls IQ = zero, never make it, whatever you saying you will have a life, this life right.

Its just 4 human life + Dennis + Pete. + Fang, to make one extra Ayo with 2 other girls helping+ Wei, to get along for one big happy fake friendship looking you don't trash each other, to learn how to be happy life like used to be.

What's wrong with used to be? Too much ego saying right now, you are losing one side, you could just kick that all gone forever. They will tell you no. They can just insist that no forever, your characters its to? 

Leaning the past, to trash the present, to vola the future.

Think twice, what personality or character you really got. 

Just like your photo, easy going.....

"Yo! How's going? "

Equation = you have no character

When you will insist on making it wrong, years down...you know you bet on it which side.

( I gonna do the resurrection Sunday video, there are 2)

Move your entire body up, you could copy them, to join your local church, seeing if they provide that kinds of exercise groups. Join something to make some new life, so in case here just so suffering, everyone can retify somethinig new very soon.

I will tell the guys, to tell you going back to your happy college 4 girls life, its No. me and them got nothing else to trash life, so its best they just say those words, you make a choice between them or the girls. There is a TV assignment, they meant MAKE it the FULL circle, you want to make it the past its what you could just let it all go.

Friendship are not on love. That is not the Sailor Moon only theme, but  never mind.....we all know Dennis, we all know Ayo, we know Pete, we know Fang, but you girls can built upon the hand works, hand writing, hand sewing pants a few buttoms, Hand carfty....Art stores, something pleasing to make an environment harmonious, your father your brother will be happy to know, you truly happy to build upon something that is a VERY solid book

I don't understand where its so difficult to see things, in life?

Learn about Music Dis, when the party is on, what to insert a CD or how to use that IT department tiny brain required? Iphone tech? 

Learn about the party food what to order, make a system?

Learn about the utensil getting ready, what is the budgets of all that?

Learn how to write a MIT proposal, learning about their newsletter to get in competitive in the National ideas, other than the past? 

You cannot sustain a one human guy's relationship, so you make it the envrionment, to give others supports. You built up 10 things, you built up 100 things without the breath just taken away, as if you dead, to ask you to do anything, you just say "Calling Daddy".

I Anna does one Evo Biology National Emergency House listing 1 to 20 things to house IQ = zero, requires 20 human life to live there, to make it in life.

You are CAC right next by APO. there are guys, there are girls, you just showing up each other, will sound like everyone seem to be less than a sinner all together, I am telling you.

Are you happy to have a party putting all human in, you can no longer having a guy's relationship. That guy does nothing to you life?

Movie: Two Weeks Notices, It is about the community service project. Why don't you start acting like a Harvard, keep watching the movies, not Sandra other Drugs wedding join party movie. Retify what is you saying to the universe, you want to becoming.

Life is not scary, if you just pay attention all these things already given to you, you write them down one by one, what really life so against you, full of mouth, nothing everyone does you a favor.

I nap 睡午覺

Babaji: Go

Now, you realize why I keep saying your 4 limbs? | 你們現在覺悟,知道為什麼我一天到晚說你們的四肢?

Isn't that so? 是這樣嗎 ?

You don't have a brain, that has IQ  你們沒有大腦跟裡面的智商

You cannot coordinate your brain to your hands to react the upper body just by listening to the music, response, or something you freeze, or you cannot comprehend, lost in the space of the sea of semen.......你們無法組織你們的大腦跟手去,對這上半身只是聆聽音樂做回應,你們暫停你們自己叫做 freeze 動彈不得,你們無法理解,失魂在...空天的海洋的男身下體的什麼西門...英文的對詞  (絕對音感)


The one you hate or you love, Astor 1234, his drama, most of this modern Korean shows, one of the reason they replace the Japan shows in Taiwan.....我說韓劇的室內設計...就是之所以韓劇取代的日劇 ...在台灣呀 ! 這些人的室內設計 ....而且跑來跑去~我以前聽他們邊界講是一回事...

The Korean groups did very good interior design too. A lot of the TV production were very very set in tones and in color.

For real. 

Youtubers just looks worse none stop flying. I used to thought Border Pixies saying one things, until I see it myself, oh my God. What a chaos life to imagine everyone else trying to live a life. 


How old I do the spinning? I think 7th grade to 9th grades. High school I don't do those things...more like 7 and 8th grades, the 9th grades I have to study.

Its a hobby in room. Because no one cares about that stuffs. You cannot do anything on ice, no matter how you practices. That time...I don't think I think of Balleria. You know when I see the Balleria? Kingdom garden. It never occurs to me anything about the body momentum. I got too many things to do and on going. 

Right now I will be thinking about it, because I have to lose weight.

If I just jump a few times, my weight going down? I like to do those things, that is how I used to be?

你們台灣的新聞有個 Youtuber 莎白?


So Ku talking about Crossaind...Bread. And every other Youtuber Japan, instant Noodles. All about ASMR food niches...its very popular, its about eating?

Mc Donald? 

Its like 11:23....the birds unusually quiet...I have one hour walking or not?  I am not really interests in these, all these temporary housing plan Youtuber, there is no design in them. Their subscription are low, meaning they all gonna quit soon age 30 passing like Justin Biber and Shawn when they arrived what used to be Justin Timberlake....

I just saw Justin Bieber cancel his world tours. These are nothing to do with me about Justin Timberlake, or Bieber or Levine, anything to do with the Barbra Straissand, she sings combating them, alone?

But I feel tired....I walk 4 bus stop the other side, that is not 4 blocks. Its my middle school used to be, 4 bus stop. Its one hour walking back and forth.

I like the Balleria her music, the vlog one.

I think the niches for the guys, you all girls loving the guys' attention are the skills to...working out your physical, not eating your way to the hospital health care system, Obama care. Like the skills, endurance, cooking skills, art and craft skills, beauty design, like any professional skills are more appreciated.


Babaji: Go

💖🍂💝🎀🥦🥘🥟 Today is Saturday? I can go for a walk before the sun gets too hot. 💖🍂💝🎀🥦🥘🥟

Babaji: Go

Maybe you just talk to your dad what “A Day in Life” looks to him

 Maybe he being decent shed some words with you, any of you girls?

“Shut up, birds 🦅 “

Lawsuit, at Paris

Emily to Paris.

The best friends looking that one, Emily, my Emily short hair that one

Looks like Alyssa but she looks like Erin? That one.

Loving the Silent Tear 


Morning !!


OPP used to be hearing that 2016 on VS.

Know what that was? Victoria Secrets.

Victoria Secrets






Maroon 5


NSYNC Selfish 


Feeling better? To land one hand left wing, leap, jumping…of course you will get injured. 🦅🦅🦅🦅



Anything of me showing up on the real time of life you gonna die …just looking inside the 4 points frames.

How many monitor can you have anyway? 


A Day in Life - you can just make it to your dad to see your Day like …


🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🧀🧀🧀🧀🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅📷📷📷🧈 Shut up !



Its 11:20. Everyone Friday night I think its party time, every Friday I go to bed like 10 oclock....so I decide not today, I wash my face rinse it....

Why don't you pick your dancing gerne, you see yourself in. I cannot pick the High School Musical. Its X6, Levine's songs, those things are my specialty, not Ice Skating.....not really. 

Even the Resurrection Sunday, they teach you online the choreography, you only stretching your entire body out, to flow out the Chi. 

I cannot use those, we cannot possibly duplicate our exercise....its none related. 

When you getting a TV assignment,

you just passing by? You sure your heartache doesn't worth a dime to find things out? 

Is the food has anything to do with the Meat?

I keep hearing that. Something about the meat. I thought you cannot digest the meat that well, so the fat built up. If you eat once those concentrate fish...just once, that is long way to go for the year. 

There is a soup base, like how Anna I do it, to poison the entire body system with the smell. When they keep saying that. The skin poles. You imagine when the TV says that vegan vegan, to loss eyes are funny. 

You can eat as much as the meat, not as pungent if you just drink only the soup down, to the entire body, every skin poles are that smell.

I too tired. Go to sleep.

Babaji: Go

Like food I see its happy....things

I made the Chinese album....wait. Chinese food. My country food.

Period pain - Its a cramp. You want to lower your waist down to bend in. That is a internal cramp, you cannot describe it how bad that is.

Very discomfer. Its the liver. 

Also you might have a very bad blood, by the exam of the blood color and the smell. I knew my smell are bad. My mother nose always been strong....so since I was young, might be just like that Romance journey VS says.....feather smell. She says after I come back here, I don't have any of those smell when I was younger, like my father's side those smell through the skin poles. I have no idea what that means. 

Getting together with a guy, might be a lot of your ego doing.....tears on fake reality. 

When you getting into the mode of cleaning yourself, like 10 times liver flush, you want to tell me you are so wishing you could ruin your own very works. Until you really make it....you make sure you ruin everyone else works? 

When you are built inside, facing your insecurity, not clinging, or leaning....or separate means you cannot do your own things on your own. I have heard funny things, like the guys walks you to the door? Or what your father drive your SUV to carry the Wal-Mart grocery...one of those. 

Not happy


Giggling laugh funny strange stuffs.

Dirty feet, dirty nails.

Unclean sink, with the plates and bowls, chop sticks.

Oily stoves.

Empty fridge

Isntant packages

Ugly room display.

Sewing pillows.


💝 My period amount are not that much anymore, but still, the urinated tip, when you wipe it from inside pulling out, that tip, you need to push back....wipe back...💝 Its right at the urination tip.

All the bloods. I already knew that so many years of these.....I never finish cleaning wherever these bloods goes.

You know what is the hobby for Friday? Lawsuit ~~~ Tina just got a vicious bug bites, warm, hot...swallen. In Taipei, we had a hospital right next by, in America, so expensive.

The Korean Drama I watched in 2010, on a vicious women to her son, of a husband with an original wife. She encounter a ghostly, not for sueing the bug, if were bad karma, following a sequence of unfortunate events. Today's authority will tell you, they will stop all that....just not the invisible script of this TV korean shows, means it....its the catching fire in the end.

Burn all pieces in the car. Seeing ghost. 1st degree all burn body.

(Ella Enchanted, Simon's Sinitta Best friends)

Dr. Steven Hairfield has this teaching called focus on the moment. Tibetan American monk. I don't know if he practices at it.....

You girls easily blank out, just like CNN journalist one girl to that one man on weaponry....oxygen mask? My mask you know what is the name of it? Lab Mask, from Taipei 101.

You could have any reaction looks like, you are not blanking out, really. 

I am telling you, in 20 years, no one finding out that is really an ET war, or else, all of you will be going down. REALLY.

You see

You hear

You reacts on it. How difficult this is? You mean, you see, you hear, you hit them back with your brain wire to your hands on reactions? 

🫑🍆🍲 I am fixing these thumbnail for the last 10 video, 5.... 🫑🍆🍲

I have a carrot juice and a bowl of water melon. Maybe some cooked vegetable so I can at the same time does the juicing. Tomorrow might be going down. I waste the first week, but the second week the weight does go down. 

Do you ever thinking you will quit wheat? Like Pasta, bread...but all those salty vegetable marinated? or cooked blend plain vegetable with Himalyase salt? Its a pink salt.

Its vitality how you carry on your body, becomes your dominating forces to keep your body to get up. If you thinner, you can distribute that force, not in eating, not in balancing your body, its in your brain, or walking outside manifest like the wind speedy? The vitality will shows on your skin, your momentum in jump, flip, bounce, ...meaning the reflex of the body when you trying to fall on the pedestrian road.

That is 2 necklace. One is something fury, one is something shining...these are the plain shirts? 2 Hearts? 


Today is Friday...never mind, I just gonna go.

 See what they have.

You are not saying the Pinterest, supposes to be about the food?

You mean the photo collection on the food dishes? What you gonna do today on the weekend, its to eat? 

So If I am going to 101, its not walking 4 blocks to get there, you mean too hot, too tired, I need to sit down and eat something? in 101? So expensive.

My mother just met her brother on the road, I think if you don't do juicing, or some kinda of the raw food, and staying on the soy sauces, too much salt those....not washing your faces with the water water water....You will get old very quickly inside and outside, like her brother and my father.  

Juicing you develop that when you are 20s years old, you can go far in your aging time, and also health wise. You don't know the pain, you should ask a lot of the old people. They will tell you what life its about, at their time. Bad

BAD BAD!~~~~~~~~~like learning about the health, learning about the ideas about the health. oh~ You have to driven you loving all that!!! Not everyone getting old will care about that. Really. But most tall guys will tell you, they care about thin. The girls, the vitality, the face, the skin touch.....

The skin touch.....

okay, I think if you are around 40 years old, without telling me your age... You are not supposed to bend your knee jumping all around. Maybe not. You ask the MD doctors, like the Medical Board. I am not even sure you do ballet, at the age of 40. Just the sounds of the numbering don't feel right. 

When I was 20 years old, if I think about someone 40 years old, it would be ....

The Early you start, like Obama's kids those age just passing 23....4 block built up will lasting a long long long long time.

In the Volleyball Team, I am not that fast compared to them, I am telling you. You build up those every Wedn, we run on the building stairs up and down, to train the physical. Not the circle ground in the school. The Building up and down. 

The physical training is not the skill you practices or daily you run the ground outside. There is muscle sitting the walls.

When my mother rise us three kids, she has to do the laundry every single day, mop the floors every single day. She is like that. She runs in runs out. She was the field track. Her nickname when she was young, was "Monkey". 

My father climbs trees like Tarzan.

oh no, I don't train those things anymore. I walk more, just keep walking. And I see the bone doctors before. I think there is something the American system offers you that... Sometimes you go to the MD doctors offices every once a while. Any kind of doctors.

I see many doctors myself, and I am the foreigners, I spent money? There are a lot of people saving money, not to spend a dime, I have heard those tales. You have to make some extra money, so you furthur your horizon, as the hobby. Saving money its not enough, you need to keep increase yourself values, no matter what that is.  

You see the main trend, you heard some trend, you have to catch up the Time. Because...you never know when you have to get competitive in life. That is the fun things in life, not because your confidence are low, so anyone get ahead of you, you envy, you plot, you words hurting others, you jealous, you are so low IQ, I am telling you. 

Like, what is your hobby? Not eating 3 meals a day? you mean beside the cereal breakfast, 2 meals a day?

I often think, there is something wrong at my album. The food or something. There is something about definition whole food....uh, that would be more healthy saying.

But I heard was I eating Chinese Mongolian pancake, those are for the winters, solid bread thicken muscles. That is not what I put it right on the photo album, that is not what you eat? Then, what exactly you eat?

Tony my landlord, he loves Sushi. That is not American human eats? He is the regular white. 

Cheesecake Factory, Dokin Donuts? Krispy Creme?

A lot of food in the Album 4, those things are putting there in front of the Babaji. I design the yard, those outdoor, in case other human comes? These things are not supposed to be eaten....plus, you don't have money making that, and again, these high priest, or World Leadership governmental suppose to decorate their offering, like for the seasons or what to those Sky, Earth Mother, or the Sun....there are a lot of things you are not supposed to be eaten. Only few things I put there its to take a bite, run, and go, keep cooking the offering food.

The College Campus food, cannot be wrong right? The "American Food" Pinterest Album.

🎀💖💝 Why do they keep saying this 101? The Mask color, maybe.....🎀💖💝🦅🦅🦅

What is in the 101?

The dark clouds above, to the tips of it.....my tower here. Is there people up there trying to poke the sky? That could be that possible....why don't you fly on it, and jump it....that is the realistic.

Like yesterday outfit, I cannot wear that in 101. They dress more formal, not the public. But I think 101 you need to dress like...long sleeves better looking of the dress shirt. You know how funny that is, that shirts, its from the Net behind 101 the model they dress up, I took down what those times.

I walk toward 4 blocks, long sleeves, way....way...way.....too hot. 

You are not saying the employee in 101...Like Google and these Foreign Company, there is a proper term on them. "Foreign Business External"

I would apply the jobs, if I knew what that is....really.

你們不會是說 101 的外商是要減肥的公司? 外商我如果知道定義的名詞是什麼,我可能會去應徵工作,外商好像是我媽...什麼迪士尼的那種

I think the Foreign Business External, those are my mother...Disney what those.

I didn't see the business people. The Taiwan Youtuber gone to Google inside, introducing you all, looks thin to me. Google is the most famous human that has every food court of their own within I heard. 

In America.


Babaji: Go

I don't really know what you girls eat every day. But Flours....its a bad products all these raw, or Dr. Gabriel crowd will tell you, they are process food.

Nick they are born as the Italian, so I never critique, or telling him what....but I will tell you, I am very close to Dr. Gabriel saying, no process wheat products like Pasta, bread....Pizza.

I made all the gluten, pizza, FOR MY MOTHER, to eat happy! 

And because she gets old, I will wash the white rices more attentively, like 10 times at least.....the rice needs to be washed well. So I made those dishes for her to be happy when she says, its feeling different when the fridges of the foods like that there.....

No, I never told nick, don't eat wheat or flour those stuffs. He knew that. But I only care about myself....he is really happy about his old town stuffs. Plus that is his money, every time he pays at it, you would say things to hurt the guys...you should just go to hell, really

So....in my diets, anything wheat, like the bread, I might bite them, but not the whole things down in the stomach for very long time. Sometimes my mother goes out to eat, I might have one sandwich, but the way you all girls eat like a guy? 3 meals, you mean 1 meal you eat white bread enclosure what stuffs inside the sandwich, I eat the heavy Paninni.

Bite it? Like split it out. Taste it, but don't swallow it. 


One time, I was first time eating cereal, my entire weight run up like 5 pounds. I will tell you, that milk and the cereal, uh.....Its very very very fat. When I was in the high school, wake up at 6 be at the school by 6:30, alone.....volleyball serving til 7:00, that time I eat the cereal with the milk. I eat the Nestle Cowala branding, its a chocolate flake.

Not just your weight and the IQ problems, I am telling you, where you girls just end up in life one of these days. Be happy, be in fitness, by survival, be one person tearing the whole things, to design, to innovate, to be creative...those upper terms of tones, to say, to shout, to belief....to really firmly register agreeing inside your mind, every words these Self Improvement human says, you just need to keep knoding the head...I am telling you. Agree to everything, open your eyes, stay big and wide, those things only to hear about.

You are just all feeling like a dead meat in life.

No vitality.

Do I tell you, I found out Nick's digestion is a guy's digestion they can eat anything they put in their mouth?

Yeah, that is when to envy them, they don't get fat? The guys' metabolism can eat anything down. So let them be. I always say that, whatever they wish me to cook it.

I am making the image with the facebook. By the way, because I haven't really know what exactly Eben eats....I didn't really stress what is the things I usually eat?

Like Dr. Gabriel or Dr. Will Turtle says....or SMTV says. I only talk to the girls. APO girls, UB CAC girls and the UB honor Class girls. I think only the CAC and UB Honor Class girls keep the right shapes, the rest of them are disastrous situation. 

Are you sure, some of you girls to stay in the profession, never get the call about this ETR made the air on the Conan Detective, you just so near here, you HAVE to make it?


I create this for the Million dollar baby's property that time, it would be 2009. 

Facebook give its a rim values, I glue it together. 3 photo, no rims. No edge of those white bars.

I am back. Lunch

Babaji: Go

It starts to rain again.....

You know what I tell Craig, I start to be very very very consciously about, its EVERY single GUYS, of that RACE, tall knew, the shorty from their eyes sight down,

They become the giant lobe of the fats with the heavy eye glasses....

I scream internal.....

( The birds are calling, I better get out, before it starts to rain again.)

Video upload - Spinning ( Weight Program Day 5 Vlog )


Maybe you girls like these....love to dance ideas.

There are dances not just the social dance right?



When I was a kid, very kid time, that is what I want to....play or becoming....


There are a lot of these, can train in the skills, and also, lose weight, or keep fitness. To whichever you all just wishing to become, or envy to seeing it, why don't you just watching them and becoming like them? 

Speed, reaction, cope with the human, when you see those around you, too many human population, frighten you?

Because if you don't do juicing, not Dr. Will Turtle, not Dr. Gabriel....those kinds of human, you staying on 3 meals a day? You mean cheese burger, pizza, white bread hot dogs? Do you go to bathroom per daily?

I eat hummus, that doesn't mean when is the last time I have the Pita bread? 

Eben is very thin, I have to slim down like I used to.

Do you girls write down at least one Craig Ballantyne, one video of his one good teaching words, that you practice on your notebooks?

One things per weekly? And? oh ~~~with the girls like you, I need to keep you girls on fitness talk like the eternal. Not book knowledge, you can just be bimbo, not to lose the health, or the giant FAT, SUPER giant like yesterday I saw with the heavy eye glasses? You cannot even walk inside the door !!! The car seat, don't fit you in.

I will tell you

I start to notice, these guys walking or staying outside the building in the lunch time, they will looking around the girls in their shape inside their eyes too. They can see, meaning everyone knew?

EVERYONE knew the fitness? 

Everyone knew the girls get really really really fat?

I think these guys outside, everywhere, there is only things they look at it after this COVID 19, its how fat people everyone around getting on their walking time, or if they exercise. There are a group of the sportware, they sell like the news says. The guys have many sportware, those very colorful too. They really walk around these places, all around, I can tell.....the places where I go for a walk?

Its none stop raining, your video its upload the third one, you want to click on your own, or I come back to put it back here again.

I import the video, and they got deleted?

These device its something wrong with it. 

I jump 2 video, It just meant to re-jumping all around? 

Shut up, birds! 

One is teaching you how to accelerate kinds of....

Then the second its no more talking, just keep jumping? Around, circle? 

Do you know that...

Karen and Adria (Emily and Melinda?) They were always in this UB flag room, knowing about the social dance, they were in or not....then they end up in UB aerobic class, to do those aerobic.

Melinda is not slim down, anywhere hope, I am telling you.

I never done social dance. No. I went to a senior ball with Karen, Adria...if Ayo was there? Its a senior assistant living those elderly, I dance with like 70+ 80 years old one guy. I did. He spins me around. 

I never dance. 

If you getting the nutritions and hydration like the warm soup for Asian growing up embroyic memory....

You will feel more comfer in stomach. I don't know about anything in America, they eat cold food all the time. Asian I need the warm soup sometimes when I was on the fasting stuffs.

Your body = the temple of God its everything made of you.

Now I am reading this high school musical guys singing to the girls...that is not Zawanna stuffs, its just to tell people to keep dancing, and keep fitness. I seen you girls getting super big, and giant, that is completely no hope, while yesterday I walking outside. Bad, bad, bad....

You know I was 62 kg, and when that mess up things happened the juicing parts of the Ice, I went all the way to 66.3 Kg. But I remember clearly at 65kg, I really feel that is the weight. If I slim down to 61.8, that is where about I supposed to be talking to Eben, and then, the real reducing weight program starts. I know that. 

oh ~ my belly, if I sit on my toilet? I used to be thin fasting mode, everyday I sit on the toilet, 2 times, those period of time, if I knew all your guys so cared about the girls shape.  I never think the weight its an issue, the eating is an issue, the expense its an issues, the organization boxes its an issues. The buying options, what you buy its an issues. Pinterests its an issue.

There are a lot of things I never thought was an issue, until I leave my cave far away from it all, to re-absorb into this world...where you all are.


I went to some places to buy stuffs. There are giant fat girls come near by, I suddenly feel just bad bad bad. You don't want to get close to the super giant, and big women. Not really. I feel horrific. That is how big you all getting to becoming? The guys are tall, they always looks fat, but the girls parts, its they wear eye glasses too!!! So. these photo if I enlarge, that is how you see, or if I do those <table>

<tr></tr> those ended with </table>

I always hand type those....small frames photos, you cannot see? 

Is this SMTV got fat too since 9 years ago I saw them, the perfect SMTV human girls ABC and guys?

You girls needs hair and, jump these “how to” again this morning


You love this stuffs !! We might get funding paid by NSYNC, they say !!