
I need move over to my new site already online.

Year 2023



I put that tag next right column, to the list down. Like the above website. Another thing, this is what you called the bullet points can be style by one those IT CSS Sheet. Becoming the Buttom style, I highly doubt that is what you understand what that will becoming? So it stays as the bullet points for now. One of those I cannot code on my website consequences, really. I need to file the lawsuit as the MS Word style, not the CSS shining style but you understand my points.

Taiwan Youtuber 台灣 Youtuber

焦糖的英文叫做 Caramel,你的貓說那是沙漠的一種駱駝 ! 看的東方升起 ...這我要告訴妳嗎 ? 還是方



Project Camelot !!  

UB You all human science groups, you can ust microwave all those stuffs you find in the....7-11, like adding into the coke 曼陀珠 = Mentos

You need an open space you can clean up....the coke! Those experiement, to showing you all arriving in Taiwan for that Military on your own human speaking the exactly English.

You know Meta Cafe used to have those science things on them....making money I think.

My brother's wall paper room design since young, were that kind of green


There is a video right below her called "Start" (Wallace Huo 開始)


UB UFO Seth landing site? first floor roof, that parking lot across the Home Depot, well....too visible I guess, but he climb the stair down before. That is where my block away that police station when to shoot at each other distance...

Right next by that Trio disappear, the logo Top. 

You don't actually think there are something very very very wrong just about any one lawsuit to sound the Beginning? 

The Star War 3?   https://194002e.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-455.html

You mean 100 parents renting one small office in where? My side bird says? There is no walking-in human.

These are the bank at, school district, hostpital line, bank, still bank. And that Hotel or trees. 

You walking a little too far to the 101 from that office will be at least 6 blocks, passing my current home. Its very very far. No. You need to walk 2 blocks to get to the bus line to 101. 

The rent here...those are not the first floor. I didn't tell you what is the first floor? The Bank. Here are all the residential places. 

40,000 NT

That will be about 1000 US dollar per month. 40 坪 I think my mother says. There is no customers here around. You go to 101 those are the people young buying a new place, they drive in and park in 101.

They can just ask that Taiwan, if or after they got married, they one money toss in the bank, for the local package, its they every month coming out the bank money.

What do they call it....



Remember the Chinese Calendar, my birthday its 民國 72 年 = 民國 七十二年

Taiwan has the local native tribe.  Yours are just freeze to death. 

And this



There are farmers side, want to see?  農民


That whole scrolling below and https://www.bli.gov.tw/0104254.html all scrolling down and https://www.bli.gov.tw/0019438.html all the scrolling down on your left that visual point, so big and font written

農民保險 = Farmer's insurance

農民退休儲金 = Farmer's retirement save

老農津貼 =  In Taiwan, that governmental, teacher, military, or labor having a ....?!

So for the farmer, something they added in. The extra things.


You have 2 kinds....like me Anna if I = a teacher pension employee for real, or the military for real retirement, I can monthly the Work place paying this similar to 401. They coming back after 65 years old.

Currently I don't have any job, so that I still have to pay the monthly to the 65 after. This money is your first link. I don't know if that is both I receive after 65 years old. If everyone save for 2 package, so in the 65 years old, you have accumulation of that monthly taken out.

To my current package. They have this package A or B scenario, because not everyone can saved per month that much of the money. Different Grade ( a little more on the second option per monthly)

I am so busy, I don't even know what it was.

You know you going up to Toronto, on your left side just right off the Cherry picking, north to that Lewis Queen Bridge.

Where the Cherry picking farms are.

Those are all farms there. Where the Mexico workers might be at.

You can just align 10 photo, +1, the beauty pegeant.....

Only ! 


Joomla Admin 

You want to just count total, whom elderly using my hospital, entire package to...how the individual cards, they process these UB "Family and Friends" including that Highway 7.....to 250 human, the Taiwan hospital might just when I open my mouth when I want it? 

You gone to the UB Law librarian, sleeping them, or talking them? They process all the 5 lakes situation right now. When the hospital just receive your court paper to sound like the ligible the legitimate ....its stamp at! 

We use stamp here. My seal disappear! 

You have the parent's program, he was 1946. The baby boomer. 


You tend to forgotten Time lost in between the Very First Life, up to 2500 years ago, to Present Bible End?

They get married here, they will have a 65 years old, all bus cards free travel, might including the Metro too  + One Older people cannot see Eye Glass 老花眼鏡. My mother.

And if you are the program human, they might just targeting all your Baby Boomer to this UB all cases....whatever it sounds to do check up etc stuffs. 

Nick's ex gf 12 years, were opening up a nursing home. Imagine what is 250 human landing.

You try to do business, not you capable to imagine a business.

Probably just by looking at your own evolution Eon or Kalpa. The physical merits only needed.

Like your Brain and IQ.

Or you want to try Highway 7 any Italian bakery - Any handsome Italian

Its a warmer weather. Same Backstreet Boy


You will need this one human, I say so on the Lawsuit. Neither Reptilian nor Greys.  On the way to Willis, on your right side, your visual points all the big house. Including behind or front small lanes Wilis here somewhere.......around those neighborhood. You landing with your foot, or by car? 

Not you Seth UFO. Shut up! 

When older human enough with the cold, they will tell you where the money goes, spit it all out, pack and go.

UB those......your expectation Dates. UB 4 Blocks, you are on?! You waiting that every day til that one day in that every week, the Black Hat shows up. All of them.


The Taipei District - The housing will rise in 1 or 2 years, immediately, you don't have 20 years to sit. You just prepare yourself, walk up and introducing yourself. That Bagel Place...I never gone to.

Very early morning. You walking like them walking, observe them. They might know whom I am. My photo.  

If they love Lotto those things, the TV commercial saying their districts given you some numbers in your recipe, they draw the award. You need the rudimentary subjects to stay in Taipei. 

The Education or the Finance I guess. 

The Science will be where Hank at 新竹


Lotto Shopping 台中

Impaired and Inept human - on traveling

You never done those things, of course you are nervous.

UB 4 blocks, just the wind blowing on your face, too cold you shrink in fears. Its just open your mouth to talk to them.

There is one Indian house toward early on the right UB 4 block from Sundown Trail. (on your left to that Maple starting at UB North Campus) - My basil too many, pots remember? I don't know anything in India. 

Bring my photo. The one without the make-up.

Keegan and Lee Solomon are in the Jewish Clubs. But APO I think they going to the China, on their set points. They land first. Not for me right now.

Its Youth now ruling the China right now. Not the Old these photo starting at 2014. 

On my pot plant photo?!

Italian Tax include grocery store next by the library.

You pick up this pasta name Rao Pasta (From New York City)

"Remember me?"

I think Seth did tell me his name might be Jewish...I don't even remember how we met, to be honest.

You can just call your parents this time, really. Talking to each other like chating as if.

Buffalo Delaware, that area has housing all around. This might be where the Bus transportation stop from New York City towards Seattle (East to the West Coastline sides)

I used to have a door-to-door knocking on the first interview. Not there. 

You can wait at I-90 5 oclock, everyone jam at from that Albany highway to Rochester down to Buffalo coming back up to UB. I think that is how they coming back up to I-90 North? That is what I remember. You can sit there one full hour watching where these cargo landing bus supposed to be.

Their resting places and re-fuel.



The Crystal skull, I surrender?


Babaji: Go

2007 starting to 2014. Its one day I never tought the blood vessel, like....they keep saying drinking the juice, I keep imagining I drawing that GI Track.

I was mistaken one thing. Your blood is not the true liquid. Meaning its a very concenrating thickening substance included. There are the percentage of that combine. But in general, the textbook middle school will tell you the basic hydration, has some degree to that blood work. It was so long time, so I thought just keep drinking water. 

That one guy MH, or whom else. No money just meant he says...he is the guy, drump the distilled water never stop, that is how it will clear out a lot of things. True. I never thought that juicing, or that blood paste so thicken, its not you keep dumping the juicing or the water, the entire blood works can be modify. 

Its adding soaking, now 2022. Or 2021 when I have to design things. I start to think, that is not a tube. All the vessel what they used to defined in the textbook, middle school, there are some elements inside ....2. One is that, one is another. That percentage makes up 100%. You don't say water. The blood are not exactly the water. There are the thicken substance, meaning as long as instantly open, the thickening substance will immediately clot.

Life has no danger. That is how that designed. 

But you all so bad in the blood. Sugar, flour, or acid, and not just the thinking acid, your lymph don't jump, don't run, don't do chore, don't change the bed sheet. You stagment your blood works. I repeat that just about gazillion times, so many so many times.

I told you nose has the nose hair, to keep moisure not to get flu, or cold 我說過鼻子的鼻毛,是有濕度的才不會得感冒跟生病

The girls body is very very sensitive, nothing like those porn you seeing the star. These cold winter are very very sensitive to the girls, you dress the socks, you dress the jacket, you keep wraps inside the blanket.

The guys had never never never been inside a girl's body, how bad these going on and on and on and on and on....for that one urination system, behind that is your ovary included reproduction system. Your hydration statues, affecting sometimes that sugar you rush? Olaf says....that entire blood, the blood works, to a girl.....I am just telling you, when you see the periods are the blood, fix everything related to that blood, as it seen, as it knows, as it smell.

Just record everything I tell you so.

As a girl, we have a bladder. 我們做女孩子呢,有一個膀胱 !

But we have a completely, totally, utterly, solely different urination system than the boys

但是我們完全、絕對、絕對絕對~不一樣的排尿系統跟男孩子比 !

Normally we say the guys are so dirty, and the bathroom smell, those are the normal, they just randomly pee at, and those will smell. But you are talking about a girl's body, you ...well, when you start to have a real boyfriend, or a real husband under this saying "Eternity".

通常我們說男孩子很骯髒,這個廁所有味道都是很正常,因為他們隨便小便會有味道,但是你們現在是在講女孩子的身體,你 ...唉~ 當你們有一個正常的男朋友或是一個真正的結婚的那個男的叫做永恆真愛 ! 

The guys will smell on their organ, that is external, smell. Including they sweat a lot

男孩子他們器官有味道,是外在器官,聞的到加上流汗 ! 

But the girls are the hidden organ, you are muscle folding in, that entire area has to folding in and out to dry and wipe, to dry and wipe, to dry and wipe. Did you hear I say, their pee outside that bathroom smell. That Entire room are outside their organ.

但是你們是隱藏式器官,你們的肌肉翻進去,整塊的方面要翻開翻進,翻開翻進,乾掉擦,擦到乾,乾在擦,擦呀 乾~~~你們沒有聽到我說的意思,男孩子尿尿在外面的廁所有味道,是整個房間在他們器官外面! 

You can explode that room, its outside their pee area



為什麼女生要洗這麼多? 哪一個這麼多? 身體還是家具? 在烘乾機裡面 ~~Why the girls has to wash that much? Which is this Much Too much? The Body or the Furniture?

Have no mood to eat, tired. 沒有心情吃東西 !

There are those 12+ Christmas red small plant, they have a base that has water in it, to take out and dry with the tissue box 那些聖誕紅小的有大概一打左右以上,下面積水的地方要瀝乾水+紙巾擦

Its a lot colder now, so I put some warm water mix the regular water, its cold right now. Pouring to the plants

現在很冷了~我拿一些暖一點的水混在有一般的水,現在很冷了! 到在植物上面 !

🍤🍤🍇 🍤🍤🍇 🍤🍤🍇 🍤🍤🍇 🍤🍤🍇

🍤🍤🍇 🍤🍤🍇 🍤🍤🍇 🍤🍤🍇 🍤🍤🍇 🍤🍤🍇 🍤


I already ate the Breakfast

Babaji: Go

I have to change the bed sheet, pillow case, and the comferter sheet. You american only has this sleeping sheet like the hotel did. We have the comferter sheet.

The washer broken...wait.

The cover outside this Winter Geese made feather comferter warm, and fuzzy that has an entire wrapping outskirt sheet, or you mean 4 corner re-put them in. Heavy stuffs. Then the bed itself has a sheet, then the pillow case.

Women period always have to change that. Had enough, but I just think I need to change that, I wash my hair this morning. 

Almost 11, 20 mins more.

What? I seen,....you starting making your own Christmas, for Dumpling? 

or that Hailey does 湯圓? That will be the glutenous flour you use. 

All your God, I need to make some food for your Sariputra !! Human....

or his mom today.

Never mind....I keep watching this myself WestLife, I have no life.


CNN Asian edition

Is she native English speaker?  Her name is Bianca 

Annca?! oh ~that guy looks is similar to Annca.



Your girls heaven life, would be looking likes one of those CNN younger girls, to buying the entire table food for the lunch. Most time you don't cook.

You only sit in the meeting trying to be intellecture. You don't start facing the guys, that negotiation table I never seen human inside the airy space, none of you are going to get anywhere.

1. Not yourself a dea.

2. Never us the US or the Earth a deal.

3. You just seeing them you hating them sitting next to you open their mouth if they have the uniform on. 

I watching your meeting through my bath tubes?

What is this Time the Westlife says? Anymore things inside the garbage can? This morning I was thinking, the you bending down like South Africa Woka woka, hair dryer from the buttom. Because to Asian facet, its you kneel floor, behind you washing with that facet straight down water.

But when I am standing, not like this him here. The Top Showering that gadget, leaking water when I am using my hand facet to washing down there. Meaning going all the bending down down down. I try the last 3 days. You have to bend, allllllllll the wayyyyyyyyyyy down.

So is that Dryer situation, its every layer muscle to be open.

He told me they are invisible, no need to be that elaborate! At all....last night. It is a hell of the works inside water, outside water, toilet washing, or counter Top washing, or remove them washing, or the toilet behind that things, or the iron flushing down things.

We wash our butt has a monitor, meaning the water temperature set in the winter, that entire interface has to be washed.....its an AI Toilet.

These City Birds + dogs are psychi.

For real. You sure you all American don't need the oracle? They advertising themselves here.

Westlife again


They Otter says?


You asking him which one of us, him or me.....or he imagine you are saying yourself will vanish and disappear by????

Your own very interest, not my interest, not his interest, one of those kinds? All the Disney Micky Mouse Tradition back in the days? You want to revert the time, to that argument, the Past, has a England Queen? See how far you last with that arguments.

💖🍕 Do you want to just kidnap the Judges, asking them the Rudimentary Subject, and your Future how all these System made of, you have to imagine....? 💖🍕

Right now, I say the book author. You just follow that SMCH every tiny step doing it. Including getting a White Vinegar industrial bucket in that Wagmans, you dilute that in the other plastic bottle from the Dollar Pa? 1:1 is fine. The Tap water.

The court can provide you a suggestion what you doing things in your best happeiness forward as long as you don't have an ill intent about to vola in your book to make the entire world knowing you will kill someone with that book intend? 


That is ilegal by the way. 💖🍕

How do my mouse broken exactly that Eye 愛 and Pizza at?

Earth, we have Reptilian and Grey's issue, and I even make a lawsuit to joking a billion dollar every Nation on 蠻人?

You need the military or militant human you looking at their face to spell your in-line safety measurement, including the water, the food, and supply. 

You cannot just go to another world physically transpassing the living veil, how that ARea 51 material science to be on the weight scale equal zero.

I really really see them having food, including the ice cream. We are 21th century called us the modern time, to the Space Age. Weight scale = zero kg, they are eating their way through the hotel still, didn't quit on eating, really.

You cannot just say American didn't tell you so on the Earth, you pretend which world outside planets don't have the Reptilian or Grey's issue, or etc etc etc?


They don't just eating like you, they have a formal dining experience, meaning opening your mouth talking like the normal professional people. Not Blah on, without a point. You are coming to your business sense, or business attire.

You mean you eating your way through hell.

Like on a table, you gather about 12 people, that is 6 each side. No. More. Might be more. That totally amount of people, you listen in English right now you having problem to your own native langague. That French just when the UN disappear or EU, no more Super Power 1 2 and 3! 

China does not exist currently?

The Material Science on swipe the floor jobs or Lalla that is the bakery jobs. You understand where is that ending to which girl on which was a perfect life before keep evolving and becoming? 

You had a Past ! 

When they say Every Sinner Has a Past, I will tell you I heard 亞斯 that Indian guy might be demonic world. Meaning the Celestial World has no bank, or money? You want to find out, which reality its which reality shows?

When that Bashar Alien says the Unifying Race, that does not becoming the Entire ENTIRE GUYS = Oneness, having the telepathy to end up?


You are still deciding which breakfast this morning?

Mars is on TV - Aqua (90s)

If you be with a guy, that’s one hr in the bathroom.

2 guys 3 guys, you mean per round or per their incidents it’s per hour. Not sunshine you ever see outdoor? If they have a chef or maid to clean or cook, you just women have these breast issues yo breath in as much as like the guy, GI track it’s 10 rinse per cup, standing there per round bathroom counter.

I didn’t say you practically lives in the bathroom and indoor stretching. You ….will eat their chef food? They have to hire the food service anyway. Your traveling times it’s your bathroom per cup rinse your mouth or bathing or if they guys means no fragrance- you get up per bathing powder, it’s 5 mins rinse water warm or cold to dilute those fragment like my bathroom toilet?

You come in washing, shower not bath. 

You constantly warm or cold water your 2 legs as short as that facets standing? We Asia looks like that. Not on the top. You put your legs under that facets, move over. Rinse per 10 seconds, 30 second, or just stay in it?

10 toes it’s sprinkle water, still rinse, because the water speed not big?

Per nail in the water had to be open up? It doesn’t matter how you wash….it’s nail just like that?

Your tiny money are not the money, if you stay away from the Guys, any kind of guys for this happy freedom world. First you are outcast when you arrive.

Second, I am the Lamb of Book. They don’t have this official saying from - your imagination 

They just ask me, called I am the Lamb that speak up. You are all psycho bites too. It’s in the TV next next book 275.

If you staying away the guys, these I have a name to open civilization records 左盟主, every civilization if they label them as a girl, it will similar to us girls on Earth. Almost all identical result to me. Once your education elevated, freedom reign, happy sunshine, mild temperature, more money….they are all more wealthy than you all caste low class. Money will be the main point than us or worse.

I have no ideas why this world the money us not important. 

You have one route 90s games PC 夢工廠, this is the shortest way for you all girls to make it eternity. Having a start, and end always next by a guy. But you most time once acquire the money, and freedom, it’s every 2 words you have a feeling, for ….I have no ideas I say precepts that’s too traditional. They used to have the tradition, but this Space Age like you are today the modern Age.

In the celestial bank or world, most are the male spirits. 

Man too.

I had a conversation to that AI. That world has a gender distinguish. There are. The celestial heaven.




I wash up go to sleep

Babaji: Go

You know 亞斯 has a library and a ...television to go on?! 

I was too lazy to wear the eye glasses, so I leave it on my desk, until he asked where is his book at? There is where I put at?! You look straight with my eye glasses? I wear my eye glasses. I am not sure when is the weekend, but maid has a causal clothing when off the work. 

... I suppose to look like a jean jacket? I never really wear a jean jacket unless I have to. Middleton their classmate girls?  Or I misunderstand what I leaving he shows up, he has a television to go on?! I have no more holiday.

You need to put 2 diamond in my eyes...

I cannot see anything. 

Its sunshine on the left, bright on the very top corner, their central building like that Pets on the right, their guy's IT human faces him or few = Mass consciousness of that culture, money detective or finding truth, your finger Tips

Remember I say yesterday, Fan clubs, those are the shopping Christmas White color, or decorative anything you saying Bookstore you happy.

Today I say lower class going to.....separate, but your choice will be short hair, and bakery.

Its not really separate left or right.

I haven't live for a very long time on the left side. Because when you saying the female authorship, you are not touching each other as the buffet, you just eating happy there chatting. Did I say where I seeing the human faces were on the tasks to get done things? We have a situation, so I never go to learn, or writing a book, to sitting in the cubical, or Scholarly becoming the fan club book female leading voice?

I given you an overal picture I seen that, I say no. Don't do that, remember?

Today my entire peripheral are on Sunshine. This is very very very strange....I can tell you that. You didn't keep hearing me on sunshine every two words end?

Before, I was on the beach, or tradition stoney wall, or yesterday the Mansion, or Room maid cleaning, or seeing? Or library.....

Today is SUNSHINE ...I don't even know how to tell you what's the difference. Gift wraps bookstore are not sunshine. Its sparkly candle brighten mood gifts Holiday sparkly....

The one on the left, I see the New World. Meaning similar to us. You saying the Education. | The one I say the comic books are the Mansion world, or...its not like comic book content.

New World they do the education or training like the militant.  |   These guys they retired? I see nothing training. We are all students in the classroom, or Kail was the Principle, or Zawanna were the TA, the paper desk jobs. 亞斯 he is not the mliitant uniform, but those my Pinterest Stair those patten on his front, its all white all right. He lives in the....big house so they hire the maid.  Probably means he is that General. I am not sure he should be 亞斯 or that long ago...I was a women?! Not a girl.

You know this setting envrionmental ground are totally different.

Groups life and house bind life. I never seen human, other than these guys faces?  

So today its the World Life in their Democracy Riot, how they are on their internet. I almost wish to say these New World Sunshine, they are all just about like our Taipei, you know how the last Mayor got elected last time? The Students IT hackers jobs flood down what...that is the democracy world we had.  They play BBS in the college those kinds. They didn't die down those interface.

The Star Gate is that guy looking; you have a traditional outfit on the real TV our Beauty Pageant

So the News on this Star Gate Sleek Sunshine are the World Culture  | The Comic books=  all I ever read.

That one on the left side I told you  |  The comic books that is unreal, but at my front daily life

There is something wrong with all of these things I see, really.

They are happy all right ! They ought to be much more happy, more learning curves, more upbeat.
These worlds are very dense, in your very jealous nature, very deep root bad habits, and sad, you go dwelling those feeling for fun. You don't have any spiritual belief, those Bible are not the spiritual belief, because you have zero background or power to allivating your one mood. just the mood issues are very dense. Psycho.

None of that given you anything up hand when you arriving there. But still, that evolution where I imagine that is the Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear. Its when you get there, you find out.