
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

🌸🌸 I don't want to talk about those non-sense. UB girls you finish your homeworks, defining your homeless niches yet? 🌸🌸

You can cultivate that one idea of niches for one whole year. You don't know what you good at. You thought through all that given to you materials, you write it down, concise it, discuss, talk about....re-write.

You might re-write 20 times, you cannot see a thing. 

Home Cooking

You mean Nanny? Taiwan or California, where needs a certificate? License? You change diper? The grocery shopper. Here they have a lot of those Phipliphino or Indonesia, the minority workers. In Taiwan. 

You want people or the guys to treat you with the dignity.

You want others to begging you ....

Your entire customers service base line, or phone lines got jam up.

You are not facing a public, unless you want to coming out of the public?

If you have to mingle with the people, other than your parents, your internal working on, how you judge other people exhibit A on your faces, on your eyes, on your tones of voices, on your expression?

Tell them the story A to Z without the points? Its 26 alphabets....? called the alphabetical order.

You so sure about your magic power, or your social skills without the power staring at?

You want to groups your best friends? 

When about 18 years ago, I was so sure too. I was very sure about it. The periodic table that piece of puzzle its somewhere. But I didn't develop it.

You want to ask Dean what he is so sure about it?

Maybe that is true. You insist on.

You want to separate our roles and paths? Like each of us what we diverge our path to? You indicate your best friends, Catherine blacks. Dean probably its Olaf = Jc that role.

The One for the Money, Movies, the big Britney, name Katherine?

🎂🍔🫐🍕 If you cared so much things were yours, why don't you keep it, like I have my own classmates for things we do or share on my website, or the other social media? 🎂🍔🫐🍕

This one guys....whichever means to you all girls.

His peripheral seeing the girl





E - with a lot of girls image photo on behind, that is heavy on his peripheral. 

You playing a solo, its your image better than the rest of your family, friends, or what, competitors? Meaning your friends are your colleague at the competitive grounds, like what niches? Weight Lifting?

What is the things in UB Main street? oh ~~ well, its not we gonna get together, but some of them knew human around there, or the existing UB crowd.

This. That is a nice place for picnic.

Something Gonna Give vs Home Again | oh~ I just thought about now ! uh~~ Dean Silas and Lee, they are my similar age bracket. Not that....40s to 17?

We are the classmates. Younger kids....Annca is not that younger than me, he was 32 that year. 2017. Astor would be the youngest. Only him I knew that 23 years old age bracket. No, I don't know anyone younger guys' age. No. Not really. 

Henry and Eric are my age. Jason one year younger. No....no one we know are more younger? 

(wait ...)

Do they mean they.....Hollywood girls going to my home Canada, where that Nickson at?

He has 3 grandsons?

Home setting

A proper home dining wares, you see the plates, the forks, the spoons, the table clothes.

What is the Home Again movies?

Keanu, JC, Eben or Simon Cowell those groups are age olders.... I don't think so. Whatever you didn't join the conversation upper, you want to go down lower? 

I would say no.

I would think what it is. My 2 cents.

You go to nunhood, On Ice. That is simple ways saying to you No, not there. Its nunhood, its ilegal anyway. And there is Jump, flip, bounce.

Like I say to Hailey on that Mormom Church Sense. She probably doesn't think anything like that. I talked to their big groups like a real sense. 

Because it would be a very nice ending story for her mother. 

Something Gonna Give (40s 50s 60s ) that girls looks like the mother of the Lovely Bones (2009), kinda like Constatine Mummy Girl

What was the old guy's name again? Nickson....

Why they sounds like Jimmy Carter one of those names. 

🧀🧀🧀 ~~~~ Just finish eating...a muffin pork breakfast on the road, an instant cup small noodles, and a cup of Chocolate powder Chocolate instant drinks ice + hot water....what was it again....🧀🧀🧀 I forget the milk today.

Isn't a lot of girls mentioned the names...this far from 20+ to 50 + can all answering to that one poor guy, sent himself to Poland, what was his name, I almost thought he meant he is Donald....what. 

I just seeing his profile. oh ~ I didn't have time this afternoon. That is a guy, not that super old like nickson. He meant you answer him questions? Like a Testimony?


"This is ice....cold". That guy its on the Linkedin with Eben next by photo. I saw it.   You are girls having something to hide, you don't want to introducing yourself to him....he is a what?

This story its about an Old guy takes 4 or 5 girls looks like that girl, to....surround a bar, where the young guys coming in.

I just saw his photo, uh....he doesn't looks like that I imagine first time I saw the small thumbnail, like Donald.

What was this trailer again? 

... ... Keanu says ...

I think, oh ! 

What about if you all 20+to 50+...9 years ago, where were you age at? 

There is a Nancy Meyer, there is her kid

There is that old guy, not sure dead yet, with Keanu Reeves

There is this Donald Linkedin

How you bow your head and talk like....how do you open your mouth and TALK?

I can tell you what I think the first time I watch this movie. Nancy Meyer wrote a lot of movies, I think. Or Proof reading a lot of the movies herself. 

Proof Reading meaning you copy her words says, she sat down with one human looks like somebody, and they sit there 6 hours or 4 hours line by lines going with each words on it. 

My used to be UK writing paper. Torture English class.  Its every few words wrong.

This movie was unusual to me. That time 2014. It was a long while I seen a movie....like a novel says. The plot did meant, there is a story from a writer writing it down at the windows.

This entire drama, its a soap opera. 

A lot of Chick flip movies doesn't looks like a soap opera. This one does.

Most time, the experience guys in the fields will tell you, they know what that story its about. Just seeing the opening. The rest of that doesn't mean a thing.

I give you an example, just like the movies tells you.

That is what nick is great for.

There are 3 girls on the beach, too hot....no food, no drink, sat there chatting. They feel they need to come indoor and eat something at this Big mansion house, Some one start cooking in that fridge. Guess whom would that maid? 


Second example, you are freaking out in the doctors offices, whatever that is. Not Sex....

Sitting on that hospital chairs, to whom the MD doctors you wish next by you to talk to that someone to reliable one....it would be the old guys. Like your dad.

You need a ride

You need a Costco Cards for a banquet of flower

You need a coffee, warm with ice.

One old guys can handle 3 girls in that setting, in a dinner conversation or in a car ride, or a hospital seats.

You want one girl handling 3 guys, standing in the hospital filling up their 3 human paper works?

Cooking 3 guy's a meal, take 3 guys a ride...like driving !!!!

Like me on my Linkedin, Silas, Dean and Lee? I say "Let's go" !! We are all from UB, we going on the main street?

You can just improve your life awareness whatever their meaning big or small, or implying or denouce....at it. There is not much a big deal whatever it says don't says. If you don't efforts yourself in, you never make it.

I have to go out, these birds cannot stop it 2 hours ago.

Print it, read these line by lines to your dad, or whom Dr. T.

What do I really say? 

Those are not what you really think. You think you did a perfect mouth opening jobs, on saying a word, in front of the camera.

Heather deep throats its a person that full of the mouth she knows everything she knows best. Keegan about the similar ideas, they both opens their mouth talking.

Some human will tell them, prepare your draft before you talk better. 

Because some human doesn't need a draft from the first min to the last min. 

Some people have a particular talking art, it started 2014.

You know what is a talking art? You has 4 paragraph Chinese grammatical scales to how you scale a fish alive, naked, polished....red...to every parts of the dead skins to feel truely inside outside dead, understand?

And someone has different scale Kenshin meants it, touched without scrap a scarf inside your brain, but 24 hours you touch the bathing shower, the table salt, you will remember...every pain...nothing but God.


That is the physical mouth jobs telling you.

Not yet...the system format, when I have the personel people on staffs, when I like, how I like, til whatever I like eternity.

As the girls like you ( You need to lower your head down all the time in the business world, especially to every guys for their 2 cents how they succeed. If I were you, you still re-start A to Z, Anna 2 cents telling you long time ago)

You polish your attitude, your langauge, your outfit, your appearance, how you talk, how you say things, how you stand, how you prescript a situation, how you verbalize, how you bring out a point, out of the mess situation. 

Show people your writing sample, show people your organization, show people your everything.

Eben says that. Everything. 


I Anna will tell you, everything about your presentation = Judgemental

Everyone talking to you, its you hate them. You jealous them, or they are better than you, you hate them. They have a name, a look, a recipe, you wish they die. Its at your feeling at your head, at your eye sight gazing at your clients (?) How many times I say that this one week?

When its the first time I saying that? 

You bring a point to discuss a situation, not the STAR galaxy. Not the Star counsel you will ever be. Not the Educational Committee for kids under age, Not the Laws, not the Medical, and certainly never COPS 16, or Science Convention center you fail people One to One thousands. You capable to do that? Iron fist?

You are arguing your Parents below points.

Not initial a discussion to where things get done. All the data putting in, plot it. That's it! 

You know what's Honorable Superior means?

Yeah, explain to me? Its to deliver the entire sentient beings like a priest Top? Your face, your attitude, your language of tones has to cover yourself fake? You feeling you are fake all the way how you deal with everyone? You hate every human? 

How is the spider looks to you points and dots? What did I say before? Seen it?  If you just listen to Buddha decree, if you just listening to the Buddha decree....if you only were....

Tell me what you know about Annie Lalla?

Someone came to say goodbye, they used to like about her? You hope that is not a true case? What would that ever be? The Truth? As a girl I will put down her, until she really gone? Shut up!  (Birds, Shut it)

You can have a character what you prefer to express your liking and dislike. Approve or disapproval. That kinds of quality you will see a lot of those Mushroom Professor human like Ancient Chasez has.

Not Patrick.....those stern human looks at their face....its not they judging you, its you just wrong all the way to the buttom of the pit.

You don't understand a word I say.

You are very very very judgemental.

Everyone has something you can say nice things to them, encourage them their life, but not the wrong things they keep doing it. You become the educator, your life goal has to be those. You ever see those educator filled up with the attitude to say Hippi?

My birds say 3....

So Keegan, and this Heather, I put on the news posts.

A lot of people because they are not smart enough, or their nature, they left the School, its useless, they never gang up police, its the street culture they love, so they do without the military, without the FDA, without the Govermental All regulations laws make...

They will pick a field, called Business.

You go to the seminar, these are all kinds of the people like that. Not the Tape Water company I say I Chemist exist field. Those inspectors requires liscense, not just your general chemistry textbook you don't remember what it is in there.

A lot of people cannot get in the governmental, so they go to the private, or self starting the jobs, or the career or the company.

They gamble | They really go to Casino | Female

You wish you never found out the Truth of every Water Tape company, or Phone company combines one data, what you are, whom you are, what you really are. 

People needs Friends | Needs Faces | Need Banquet for the big friendships

Many of those things are fake. The real things will never show up to you. Because you are a girl. The friendship on your phones are fake, the network connections are fake.

You rather just go to jail the first day, to find out all data, copying their head....what is the true world, how everyone steal, lie, bankrupt others money. 

You dare to tear apart every face, including those in the worse degree of the extreme punishment, you see if one human dare to show up unlawfully. 

You make it a clear statement or every statement how someone will die horrifically and penniless....you have that confidence, you try out the business worlds. 

I have other options, why I even bother with all those things anyway? 


💝🍑🥘 When you are away from the University, or the educational field, people are very very mean. Very mean. 💝🍑🥘

You taken that your badness in the school are = thinking outside the box. There are the worse human beings on the street where you really think you are smart scum.

But okay, saying I Anna establish the Flower Thousand Bones as the honorable superior, this one position. 

🥘 If I bring up the Geography, some people will go there cluster. You don't care if that is the public, the movie makers, the military, the militant, the geography middle school teacher, or some general public that love the movies to try out their eye sights.

🥘 If I bring up Ice Skating Shoe one case, there might be a legal issues.

🥘 If I bring up Singing Competition following Simon Creates that industry, to enter the Movie or TV fields, that is....I don't have a name how you make a corresponding to the TV, tell them to shut up? You reply to.

🥘 If You saying Fitness diets, fruitarian or liquidarian, those are small small sectors but stilll, there are people in it.

🥘 If you say the recipe the regular food.

🥘 If you say the recipe in the juicing food / Raw.

The newest fields would be spinning. They don't really know I do that....Ballets of spinning, so some parts of the crowd will emulate it. 

A lot of people by they seeing things, so they go imitate and try out. And the TV or the music motivate people. Sometimes the animals motivating them.

A lot of people will focus on the niches like

The Police = Conan Detective are entire Japanese Cops in different their classify system if they find out which years.

The military

The militant

Classify might A to Z.

The Black Ops


If you meeting one of those people they don't tell you, and they do things behind....and their targets are constantly are these human....I probably gonna tell you, you will die on it. 

The democracy World belongs to : The Medical Board, the Law Board. ( Pharmaceutical )

The communism, I don't know. I think its Militant. 軍閥制 You know those words sounds more like Japan used to be. 


As a girl, I advice you find a reliable good guy to be with, manage everything inside the house, clean, buy, shop, car maintainese, or whatever emergency bandage, first aid, wipe, alochol everyday you wipe the floors...

You have to manage your own houses too, or your sibling houses, or your parents houses. 

The guys have IQ, they know what is the jail means if your professional confidence to the public or the audiences its at the zero, they will report you to the consumer beauro. You might as well just saying your Youtube account statistic are always close to zero. How is that?

A lot of people steal, and copy each other, or re-make something in a different country.

I am sure you know what that is.

The figure skate, they are not...super important fitness gerne to the public eyes. When you entering the Fitness Guru field, some human will knock you down directly, because it gets close to the people's allergy, breathing, asthma...one of those life and death situation. You don't want to get close to any of that.

Like I Anna do hobby, showing people what I do, but I didn't advise people to do what?

Running? No, I say walking. 

Another thing I tell you, I might really have this ! I better just get fat and die on it, not really go and curing the public for health, where all the Weight Loss Guru are wide spread everywhere. The Weight Loss Field, I think its very very very competitive. The Dietitian, the nutritionist, home mom, black home wife, those coach certificate, like NLP...those people are very very spread it out even in this seminar where Eben collects people go. His price its very high, but if you can get to the cheap, free seminar, like...you pay some money to see Dr. Gabriel, you will meeting a lot of this wide spread different background of coaches publishers writers. 

She sits right next by me. We are on the last row lean on the wall. Dr. Gabriel was on his powerpoint slides. (Shut up, birds)

A lot of this international people coming into America as well.

They will find out things to bring back to their country to make a new trend. They are. 

Haye House Publishing

Those you can ask Dr. Steven, I actually didn't hear a thing he says, you can just tell him that. I was occupied in my minds different things. Gregg Braden also uses Haye House publishing.

I thought I say to you, the College Textbook, or the Medical Publishing people also have the author they put their names on making a book? 

Its also publishers required. Its the School distribute them, the committee board of the University decide which educational materials will be brought out, on that year of the textbook?

Didn't I write everyone a Self publishing on Site Sell stuffs?

Everyone does a book publishing at the end. 

I will tell you, its better you have some Degree on the Top, to manage anything in the IQ field. No matter what it seems to you every public degree you like the people in the presentation or not. The public, or the audience one day, they go back to their family doctors, wherever they come from.

I think Dr. Gabriel or Dr. Steven Hairfield MD or PhD they all have their Skype on consueling the people on ...fitness, or you intent to intrude their fields, they are about to die, you listen to their tones, of voices, and the vocabulary.

SMTV brings more of the educational credential people on. 

Dr. Gabriel he is a MD, and Dr. Steven Hairfield he is a Ph.D. They both have their ways to create their success niches about 40 years ago? Like you see Dr. Steven's website he tells you where he been to? Coast radio? 

Things are not cheap, but you get the quality content if you get the real human talking with the real vocabulary. You listen different, you feel the confident different, your built up things different, you see things a little bit different. 

If I Anna has something I focus on? One things like a niche?

Right now?

uh....base on the On-line Protocol, or in the real life hobby? Its not related to Mahavatar Babaji, but many people might think they themselves are.

But Anna I watch too many TV. Different TV. Its not limited to a lot of things I have shown you. I watched a lot of TV and YouTube clips. Its may not be a niche....well, daily schedule, I put it out the intention, I don't really know what it is the end of all this. Where is my money, you mean?

Is the Weight Program, Like on the Youtube? uh....That I didn't do that with the kids. You probably need to be more organized. I did the music singing, then I say I want to lose weight? That is more of the personal blog?

My target counts are at zero? I have no hope for the future?

I have problems losing weight, and there was a holiday, or something I didn't go out, so I go out to resume walking? That its not the performing arts, its more of I really want to lose the weight? 

I think its like a blogger.  A blogger means, like you have these travelers a couple they love to eat, they go on trips to finding the dining choices to go to Yelp, like input the comments of several expensive restaurant. Those are you have to think with your brain how to deliver those contents. I don't really know. 

Sitesell has this touring sites how they make a demo page. Meaning....its a recreation you go traveling somewhere, you take the photo and connections to the local. I forget the details. 

I don't do those things, I cannot tell you what those are pin points. 

But I gonna tell you, Weight Program, that is a very popular targeting field. Craig Ballantyne and Eben Pagan both will be part of that how many years they are in the competitive arena, like the clients, like the credit cards really going through. They establish a reputation.

I assuming, if you trying out the Weight Program niches, its you want to make a money?

uh...that is not my vlog targeting at? I show 194 defensing human where I am at, and what really happened in A Day in Life? Really really some details they can see? The personal blog can mix with the journalism. Because my past connection are deep dealt the SMTV. There are some real things I did for them, and real proposal something did happened, they got far behind to shut down the entire SMTV? One of those.

My future just collaps every degree of them, I am telling you.

You actually wants to say you are the ability person, or you are astral projection human like Pane Andov? He mix in between those classify, not Simon Cowell.

I am not sure that is a real thing, they might...but so many people lies.

I told you the system design, music are on the buttom. Maybe not your professions on the magic ability, my entire sky outside, they are magical?

If the TV suggesting you to partner with Catherine Black dress Che 105, you might believing it that after you lose your jobs, or somewhere your parents say one thousand times NO.

Your Brain, Your IQ, your Notebook

The correct procedure everyone will tell you, its to find the niches. Eben has those definition he says out loud. Even your parents can hear that. Some people prefer hearing the real words from people, so they go to the public speakers. True.

But if you are those no presentation and hide behind the PC monitors...to wish for the wealth development. I will tell you, One million people try, you guess how many succeed....handicap included. 

The consumers will not be forgiving, if they find out you are the handicap to put out a what site? The customers services its? Cute girls on Porn dress?

The TV or the Movies, I don't think its a Direct connection to this System All?

Meaning they tell Karen to shape up, the entire Ms Congenality Best friends scenario? Those are TV assignment?

I do my Flower Thousand Bones supposes to do assignment, it might be years no one finding out? But the data remains online?

You think your weight looks great to create the Weight Loss Program? Like that Maya girls?

Raw foods I can tell you, many people get on the SMTV. I am the back end people. I know where they are. They are Raw food specialist fitness guru.

You want me really telling you what they do behind? in front?

You take off your shirt like Craig Ballantyne 15 years ago. 

Its called the cullinary cooking school Chef, the personal home chef. You have to have the recipe in greens in nutrition, may be a nutritional license embedded somewhere. 

You want me to show you? I think one of them its called Asian Annie. Exposure your skins tones. For real. Not this... me.

The Site Sell teaches you things to be real.

They even teach you how to make money. I am not in your career field, I probably belongs to those home sitting, home making money groups. Like the mom, or housewife. Let’s say, nick and I used to be together, real, the Canadian border you say they lie? It’s the several copies of the invitation letters. 

The site sell will teach you be real, be genuine on your material, brings that values in your article. 

I use Google blogger, I don’t care anymore keywords targeting anymore This is called tag. I play layout more, because my nature likes those Lawsuit case layout, in design. I like the design, but those are not robot examine. I think it’s more of text, they robot can do something.

🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 Shut up ~~~

Okay, I re-phrase. 

When I land to Simon google plus, that was not to corresponding to the movie. I had a career field, I pull to Simon Cowell. I didn’t have the reason telling him. Now I have a reason?

But in the middle of the discussion, I saw several movies indicator, we got pushed. 

So I start to flood the internet with the data, image and sound format since 2014, that’s 9 years -1. No 2020.

But in 2020, I had my mother push me, to Career 104 Sites, to send out resume. I have only receiving phone calls, I then go to the interview. I told my mom. 

Several things happened …I told not just my mom. 2021, I start to connect to my near by family including I have continue my I Ching study, I told you, the real human goes out does the real things?

No, I don’t know the system. Not that time. You cannot corresponding to the movie like me to whom? You will get fired. That’s what happened in the real time. 

But several systems might be created because that one incident, or every other systems being established after that. 

Let’s say, Eben me get married, the first thing I sent him to, would be hospital. Like cosmetic skin medical equipment new tech. It’s both our age to do check up. The US too expensive, a lot of people move overseas to do the health check up. As long as you do the check-up. 


Knows the shopping lists Tina’s shopping lists?

People stand on the system outside watching you the purchasing power. They know you are hope high you have a future or not. You don’t need a plastic bag. Not really. What do you really buy?

Sports and Gym

You mean you lost jobs so you Prostitute or you lost your marriage so you networks at the shower site. You imagine the YouTubers makes money, those counts? You got it wrong. 

Between the age of 30-40 it’s everyone heighten the only interests to the career furthur advancement. Like 100%, your brain it’s not working if you don’t accumulate the wealth or go far with your profolio. Whichever people receiving them, you pushing your career or the brain power for someone to see your organization structure. 

After 104, I told my uncles wife, I think something wrong with Irene.

I say Tina, I say Square, I say Tina’s best friend Hong Kong all their husband drain out money. I stop. I cannot understand what happened, recently I found out. The system doesn’t give me money or favor me money, but they prefer they sort my family emergency, whatever that is. 

Not money first, your family first. I used to say that over and over. 

I told you a lot of things, really. I did. 

Girls to date guys 

It’s best you have a bf, even fake on CNN included. I think that’s a part of life. 

You are not normal. The guys factors might be higher too. They hold money, power and statues. It’s better you drop your career and be with a guys and collects your parents and your parents circle make them happy.

You are not a quality girl, not home cooking, not home chore, not home bounce accident. The guys don’t like you….I say a lot of things, those are not for the system. You should just believe it the Bible. The guys have certain life force they agree you exist or not. 

Let’s say you communication …those real estate not good, but those are guys. I don’t know the system on that part, Annca or Astor. They are not family. If they are not family, I get rid of them. But they are on the television…uh…it might be worse, so I leave, I go somewhere else I need. That’s me and Eben things. 

Not everything I know about the system, but if you communicate with the guys, I still think it might be better. That may not have anything to do with the systems. You don’t treat the guys nice, you don’t courtesy the girls nice. You target everyone like an enemy.

Did I say there is something wrong with you?

Education sector 

University professor 

I told you a lot of genuine things.  You are doing very dangerous things.

Those are bad people, your university it’s not all the worsen people you see if you stays in the school activities, not off campus jobs. I say that. That’s a real job resume things. I know that one. You don’t last long in the same jobs if you insist your activities are outside school campus. 

All the system design it’s to ensure your happiness and personal attainment, full filled life.

Eliminating crime, and diseases. 

It’s everything I already told you. You be happy with the human, not birds. 🦅🦅🍮 Shut up ~~

Animals, bird, dogs? I don’t know about the sky. 

No. Their intention it’s pure. Only one things.

Power !

Eben has a video 1 month ago. I didn’t see it?

It’s 3 o’clock. That’s what the certificate for? I suppose to have an email I used to have must be. Oh ~

Is that all my video got block no one sees me?

Poland it’s on the Donald video, dive….Eben’s virtual coach. It’s GPS at.

I think you should believe your own school UB assignment and TV announcement, they may not be related. But your brain should not look at Eben’s material. He is not talking to you. Your priority it’s …on the TV. Your system data….do you ever look what I say on my Pinterest?

You are blind or you are astral projection ability, you have it, then why don’t you land at the right eyes to open?

I cannot tell you what it is, I know what it is.

The System Data Will favor you, if Eben issues me a coach certificate. Maybe not him. Your school puts an award like Dean got 3 awards?

I hint you, you are driven by your irrational behavior someone does that to you. 

I say you get up on time. Fold your bed, fitness? 

I say to you start your digital Era, teaching your parents in it. Like I teach 6 or 7 people on my Line App, and if they make something strange, that will goes to a system, and whom is she?

Uh …didn’t I tell you some human character likes to show off without you try? It’s best your phone connection are those real human like personal family. You imagine you are important. No. Family connection like your aging parents. Teaching them language, update them where you are. 

Is the birds on the system?

My birds, yes. May not be Donald Trump birds, because his location it’s not at the edge. I told you here it’s what? But you cannot possibly living on the roof. You get used to seeing human making a video from the roof?

Unless you trigger something that huge top people seeing you, like A Day in Life. 

Like that’s a voluntary input data. You create and edit and efforts in the video. Let’s say Simon, I think he used to have a channel he advertise himself. You go to his channel, that’s no use. His agent sees you delete you.

ASMR, those are not career focus? What do you focus on your system data? Simon sees the penguins and engineer a new buzz system? Those penguine and the ice, I think looks genuine.



I go to nap

Babaji: Go

Ancient Chinese has a word of 四眼田雞 meaning....4 eyes = you wearing eye glasses. Is that Ancient words?

Pirates of Caribeans have so many eyes on Jack Sparrow, and then the fruits shows up.

You wish ET stop talking like that, or there are guys behind whom the humanoid talking like that....to when you will just say Lost it the Contact?

I see it now ....

So someone wants to become Ankeheseamen roles? That is a DVD store with Wing.

Not the Gilmore girl (?)

Let me guess, there is a greece guy on whom?

Even the police might believe it, after 35, to when the 40, its ET says the same pants of jeans. They didn't know how the ET exist in the classify, they becomes to realize....that is how whom and talk, really....

I am baking my mother's bread.

My mother bought an oven, very expensive, because most of the small oven are rusty inside, after a while. So she found out an italian brand that doesn't do that. 

The days go by, you realize many people accumulate their paycheck, their wealth, their focus. They drift away from your attention center, their attention becomes more distant from your own reality paycheck. 

These people nothing to do with you, their paycheck are in their hands, and yours.....are becoming a waitor's jobs, if that is not one of those backup. 

These paycheck receivers, are not the sponsors.

Meaning the actual age when you present on the TV monitors time....how you swift and flip that magic wond to the magic effects. 

Haven't you see the time return back? Your own photo and the driving liscense. These memory will last ...when you were 30-40 years old. You didn't do a thing to show off, what they tell you from the beginning...its everything inside the TV telling you exactly, how you should do it, and become like.  One day, that story will become vivid to you. What's lost, its lost forever....

Sailor Moon, do they have online these episode things like Slam Dunk?

You know when its the last time I seen Sailor moon? 

You want me to hold Eben at the same time gossip about what we use to do in CAC?

The girls did the homeless sleeping outside cold UB class, the stair case, of the Student union side. At night, very cold, those paper boxes, Karen and Adria did it. I don't remember the other girls, but I drive home and sleep.

I didn't care about those community service projects.

You know what you are, or you know what you end up...one day for preparation?

🍔🍔🍔🌸💞 You don't want people to tell you wrong, but you are wrong every step the way? 🍔🍔🍔🌸💞

I think Simon doesn't like magician on his show, not really. Iron man its not a magic suit. 

Prince Charles doesn't like Yogi, meaning Yoga pants talking meditation, those are ascetic living. He is on the preserving Amazon Forest with his two sons.

I don't think Wing likes anything those Alice Wonderland books, to say a device broken into pieces glasses....right next by him.

Do they know what they are saying? You are saying you have a story of yourself, that is from the inside a painting. That is what you are keep proven to them at. 

I go to lunch

Babaji: Go

When I say to you, get your mouth opens to talk to Dean, or Dennis, or somewhere, these guys will open say it. "Its ended, don't call, don't email, don't bother me." Tell me why I say you go ahead do that. NOW

You go to door to door sale, and you don't get 5 dollars for that day...you get the rejection 1000 times. Like when I prepare myself to go to UB, then to Simon.

You tell me, what exactly you girls did to get up your butt, to move around things, how you think life should succeed, before you imagine the terms & conditions any book written to you sounds like a pride plan.

Your life get rejected, means face that reality true. Whatever saying it loud to you. I may not know what its everything goes? Be patient, but keep training yourself like a hobby?

That hobby its not the comic books! That ended life 25 years ago, and some of this I didn't even know what it is inside, I told you already. Certain book, I see the drawing, I leave it. 

I am pretty sure, you think these guys owing you an explaination.....anything story, they don't even know what's in it. Everyday are the busy jobs, busy fitness, busy eating great food. Musli breakfast. Prince Charles only eats twice a day in his profile Documentary? He has the Art collection of his painting selling to make money? Those money raise Prince William and Prince Harry, including Diana inheritance goes to that her kids?

You want to do something more fruition why you care about their farm are organic, to sound like logo branding behind their commercial kitchen were that Middleton did a grocery to cook for Prince William? At least tell them, its everything sounds strange, that is the logo stamp on it, per food you showing?

Per logo stamp, do they know what you are talking about it? 

Smile at them, or flat them, or tell them the facts, not to clash to them, they owing you an explaination? 

You get the rejection from the local guys NOW. No matter what, they never be on your facebook to spell you a hope, no matter what. You getting the rejection, you live a reality sound RIGHTNOW, you have to make it in life.

Some people like me will decent tell you the Truth, when your life is down, meaning 20 years you see no hope in your life, not inside you, outside you....and you don't get up your butt for the wind, air, sun to hurt you, or the ice....to ground you what God Bible says, or the comic book says Military methods, running, jogging, self training...you will sunk it inside your mind, for imagining these story are you, and you gamble on the Shot of that Millenium Bible says the ending....

Eben will agree with me, when I say these to you.

When I ask Dennis to leash on your bank, so you be honest, flat, bow kneel..its to ensure you don't gambling mai nature right on your bank, just like on your inside thinking.

You seeing that bank money down, the house one month near the foreclosure....that is you pick up what baggage you walkinig out of the thin air, to breath the cold? 

High latittude State Winter Breeze? Seeing church bell sound on Christmas, you walking walking walking to where? 

You doing things in this World Wide 194 country scale nature like me? okay....I might just get let go in the wind, are you ready yourself to sleep outside, and don't die on people, just like your pride high up to your nose up up up?

🍒🍒🍕🍕🫐 I can tell you one thousand things those garbage human does garbage things saying the garbage stuffs....and you care about those Zawanna and Kail saying? 🍒🍒🍕🍕🫐

Things don't happen, I won't even think about it.

Every so often, they just saying the garbage stuffs none stop. 

So You learn Chinese its to Reading the Comic books from Japan in the 90s. 

Where Anna I grew up stuffs? You don't have your own comic books in America?

Comic Books: 白色圓舞曲

That girl's name = Lake Metropo (litan) 湖都

The curls hairs of that Indian guy holding at. The story was about she has a financee blonde hair he saved the dog, not her when she jump fense, and she met half way someone got a gun shot in the party first book entry. The Indian guy. He says about a legand of his God.

One day, because her father or her business type are the wedding dress. You can see that the first book the beginning. Her tasks are to get 10 customers. She got 2 I think...through a rich wealthy girl.

In between this story ...well I only read the first 2 or 3 books. The Police, the Father, the Military rank of these two guys: Indian guy and the Blonde guys clashed.

You saying the romance to that girl's affair story whom she should marry to.

The first book or the second book. Those two military rank clash. The indian guy says, "My rank in this military its higher than your respect Japan country these rank, you suppose to?"


The third book its where his room completely got destroyed and she pretends to be a boy hop on a truck trying to? Save him. 

Guess who will die first?

That Zawanna in 39 and 40? How sweet...I didn't read anymore okay?

I remember 25 years ago, he goes away, and she slept at the fire place with that blonde guy together and one day he came back. That was the only memory I have.

Certain things I don't dare to keep reading on.

When I was in UB, we didn't have the facebook at the beginning. It was when Dean shows up, I think everyone was already using that system. He says that, I got on it and see. That time we have 2 choice. Facebook and My Space

If you all already be that skillful at your facebook by now 20 years later than my years....How did you walk inside your orientation table, to make yourself an impression, all of you so aggressive to your career goal? 

I cannot understand it when the Disney do that. 

I just go to United State University Life, I didn't know the Honor class are the competition ground of itself? Like you figure it out the puzzle, they have tests on you? One of those things?

Like how do you plot yourself into the medical school? There are things to do?

You have your causal cloth you wear outside the Military Uniform? They keep you how long years? How many tasks they ask you to try out? The Ice Skating? 

They only mandatory some human might have a reason they Star, maybe not on you?

If you braid your hair, that you wish a guy to say something to you...like they notice you have braid your hair. Its they first to know, why you doing that today, or why there is a reason he should say something?

Like braiding your hair its very important, you do the night before? 

Like if me and Eben has to meet at night, I do in the day time, when napping, I pull it down, sleep, I need myself to sleep better? You tight yourself up, and you make yourself uncomfortable and tired, to join the night meeting? The guy even notice you have your hair braid?

Those things make you happy unhappy? 

No one can breath when you trying to live something Thinking differently? 

You know, I don't even know what Classify is...

You mean your senior officers they gather for a round table like UN meeting sounding the buzz at, or what, their rehearsal? Those are the military uniform. 

You go to class like you went to the University, or what?

So however you collect your connection in the university facebook, that would be the same thing happening inside your Military life, how many years are those? You have to make a sense to me what you see, what you hear, what you present at front of you. Is that a classroom, is that the dorm idea, its that you have the meeting where you are still writing down your notes, collecting facts, research the target personel profiles, do you have the freedom to click your internet?