Lawsuit 361: Flower Thousand Bone (2015) and Red River Manga (90s)

Date: Oct 21th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Toward the ending of the Red River Manga, has a final curtain draw on forever peace (Invitation)

I come to this realization you don't make the Taipei Metro because of the TV Flower Thousand Bone (2015) or Red River Manga (90s), but I identify them, as I open my door, I still seeing the human walking towards the terminal, of all public transportation looks like the worlds still where I living at.

As you might have finding it out my roof to all the sky and birds things, how I truly felt I used to know only 2 human maid, nick and my mother.

How funny, no one notify you, my peripheral getting worsen each day, not just I open the monitor, open my balcony door, SMCH language book....or BAZZAR magazine. Did you have a feeling that is not a pleasant things?

Then again this 6+1 or 4+1 MD indicator lights on this Ice Skating, saying I am invisible. I actually did open my mouth to say, I am not the victim, and surely it will be always reverse that role, as you all are very mild American.

How that truely sounds in the UN seating map. I don't of those saying.

I just coming by this law court room, for every tiny thing, you realize I can just write it down for whichever reason, its fine, you have the money you file on your own. This would be after investigating here world Taiwan or US UB educational institution did...all legal move, I will suggest you one situation, not on WWIII....I mean the SMCH so loud mouth jobs on Ms Congeniality about World Peace. She has a slogan made to the flyers, to the COPS 16 or might be including that UN since 1995. 

Whichever reason that makes sense, not my own video I seeing that flyers I frame in it, why these World Peace never end....and why that book might be redundant, no one proven it. Its right on the map, I can see....and feeling it on my roof.

sigh....its that, UB has this First generation ABC descendent from their parents, are their parenting immigration statues to make a retirement plan, if they becoming a MD, their happy life in their own world.

That would be Dr. Shen wants. Going back to China for his happy retirement life. 

Can I say that? I used to live in his house for 10 long weeks.....2003 after UK, University of Kentucky.

Now, the Red River Manga, its a chaos book, but the ending has a treaty where all these invitation sign up through the embassy will be notified, and these UB of my shorty friends will not be on my invitation lists.

Can you imagine I write you a lawsuit to officially telling you that, how things gone wrong 1 to 1 million? My invitation lists will not have their name on it, that is a short way saying it.  Ramses he is the ambassador to the Hattie side, how he got poisoned. He just taste it.....

Oct 23th 2022 Add-on

Pharmacy board was never my vocabulary, correct. I was saying the PCAT scores. (UB 6+1 MD mistakes to go to jail)

We never end this.... (UB 6+1 MD mistakes to go to jail)

You wish someone does a job for you. Meaning copy every line

我以前爺爺的眉毛像尼克 my grandpa used to have nick’s eye brow 我爸爸跳樹藤屋頂上跳下來的牙齒卡在那個軍醫的頭上,大概是南台灣,屏東 my father used to jump from tree vine from the roof not ceiling directly at the teeth into that military surgeon’s head, south Taiwan, the last province below near the Reef.


琉球群島是中國日本講吧?我以前有看新聞,也沒多久以前!The Ryukyu islands it’s talking about China Japan, I used to watching news, not that too long ago


沒收的那種專業人員叫做什麼? Confiscating team professional what do they called it?





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