
I hate things list...

I hate cake, every cakes are 1 or 2 layers of sponge made of that texture. 

I hate egg raw white, that is the frosting, when I was elementary school, I knew those are decoration remove that. Its the cherry. I hate cherry, that is red. 

I hate candle, don't buy me those girly incent delicate to Buddha. That is made of aldehyde and Cinnimon. I hate cinnimon.

Did I tell you hate absolutely everything from America? 

Don't give me towel made of thin, we have cotton material, that absorb water, you got it in bath & beyond...why don't you ask my mother maid what I hate things 1 to 1 million.

Don't bother me, get out.

One more thing, I hate certain junks like photo frame, photo album, you know what my ex bf has junks? That is entire 3 generation photo junks he says he regret, and hang and nail at the hallway every time going to the bathroom I have to see every faces of junks.

He meant those were his regret never stop. So why he bothered to hang?

Every single frame, you can just check the rest of the Pinterest, those wall called Marble, you break that wall, you will be hang. Those are expensive wall. I hate every human inside every frames.

Don't gift me anything, just get out.

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