Lawsuit 329: Time Lost On Supreme Master Ching Hai (Flower Thousand Bone 2015)

Date: Sep 12th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: This morning posts

How long Time she passed and wasted. She didn't change a bit. I sincerely saying that when I was the King of King, or 

King of Kings, Lords of Lords.

A comma like a Karma, what does that mean in the Bible? 

The comments are in the links below.

Have I imagine what the things I say to SMCH, that Vietnaese Little nun, in person?


 "Eon and Kalpha Pass....How that sweet sounds as Long Time No see meant..."


 "I highly doubt, that was one Eon, One Kalpa, the last time I ever lecture you...."


You have a past to of those stupidest kids toy on the blocks, called High Tech 4 points frame, you never hear me enough keep saying it? 4 points frames, 4 points frame, book, binder, TV, monitors?

They trained you a bit to say a story, or you get on the Television to air an imagination story telling story?

Trust me, when I know what I am saying, "You didn't change a bit." I mean exactly you didn't change a bit.

 When you wasting a "What could be the number on that Eon or Kalpa, and that 100 millions lifes passing, not just 400 lifes Yoganada bragging the karmic law he knew or he pretends to knows."


Let me describe you the page, Riley listen or he telling you page by pages....

Telling Lies skills

Your Dream of a Life time, ends in 2 years...A Dream of a Lifetime, not so soon be jailing ever live ever after?

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