Lawsuit 467: Indian 500 years to this England having their King Charles III rehearsal on SMCH's birthday 1950 to 74 years Hunger Game

Date: Dec 4th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The gender difference

This is to do with the Lawsuit of 465 楊過跟小龍女 (Birds Song Hunger Game), lawsuit 466 - Finance.

I actually don't know if your life goal EVER EVER just set you rather die in horror, but never hell, those standard. But he is a guy and a very very very old guy how you considering this is just a cult church ban by China. To that every kind gesture of any teaching including a stranger, it your Life favor of that luck, someone shed some lights to you.

But you all just doing nothing but bounce up.

Not to say, this is an Indian 500 years old, whether he has a name or no name, his exoteric teaching student or esoteric student, he renounce his life so he wish this world with some standard its in the Heaven's accordance. What virtue in his Past, to the Present, you will one day be talking about the standard of sex, love, food, living a happy life. That is a basic standard he wishing you well, all the mundane standard that beyond one mortal life. He wish you having that support, not that everyone becoming a life renunciation so the eternity its between him and you, that one teaching you must abide to every rule he meant, that is the only rule - whatever that spells to you his ego higher than you, or his harsh words or belief, you just have a problem one to zillion. 

He is a guy, he is not a girl.

He is an old guy, he is not a young boy.

He is ordain in some kinds of Name and Title, he will have a pride, that is how things done in his life whole time, knowing what degree if he doesn't turn that Earth evolution = 500. 

Whatever you collecting this communication me and him.

When someone happened did that to you, it is only a cover face that female jail inmate, you quest that God guide you through, if that one life its by the affiliation you attach a little bit, or you mean you really devote your life in introspect, one whole life. There are the teaching in the Buddhism, there are the teaching in every religion, as long as you really putting it down every desire, heart mindful every wrongful rage, rought internal your sight, sense, feeling, and emotional indicator numbers.

You didn't do it by the guidelines. Its failure one to one zillion.

That will be more than 400 millions lost, not just one life time evolution spelling 16 years train on life trajectory. In fact, I will tell you personally, its every human goes to hell. because of the money and the politics.

You just love too you stay in it til you hell.

And I am the one turn my blind sight to you, warning you every degree what that close book finished right there. But you insist as long as you don't die and testify, that money never stop running Wall Street, its your eyesight every wrong things one to zillion, just whenever you want, however you like.

Not...accordance to every universal plan, and that soon will finish, including you life, when all things must open galaxy with the full disclosure, whom you are, what you are, how you mumble to the court exactly how you are.

You all meant it, you have a right to breath.

Prove it!  Keep vola til that every Age and Time, its between you and me, you not just wasting his time, its every word I type!!!!!

Hell deep and hell forever eternal deep, I guess you cannot tell, what is really the forever and eternity means.

You are forever loved, but you are eternity becoming oneness with that Hell Color. There is no difference in the word conceptual saying. Its Elon Musk bound to the Ship, Pirates of Caribean, lightly clear something about the boundary, you becoming, or you are.

The Edge.

Now, my situation and this Earth with you all humanity

Money isn't the most important things, you saying your heart content, its better you don't do evil, when the money comes, that will be the only thing looks like right. But there is a need you follow that Forbes 100 a bit

, becasue that will be needed soon. I personally are not attached to the situation, but when the life goal becoming very very very very clear, as if someone could just explain that to me. 

My acceleration rate, to how Wake Up Productive, and velocity...its just your brain is short of circuits, how life meant without the Original works 本業 you have to have a professional, outside your own course of works, to imagine a Wall Street Never Stop Running Money Thin.

A lot of people will always asking you, what do you do for a living, what do you fall back from? When you are turning your age old, you will need that pension. Unless your brain really meant it, its every crystal things you are clear in that textbook, to how you will end up outside, for you saying its for the entire Animal Kingdom and All World scenario of humanity, its best you never quit rehearsal those textbook like those teacher do, or the University Professor, and happen those jobs require your mouth opens, because some of you when you did open your language out loud, not Thinking Out Loud (Victoria Secret), you will realize its every word and sentence you don't match your own thoughts, and no one understands a thing you are saying. You are not my brain. Without talking, I know exactly what I coming out without a rehearsal, that is not an ability. I understand then I never forget.

When you define The Service to Humanity, Haidakhan Babaji

You doing for the real reason, you doing it for the obligation reason, you doing it, its "of course that reason", or what reason you must uplifting your own standard to facing the external world? 

Language, you have nothing but the curse words. You will lose every deal, internal cursing to external yelling. Like that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates fighsty. 

Math, you gonna lose everyone's money but + or -  one zero, its a lot of difference !

Science, you just forgotton Lords and the Words or the...rules

Speaking English, that is one things the human in this world are changing or you yourself don't speak English anymore.

Humanity, Culture, Dance, Music, Art, History. The definition of your hobby beside your light reading, what's exactly inside your brain when you meeting your true love, gays love, transgender, or male or female.

Here is my tips...if you don't make with your Earthly existing any jailed or not jailed yet or righterous Military Officers - to Lieutanent rank above, you are not going to be anywhere near those external world, no matter what. As the girls, as the women. 

Right now this lawsuit cannot be re-written, if you as a girl, its ilegal you lost a guy from the external, and how that related to us lost 400 millions, but maybe one day will !!!!! No matter what you think you are, if your assignment one day will be equal a formula = that guy. By assignment you make it. All your military or none, so wishing these comic books to be true, its when someone bossing you all to becoming your assignment as the match makers.

That one day you lost 400 millions dollars, this lawsuit its right here, I explaining you every word already.

My Personal Feeling

You have to pick my comic book I share the whole wide world. Where is all your detective thriller, you all loving reading behind not just the movie categories what did you watch as the hobby? And?

Those were in the 90s. You cannot just go and getting a modern version of everything you had before?

Its not that it will ever be your money, nor your human ideal love. Its you hate them one to zillions of zillions No Matter What. Do you want to go to the court to the honest most feeling to that how the jail female inmate becoming a reality and possibility to that every jailing cases? You hate the guy one to 400 millions stabs.

About Life

I used to say the women's eduction, the girl's education, the female's education, the female Youtube Channel on making the video over to that Khan Academia.

The education to the guys the same, meaning inside the brain putting something in it.

But about me saying that the girl you washing yourself because you smell yourself, or your eye glasses, or what the below the pelvic bone, your cold and the warm water to every chance inside that bathing or showering place, doing nothing but fumble those fine muscle, not the keep the long nails to scratch it. You gonna scratch your face skin and bleed?

That is not about life. That is about how to be manual in life, just washing yourself, washing the floor, washing the table, washing your mother's kitchen, washing your fridge, freezer, re-sort, assort. Organizing.

This is nothing to do with you just thinking it through inside your brain how to be wordy, and file a paper looks like this more academia righterous so someone reading it feeling what kinds of person you must look like, feel like, or else the moment you seeing their face, you get hurt?

I file the lawsuit about my Hunger Game overall, but I never file another separate sheet how I divide these year to this end under that Indian 500 years Lawsuit to your soon-to-be Future, either this One Life Evolution to the External Worlds or not, or continue the next 16 re-born life, and we part the goodbye here. 

Anna Me thoughts on Hunger Game divided Years

2013 / 2014 / 2015

2016-2017 Jan

2017 up to June, August One Anna til Dec a Magazine none stop August (I have a year in the hand, but not the Victoria Secret, I forget them exist)

2018 Jan 

- 2020

2021 Full years to 2022 now will be closing to the full year 2022.

I told you the year my life completely stopped were in my university year 2004. No, I wasn't exactly happy. I was too scared. I will tell you my life was the whole life on hiding or running. That didn't stop since 2013, up to 2016 I finally gone home. 

When you are young, you can do this planning and hoping for the best, and you throw your life to the best Ideal Life, that planning without a future was my choice. Not a straight path.

It just happened these movies no one knows it means a thing, or any meaning or any monitization values. It just as we go, and things are being display one to one zillion all around, at the same time. It didn't bomb on your, it did bomb on me never stop . You have no idea how it is to feel when I finish a 20 years all these time, you are telling me a what thing you pretend to go to the court, and having a Judge looking at you.

I just didn't make it to becoming a Judge, or else what I will ever saying to you other than, The Micky Mouse birthday were that 1928, like the Keanu's movie The Earth Stands Still. Do you want to bring that comment to the Judge, what exactly someone wise will come out something like that saying to you?

Read it?  

"The Micky Mouse birthday were that 1928, like the Keanu's movie The Earth Stands Still"

Flower Thousand Bone (2015)

There are people becoming a monk immediately to that 8 years pass, its almost identical to when me Anna starting in 2006, but up to 2014. Therefore, instead of me analyze this report. I will tell you, I am trying not to tell to all things.

You are psycho, psycho, psycho all the way to the bottom of the pit. And if they were having some military experience, to that Serenity to that Life philosophy they trying to get close, and Anna I cannot stop saying this Sailor Moon 400 millions stabs to you all just calling yourself Princess Serenity, and I am behind what?

Its psycho psycho psycho !!!!

I cannot say, if one of them are unfortunate to be the lawyer, or the Judge, they sign that paper, you want to say these money are not their to share?

Nothing but psycho. 


I am trying to say that Indian 500 years old having some expectation if he were told to go to hell, he doesn't even know what it was to start. Why you don't have a belief in God, other than that 2 cents in the movie, you fear, you frighten, you are dishonest to your career, so everyone else on the monitor to looking at "Side by Side"?

You know, personally....the way how I understand the whole things, if you Earth Court Open galaxy first to the Cosmo outside, having the fair and Justice to per volume liter air, to that weight and the food, and expectation when the TV ends, you all bankrupt the Earth, before you return me all money, you will not go further other than one me cases...til that day, you want to wait til the Court Open Gates first, it will be still the same person stopping all your life, never end.

That will be One Case, before you get out of the World to the External Full Disclosure. Meaning not black water, not the heart magic, no more investment, you have no more money. Not I am dead neither, you see? The karma nullify all by itself, it takes year or decades before they again to sort my cases Open Court. Never ending the same exactly the lawsuit she files, and REPEAT.



No more black water discussion, no more Matrix, no more Heart Magic, no more SMCH name how the ocean fill up the sky. Some real life its stuck at her entire lawsuit never stop ending writing. You are still stuck. Its a completely nature, how you pave your way outside. Its all the money gone.

You see how it will becoming I still reign ever and you will end up still not open the Earth up finding the True Love? You want to try that sounding better at your every games? You are deciding as if you are the God, what if its the Full disclosure, the Open Galaxy, what if its after we dead, what if its she lives so old 200 years later?

Why don't you try on the real thing exactly like the paper file nature and the things exactly the way I am telling you?

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