
Let me tell you what that Hong Kong Movie decoding process human faces....that Red Cliff guy, its a young guy. The sword guy are the same age more than that his bracket's name....here are.

After Business Dynasty of that 商鞅妲己  you remember its Simon.

Its Zo Dynasty exactly same words 周

So here are the name. Remember the first word are always the family last name



(大潤發 that is America Chinese 99 cent dollar store or here? The first word are Big, the rest are the first name exactly the same last 2 words symbols)

4 Heavenly King





4 Small King

金城武 ( Red Cliff fan guy. he was young when those older human above him are famous BIG shot, not him....)

The sword guy will be his name 梁朝偉 he is the above those bracket human

Want to see the movie?

Gambling God 1

Wa hahahahahha.......

Hong Kong technically are return to China, so they have a lot of the protest situation, you are military, meaning you suppose to help the democracy spirits, or you mean those England move away, so Hong Kong its Communism? Technically I am a citizen, they are too dangerous to me, but if you rather die on the democracy name, right now they have riots, and detain, or somewhat crisis with China.


You miss the 2014, you can try that

Another Neo looking, but there are a background story of that. Not exactly like the Matrix or Mummy.



Those are 武俠小說, I thought you meant the money, like gambling a lot of cash or tolken. That is what they use. Tolken.


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