Lawsuit 334: Rio (All 5 Major religion delete all, I am the Honorable Superior cut off all Earthly major religions to all personel, including anything Flower Thousand Bones indicators family, friends, associate, or relative or any indication to abuse the future discipleship because you can)

Date: Sep 15th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: This will be the killing order

Background: SMCH are just like her every classmate handing on the wall photo + luxurious vocational disciples in that 90s Taiwan, every easy register cult lineage to that money collector. 宋七力、妙齡、新天地

In that China early time, they also stop something in prevention of this disastrous child abuse, sexual conduct, and especially the ilegal money wire. They collect the money in the gain of that God must shine forth all light upon their every mouthful jobs.

To that price will be 5 Senses + 4 limbs, as I have saying all that in the 5 Lords Review time. I do not care you hear every words, you know every words, that final verdict of that final destination will be hell for all of you mankind. To that Flower Thousand theme song One person waiting the sunrise to come out, I do not wish to be bothered in my life, for the rest of my life, in case how many things you didn't know what had done, what had said, what had inches your way in, near by, dropping like the green stone Art is not the Crime. 

I will be.

Every termiology to define Earth will be.....lower existence of under Astral, meaning you has a human body form. To that every transpassing crime, you will be severely punished, in every degree I say, you do not have God's decree in your heart, every tiny bit. Keep that mouthful jobs as if you can, and keep going on as that light will open a gate way.

It will forever not. I am the Alpha and Omega.

This will be all the case terminating here.



Christian worlds how that Bible ends here this Time, will be my advice, no more next 1000 years. As that every world opening a great perfect Church bell China wedding at the Christian every Sunday, to that all shining Time...its a greater wonderous of the human race ENDS here in this time.

Be more road, I will be warning you, what that 1000 years, you might never find it on your radar. 

Without me. Victoria Secret 2018 Winter (2019)

That is one Eye Seal. CBS.

Arabic Night = 1001 Nights in Chinese


Future Prediction

Its when you feeling like, you born a kid kidnapping each other and then sent away legally, to spell a perfect legal world, how everyone cannot take the stress, to that Ipad Iphone only has the games on, for the children to staring their mobility inside that monitor, so that their character becoming the New Generation. 

Its where no obligation other than legally statues that greater sex talks, never ending on the 4 stove meals, but every weekend running in running out to proven your parents, why they didn't have sent you away when they can, and everyone ends up no house to live in, while that System supporting data does not have a child going home, to seek a methods on that Digital Era offers them, including a practical sense in that Capitalism, and a healthy personality speaking, that your family will be all you got, you die before your parents, its all you ever wished....or they holding your hands at your dying bed.

I witness all those account saying in my jobs works. 

And while that housing losing deals are continue on, because I am the chemistry major, I will be telling you exactly that is every monitor a greater ends or beginning a testimony. That is a great story. Someone hands you a paper, you sitting among all your great gathered crowd.

That is a false reality.

Movies: Intern (2015), CEO Lessons.

Movie: Burnt (Ending)

Movie: Matrix (Ending)

Inside the military

The younger generation becomes crueler and crueler on that manual protocol writing, to how, as long as their monitization seeking an instant order, like the instant food in the microwave. All health talks gaining that longevity issues sense, are no where to be found in the Asian land. There are juicing stuffs, but none will ever carry that to make a wish, why you living longer its a greater sense of the jobs, if they just gathered at the coffee shop, instead of the staring at the 4 points frame. 

The older generation to that Bible Hold or the superstitious are no more presence.

Many people in the instant worlds, at the high speed information exchange Era

None will develop any virtue, including that one patience statues. Everything against the System, you will come to your woe to the end, whom you are, and what you have becoming. You are too perfect, on your own.

Pixie bracket, your color are changing

On that Bank here....Blue and Green separate logo, as I describe you up there building.

What is that name? My brother unity?

To that what the Bible really saying towards that 1000 years, none of us will ever know, for all of us will be dead by that time. To all that 10 generation going to be, as if everyone all too busy to saying their own personal benefits to that personal gains, in whichever the profession offering you, you cannot wait to take a flight.

I highly doubt, in 1000 years, to that 10 generation, you will have one human looks decent with the telepathy what that Mahavatar Babaji will ever shed you every grand of sand wishes.

You will all still be eating that reunion of great food every Thanksgiving, to give Thanks above all, what never to be your National Anthem. That is the Native American tradition.

Christmas will still be snowing in America or Europe.

Kids will still exist with the scarf on their neck coming out of the snowy ground.

You will have a faster speed of the military jet in ....velocity? Speed. More sleek looking, as if you stain that metal with some kinds of color strips. Not sure its the speed sound too fast sounding, or just meant you will reduce that pollutant sound as well, as if you are what the current world all the airport residence near be never sound proved.

You still have the sea. Ship on the top and below. Mining...?! Some arts looking stuffs. Looks like Mions, the cartoon in our today's time. 小小兵 many arms, and you design that exactly like the yellow, with a belt....

You are still cursing words construction these.....cigerrates. do you explode things with you in it? No more story.

老人與海 Old man and sea. He looks a little bit not that ugly looking old. Probably looks like a bit Wilkason. National Treasure 2, side, a little bit longer hair. 

Digital Era

Looking strange, you might be 500 years old never implementing that Digital Era for whatever reason, you imagine all the librarian having my vocabulary. I told you, when I graduate I didn't see any hope, or else any of those meaningful graduation will be me at there at all....

Looks like you didn't force that at the front.

Its a free will, probably just you all meant under that Constitution, you do what you want. People's character will be more violent, and your Central Power will become more extreme as well, kinda of like Hunger game that central idea. No, not the people, those are mild actor.

I cannot describe to you. Its bad. 

I remember now, looks like that Britney signing autograph.... the reborn MTV.

When I was small, I used to have this feeling, what if I was in another body. I childhood isn't all that pleasant. What will be feeling in another body like whom is that person inside them, like I am inside my body, I can feel its all things real, but if that person its...?!

You didn't implemented the Digital Era? 

Didn't I say, your future 3 Worlds Laws might collapse, to end up that Indian 500 years old trench human does, what you exist, its what you given out your mouth jobs on every frames, you trying to align all the rudimentary subjects, you die on the street you will deliver all that?

No, not Apple, supposed to be the Word Processing data software, Microsoft! 

That Apple will become the disastrous future of every humankind fallen.

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