Lawsuit 497: Supreme Master Ching Hai to this Indian 500 years old separate to this 400 millions dollars - Jury Style I suggesting them last 2 days conversation Publicly (Legally Blonde 1 and 2)

Date: Dec 9th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Lists of all paper to file in to these Jury in the American democracy style to process per piece of paper. 

American are the democracy society that I think its best, how they running a jury style within this with the help of the American court legal system, they running per piece of paper in hands, English and in Chinese, until they are clear every terms & condition.

The American legal system will watch how these small print and fine things to that justify you you missing the time, or you miss Time. Miss you Already.

1. You pass 65 years old, never had a name on the paycheck, that goes to American 401K. Even Nominji has a receptionist job at the hair salon. That is a check has the Tax ID on Top.

Mine will be mostly on the CADS, UB SUNY Buffalo paycheck, and UB Lockwood Library Stocking Book Department, that manager name is Jason, MLS.  I have also both City of Hope and Chromosome lab in Downtown Buffalo Diagnostic lab.  Those are not a lot of money, but a lot of hours, and file-ing in per paper works. You would be surprised what are the paper works to do in the CADS. 

500 years old Indian Master I think he meant he has more than one 400 millions for me, away from his last lawsuit I label at .....Lawsuit 448, Lawsuit 449, Lawsuit 450

He means that is separate, you dealing on your own created all things this far, whatever he never says those things.

2. The Flower Thousand Bone has a character and a story plot on 殺阡陌 to the last lawsuit 496, of this Eternal Love (2017), how you imagine a Time return plots. Its when you feeling how you begging....that is the story beginning to end. It will not be today, but it will be One Day.

Same story every World, every Time, every Reincarnation. Never ends.

Someone goes to SMCH dogs, birds, wild

When I meant it’s eternal duty and responsiblity, and you got none. It means you so free!

You see, your dog match makers your brand new room. These disciple girls or guys love you - it’s all you left.

These are the reasons, watch it and decide. I say I burn them.

In America, they use Jury, meaning you all sitting outside your meditation center. To the legal court, per paper reviews inside your hand, you set 10 jury meeting groups.

事事而非、義不容辭、是天方夜譚、不是異想天開 (你們看不懂英文的關係,我叫你們去做 jury 美國🇺🇸那種人民要去審核每一張紙大約兩百人)

宗教台灣斂財是監獄!這英國🇬🇧是高貴的冷!(the Chinese traditional Chinese is the Ancient Chinese ) 傳統中文就是古文!

You can get another paper written between brother and sister 你們可以在寫一張紙比較大姊跟弟弟

I personally believe I am not 65 far from the current age. To that American Supreme Court, that is American Tax ID included. 

The TV, the movies, has all this argumentative you saying right or wrong. I only say what you really need to get done. Maybe you should thinking outside the boxes more often, for real. What is more immediate, what is more important at all.


花千骨 19

The story is about her husband name "Eastern World" = Entire Eastern World sleeping not waking up. Meaning lost his life soon, he got injured by saving her both black hair and blonde hair life. 90s = her black hair, after 2002 Florida French Rich lady pen name or fake name to acquire the real estate including the Florida coastline Governmental suspend what they filling the ocean water for the land. That name on =Blonde Hair. Its on the newspaper.

The plot was about A Female God finding Her Past the Birth Stone.

To my past saying to this 5 Lords Reviews she SMCH wants to kill all those 90s black hair disciples for knowing her past, before she entering the America and change a vola brand new look including going back to Europe, a Diva style of Menton Master, all around Cinderalla to the Menton King Albert II. That is not France. But she speaking French, her later husband in 1978 were a German Doctor. 

So the argument between a Women God and the Honorable Superior = me are arguing about a Life Kalpha 劫

To this special term, in the religion Ancient Chinese context, there is a full story in the librarian at the beginning of the plot. About 7 people 5 of them killed their Life Kalpa 劫, the Women God comment: Your position are stabilization to the whole celestial world. Therefore her existence are meaningless. She will insist what she does. 

This story will be the same to the First Life how all these story after Eon, and Kalpa, Wheel after Wheel, Time after Time, she becoming today to this Bible Judgement Day. Whatever she made out her mind to believe or wishing others to see her, none of that are correct. In the Past, Purna this first life are a story taler. Nothing important but reading what is the draft in front of her or get told. But I have the telepathy for both language outer and inner, away from her annotation.

She fallen the street culture outside the Gate. She likes the language like she saying OU Language 2014, a Classify material must be. She wants to speak the local money words. Street gangs, to get belong to, so she got expile.

To that story long ago, how that entire assmebly set up, there are Royal Guard, the King of King will always be the leadership bigger than the Royal Chef Guards. Not today, you all mean the face card Prince 3, Charles to looks like European Continental Weather lazy, unhappy, doll intelligent, no IQ, no humor, no fun in life. Those are fake face card to send you all in hell, or you change, your news paper fallen their faces....after 65 years old. 

10 disciples are nothing to these Royal Guards groups. They probably meant you all goes to hell from that Life to life after life including this one life. There is nothing but the Royal Palace important matter. That will be this story telling you, the true reality. You all go to hell the First life on.

You have the World Matter, that will be only the World in Large Matters, Only. 

Note: I told Chinese they can go by that Bible Ending Revelation to appeal to your Court, on that Final Judgement. But like I say, I say to them about this Wallace Huo as the Royal Chef Guard, there are several name, you have to label himself yourself.

He meant, its, or he + them the Royal combine guard, or military behind that title Royal Chef Guards, = you all going straight to hell, Life after Life. 10 of them.

They are like that. Its not you cannot appeal to the court, its the original story, in the end, you might redudant yourself. What you can specify is, you are re-born, you are not sure the stories has a beginning, but you wish to cite the ending site story as exactly the black and white, because in the court, that is redundant for me to telling you. You have to say, you learning on the legal term, the black and white are as is, for the

a. Time recrod

b. For the easy literacy now or the future

c. That intention are bad, its a new born.

d. We really need that piece of paper, none of us know. 


12/9/2022 清海無上師越南小尼姑 (重複的事情) | 花千骨 19 集 

以後想辦法出國留學在美國,美國只有國際學生只能在學校裡面工作,其實我的很多工作都是在學校裡面 ~ UB,所以當你們工作開始會有一張美國繳稅的那個州,紐約州,都哪個 ID 號碼,這一個叫做納稅人的一個號碼,在國外你們要填寫一種報稅在 4/15 號之前,台灣是五月開始 ! 

亞洲美國兩邊是不一樣的 ! 但是因為是雙重國籍,因此是兩邊繳稅應該是長那樣~~我還沒有真的問 ! 因為以前尊上是剛去綠卡~我第一次繳稅是 Wing 在我家上網教我的,我每一年都要填寫,我現在因為錢要真的繳稅,我那時候沒有想過台灣也要繳稅 ! 學生學校的錢很少,但是那種紙很多,因為尊上的工作是以小時來計算,有點像~~算數,排好 ! 送進去 ~我那時候怎麼會知道是現在這種場面 !!! 

這張紙有沒有很重要 ? 是說以後誰要進來,你們查的?! 哪種人要進來~要不要先問一下尊上,尊上沒有太老 ! 

學校,這是州立,叫做永遠不可能不見 ! 

在繳稅的當前,你們可以有職業,但是那 ID是講私人還是公家機關,我上班的地方

肯德基大學 (UK)

整個美國的鑑定化學,是一個考試就不用拿課程! 化學不用拿 ! 我去 UB 在拿資優班的,可能是黑色的關係。 在 JC Always 那個影片

水牛城大學 (UB)


CADS 一般化學,有三個紐約州的基本 program, 他們名稱叫做 EOP, ACS, SSS, 有點類似第一次家長沒有大學,自己先上大學,或是那種黑人 ~在美國叫做 minority 少數民族

VA 醫院 (就是戰爭之後的人! 叫做 veteran )部門在 Nuclear Medicine 自願的,在 UB 南校去的正隔壁~ 直線過馬路就是那個 VA hospital.


CADS 有機化學

UB Alumni 運動員的數學 +化學

UB 圖書館,把書疊回去 Shelving Department 

Intern 這沒有錢,是 UB 裡面地震圖書館 ! 有錢的是前面三個

大學 = Undergraduate

研究所 = Graduate School.

肯德基大學  = University of Kentcuky (UK)

水牛城大學 = SUNY Buffalo, or University at Buffalo. (UB)


是 Erin 那隻猴子在 UB南校區其實就是 VA 醫院旁邊的南校去就是,她 Ph.D 的 program

那個政治靈修的 Tim Cook 美少女戰士有兩個泰國 Ph.D 就是同一間辦公室,這是給錢的 ! 是 Erin 給我的,但是我忘了這是什麼狀態 ~是 UB 南校去

以前尊上先住在 UB 南校去最後去北校區,我所有東西都在 UB ,你們去 UB 現在就應該都好了~一整袋的東西!



Slam Dunk 是灌籃高手~講所謂 Regional 或是 National

在兄弟會有 Regional 在 Rochester 水牛城上去

還有 National 

這張紙你們大師兄舍利弗也有 ! 

但是講化學在 UK 肯德基大學 (University of Kentucky)

That is National = Chemistry, 那個也是 National

因為 PCAT 講藥學系,那是大家知道的 National

National 就是美國裡面整個比的意思! 通常會知道是 PCAT, 我剛剛寫的是 UK  肯德基 (University of Kentucky)



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